31 research outputs found

    Percent error of ultrasound examination to estimate fetal weight at term in different categories of birth weight with focus on maternal diabetes and obesity

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    Background: Sonography based estimate of fetal weight is a considerable issue for delivery planning. The study evaluated the influence of diabetes, obesity, excess weight gain, fetal and neonatal anthropometrics on accuracy of estimated fetal weight with respect to the extent of the percent error of estimated fetal weight to birth weight for different categories. Methods: Multicenter retrospective analysis from 11,049 term deliveries and fetal ultrasound biometry performed within 14 days to delivery. Estimated fetal weight was calculated by Hadlock IV. Percent error from birth weight was determined for categories in 250 g increments between 2500 g and 4500 g. Estimated fetal weight accuracy was categorized as accurate +/- 10% - +/- 20% and > 20%. Results: Diabetes was diagnosed in 12.5%, obesity in 12.6% and weight gain exceeding IOM recommendation in 49.1% of the women. The percentage of accurate estimated fetal weight was not significantly different in the presence of maternal diabetes (70.0% vs. 71.8%, p = 0.17), obesity (69.6% vs. 71.9%, p = 0.08) or excess weight gain (71.2% vs. 72%, p = 0.352) but of preexisting diabetes (61.1% vs. 71.7%; p = 0.007) that was associated with the highest macrosomia rate (26.9%). Mean percent error of estimated fetal weight from birth weight was 2.39% +/- 9.13%. The extent of percent error varied with birth weight with the lowest numbers for 3000 g-3249 g and increasing with the extent of birth weight variation: 5% +/- 11% overestimation in the lowest and 12% +/- 8% underestimation in the highest ranges. Conclusion: Diabetes, obesity and excess weight gain are not necessarily confounders of estimated fetal weight accuracy. Percent error of estimated fetal weight is closely related to birth weight with clinically relevant over- and underestimation at both extremes. This work provides detailed data regarding the extent of percent error for different birth weight categories and may therefore improve delivery planning

    17α-hydroxylase deficiency diagnosed in early infancy caused by a novel mutation of the CYP17A1 Gene

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    Mutations of the CYP17A1 gene cause 17α-hydroxylase deficiency (17OHD) resulting in 46,XY disorder of sex development, hypertension, hypokalemia and absent pubertal development. It is a rare, autosomal recessive form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).We report on a neonate with prenatally determined 46,XY karyotype. At 20 weeks of gestation, lack of development of male external genitalia was noticed. A phenotypically female child was born at 41 weeks of gestation.Postnatal ultrasound revealed testes in both labia majora, an absence of uterus and normal adrenal glands. Steroid hormone analysis in serum revealed low basal levels of cortisol, testosterone and androstenedione in the presence of massively elevated corticosterone at the age of 2 weeks. The urinary steroid profile from spot urine showed excessive excretion of 17-desoxysteroids, decreased glucocorticoid metabolites and absent C19 steroids, thus proving 17OHD. Molecular analysis identified a novel mutation of the CYP17A1 gene: c.896T>A (p.I299N) in exon 5. Substitution with hydrocortisone was started. The child is raised as a girl and is developing well so far.Herein, we report the unusually early diagnosis of a newborn with the rare CAH form of 17OHD allowing an early start of treatment

    Interinstitutional variations in mode of birth after a previous caesarean section : a cross-sectional study in six German hospitals

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    Aims: Regional and interinstitutional variations have been recognized in the increasing incidence of caesarean section. Modes of birth after previous caesarean section vary widely, ranging from elective repeat caesarean section (ERCS) and unplanned repeat caesarean section (URCS) after trial of labour to vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC). This study describes interinstitutional variations in mode of birth after previous caesarean section in relation to regional indicators in Germany. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study using the birth registers of six maternity units (n=12,060) in five different German states (n=370,209). Indicators were tested by χ2 and relative deviations from regional values were expressed as relative risks and 95% confidence intervals. Results: The percentages of women in the six units with previous caesarean section ranged from 11.9% to 15.9% (P=0.002). VBAC was planned for 36.0% to 49.8% (P=0.003) of these women, but actually completed in only 26.2% to 32.8% (P=0.66). Depending on the indicator, the units studied deviated from the regional data by up to 32% [relative risk 0.68 (0.47–0.97)] in respect of completed VBAC among all initiated VBAC. Conclusions: There is substantial interinstitutional variation in mode of birth following previous caesarean section. This variation is in addition to regional patterns

    Governing by Panic: The Politics of the Eurozone Crisis

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    Three-dimensional sonographic evaluation of the fetal lumbar spinal canal

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    In a prospective cross-sectional ultrasound study the size of the fetal lumbar spinal canal was evaluated to determine reference values for the lumbar part of the vertebral canal. One hundred and sixty-seven pregnant women undergoing routine obstetric ultrasound were studied between 16 and 41 weeks of gestation. Exclusion criteria consisted of structural fetal anomalies or growth restriction. Area and volume of the vertebral canal at L1, L3 and L5 were calculated by three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound. Length of the lumbar spine was also determined. The size of the spinal canal and spinal length correlated well with gestational age. No gestational-age-dependent differences in area and volume measurements between upper and lower lumbar spine were found. The results provide an in vivo assessment of the spinal canal by 3D ultrasound over the entire gestation period

    Gender-Specific Weight Estimation of Fetuses between 2,501 and 3,999 g – New Regression Formulae

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    Objective: To develop new gender-specific regression formulae to estimate fetal weight focusing on a particular weight range from 2,501 to 3,999 g. Methods: 3,254 singleton pregnancies were included to generate new regression formulae for female and male fetuses, and to evaluate their accuracy. Results: In comparison with commonly used formulae, the new gender-specific and weight-range-specific method of fetal weight estimation provided greater accuracy. The mean absolute error was less than 7%. Conclusions: When properly used, the new formulae can improve the accuracy of weight estimations in fetuses between 2,501 and 3,999 g

    Increased uterine arterial pressure and contractility of perfused swine uterus after treatment with serum from pre-eclamptic women and endothelin-1. Clin Sci (Lond

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    A B S T R A C T The present study was designed to examine the effects of ET-1 (endothelin-1) and serum from PE (pre-eclamptic), HP (healthy pregnant) and HNP (healthy non-pregnant) women on uterine arterial perfusion pressure and uterine contractility. Swine uteri (n = 25) were perfused for a period of up to 11 h, with the aim being to preserve a viable organ. Various concentrations of ET-1 as well as serum from PE, HP and HNP women (n = 10 per group) were administered to the perfused swine uteri and IUP (intrauterine pressure) and IAP (intra-arterial pressure) were recorded. ET-1 produced dose-dependent increases in IUP and IAP. The ET-1 concentration in serum was higher in serum from PE women than in HP and HNP women (P > 0.05). Administration of all serum samples had a contractile effect on the swine uterus, with the greatest effect being seen in HNP women (12.8 + − 5.3 mmHg), followed by PE (9.06 + − 4.2 mmHg) and HP (6.1 + − 4.1 mmHg) women. Statistically significant differences were observed between HNP and PE women (P = 0.048), and PE and HP women (P = 0.021). Increases in IAP following administration of serum from PE women (48.8 + − 20.0 mmHg) were significantly higher (P = 0.024) compared with the effect of serum from HP women (28.4 + − 13.7 mmHg). In conclusion, the findings show that serum from PE women has significant vasoconstrictive and oxytocic effects compared with serum from HP women. In pre-eclampsia, the balance between vasorelaxing and vasoactive substances is disturbed

    Increased Accuracy of Fetal Weight Estimation with a Gender-Specific Weight Formula

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    Objective: To test whether Schild’s sex-specific formula for estimating fetal weight is more accurate than commonly used regression formulae. Methods: The gender-specific formula and 10 widely used equations were evaluated in a group of 989 pregnancies. Each fetus underwent ultrasound examination with complete biometric parameters within 7 days before delivery. Results: Over the whole weight range and in the subgroup of newborns with a birth weight between 2,500 and 3,999 g, the sex-specific weight formula from Schild demonstrated the best level of accuracy. For infants with a birth weight of less than 2,500 g as well as for macrosomic newborns, the gender-specific formula did not improve fetal weight estimation. Conclusion: In pregnancies where fetal gender is known, Schild’s regression formula should be used when fetal weight lies within the range of 2,500–3,999 g