271 research outputs found

    Luther's doctrine of the "Two Kingdoms" and his writings against the Turks

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    Man wird Glaube und Handeln als die beiden Brennpunkte des christlichen Lebens und darum auch der Theologie bezeichnen können. Die Beschäftigung mit der Frage, wie ein Theologe der Vergangenheit Glaube und Ilandeln definiert hat und vor allem, wie er beides vexbunden hat, hat darum von vornherein ein besonderes Interesse. Auch derjenige,der nur eine bescheidene Kenntnis der Kirchangeschichte aufzuweisen hat, kennt Luthers Lehre von der Rechtfertigung des Sunders aus Gnaden. Von daher ist jede ÄuBerung Luthers über den Glauben bestimmt. Sehr viel weniger bekannt ist jedoch seine Haltung in der nicht minder wichtigen Frage nach dem Tun des Christen, auf die sich die vorlieg ncie Arbeit konzentriert. Main Interesse für dieses Thema datiert aus dem.ersten Jahr irieines Studiums,in dem ich eine Arbeit liber "Gesetz und Evangelium in den frühen Schriften Luthers" zu schreiben hatte. Vom Handeln des Christen war hier wenig zu sagen, wohl aber vom liandeln Gottes sua Menschen. Gab es bei Luther nur die Losung des Glaubensproblemes?1950 muBte ich dann wiederum. eine Lutherarbeit abfassen, über die Stellung des Reformators zu den Türkenkriegen. Hier waren nun drei Schriften, welche erfüllt war en von der Forderung, ein Christ habe handelnder, tätiger Mensch zu sein. Es kam hinzu, daB der gegenwartsnahe Chrarakter dieser drei Schriften mich genauso beeindruckte, wie er jeden andern Leser heute beeindruok m muB. Die Frage jedoch, wie bei Luther Glaube und christliches Handeln verbunden sind, vermochte ich durch eine bloBe Interpretation der Türkenkriegschriften niclit zu klären. Ich habe darum seit 1950 Luthers Schriften im Hinblick auf diese Frage zu studieren begonnen. Von daher vurden mir auch die Aussa0en Calvins, Melanchtons und anderer Theologen des XVI. Jahrhinderts wichtig und interessant. Ein Ergebnis dieser Studfen ist die vorliegende Arbeit, die ich hiermit der Fakultät in Edinburgh vorlegen darf, deren dankbarer Hörer ich ein Jahr rneines Studiums lang sein durfte. Die Arbeit beschränkt sich mit voller Absicht auf die Darstellung und Erwagung der Ansichten und Lehren Luthers. Ein Vergleich lait anderen Theologen seines Jahrhunderts wũrde den Rahiaen einer Arbeit vvie der vorliegenden gesprengt haben. Jedoch lieB sich in einem dritten, abschlieBenden Teil der Ausblick auf Calvins Theologie nicht vermeiden, wenn ein sachgemäBer Ansatz zur Kritik Luthers gefunden werden sollte.Das Studiuxa dex "reformatorischen Väter" ist in Deutschland zu einer Zeit neu erwacht, die nach auBen iiin zu den dunkelsten Zeiten der Kirchengeschichtie überhaupt gehören mag, und die Gott doch reich gesegnet hat: in der Zeit des Kampfes der "Bekennenden Kirche". Zu dieser Zeit waren der Verfasser dieser Arbeit und die meisien seiner Freunde noch zu jung, um ein Interesse an der Geschichte der Erche laben zu können. Heute droht das Interesse, welches einst so stark war, einzuschlummern. Wir können es nur wachhalten durch die eigene Arbeit an den Werken der "Vater". Ich möchte darurn an dieser Stelle der "Church of Scotland", deren Stipendium mir so gute Gelegenheit zu einem solchen Studium gegeben hat, und ohne deren Hilfe ich diese Arbeit nicht hätte vorlegen können, meinen warmen Dank aussprechen. Ich bin ferner sehr darkbar dafür, daB ich die Arbeit in meiner Muttersprache vorlegen darf. Die Bestimmung der Universität Edinburgh, die das gewahrt, zeigt, mit welch v/armem Interesse man auch hier den Studenten aus der Ökumene begegnet. Möchte die vorliegende Lutherarbeit dazu dienen, das Interesse für die Theologie und Geschichte anderer Natonen, so wie es die ökumenische Bewegung wachgerufen hat, ein wenig zu fördern.Faith and action will be described as the two focal points of Christian life and therefore of theology. The preoccupation with the question of how a theologian defined the past of faith and alienation, and above all how he had linked both, has from the outset a special interest. Even the one who has only a modest knowledge of the history of the church knows Luther's doctrine of the justification of Sunders by grace. Hence every statement of Luther concerning faith is determined. Far less well-known, however, is his attitude in the no less important question of the Christian doctrine on which the present work concentrates. Main interest for this topic dates from the first year of my study, in which I had to write a thesis on "Law and Gospel in the early writings of Luther". There was little to be said here of the action of the Christian, but of the action of God's people. Did Luther have only the slogan of the problem of faith?In 1950 I had to turn again. to write a Luther's work, on the position of the reformer to the Turkish wars. Here were three scriptures that were fulfilled by the Demand that a Christian is an active, active person be. It was added that the present-day Chrarakter this Three writings impressed me as much as any other Reader today beeindruok m muB. The question, however, as with Luther faith and Christian action are connected I by a mere interpretation of the Turk wars niclit to clarify. I have therefore been Luther's since 1950 Scripts started to study with regard to this question. That's why I got the information from Calvin, Melanchthon and other theologians of the XVI. Jahrhinderts important and interesting. One result of these studies is the present work, which I hereby submit to the Faculty of Edinburgh, whose grateful listener I will be a year of study could. The work is deliberately limited the presentation and reflection of views and teachings Luther. A comparison with other theologians of his century Would the Rahiaen a work vvie the present have blown up. However, in a third, Final part of the outlook on Calvin's theology Avoid avoiding a proper approach to criticism Luther's should be found.The Studiuxa dex "Reformation Fathers" is in Germany awakened at one time, the outside to the darkest Times of church history may even belong, and that God has blessed abundantly: in the time of Fight of the "Confessing Church". At that time were the author of this work and most of his friends still too young to take an interest in the history of the Erche to be able to Today threatens the interest, which once so strong was to slumber. We can only keep it awake through his own work on the works of the "father". I would like to mention at this point the "Church of Scotland", their scholarship gives me such a good opportunity for such a Has given study, and without whose help I do this work could not have submitted, express my warm thanks. I am also very darkbar for doing the work in may submit my mother tongue. The determination of the university Edinburgh, that shows, with what v / poor Here too we are interested in the students from ecumenism encountered. Does the present Lutheran work want to serve interest in the theology and history of other natons, as evoked by the ecumenical movement, to promote a little

    Teaching AI competencies in engineering using projects and open educational resources

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    A major challenge in engineering education is to empower students to use their acquired technical skills to solve real-world problems. In particular, methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) need to be studied as tools in their respective application contexts. This puts pressure on university lecturers concerning the didactical design and elaboration of a course, and requires them to move towards a practice-based learning approach. Moreover, working on real-world problems leads to uncertainties for the lecturer and their students. Before and during the course, it is not always clear which methods will be used to solve the problem, respectively which competencies the participants need to acquire. Therefore, we propose to combine two established approaches: a project-based learning approach and the use of digital, curated learning content provided by Open Education Resources (OERs). We hypothesise that a practical study project solving a real-world problem using a combination of OERs and project-based learning is beneficial to AI education. Furthermore, we show implementations of our concept in three different courses. The first results indicate that student-centred tasks lead to high intrinsic motivation. At the same time, lecturers have to deal with a modified and extended role: They are no longer the broadcaster of knowledge but rather a guide within the learning process. Using the combination of OERs and project-based learning, the courses are attractive and exciting for students and lecturers without becoming unmanageable

    Die kontextspezifische Erfassung kultureller Profile nach Hofstede: Pilotierung eines Kurzfragebogens für Lehrer

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    Karina Schlingensiepen, Kati Trempler und Tobias Ringeisen setzen sich in ihrem Beitrag mit der Frage auseinander, wie ein geeigneter Fragebogen für Lehrer für die Erfassung von kulturellen Unterschieden unter Zuhilfenahme von Hofstedes Dimensionsmodell abgebildet werden kann.There is a lack of adequate instruments to capture the four dimensions of Hofstede's cultural model (individualism-collectivism, power distance, masculinity-femininity, and uncertainty avoidance) at the individual level. Available instruments are either restricted to assessment at the country level (multidimensional measures), or they allow only capturing a single dimension. Additionally, no context-specific measures exist for schooling and education. In response, the current study piloted a contextspecific instrument which enables the simultaneous measurement of Hofstede's cultural dimensions at the individual level. Based on a sample of 80 teachers, a short questionnaire was constructed. With two items per scale, a 5-factor solution could be identified. Aside from one scale for masculinity-femininity, two separate scales emerged for individualism and collectivism, as well as for power distance (teacher and student perspective). For uncertainty avoidance, no scale could be found. Analyses indicated good psychometric properties and sufficient (content and discriminant) validity of the scales. In essence, the current study provided first evidence that Hofstede's cultural dimensions may simultaneously be assessed with a context-specific instrument for teachers at an individual level. On the basis of additional samples, further research should examine (construct and criterion) the validity of the extracted scale structure and investigate its predictive potential to unravel cultural variability in teacher's interaction with students at school

    Targeted therapy for high-grade glioma with the TGF-β2 inhibitor trabedersen: results of a randomized and controlled phase IIb study

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    This randomized, open-label, active-controlled, dose-finding phase IIb study evaluated the efficacy and safety of trabedersen (AP 12009) administered intratumorally by convection-enhanced delivery compared with standard chemotherapy in patients with recurrent/refractory high-grade glioma. One hundred and forty-five patients with central reference histopathology of recurrent/refractory glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) or anaplastic astrocytoma (AA) were randomly assigned to receive trabedersen at doses of 10 or 80 µM or standard chemotherapy (temozolomide or procarbazine/lomustine/vincristine). Primary endpoint was 6-month tumor control rate, and secondary endpoints included response at further timepoints, survival, and safety. Six-month tumor control rates were not significantly different in the entire study population (AA and GBM). Prespecified AA subgroup analysis showed a significant benefit regarding the 14-month tumor control rate for 10 µM trabedersen vs chemotherapy (p= .0032). The 2-year survival rate had a trend for superiority for 10 µM trabedersen vs chemotherapy (p = .10). Median survival for 10 µM trabedersen was 39.1 months compared with 35.2 months for 80 µM trabedersen and 21.7 months for chemotherapy (not significant). In GBM patients, response and survival results were comparable among the 3 arms. Exploratory analysis on GBM patients aged ≤55 years with Karnofsky performance status >80% at baseline indicated a 3-fold survival at 2 and 3 years for 10 µM trabedersen vs chemotherapy. The frequency of patients with related or possibly drug-related adverse events was higher with standard chemotherapy (64%) than with 80 µM trabedersen (43%) and 10 µM trabedersen (27%). Superior efficacy and safety for 10 µM trabedersen over 80 µM trabedersen and chemotherapy and positive risk–benefit assessment suggest it as the optimal dose for further clinical development in high-grade glioma

    FGFR3IIIS: a novel soluble FGFR3 spliced variant that modulates growth is frequently expressed in tumour cells

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    Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) is one of four high-affinity tyrosine kinase receptors for the FGF family of ligands, frequently associated with growth arrest and induction of differentiation. The extracellular immunoglobulin (IgG)-like domains II and III are responsible for ligand binding; alternative usage of exons IIIb and IIIc of the Ig-like domain III determining the ligand-binding specificity of the receptor. By reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) a novel FGFR3IIIc variant FGFR3IIIS, expressed in a high proportion of tumours and tumour cell lines but rarely in normal tissues, has been identified. Unlike recently described nonsense transcripts of FGFR3, the coding region of FGFR3IIIS remains in-frame producing a novel protein. The protein product is coexpressed with FGFR3IIIc in the membrane and soluble cell fractions; expression in the soluble fraction is decreased after exposure to bFGF but not aFGF. Knockout of FGFR3IIIS using antisense has a growth-inhibitory effect in vitro, suggesting a dominant-negative function for FGFR3IIIS inhibiting FGFR3-induced growth arrest. In summary, alternative splicing of the FGFR3 Ig-domain III represents a mechanism for the generation of receptor diversity. FGFR3IIIS may regulate FGF and FGFR trafficking and function, possibly contributing to the development of a malignant phenotype

    The role of versican isoforms V0/V1 in glioma migration mediated by transforming growth factor-β2

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    Versican is a large chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan produced by several tumour cell types, including high-grade glioma. The increased expression of certain versican isoforms in the extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a role in tumour cell growth, adhesion and migration. Transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2) is an important modulator of glioma invasion, partially by remodeling the ECM. However, it is unknown whether it interacts with versican during malignant progression of glioma cells. Here, we analysed the effect of TGF-β2 on the expression of versican isoforms. The expression of versican V0/V1 was upregulated by TGF-β2 detected by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunoprecipitation, whereas V2 was not induced. Using time-lapse scratch and spheroid migration assays, we observed that the glioma migration rate is significantly increased by exogenous TGF-β2 and inhibited by TGF-β2-specific antisense oligonucleotides. Interestingly, an antibody specific for the DPEAAE region of glycosaminoglycan-β domain of versican was able to reverse the effect of TGF-β2 on glioma migration in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, we report here that TGF-β2 triggers the malignant phenotype of high-grade gliomas by induction of migration, and that this effect is, at least in part, mediated by versican V0/V1