405 research outputs found

    Challenges and Legal Gaps of Genetic Profiling in the Era of Big Data

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    Profiling of individuals based on inborn, acquired, and assigned characteristics is central for decision making in health care. In the era of omics and big smart data, it becomes urgent to differentiate between different data governance affordances for different profiling activities. Typically, diagnostic profiling is in the focus of researchers and physicians, and other types are regarded as undesired side-effects; for example, in the connection of health care insurance risk calculations. Profiling in a legal sense is addressed, for example, by the EU data protection law. It is defined in the General Data Protection Regulation as automated decision making. This term does not correspond fully with profiling in biomedical research and healthcare, and the impact on privacy has hardly ever been examined. But profiling is also an issue concerning the fundamental right of non-discrimination, whenever profiles are used in a way that has a discriminatory effect on individuals. Here, we will focus on genetic profiling, define related notions as legal and subject-matter definitions frequently differ, and discuss the ethical and legal challenges

    Reconsidering Anonymization-Related Concepts and the Term "Identification" Against the Backdrop of the European Legal Framework

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    Sharing data in biomedical contexts has become increasingly relevant, but privacy concerns set constraints for free sharing of individual-level data. Data protection law protects only data relating to an identifiable individual, whereas "anonymous" data are free to be used by everybody. Usage of many terms related to anonymization is often not consistent among different domains such as statistics and law. The crucial term "identification" seems especially hard to define, since its definition presupposes the existence of identifying characteristics, leading to some circularity. In this article, we present a discussion of important terms based on a legal perspective that it is outlined before we present issues related to the usage of terms such as unique "identifiers," "quasi-identifiers," and "sensitive attributes." Based on these terms, we have tried to circumvent a circular definition for the term "identification" by making two decisions: first, deciding which (natural) identifier should stand for the individual; second, deciding how to recognize the individual. In addition, we provide an overview of anonymization techniques/methods for preventing re-identification. The discussion of basic notions related to anonymization shows that there is some work to be done in order to achieve a mutual understanding between legal and technical experts concerning some of these notions. Using a dialectical definition process in order to merge technical and legal perspectives on terms seems important for enhancing mutual understanding

    Competitive Diffusion and Adsorption of Gas Mixtures in Vycor Glass Membranes

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    The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data

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    The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD, www.i-hd.eu) has been formed as one of the key sustainable entities arising from the Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research (IMI-JU-115189) and SemanticHealthNet (FP7-288408) projects, in collaboration with several other European projects and initiatives supported by the European Commission. i~HD is a European not-for-profit body, registered in Belgium through Royal Assent. i~HD has been established to tackle areas of challenge in the successful scaling up of innovations that critically rely on high-quality and interoperable health data. It will specifically address obstacles and opportunities to using health data by collating, developing, and promoting best practices in information governance and in semantic interoperability. It will help to sustain and propagate the results of health information and communication technology (ICT) research that enables better use of health data, assessing and optimizing their novel value wherever possible. i~HD has been formed after wide consultation and engagement of many stakeholders to develop methods, solutions, and services that can help to maximize the value obtained by all stakeholders from health data. It will support innovations in health maintenance, health care delivery, and knowledge discovery while ensuring compliance with all legal prerequisites, especially regarding the insurance of patient's privacy protection. It is bringing multiple stakeholder groups together so as to ensure that future solutions serve their collective needs and can be readily adopted affordably and at scale

    Dispositivos mediales y relación con el mundo en <i>Saber perder </i>, de David Trueba

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    El siguiente artículo analiza la intensa reflexión sobre los medios de comunicación como lo propone la novela Saber perder (2008) del autor, guionista y director de cine David Trueba. El texto se inscribe en una línea genealógica trazada por, entre otros, Juan Goytisolo y su reflexión acerca de la medialidad de los recuerdos, Julio Llamazares y su estética de la percepción, pasando por Antonio Muñoz Molina y su uso de referencias intermediales para llegar finalmente a Ray Loriga y su invención de un acoplamiento medial entre hombre y máquina. David Trueba perfila el entrecruzamiento de realidad, percepción y medios en función de un análisis de las sociedades mediales que nos rodean: los personajes nos descubren hasta qué grado su percepción del mundo así como sus deseos íntimos están marcados y hasta modelados por distintos dispositivos mediales. En la medida en que las percepciones de estos personajes determinan la perspectiva del narrador creando así una novela poliperspectiva los medios ganan una dimensión narratológica.El presente trabajo pertenece al volumen 3 (Literatura, arte, cine, otros medios: diálogos, cruces y convergencias) de la II Memoria del CongresoCentro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Dispositivos mediales y relación con el mundo en <i>Saber perder </i>, de David Trueba

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    El siguiente artículo analiza la intensa reflexión sobre los medios de comunicación como lo propone la novela Saber perder (2008) del autor, guionista y director de cine David Trueba. El texto se inscribe en una línea genealógica trazada por, entre otros, Juan Goytisolo y su reflexión acerca de la medialidad de los recuerdos, Julio Llamazares y su estética de la percepción, pasando por Antonio Muñoz Molina y su uso de referencias intermediales para llegar finalmente a Ray Loriga y su invención de un acoplamiento medial entre hombre y máquina. David Trueba perfila el entrecruzamiento de realidad, percepción y medios en función de un análisis de las sociedades mediales que nos rodean: los personajes nos descubren hasta qué grado su percepción del mundo así como sus deseos íntimos están marcados y hasta modelados por distintos dispositivos mediales. En la medida en que las percepciones de estos personajes determinan la perspectiva del narrador creando así una novela poliperspectiva los medios ganan una dimensión narratológica.El presente trabajo pertenece al volumen 3 (Literatura, arte, cine, otros medios: diálogos, cruces y convergencias) de la II Memoria del CongresoCentro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literari

    Fostering giftedness shouldn\u27t be an issue of elites. A report on a program for education minorities in the context of inclusive education in a social focal point area of Berlin-Neukölln

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    In Zeiten der inklusiven Bildung und Erziehung muss Begabungsförderung nicht als Sache der Eliten betrachtet werden. Im vorliegenden Beitrag berichten die Autorinnen über ein Programm für die Förderung von Bildungsminoritäten an zwei Schulen im Brennpunkt Berlin-Neukölln, das dazugehörige Konzept der Begabungsförderung als Training von Schlüsselkompetenzen und die soziale und bildungspolitische Bedeutung des Programms im Sinne der Chancengleichheit und Integration. (DIPF/Orig.)In times of inclusive and differentiated education, fostering giftedness should not be seen as an issue of elites. This article discusses the role of fostering giftedness in the development of education minorities and its meaning in terms of the fostering of equality of opportunity and integration. Additionally, it presents the corresponding theoretical approach to the subject and illustrates this approach with regard to a program incepted at two schools at social focal points in Berlin-Neukölln. (DIPF/Orig.

    El hispanismo y la literatura española en el ámbito académico latinoamericano : Una visión desde Argentina

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    Deseo comenzar mi trabajo reiterando la felicitación a los organizadores del Coloquio Internacional “La Hispanística y el desafío de la globalización” por la feliz iniciativa de brindar un homenaje al profesor Dieter Ingenschay con un tema que tan bien lo representa, como especialista reconocido y apreciado en el dilatado y diverso territorio del hispanismo. Y agradeciendo nuevamente la invitación, así como la oportunidad de explicar el concepto y la práctica del hispanismo en Latinoamérica desde la perspectiva de una cátedra de Literatura Española —es decir, literatura peninsular, de España— en una universidad argentina. Quizás sorprenda que, en el marco de una reunión científica dedicada a los desafíos presentes y futuros del hispanismo, el título de mi exposición apele a una sistematización de literatura atada a las fronteras nacionales y, por tanto, a concepciones que hoy están sometidas a múltiples transformaciones. Espero que al final mi enfoque quede justificado.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació