63 research outputs found

    Identifying Urban Sources as Cause of Elevated Grass Pollen Concentrations using GIS and Remote Sensing

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    We examine here the hypothesis that during flowering, the grass pollen concentrations at a specific site reflect the distribution of grass pollen sources within a few kilometres of this site.We perform this analysis on data from a measurement campaign in the city of Aarhus (Denmark) using three pollen traps and by comparing these observations with a novel inventory of grass pollen sources. The source inventory is based on a new methodology developed for urbanscale grass pollen sources. The new methodology is believed to be generally applicable for the European area, as it relies on commonly available remote sensing data combined with management information for local grass areas. The inventory has identified a number of grass pollen source areas present within the city domain. The comparison of the measured pollen concentrations with the inventory shows that the atmospheric concentrations of grass pollen in the urban zone reflect the source areas identified in the inventory, and that the pollen sources that are found to affect the pollen levels are located near or within the city domain. The results also show that during days with peak levels of pollen concentrations there is no correlation between the three urban traps and an operational trap located just 60 km away. This finding suggests that during intense flowering, the grass pollen concentration mirrors the local source distribution and is thus a local-scale phenomenon. Model simulations aimed at assessing population exposure to pollen levels are therefore recommended to take into account both local sources and local atmospheric transport, and not to rely only on describing regional to long-range transport of pollen. The derived pollen source inventory can be entered into local-scale atmospheric transport models in combination with other components that simulate pollen release in order to calculate urban-scale variations in the grass pollen load. The gridded inventory with a resolution of 14m is therefore made available as supplementary material to this paper, and the verifying grass pollen observations are additionally available in tabular form

    Stor variation i græspollen er en udfordring i vejledningen til allergikere - resultater fra ny dansk pollenforskning "Large variations in grass pollen concentrations are a challenge in the guidance of hayfever patients – new results from Danish research”

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    Pollenallergi rammer op mod en femtedel af Danmarks befolkning og forringer deres hverdag og livskvalitet. Et af de vigtigste værktøjer,en pollenallergiker har, er information om, hvornår der er pollen i luften. Denne information anvender allergikere til at planlægge indtag af medicin og tilrettelæggelse af hverdagen. Således kan de begrænse deres symptomer så meget som muligt. En primær kilde tilinformation er pollenmålinger fra Viborg og København. Ny forskning fra Aarhus Universitet (AU) og Astma Allergi Danmark afdækker, at der er væsentlige lokale forskelle I mængden af græspollen. Denne variation gælder især for dage med høje pollental. Resultaterne indikerer, at særligt på dage med høje pollental for græs er nærheden til locale kilder meget vigtig. På samme tid er de lokale koncentrationer ikke nødvendigvis korreleret med pollenmålinger fra de nationale målestationer i Viborg og København.Information om døgnvariationen i pollen er vigtig for pollenallergikerne. De nye studier indikerer store forskelle fra dag til dag, I forhold til hvornår de højeste koncentrationer forekommer, og at dette billede ændrer sig over pollensæsonen. Viden om døgnvariation, og hvad der styrer den, er endnu langt fra fyldestgørende i forhold til at kunne formidle denne information til pollenallergikere. Vores studier peger i retning af, at de højeste koncentrationer af græspollen hyppigst forekommer tidligt på aftenen, men at de kan forekomme på alle tider af døgnet


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    L’anniversaire de la mort de Pascal a donné lieu à une série de manifestations dans sa ville natale, à l’initiative de plusieurs institutions clermontoise. L’Académie des Arts, Sciences et Belles Lettres de Clermont-Ferrand a pris l’initiative d’une belle cérémonie de mémoire. Le jeudi 13 septembre 2012, en présence de Serge Godard, maire de Clermont-Ferrand, d’Olivier Bianchi, maire adjoint chargé des Affaires culturelles à Clermont-Communauté, et de Philippe Auserve, président de l’Académie..

    Seasonal Variation in Diurnal Atmospheric Grass Pollen Concentration Profiles

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    In this study, the diurnal atmospheric grass pollen concentration profile within the Danish city of Aarhus was shown to change in a systematic manner as the pollen season progressed. Although diurnal grass pollen profiles can differ greatly from day-to-day, it is common practice to establish the time of day when peak concentrations are most likely to occur using seasonally averaged diurnal profiles. Atmospheric pollen loads are highly dependent upon emissions, and different species of grass are known to flower and emit pollen at different times of the day and during different periods of the pollen season. Pollen concentrations are also influenced by meteorological factors – directly through those parameters that govern pollen dispersion and transport, and indirectly through the weather-driven flowering process. We found that three different profiles dominated the grass pollen season in Aarhus – a twin peak profile during the early season, a single evening profile during the middle of the season, and a single midday peak during the late season. Whilst this variation could not be explained by meteorological factors, no inconsistencies were found with the theory that it was driven by a succession of different grass species with different diurnal flowering patterns dominating atmospheric pollen loads as the season progressed. The potential for exposure was found to be significantly greater during the late-season period than during either the early- or mid-season periods

    Cow Farmers’ Homes Host More Diverse Airborne Bacterial Communities Than Pig Farmers’ Homes and Suburban Homes

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    Living on a farm has been linked to a lower risk of immunoregulatory disorders, such as asthma, allergy, and inflammatory bowel disease. It is hypothesized that a decrease in the diversity and composition of indoor microbial communities is a sensible explanation for the upsurge in immunoregulatory diseases, with airborne bacteria contributing to this protective effect. However, the composition of this potentially beneficial microbial community in various farm and suburban indoor environments is still to be characterized. We collected settled airborne dust from stables and the associated farmers’ homes and from suburban homes using electrostatic dust collectors (EDCs) over a period of 14 days. Then, quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to assess bacterial abundance. The V3–V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced using Ilumina MiSeq in order to assess microbial diversity. The Divisive Amplicon Denoising Algorithm (DADA2) algorithm was used for the inference of amplicon sequence variants from amplicon data. Airborne bacteria were significantly more abundant in farmers’ indoor environments than in suburban homes (p < 0.001). Cow farmers’ homes had significantly higher bacterial diversity than pig farmers’ and suburban homes (p < 0.001). Bacterial taxa, such as Firmicutes, Prevotellaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Lactobacillus were significantly more abundant in farmers’ homes than suburban homes, and the same was true for beneficial intestinal bacterial species, such as Lactobacillus amylovorus, Eubacterium hallii, and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Furthermore, we found a higher similarity between bacterial communities in individual farmers’ homes and their associated cow stables than for pig stables. Our findings contribute with important knowledge on bacterial composition, abundance, and diversity in different environments, which is highly valuable in the discussion on how microbial exposure may contribute to the development of immune-mediated diseases in both children and adults.publishedVersio

    Concentrations and size distributions of fungal bioaerosols in a municipal landfill

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    The object of this research was to study the behavior of fungal bioaerosols during a sampling period of 12 months (April 2015–April 2016), in each treatment stages of a landfill located in Atlántico Department, Colombia. The fungi bioaerosol samples were collected using a Six-Stage Viable Andersen Cascade Impactor - Thermo Fisher Scientific, a vacuum pump with a flow rate of 28.3 L/min–1, and ammeter KESTREL 4500 for the weather conditions. With the large amount of data obtained, a database was made in excel and analyzed using Statgraphics Centurion XVI software. The processing of data mining was carried out applying to a generalized linear regression model and Multifactorial ANOVA. Golden Surfer 11 program was used to stablish the distribution of temporal and spational mold airborne. The Variables: sampling campaign, stage, taxa, temperature and relative humidity presented a statistically significant correlation with the concentration P-value = 0. The concentrations of fungal bioaerosols varied considerably over the whole sampling period with average concentrations from 73.02 ± 26, 75 CFUs/m3 to 1830.38 ± 971.28 CFUs/m3. The fungal bioaerosols presented in both the coarse and fine fraction; but the fraction of 2.1–3.3 μm (stage 4) was the fraction of the dominant size in terms of higher concentration. According to the taxa identification, there was a higher prevalence of Aspergillus: the highest concentration corresponds to A. fumigatus, associated to toxins that may be cytotoxic [1, 2]

    Organophosphate and carbamate insecticide exposure is related to lung function change among smallholder farmers: A prospective study

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    Introduction and aim: Exposure to some insecticides may cause airway obstruction, but existing evidence is limited by cross-sectional designs and inadequate confounder control. We investigated the relation between organophosphate and carbamate insecticides and pulmonary function in a prospective study accounting for important confounders. Methods: In a cohort of 364 smallholder farmers in Uganda (69% women), participants underwent pre-bronchodilator spirometry at baseline (September/October 2018) and at two follow-up visits (November/December 2018 and January/February 2019). Exposure to carbamate and organophosphate insecticides was assessed using haemoglobin-adjusted erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (AChE/Hb). Less than 3% of participants were lost to follow-up. We calculated Z-scores for FEV1, FVC and FEV1/FVC using the Global Lung Function Initiative equations. Data were analysed in linear mixed and fixed effect models accounting for family relationships and repeated measures of exposure and outcome. Results: Low AChE/Hb was significantly associated with low FEV1 Z-score in both unadjusted and adjusted analyses. Compared with individuals with AChE/Hb 25.90 U/g (50th percentile, reference), those with lower AChE/Hb 24.50 U/g (35th percentile) had mean FEV1 Z-score 0.045 (0.003 to 0.087) lower, and persons with higher AChE/Hb 27.30 U/g (65th percentile) had a mean FEV1 Z-score 0.043 (-0.002 to 0.087) higher compared with the reference. Similar, but numerically smaller and statistically non-significant effects were seen for Z-scores of FVC and FEV1/FVC. Conclusion: Exposure to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides may lead to lung function decline. Our results add to the growing evidence of health effects in relation to exposure to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, underlining the importance of minimising exposure

    Antigenic Proteins Involved in Occupational Rhinitis 1 and Asthma Caused by Obeche Wood (Triplochiton Scleroxylon)

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    Background Obeche wood dust is a known cause of occupational asthma where an IgE-mediated mechanism has been demonstrated. Objective To characterize the allergenic profile of obeche wood dust and evaluate the reactivity of the proteins by in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo assays in carpenters with confirmed rhinitis and/or asthma Materials and methods An in-house obeche extract was obtained, and two IgE binding bands were purified (24 and 12 kDa) and sequenced by N-terminal identity. Specific IgE and IgG, basophil activation tests and skin prick tests (SPTs) were performed with whole extract and purified proteins. CCD binding was analyzed by ELISA inhibition studies. Results Sixty-two subjects participated: 12 with confirmed occupational asthma/rhinitis (ORA+), 40 asymptomatic exposed (ORA−), and 10 controls. Of the confirmed subjects, 83% had a positive SPT to obeche. There was a 100% recognition by ELISA in symptomatic subjects vs. 30% and 10% in asymptomatic exposed subjects and controls respectively (p<0.05). Two new proteins were purified, a 24 kDa protein identified as a putative thaumatin-like protein and a 12 kDa gamma-expansin. Both showed allergenic activity in vitro, with the putative thaumatin being the most active, with 92% recognition by ELISA and 100% by basophil activation test in ORA+ subjects. Cross-reactivity due to CCD was ruled out in 82% of cases. Conclusions Two proteins of obeche wood were identified and were recognized by a high percentage of symptomatic subjects and by a small proportion of asymptomatic exposed subjects. Further studies are required to evaluate cross reactivity with other plant allergens

    Diagnosis, monitoring and prevention of exposure-related non-communicable diseases in the living and working environment: DiMoPEx-project is designed to determine the impacts of environmental exposure on human health

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