13 research outputs found

    Rapid Transfer of Plant Photosynthates to Soil Bacteria via Ectomycorrhizal Hyphae and Its Interaction With Nitrogen Availability

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    Plant roots release recent photosynthates into the rhizosphere, accelerating decomposition of organic matter by saprotrophic soil microbes (“rhizosphere priming effect”) which consequently increases nutrient availability for plants. However, about 90% of all higher plant species are mycorrhizal, transferring a significant fraction of their photosynthates directly to their fungal partners. Whether mycorrhizal fungi pass on plant-derived carbon (C) to bacteria in root-distant soil areas, i.e., incite a “hyphosphere priming effect,” is not known. Experimental evidence for C transfer from mycorrhizal hyphae to soil bacteria is limited, especially for ectomycorrhizal systems. As ectomycorrhizal fungi possess enzymatic capabilities to degrade organic matter themselves, it remains unclear whether they cooperate with soil bacteria by providing photosynthates, or compete for available nutrients. To investigate a possible C transfer from ectomycorrhizal hyphae to soil bacteria, and its response to changing nutrient availability, we planted young beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) into “split-root” boxes, dividing their root systems into two disconnected soil compartments. Each of these compartments was separated from a litter compartment by a mesh penetrable for fungal hyphae, but not for roots. Plants were exposed to a 13C-CO2-labeled atmosphere, while 15N-labeled ammonium and amino acids were added to one side of the split-root system. We found a rapid transfer of recent photosynthates via ectomycorrhizal hyphae to bacteria in root-distant soil areas. Fungal and bacterial phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers were significantly enriched in hyphae-exclusive compartments 24 h after 13C-CO2-labeling. Isotope imaging with nanometer-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) allowed for the first time in situ visualization of plant-derived C and N taken up by an extraradical fungal hypha, and in microbial cells thriving on hyphal surfaces. When N was added to the litter compartments, bacterial biomass, and the amount of incorporated 13C strongly declined. Interestingly, this effect was also observed in adjacent soil compartments where added N was only available for bacteria through hyphal transport, indicating that ectomycorrhizal fungi were acting on soil bacteria. Together, our results demonstrate that (i) ectomycorrhizal hyphae rapidly transfer plant-derived C to bacterial communities in root-distant areas, and (ii) this transfer promptly responds to changing soil nutrient conditions

    Price comparison of high-cost medicines ..., 2017

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    AIM: The study aims to analyse Austrian prices of high-cost medicines in comparison to other European Union (EU) Member States. METHODS: Medicine price data of all 28 EU Member States were collected through the Pharma Price Information (PPI) service maintained by the Austrian Public Health Institute. Data were surveyed as of September 2017. The survey included 100 high-cost medicines in Austria that were selected based on information about top-selling medicines provided by the Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions (outpatient sector) and the Board of the Austrian Association of Hospital Pharmacists (inpatient sector). Ex-factory prices were analysed for all 100 selected medicines. In addition, analyses of further price types (pharmacy purchasing price and pharmacy retail price) were performed for the 60 outpatient medicines surveyed. RESULTS: At the ex-factory price level, price data were available for 82 percent and 69 percent of all surveyed medicines administered in the outpatient and inpatient sector, respectively, in the 27 analysed countries (Malta was excluded due to insufficient data availability). Compared to the other EU Member States, 80 percent of Austrian ex-factory prices of surveyed medicines were above the median. Overall, they were 4.4 percent above the average of the EU Member States, however differences between the two sectors were observed (0.5% above the EU average in the outpatient sector and 10.3% above the EU average in the inpatient sector). Austrian ex-factory prices were the lowest for a few of the analysed high-cost medicines in the outpatient sector, whereas they were never the lowest in the inpatient sector. (...

    Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten ..., 2017

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    FRAGESTELLUNG: Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, die Preise ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten in Österreich im EU-Vergleich zu analysieren. METHODE: Die Preise 100 ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten wurden per Stand September 2017 mithilfe des an der GÖG ansässigen Service für Pharma-Preisinformation (PPI) für Österreich und die übrigen 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten erhoben. Die Produktauswahl erfolgte auf Basis von Daten des Hauptverbands der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger für den niedergelassenen Erstattungsmarkt und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der österreichischen Krankenhausapotheker für den stationären Bereich. Für alle 100 Arzneispezialitäten wurden die Fabriksabgabepreise (FAP) analysiert sowie darüber hinaus auch noch die Apothekeneinkaufspreise (AEP) und Apothekenverkaufspreise (AVP) für die 60 untersuchten Arzneispezialitäten des niedergelassenen Sektors. ERGEBNISSE: Für 82 Prozent der FAP im niedergelassenen Sektor und für 69 Prozent im stationären Bereich waren Daten in den 27 Ländern der Untersuchung (Malta wurde wegen unzureichender Datenlage nicht in die Analyse eingeschlossen) verfügbar. Im Vergleich zu den anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten liegen die österreichischen FAP in knapp 80 Prozent der Fälle über dem Median. Im Schnitt liegen die Preise der 100 ausgabenstarken Arzneispezialitäten 4,4 Prozent über dem EU-Durchschnitt, wobei Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Sektoren auffallen (0,5 % über dem Durchschnitt im niedergelassenen und 10,3 % über jenem im stationären Sektor). Im niedergelassenen Bereich wies Österreich für einzelne Arzneispezialitäten den niedrigsten FAP im EU-Vergleich aus, während dies im stationären Sektor niemals der Fall war. (...

    Preisvergleich ausgabenstarker Arzneispezialitäten ..., 2017

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    Kontinuierliches Monitoring und regelmäßige Analyse von Medikamentenpreisen unterstützen Entscheidungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Arzneimittelpreispolitik. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es, die Preise von ausgabenstarken Arzneispezialitäten, die den öffentlichen Zahlern in Österreich hohe Aufwendungen verursachen, im EU-Vergleich zu analysieren. Die Preise von 100 ausgabenstarken Arzneispezialitäten wurden für Österreich und die übrigen 27 EU-Mitgliedstaaten erhoben. Die Produktauswahl erfolgte auf Basis von Daten des Hauptverbands der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger und der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der österreichischen Krankenhausapotheker. Für alle 100 Arzneispezialitäten wurden die Fabriksabgabepreise analysiert und darüber hinaus auch noch die Apothekenein- und -verkaufspreise für die 60 untersuchten Arzneispezialitäten des niedergelassenen Sektors. In alternativen Szenarien wurden Preisdaten nach Menge und Kaufkraftparitäten gewichtet. Ergebnisse: Im Vergleich zu anderen EU-Mitgliedstaaten liegen die österreichischen Fabriksabgabepreise in knapp 80 Prozent der Fälle über dem Median. Im Schnitt liegen die 100 ausgabenstarken Arzneispezialitäten 4,4 Prozent über dem EU-Durchschnitt,(0,5 % über dem Durchschnitt im niedergelassenen und 10,3 % im stationären Sektor). Durchschnittlich liegt der österreichische Fabriksabgabepreis um 28,4 Prozent über jenem im Tiefstpreisland (niedergelassen: 26,7 %; stationär: 30,9 %) und um 30,6 Prozent unter dem im Höchstpreisland (niedergelassen: 41,7 %; stationär: 14,1 %). Die österreichischen Apothekeneinkaufspreise liegen im Mittelfeld, die Apothekenverkaufspreise hingegen netto um 40,6 Prozent höher als jene im Tiefstpreisland, um 18,9 Prozent über dem Durchschnitt und um 22,6 Prozent unter dem Preis im Höchstpreisland. (...

    Euripid guidance document on external reference pricing (ERP)

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    Background and Research Question: The comparison of the prices of pharmaceuticals is an important element of a popular policy tool in Europe, known as ‘External Reference Pricing’ (ERP). Albeit being a commonly used policy instrument, ERP is often challenged by stakeholders by claiming potential negative effects on patients’ access or that it is hampering uptake of products in a market. Between 2016 and 2018 the Euripid Collaboration developed recommendations which are meant to guide a coordinated approach of national competent authorities regarding the use of ERP to mitigate potential negative impact for patient access. *** Methods: Electronic databases were searched for publications published during the period of 2002-2016. Grey literature, government or European Commission publications on Pharmaceutical pricing published during the same period were also searched via the Internet. In addition primary data were collected through a survey with national and EU authorities, stakeholder in the field of medicines and members of the EURIPID collaboration. The final document was prepared following a two-stage (written comments and face-to-face workshops) review process Euripid members, further national competent authorities on pricing and reimbursement of medicines, the WHO-PPRI network, European Commission policy officers and stakeholders in the field, i.e. economic operators, professional associations, patient and consumer organisations and third party payers’ associations. *** Results: Based on evidence and experience, twelve principles were developed to provide guidance when applying ERP. The principles follow the structure: Framing the issue - Things to consider - Recommendations. They cover important areas as the use of ERP for decision making, the scope/selection of reference countries, the scope/selection of medicines, the comparability of pharmaceuticals and formula used during ERP procedures. (...

    Biodegradation of synthetic polymers in soils: Tracking carbon into CO2 and microbial biomass

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    Plastic materials are widely used in agricultural applications to achieve food security for the growing world population. The use of biodegradable instead of nonbiodegradable polymers in single-use agricultural applications, including plastic mulching, promises to reduce plastic accumulation in the environment. We present a novel approach that allows tracking of carbon from biodegradable polymers into CO2 and microbial biomass. The approach is based on 13C-labeled polymers and on isotope-specific analytical methods, including nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). Our results unequivocally demonstrate the biodegradability of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT), an important polyester used in agriculture, in soil. Carbon from each monomer unit of PBAT was used by soil microorganisms, including filamentous fungi, to gain energy and to form biomass. This work advances both our conceptual understanding of polymer biodegradation and the methodological capabilities to assess this process in natural and engineered environments.ISSN:2375-254

    Biodegradation of synthetic polymers in soils: Tracking carbon into CO2and microbial biomass

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    Plastic materials are widely used in agricultural applications to achieve food security for the growing world population. The use of biodegradable instead of nonbiodegradable polymers in single-use agricultural applications, including plastic mulching, promises to reduce plastic accumulation in the environment. We present a novel approach that allows tracking of carbon from biodegradable polymers into CO2 and microbial biomass. The approach is based on 13C-labeled polymers and on isotope-specific analytical methods, including nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). Our results unequivocally demonstrate the biodegradability of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT), an important polyester used in agriculture, in soil. Carbon from each monomer unit of PBAT was used by soil microorganisms, including filamentous fungi, to gain energy and to form biomass. This work advances both our conceptual understanding of polymer biodegradation and the methodological capabilities to assess this process in natural and engineered environments.© 2018 The Author