'Deutsche Zeitschrift Fur Sportmedizin/German Journal of Sports Medicine'
Karina Schlingensiepen, Kati Trempler und Tobias Ringeisen setzen sich in ihrem Beitrag mit der Frage auseinander, wie ein geeigneter Fragebogen für Lehrer für die Erfassung von kulturellen Unterschieden unter Zuhilfenahme von Hofstedes Dimensionsmodell abgebildet werden kann.There is a lack of adequate instruments to capture the four dimensions of Hofstede's cultural model (individualism-collectivism, power distance, masculinity-femininity, and uncertainty avoidance) at the individual level. Available instruments are either restricted to assessment at the country level (multidimensional measures), or they allow only capturing a single dimension. Additionally, no context-specific measures exist for schooling and education. In response, the current study piloted a contextspecific instrument which enables the simultaneous measurement of Hofstede's cultural dimensions at the individual level. Based on a sample of 80 teachers, a short questionnaire was constructed. With two items per scale, a 5-factor solution could be identified. Aside from one scale for masculinity-femininity, two separate scales emerged for individualism and collectivism, as well as for power distance (teacher and student perspective). For uncertainty avoidance, no scale could be found. Analyses indicated good psychometric properties and sufficient (content and discriminant) validity of the scales. In essence, the current study provided first evidence that Hofstede's cultural dimensions may simultaneously be assessed with a context-specific instrument for teachers at an individual level. On the basis of additional samples, further research should examine (construct and criterion) the validity of the extracted scale structure and investigate its predictive potential to unravel cultural variability in teacher's interaction with students at school