
Prediction of rotating-blade vortex noise from noise of nonrotating blades


Measurements were conducted in an acoustic wind tunnel to determine vortex noise of nonrotating circular cylinders and NACA 0012 airfoils. Both constant-width and spanwise tapered models were tested at a low turbulence level. The constant-diameter cylinder and constant-chord airfoil also were tested in the turbulent wake generated by an upstream cylinder or airfoil. Vortex noise radiation from nonrotating circular cylinders at Reynolds numbers matching those of the rotating-blade tests were found to be strongly dependent on surface conditions and Reynolds number. Vortex noise of rotating circular cylinder blades, operating with and without the shed wake blown downstream, could be predicted using data for nonrotating circular cylinders as functions of Reynolds number. Vortex noise of nonrotating airfoils was found to be trailing-edge noise at a time frequence equal to that predicted for maximum-amplitude Tollmein-Schlichting instability waves at the trailing edge

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