276 research outputs found

    Was hat Otto Haesler mit Grammatik zu tun? Über Otto Haeslers Beitrag zur modernen Architektur in der Weimarer Republik

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    Nachdem der Verfasser betont hat, dass sich das Neue Bauen nicht durch Funktionalismus auszeichnet, fragt er nach Merkmalen der Moderne beispielsweise in der Architektur wie auch in der Philosophie. Der Zeilenbau Otto Haeslers, eines typischen Vertreters der Moderne im Siedlungsbau, weise gerade ein Merkmal auf, das ihn mit der logisch-positivistischen Philosophie seiner Zeit verbindet: eine Kalkülisierung. Es wird erläutert, worin diese besteht. Und schließlich wird dieses Merkmal als syntaktisch und insofern als semiotisch eingestuft

    Design and application of a multi-modal process tomography system

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    This paper presents a design and application study of an integrated multi-modal system designed to support a range of common modalities: electrical resistance, electrical capacitance and ultrasonic tomography. Such a system is designed for use with complex processes that exhibit behaviour changes over time and space, and thus demand equally diverse sensing modalities. A multi-modal process tomography system able to exploit multiple sensor modes must permit the integration of their data, probably centred upon a composite process model. The paper presents an overview of this approach followed by an overview of the systems engineering and integrated design constraints. These include a range of hardware oriented challenges: the complexity and specificity of the front end electronics for each modality; the need for front end data pre-processing and packing; the need to integrate the data to facilitate data fusion; and finally the features to enable successful fusion and interpretation. A range of software aspects are also reviewed: the need to support differing front-end sensors for each modality in a generic fashion; the need to communicate with front end data pre-processing and packing systems; the need to integrate the data to allow data fusion; and finally to enable successful interpretation. The review of the system concepts is illustrated with an application to the study of a complex multi-component process

    Was hat Otto Haesler mit Grammatik zu tun? Über Otto Haeslers Beitrag zur modernen Architektur in der Weimarer Republik

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    Nachdem der Verfasser betont hat, dass sich das Neue Bauen nicht durch Funktionalismus auszeichnet, fragt er nach Merkmalen der Moderne beispielsweise in der Architektur wie auch in der Philosophie. Der Zeilenbau Otto Haeslers, eines typischen Vertreters der Moderne im Siedlungsbau, weise gerade ein Merkmal auf, das ihn mit der logisch-positivistischen Philosophie seiner Zeit verbindet: eine Kalkülisierung. Es wird erläutert, worin diese besteht. Und schließlich wird dieses Merkmal als syntaktisch und insofern als semiotisch eingestuft

    Was heißt „Vorhandensein“? Die kulturwissenschaftliche Relevanz einer Klärung

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    Zusammenfassung. Dieser Beitrag baut auf der Idee auf, Wahrmacher in eine Wahrheits­bedingungen-Semantik zu integrieren. Speziell geht er der Frage nach, Wahrheitsbedin­gungen welcher Art für Aussagen in Frage kommen, die einer Sache Vorhandensein – im Unterschied dazu, bloßes intentionales Objekt zu sein – zuschreiben. Die adverbiale The­orie der Wahrnehmung behandelt Erleben, zum Beispiel Erscheinungen (visuelles Erle­ben), als ‚adverbial‘ klassifizierbar. Als weiterer Ansatz zur Charakterisierung des Verhält­nisses einer Erscheinung (visuelles Erleben) zu dem jeweils Erscheinenden wird der semantische Externalismus berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage wird Vorhandensein von y als Disposition zu y-Erleben begriffen: Dass y vorhanden ist, wird als Disposition zu solchem Erleben verstanden, das adverbial als y-Erleben charakterisiert ist. Dieser Ansatz trägt dazu bei, die verschiedenen Perspektiven der Naturwissenschaften und der Kultur­wissenschaften verständlicher zu machen. Naturwissenschaften sind auf y gerichtet, wäh­rend die Kulturwissenschaften vor allem y-Erleben thematisieren.Summary. This contribution builds on the idea of integrating truth-fulfilling entities into a truth-conditional semantics. It asks which kind of truth conditions are to be conside­red for statements of something being really there – as opposed to just being an inten­tional object. The adverbial theory of perception treats experiences, for example appea­rances (visual experiences), as ‘adverbially’ classified. As a further approach towards how an object is related to its appearance (being experienced visually), semantical externalism is considered. On this basis, it is proposed that the notion of existence can be understood as a disposition to be experienced: y being really there is explicated as a disposition to experiences that are adverbially characterized as y-experiences. This approach helps to understand the different perspectives of the natural sciences and the arts and humanities. While the natural sciences are directed towards y, the arts and humanities primarily deal with y-experiences

    Kommentar zu: EVA VON ENGELBERG-DOČKAL (KIEL/WEIMAR) ›Holländische Architektur‹ - J. J. P. Oud als Vermittler der niederländischen Moderne

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    Der Beitrag zeigt einmal mehr, dass die Moderne sich selbst inszenierte. Die Einsicht in diese >Inszenierung< sollte einer Diskussion um Werte denkmalschützerischen Handelns Anregungen bieten

    Visualization Measurement of the Flame Temperature in a Power Station Using the Colorimetric Method

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    AbstractThis paper presents a study on the measurement of the temperature distribution in a power station based on an optical flame/temperature visualization system. This system operates upon the colorimetric principle combining advanced optical sensing and digital image processing techniques. The system was calibrated using a blackbody furnace as standard temperature source. Experimental results are obtained from a 300MW power station boiler. As the measurement height changed, the temperature captured by the system also changed. The maximum temperature occurs on the upper level of the burners. The temperature decreased when the load went down and tended to be stable when the load remained steady. Experimental results also reveal that this system is capable of online measurements of the temperature distribution in a combustion zone. This system can potentially be applied to many areas such as power generation, metallurgy or chemical engineering

    Contamination of clinical specimens with MLV-encoding nucleic acids: implications for XMRV and other candidate human retroviruses

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    Efforts to assess the prevalence of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) in patients with prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome have relied heavily on PCR-based testing of clinical samples and have yielded widely divergent findings. This week in Retrovirology, reports from four independent research groups illustrate the extreme care needed to exclude DNA or RNA contamination in PCR analyses of XMRV. In addition, phylogenetic evidence suggesting that previously-published XMRV sequences originated from a commonly-used prostate carcinoma cell line (22Rv1) is presented. These findings raise important questions regarding the provenance of XMRV and its potential connection to human disease

    A cautionary tale of virus and disease

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    The recent identification of the gammaretrovirus XMRV and a second gammaretrovirus of a different subtype in chronic fatigue syndrome has aroused much interest, not least among sufferers. However, it remains highly controversial whether the detection of these viruses represents true infection or laboratory artifacts

    False negative results from using common PCR reagents

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    Background\ud The sensitivity of the PCR reaction makes it ideal for use when identifying potentially novel viral infections in human disease. Unfortunately, this same sensitivity also leaves this popular technique open to potential contamination with previously amplified PCR products, or "carry-over" contamination. PCR product carry-over contamination can be prevented with uracil-DNA-glycosylase (UNG), and it is for this reason that it is commonly included in many commercial PCR master-mixes. While testing the sensitivity of PCR assays to detect murine DNA contamination in human tissue samples, we inadvertently discovered that the use of this common PCR reagent may lead to the production of false-negative PCR results.\ud \ud Findings\ud We show here that contamination with minute quantities of UNG-digested PCR product or any negative control PCR reactions containing primer-dimers regardless of UNG presence can completely block amplification from as much as 60 ng of legitimate target DNA.\ud \ud Conclusions\ud These findings could potentially explain discrepant results from laboratories attempting to amplify MLV-related viruses including XMRV from human samples, as none of the published reports used internal-tube controls for amplification. The potential for false negative results needs to be considered and carefully controlled in PCR experiments, especially when the target copy number may be low - just as the potential for false positive results already is