175 research outputs found

    Two- and three-point clustering statistics

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    A Descriptive Literature Review and Classification Framework for Gamification in Information Systems

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    Gamification evolved to one of the most important trends in technology and therefore gains more and more practical and scientific notice. Yet academia lacks a comprehensive overview of research, even though a review of prior, relevant literature is essential for advancing knowledge in a field. Therefore a novel classification framework for Gamification in Information Systems with the intention to provide a structured, summarized as well as organized overview was con-structed to close this gap of research. A literature review on Gamification in quality outlets combined with a Grounded Theory approach served as a starting point. As a result this paper provides a foundation for current and future research to advance the knowledge on Gamifica-tion. Moreover it offers a structure for Gamification research which was not available previous-ly. Findings from the literature review were mapped to the \ classification framework and analyzed. Derived from the classification framework and its out-come future research outlets were identified

    Einfluss einer Belastung mit bodenbürtigen Schaderregern auf bunt- und weißblühende Erbsen in einem Gefäßversuch

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    Generally, purple-flowered peas are assumed to be less susceptible to soilborne pests. The above- and belowground biomass yield of one purple-flowered and one white-flowered pea were compared on three soils with and without soil fatigue. Both peas showed lower above- and belowground biomass yield on soil fatigue soils than on unstressed soils. The aboveground yield´s decrease of the purple-flowered pea was higher than for white-flowered pea on two of the three soils. Hence, purple-flowered peas are generally not less susceptible to soilborne pests than white-flowered peas

    Simulation des Dampf-Wasserkreislaufs und der Sicherheitssysteme eines High Performance Light Water Reactors

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    Der HPLWR ist ein neues Leichtwasserreaktorkonzept der vierten Generation, das mit überkritischem Wasser bei 25 MPa gekühlt und moderiert wird. Für diesen Reaktor wurde eine Dampfkreislaufanalyse mit dem kommerziellen Systemcode APROS durchgeführt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde neben der Voll- und Teilllastanalyse ein neues Ab- und Anfahrkonzept entwickelt. Weiterhin wurden Simulationen für die Wirksamkeit von Sicherheitssystemen durchgeführt

    Simulation des Dampf-Wasserkreislaufs und der Sicherheitssysteme eines High Performance Light Water Reactors (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7582)

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    Der HPLWR ist ein neues Leichtwasserreaktorkonzept der vierten Generation, das mit überkritischem Wasser bei 25 MPa gekühlt und moderiert wird. Für diesen Reaktor wurde eine Dampfkreislaufanalyse mit dem kommerziellen Systemcode APROS durchgeführt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde neben der Voll- und Teilllastanalyse ein neues Ab- und Anfahrkonzept entwickelt. Weiterhin wurden Simulationen für die Wirksamkeit von Sicherheitssystemen durchgeführt

    EMC Certification of a Digital Radio Astronomy Receiver: A Case Study

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    This paper outlines the challenge of practical EMC measurements on a large electronic system destined for a radio astronomy observatory. The digital receiver package of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is used as a case study and progress towards meeting what is probably one of the world's most stringent EMC requirement is describe

    Prüfung der Ursachen für Bodenmüdigkeit bei Erbsen

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    The term ‘legume soil fatigue’ is frequently attributed to plant diseases. Three different soils known to show symptoms of the soil fatigue during grain legume cultivation were examined with the differential method to assess the cause of the soil fatigue. Distinct types of field peas were analysed with regard to the various treatments of the method. Dry matters of the root and shoot as well as the degree of necrotic tissue were examined. Results indicated that the cause for the soil fatigue can mainly be assessed to the availability of nutrients for the soils tested and therefore should also be considered for the cause of yield depressions in grain legumes

    On the anisotropic density distribution on large scales

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    Motivated by the recent detection of an enhanced clustering signal along the major axis of haloes in N-body simulations, we derive a formula for the anisotropic density distribution around haloes and voids on large scales. Our model, which assumes linear theory and that the formation and orientation of nonlinear structures are strongly correlated with the Lagrangian shear, is in good agreement with measurements. We also show that the measured amplitude is inconsistent with a model in which the alignment is produced by the initial inertia rather than shear tensor.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; With a moderate revision of the original version, as published in MNRA

    Realisation of a low frequency SKA Precursor: The Murchison Widefield Array

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    The Murchison Widefield Array is a low frequency (80 - 300 MHz) SKA Precursor, comprising 128 aperture array elements distributed over an area of 3 km diameter. The MWA is located at the extraordinarily radio quiet Murchison Radioastronomy Observatory in the mid-west of Western Australia, the selected home for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 SKA low frequency arrays. The MWA science goals include: 1) detection of fluctuations in the brightness temperature of the diffuse redshifted 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen from the epoch of reionisation; 2) studies of Galactic and extragalactic processes based on deep, confusion-limited surveys of the full sky visible to the array; 3) time domain astrophysics through exploration of the variable radio sky; and 4) solar imaging and characterisation of the heliosphere and ionosphere via propagation effects on background radio source emission. This paper will focus on a brief discussion of the as-built MWA system, highlighting several novel characteristics of the instrument, and a brief progress report (as of June 2012) on the final construction phase. Practical completion of the MWA is expected in November 2012, with commissioning commencing from approximately August 2012 and operations commencing near mid 2013. A brief description of recent science results from the MWA prototype instrument is given

    A model of the anisotropic correlation function xi(rp, pi) in redshift space including redshift errors

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    With the advent of very large volume, wide-angle photometric redshift surveys like e.g. Pan-STARRS, DES, or PAU, which aim at using the spatial distribution of galaxies as a means to constrain the equation of state parameter of dark energy, w_DE, it has become extremely important to understand the influence of redshift inaccuracies on the measurement. We have developed a new model for the anisotropic two point large-scale (r > 64 h^-1 Mpc) correlation function xi(rp,pi), in which nonlinear structure growth and nonlinear coherent infall velocities are taken into account, and photometric redshift errors can easily be incorporated. In order to test its validity and investigate the effects of photometric redshifts, we compare our model with the correlation function computed from a suite of 50 large-volume, moderate-resolution numerical N-body simulation boxes, where we can perform the analysis not only in real- and redshift space, but also simulate the influence of a gaussian redshift error distribution with an absolute rms of sigma_z= 0.015, 0.03, 0.06, and 0.12, respectively. We conclude that for the given volume (V_box =2.4 h^-3 Gpc^3) and number density (n ~ 1.25 10^-4) of objects the full shape of xi(rp,pi) is modeled accurately enough to use it to derive unbiased constraints on the equation of state parameter of dark energy w_DE and the linear bias b, even in the presence of redshift errors of the order of sigma_z = 0.06.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRA