56 research outputs found

    How to rewire the host cell: A home improvement guide for intracellular bacteria.

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    Intracellular bacterial pathogens have developed versatile strategies to generate niches inside the eukaryotic cells that allow them to survive and proliferate. Making a home inside the host offers many advantages; however, intracellular bacteria must also overcome many challenges, such as disarming innate immune signaling and accessing host nutrient supplies. Gaining entry into the cell and avoiding degradation is only the beginning of a successful intracellular lifestyle. To establish these replicative niches, intracellular pathogens secrete various virulence proteins, called effectors, to manipulate host cell signaling pathways and subvert host defense mechanisms. Many effectors mimic host enzymes, whereas others perform entirely novel enzymatic functions. A large volume of work has been done to understand how intracellular bacteria manipulate membrane trafficking pathways. In this review, we focus on how intracellular bacterial pathogens target innate immune signaling, the unfolded protein response, autophagy, and cellular metabolism and exploit these pathways to their advantage. We also discuss how bacterial pathogens can alter host gene expression by directly modifying histones or hijacking the ubiquitination machinery to take control of several host signaling pathways

    DNA methylation in human gastric epithelial cells defines regional identity without restricting lineage plasticity

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    BACKGROUND: Epigenetic modifications in mammalian DNA are commonly manifested by DNA methylation. In the stomach, altered DNA methylation patterns have been observed following chronic Helicobacter pylori infections and in gastric cancer. In the context of epigenetic regulation, the regional nature of the stomach has been rarely considered in detail. RESULTS: Here, we establish gastric mucosa derived primary cell cultures as a reliable source of native human epithelium. We describe the DNA methylation landscape across the phenotypically different regions of the healthy human stomach, i.e., antrum, corpus, fundus together with the corresponding transcriptomes. We show that stable regional DNA methylation differences translate to a limited extent into regulation of the transcriptomic phenotype, indicating a largely permissive epigenetic regulation. We identify a small number of transcription factors with novel region-specific activity and likely epigenetic impact in the stomach, including GATA4, IRX5, IRX2, PDX1 and CDX2. Detailed analysis of the Wnt pathway reveals differential regulation along the craniocaudal axis, which involves non-canonical Wnt signaling in determining cell fate in the proximal stomach. By extending our analysis to pre-neoplastic lesions and gastric cancers, we conclude that epigenetic dysregulation characterizes intestinal metaplasia as a founding basis for functional changes in gastric cancer. We present insights into the dynamics of DNA methylation across anatomical regions of the healthy stomach and patterns of its change in disease. Finally, our study provides a well-defined resource of regional stomach transcription and epigenetics. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13148-022-01406-4

    Adult gastric stem cells and their niches.

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    Adult gastric stem cells replenish the gastric epithelium throughout life. Recent studies have identified diverse populations of stem cells, progenitor cells, and even differentiated cells that can regain stem cell capacity, so highlighting an unexpected plasticity within the gastric epithelium, both in the corpus and antrum. Two niches seem to co-exist in the gastric unit: one in the isthmus region and the other at the base of the gland, although the precise features of the cell populations and the two niches are currently under debate. A variety of gastric organoid models have been established, providing new insights into niche factors required by the gastric stem cell populations. Here we review our current knowledge of gastric stem cell populations, their markers and interactions, important niche factors, and different gastric organoid systems. WIREs Dev Biol 2017, 6:e261. doi: 10.1002/wdev.261 For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website.Wellcome-Trus

    Helicobacter pylori Infection Causes Characteristic DNA Damage Patterns in Human Cells

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    Infection with the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a major risk factor for gastric cancer. Since the bacterium exerts multiple genotoxic effects, we examined the circumstances of DNA damage accumulation and identified regions within the host genome with high susceptibility to H. pylori-induced damage. Infection impaired several DNA repair factors, the extent of which depends on a functional cagPAI. This leads to accumulation of a unique DNA damage pattern, preferentially in transcribed regions and proximal to telomeres, in both gastric cell lines and primary gastric epithelial cells. The observed pattern correlates with focal amplifications in adenocarcinomas of the stomach and partly overlaps with known cancer genes. We thus demonstrate an impact of a bacterial infection directed toward specific host genomic regions and describe underlying characteristics that make such regions more likely to acquire heritable changes during infection, which could contribute to cellular transformation

    A novel human gastric primary cell culture system for modelling Helicobacter pylori infection in vitro

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    Background and aims: Helicobacter pylori is the causative agent of gastric diseases and the main risk factor in the development of gastric adenocarcinoma. In vitro studies with this bacterial pathogen largely rely on the use of transformed cell lines as infection model. However, this approach is intrinsically artificial and especially inappropriate when it comes to investigating the mechanisms of cancerogenesis. Moreover, common cell lines are often defective in crucial signalling pathways relevant to infection and cancer. A long-lived primary cell system would be preferable in order to better approximate the human in vivo situation. Methods: Gastric glands were isolated from healthy human stomach tissue and grown in Matrigel containing media supplemented with various growth factors, developmental regulators and apoptosis inhibitors to generate long-lasting normal epithelial cell cultures. Results: Culture conditions were developed which support the formation and quasi-indefinite growth of three dimensional (3D) spheroids derived from various sites of the human stomach. Spheroids could be differentiated to gastric organoids after withdrawal of Wnt3A and Rspondin1 from the medium. The 3D cultures exhibit typical morphological features of human stomach tissue. Transfer of sheared spheroids into 2D culture led to the formation of dense planar cultures of polarised epithelial cells serving as a suitable in vitro model of H. pylori infection. Conclusions: A robust and quasi-immortal 3D organoid model has been established, which is considered instrumental for future research aimed to understand the underlying mechanisms of infection, mucosal immunity and cancer of the human stomach

    Helicobacter pylori Depletes Cholesterol in Gastric Glands to Prevent Interferon Gamma Signaling and Escape the Inflammatory Response

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    Background and Aims Despite inducing an inflammatory response, Helicobacter pylori can persist in the gastric mucosa for decades. H pylori expression of cholesterol-aglucosyltransferase (encoded by cgt) is required for gastric colonization and T-cell activation. We investigated how cgt affects gastric epithelial cells and the host immune response. Methods MKN45 gastric epithelial cells, AGS cells, and human primary gastric epithelial cells (obtained from patients undergoing gastrectomy or sleeve resection or gastric antral organoids) were incubated with interferon gamma (IFNG) or interferon beta (IFNB) and exposed to H pylori, including cagPAI and cgt mutant strains. Some cells were incubated with methyl-b-cyclodextrin (to deplete cholesterol from membranes) or myriocin and zaragozic acid to prevent biosynthesis of sphingolipids and cholesterol and analyzed by immunoblot, immunofluorescence, and reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses. We compared gene expression patterns among primary human gastric cells, uninfected or infected with H pylori P12 wt or P12Dcgt, using microarray analysis. Mice with disruption of the IFNG receptor 1 (Ifngr1–/– mice) and C57BL6 (control) mice were infected with PMSS1 (wild-type) or PMSS1Dcgt H pylori; gastric tissues were collected and analyzed by reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction or confocal microscopy. Results In primary gastric cells and cell lines, infection with H pylori, but not cgt mutants, blocked IFNG-induced signaling via JAK and STAT. Cells infected with H pylori were depleted of cholesterol, which reduced IFNG signaling by disrupting lipid rafts, leading to reduced phosphorylation (activation) of JAK and STAT1. H pylori infection of cells also blocked signaling by IFNB, interleukin 6 (IL6), and IL22 and reduced activation of genes regulated by these signaling pathways, including cytokines that regulate T-cell function (MIG and IP10) and anti-microbial peptides such as human b-defensin 3 (hBD3). We found that this mechanism allows H pylori to persist in proximity to infected cells while inducing inflammation only in the neighboring, non-infected epithelium. Stomach tissues from mice infected with PMSS1 had increased levels of IFNG, but did not express higher levels of interferon-response genes. Expression of the IFNGresponse gene IRF1 was substantially higher in PMSS1Dcgtinfected mice than PMSS1-infected mice. Ifngr1–/– mice were colonized by PMSS1 to a greater extent than control mice. Conclusions H pylori expression of cgt reduces cholesterol levels in infected gastric epithelial cells and thereby blocks IFNG signaling, allowing the bacteria to escape the host inflammatory response. These findings provide insight into the mechanisms by which H pylori might promote gastric carcinogenesis (persisting despite constant inflammation) and ineffectiveness of T-cell–based vaccines against H pylori.</p

    Helicobacter pylori vacA genotype is a predominant determinant of immune response to Helicobacter pylori CagA.

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    To evaluate the frequency of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) CagA antibodies in H. pylori infected subjects and to identify potential histopathological and bacterial factors related to H. pylori CagA-immune response
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