574 research outputs found

    Bautechnik, Baulogistik und der Architekturentwurf mit Spolien nach Serlio

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    Der vorliegende Aufsatz stellt die technischen und logistischen Aspekte der Spolienverwendung im frĂŒhneuzeitlichen Rom in den Mittelpunkt. Ganz unabhĂ€ngig von den kĂŒnstlerischen, konzeptionellen und politischen Intentionen, die mit dem Einsatz von Spolien verfolgt wurden, stellen sich praktische Fragen, etwa danach, wie ein SĂ€ulenschaft transportiert und aufgerichtet wird, wo man Handwerker findet, die Marmor bearbeiten können, oder welche Kosten zu erwarten sind. Zudem beleuchtet der Aufsatz die Expertise, die sich nach und nach im Umgang mit Spolien ausbildete. Hierzu wird ein wenig beachteter Teil aus Sebastiano Serlios siebtem Buch beleuchtet, in dem es ganz praktisch um das Entwerfen und Planen mit Spolienmaterial geht

    Paranoid atmospheres: Psychiatric knowledge and delusional realities

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    In this paper I investigate the topic of paranoid atmospheres. This subject is especially of interest with respect to persons who are deluded, and also, I will demonstrate, sheds light upon the psychiatrist's "gaze" and knowledge of delusions. In my argument I will follow a path initially outlined by Karl Jaspers (1883-1969): modern psychiatric diagnosis of delusions is a diagnosis of form and not content. Jaspers' emphasis on the form of delusions enables psychiatrists to be self-critical about their professional knowledge and, consequently, prevent the development of dogmatic attitudes. In accord with Jaspers, my argument will focus on the basic structure of delusions and highlight the difference between delusional realities and non-delusional realities, a difference that follows from the possibility of self-criticism of one's own conscious and explicit convictions. I will demonstrate the importance of self-criticism with regard to paranoid atmospheres and also to psychiatric knowledge. In this manner, an understanding of delusions as lived experience will be developed, which argues that an escalation of the influence of delusional convictions, resulting in a profoundly paranoid atmosphere, is most problematic for the deluded person. To acknowledge this insight mirrors the need for a self-critique of psychiatric discourse, encourages an empathic and respectful relationship between professionals and deluded patients, and enables deluded persons to restrict their paranoid atmosphere. It is the main conclusion of my paper that a deluded person cannot do (with respect to his delusional convictions) what a psychiatrist must do (with respect to his psychiatric knowledge and his own existential convictions) in order to prevent a profoundly paranoid atmosphere in their relationship: be self-critical

    No departure to "Pandora"? Using critical phenomenology to differentiate "naive" from "reflective" experience in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine (A comment on Schwartz and Wiggins, 2010)

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    The mind-body problem lies at the heart of the clinical practice of both psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine. In their recent publication, Schwartz and Wiggins address the question of how to understand life as central to the mind-body problem. Drawing on their own use of the phenomenological method, we propose that the mind-body problem is not resolved by a general, evocative appeal to an all encompassing life-concept, but rather falters precisely at the insurmountable difference between "natural" and a "reflective" experience built into phenomenological method itself. Drawing on the works of phenomenologically oriented thinkers, we describe life as inherently "teleological" without collapsing life with our subjective perspective, or stepping over our epistemological limits. From the phenomenology it can be demonstrated that the hypothetical teleological qualities are a reflective reconstruction modelled on human behavioural structure

    Social Media for small- and medium sized businesses to refer to tourism industry

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    Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit der Thematik, wie klein- und mittelstĂ€ndige Unternehmen der Tourismusbranche Social Media zur Kundenbindung, Neukundengewinnung und somit zur GeschĂ€ftsausdehnung nutzen können. Es wird auf den Nutzen von Social Media, fĂŒr eine GeschĂ€ftsausdehnung eingegangen sowie auf die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit ausgewĂ€hlter Social Media KanĂ€le und Vor- und Nachteile dieser heraus kristallisiert. Des weiteren wird eine Umfrage und ein Interview zu der genannten Thematik aufgezeigt und analysiert

    Trypanosoma brucei brucei: differences in the nuclear chromatin of bloodstream forms and procyclic culture forms

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    Nucleosome filaments of two stages of the life-cycle of Trypanosoma brucei brucei, namely bloodstream forms and procyclic culture forms, were investigated by electron microscopy. Chromatin of bloodstream forms showed a salt-dependent condensation. The level of condensation was higher than that shown by chromatin from procyclic culture forms, but 30 nm fibres as formed in rat liver chromatin preparations were not found. Analysis of histones provided new evidence for the existence of H1-like proteins, which comigrated in the region of the core histones in SDS-PAGE and in front of the core histones in Triton acid urea gels. Differences were found between the H1-like proteins of the two trypanosome stages as well as between the core histones in their amount, number of bands and banding pattern. It can be concluded that T. b. brucei contains a full set of histones, including H1-like proteins, and that the poor condensation of its chromatin is not due to the absence of H1, but most probably due to histone-DNA interaction being weak. It is obvious that structural and functional differences of the chromatin exist not only between T. b. brucei and higher eukaryotes, but also between various stages of the life-cycle of the parasite. It is therefore not adequate to investigate the chromatin only of the procyclic culture forms as a model for all stages of the life-cycle of T. b. bruce

    Deuteron form factor measurements at low momentum transfers

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    A precise measurement of the elastic electron-deuteron scattering cross section at four-momentum transfers of 0.24 fm(-1) \u3c = Q \u3c = 2.7 fm(-1) has been performed at the Mainz Microtron. In this paper we describe the utilized experimental setup and the necessary analysis procedure to precisely determine the deuteron charge form factor from these data. Finally, the deuteron charge radius r(d) can be extracted from an extrapolation of that form factor to Q(2) = 0
