1,330 research outputs found

    A mobile data acquisition system

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    A mobile data aquisition (MobiDAQ) was developed for the ATLAS central hadronic calorimeter (TileCal). MobiDAQ has been designed in order to test the functionalities of the TileCal front-end electronics and to acquire calibration data before the final back-end electronics were built and tested. MobiDAQ was also used to record the first cosmic ray events acquired by an ATLAS subdetector in the underground experimental area

    Observations of meteoric material and implications for aerosol nucleation in the winter Arctic lower stratosphere derived from in situ particle measurements

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    Number concentrations of total and non-volatile aerosol particles with size diameters >0.01 ÎŒm as well as particle size distributions (0.4–23 ÎŒm diameter) were measured in situ in the Arctic lower stratosphere (10–20.5 km altitude). The measurements were obtained during the campaigns European Polar Stratospheric Cloud and Lee Wave Experiment (EUPLEX) and Envisat-Arctic-Validation (EAV). The campaigns were based in Kiruna, Sweden, and took place from January to March 2003. Measurements were conducted onboard the Russian high-altitude research aircraft Geophysica using the low-pressure Condensation Nucleus Counter COPAS (COndensation PArticle Counter System) and a modified FSSP 300 (Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe). Around 18–20 km altitude typical total particle number concentrations nt range at 10–20 cm−3 (ambient conditions). Correlations with the trace gases nitrous oxide (N2O) and trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) are discussed. Inside the polar vortex the total number of particles >0.01 ÎŒm increases with potential temperature while N2O is decreasing which indicates a source of particles in the above polar stratosphere or mesosphere. A separate channel of the COPAS instrument measures the fraction of aerosol particles non-volatile at 250°C. Inside the polar vortex a much higher fraction of particles contained non-volatile residues than outside the vortex (~67% inside vortex, ~24% outside vortex). This is most likely due to a strongly increased fraction of meteoric material in the particles which is transported downward from the mesosphere inside the polar vortex. The high fraction of non-volatile residual particles gives therefore experimental evidence for downward transport of mesospheric air inside the polar vortex. It is also shown that the fraction of non-volatile residual particles serves directly as a suitable experimental vortex tracer. Nanometer-sized meteoric smoke particles may also serve as nuclei for the condensation of gaseous sulfuric acid and water in the polar vortex and these additional particles may be responsible for the increase in the observed particle concentration at low N2O. The number concentrations of particles >0.4 ÎŒm measured with the FSSP decrease markedly inside the polar vortex with increasing potential temperature, also a consequence of subsidence of air from higher altitudes inside the vortex. Another focus of the analysis was put on the particle measurements in the lowermost stratosphere. For the total particle density relatively high number concentrations of several hundred particles per cm3 at altitudes below ~14 km were observed in several flights. To investigate the origin of these high number concentrations we conducted air mass trajectory calculations and compared the particle measurements with other trace gas observations. The high number concentrations of total particles in the lowermost stratosphere are probably caused by transport of originally tropospheric air from lower latitudes and are potentially influenced by recent particle nucleation

    Constraining tropospheric mixing timescales using airborne observations and numerical models

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    International audienceA technique is demonstrated for estimating atmospheric mixing time-scales from in-situ data, using a Lagrangian model initialised from an Eulerian chemical transport model (CTM). This method is applied to airborne tropospheric CO observations taken during seven flights of the Mediterranean Intensive Oxidant Study (MINOS) campaign, of August 2001. The time-scales derived, correspond to mixing applied at the spatial scale of the CTM grid. Specifically, they are upper bound estimates of the mix-down lifetime that should be imposed for a Lagrangian model to reproduce the observed small-scale tracer structure. They are relevant to the family of hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian models, which impose Eulerian grid mixing to an underlying Lagrangian model. The method uses the fact that in Lagrangian tracer transport modelling, the mixing spatial and temporal scales are decoupled: the spatial scale is determined by the resolution of the initial tracer field, and the time scale by the trajectory length. The chaotic nature of lower-atmospheric advection results in the continuous generation of smaller spatial scales, a process terminated in the real atmosphere by mixing. Thus, a mix-down lifetime can be estimated by varying trajectory length so that the model reproduces the observed amount of small-scale tracer structure. Selecting a trajectory length is equivalent to choosing a mixing timescale. For the cases studied, the results are very insensitive to CO photochemical change calculated along the trajectories. The method is most appropriate for relatively homogeneous regions, i.e. it is not too important to account for changes in aircraft altitude or the positioning of stratospheric intrusions, so that small scale structure is easily distinguished. The chosen flights showed a range of mix-down time upper limits: 1 and 3 days for 8 August and 3 August, due to recent convective and boundary layer mixing respectively, and 7?9 days for 16, 17, 22a, 22c and 24 August. For the flight of 3 August, the observed concentrations result from a complex set of transport histories, and the models are used to interpret the observed structure, while illustrating where more caution is required with this method of estimating mix-down lifetimes

    Contrasting carbonate depositional systems for Pliocene cool-water limestones cropping out in central Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

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    Pliocene limestone formations in central Hawke's Bay (eastern North Island, New Zealand) accumulated on and near the margins of a narrow forearc basin seaway within the convergent Australia/Pacific plate boundary zone. The active tectonic setting and varied paleogeographic features of the limestone units investigated, in association with probable glacioeustatic sea-level fluctuations, resulted in complex stratigraphic architectures and contrasting types of carbonate accumulation on either side of the seaway. Here, we recognise recurring patterns of sedimentary facies, and sequences and systems tracts bounded by key physical surfaces within the limestone sheets. The facies types range from Bioclastic (B) to Siliciclastic (S) end-members via Mixed (M) carbonate-siliciclastic deposits. Skeletal components are typical cool-water associations dominated by epifaunal calcitic bivalves, bryozoans, and especially barnacles. Siliciclastic contents vary from one formation to another, and highlight siliciclastic-rich limestone units in the western ranges versus siliciclastic-poor limestone units in the eastern coastal hills. Heterogeneities in facies types, stratal patterns, and also in diagenetic pathways between eastern and western limestone units are considered to originate in the coeval occurrence in different parts of the forearc basin of two main morphodynamic carbonate systems over time

    Reply to comment from Liotta and Rizzo on “Evolution of CO2 , SO2 , HCl and HNO3 in the volcanic plumes from Etna” by Voigt et al. [Geophys. Res. Lett.; 41, doi:10.1002/2013GL058974]

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    Editor’s Note: The following comment and reply arise from an article published in Geophysical Research Letters by Voigt et al. (2014). The article addresses a volcanology topic, and the commenters take issue with some conclusions and offer an analysis of their own. Voigt and co-authors have responded. Why is this comment-and-reply being published in the Bulletin? It is because Geophysical Research Letters is one of a number of journals that do not offer any published forum for discussion of the papers they publish. This is a matter of editorial policy and a decision for each journal. The Bulletin of Volcanology does provide a forum for discussion of articles published. When contacted by Marcello Liotta with the request that the Bulletin consider hosting a discussion of the Voigt et al. volcanology article in GRL, I agreed to do so if the GRL authors were willing to engage with the comment. Voigt and co-authors were willing to do so and have been allowed a small amount of additional space to summarize for Bulletin readers the key points of the GRL paper under discussion before responding directly to the comment from Liotta and Rizzo. I hope that Bulletin readers find the discussion and reply of interest

    Isosbestic points in the spectral function of correlated electrons

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    We investigate the properties of the spectral function A(omega,U) of correlated electrons within the Hubbard model and dynamical mean-field theory. Curves of A(omega,U) vs. omega for different values of the interaction U are found to intersect near the band-edges of the non-interacting system. For a wide range of U the crossing points are located within a sharply confined region. The precise location of these 'isosbestic points' depends on details of the non-interacting band structure. Isosbestic points of dynamic quantities therefore provide valuable insights into microscopic energy scales of correlated systems.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Aerosol-cirrus interactions: A number based phenomenon at all?

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    International audienceIn situ measurements of the partitioning of aerosol particles within cirrus clouds were used to investigate aerosol-cloud interactions in ice clouds. The number density of interstitial aerosol particles (non-activated particles in between the cirrus crystals) was compared to the number density of cirrus crystal residuals. The data was obtained during the two INCA (Interhemispheric Differences in Cirrus Properties form Anthropogenic Emissions) campaigns, performed in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) and Northern Hemisphere (NH) midlatitudes. Different aerosol-cirrus interactions can be linked to the different stages of the cirrus lifecycle. Cloud formation is linked to positive correlations between the number density of interstitial aerosol (Nint) and crystal residuals (Ncvi), whereas the correlations are smaller or even negative in a dissolving cloud. Unlike warm clouds, where the number density of cloud droplets is positively related to the aerosol number density, we observed a rather complex relationship when expressing Ncvi as a function of Nint for forming clouds. The data sets are similar in that they both show local maxima in the Nint range 100 to 200 cm-3, where the SH-maximum is shifted towards the higher value. For lower number densities Nint and Ncvi are positively related. The slopes emerging from the data suggest that a tenfold increase in the aerosol number density corresponds to a 3 to 4 times increase in the crystal number density. As Nint increases beyond the ca. 100 to 200 cm-3, the mean crystal number density decreases at about the same rate for both data sets. For much higher aerosol number densities, only present in the NH data set, the mean Ncvi remains low. The situation for dissolving clouds presents two alternative interactions between aerosols and cirrus. Either evaporating clouds are associated with a source of aerosol particles, or air pollution (high aerosol number density) retards evaporation rates

    Observations of Particulates within the North Atlantic Flight Corridor: POLINAT 2, September-October 1997

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    This paper discusses particulate concentration and size distribution data gathered using the University of Missouri-Rolla Mobile Aerosol Sampling System (UMR-MASS), and used to investigate the southern extent of the eastern end of the North Atlantic Flight Corridor (NAFC) during project Pollution From Aircraft Emissions in the North Atlantic Flight Corridor/Subsonic Assessment (SASS) Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide Experiment (POLINAT 2/SONEX) from September 19 to October 23, 1997. The analysis presented in this paper focuses on the corridor effect, or enhancement of pollutants by jet aircraft combustion events. To investigate the phenomena, both vertical and horizontal profiles of the corridor, and regions immediately adjacent to the corridor, were performed. The profiles showed a time-dependent enhancement of particulates within the corridor, and a nonvolatile (with respect to thermal volatilization at 300° C) aerosol enhancement at corridor altitudes by a factor of 3.6. The southern extent of the North Atlantic Flight Corridor was established from a four flight average of the particulate data and yielded a boundary near 42.5° N during the study period. A size distribution analysis of the nonvolatile particulates revealed an enhancement in the \u3c40 nm particulates for size distributions recorded within the flight corridor
