73 research outputs found

    L-histidine inhibits production of lysophosphatidic acid by the tumor-associated cytokine, autotaxin

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    BACKGROUND: Autotaxin (ATX, NPP-2), originally purified as a potent tumor cell motility factor, is now known to be the long-sought plasma lysophospholipase D (LPLD). The integrity of the enzymatic active site, including three crucial histidine moieties, is required for motility stimulation, as well as LPLD and 5'nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) activities. Except for relatively non-specific chelation agents, there are no known inhibitors of the ATX LPLD activity. RESULTS: We show that millimolar concentrations of L-histidine inhibit ATX-stimulated but not LPA-stimulated motility in two tumor cell lines, as well as inhibiting enzymatic activities. Inhibition is reversed by 20-fold lower concentrations of zinc salt. L-histidine has no significant effect on the Km of LPLD, but reduces the Vmax by greater than 50%, acting as a non-competitive inhibitor. Several histidine analogs also inhibit the LPLD activity of ATX; however, none has greater potency than L-histidine and all decrease cell viability or adhesion. CONCLUSION: L-histidine inhibition of LPLD is not a simple stoichiometric chelation of metal ions but is more likely a complex interaction with a variety of moieties, including the metal cation, at or near the active site. The inhibitory effect of L-histidine requires all three major functional groups of histidine: the alpha amino group, the alpha carboxyl group, and the metal-binding imidazole side chain. Because of LPA's involvement in pathological processes, regulation of its formation by ATX may give insight into possible novel therapeutic approaches

    Pharmacological prion protein silencing accelerates central nervous system autoimmune disease via T cell receptor signalling

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    The primary biological function of the endogenous cellular prion protein has remained unclear. We investigated its biological function in the generation of cellular immune responses using cellular prion protein gene-specific small interfering ribonucleic acid in vivo and in vitro. Our results were confirmed by blocking cellular prion protein with monovalent antibodies and by using cellular prion protein-deficient and -transgenic mice. In vivo prion protein gene-small interfering ribonucleic acid treatment effects were of limited duration, restricted to secondary lymphoid organs and resulted in a 70% reduction of cellular prion protein expression in leukocytes. Disruption of cellular prion protein signalling augmented antigen-specific activation and proliferation, and enhanced T cell receptor signalling, resulting in zeta-chain-associated protein-70 phosphorylation and nuclear factor of activated T cells/activator protein 1 transcriptional activity. In vivo prion protein gene-small interfering ribonucleic acid treatment promoted T cell differentiation towards pro-inflammatory phenotypes and increased survival of antigen-specific T cells. Cellular prion protein silencing with small interfering ribonucleic acid also resulted in the worsening of actively induced and adoptively transferred experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Finally, treatment of myelin basic protein1–11 T cell receptor transgenic mice with prion protein gene-small interfering ribonucleic acid resulted in spontaneous experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Thus, central nervous system autoimmune disease was modulated at all stages of disease: the generation of the T cell effector response, the elicitation of T effector function and the perpetuation of cellular immune responses. Our findings indicate that cellular prion protein regulates T cell receptor-mediated T cell activation, differentiation and survival. Defects in autoimmunity are restricted to the immune system and not the central nervous system. Our data identify cellular prion protein as a regulator of cellular immunological homoeostasis and suggest cellular prion protein as a novel potential target for therapeutic immunomodulation

    Standardising clinical outcomes measures for adult clinical trials in Fabry Disease: A global Delphi Consensus

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    Background: Recent years have witnessed a considerable increase in clinical trials of new investigational agents for Fabry disease (FD). Several trials investigating different agents are currently in progress; however, lack of standardisation results in challenges to interpretation and comparison. To facilitate the standardisation of investigational programs, we have developed a common framework for future clinical trials in FD. Methods and findings: A broad consensus regarding clinical outcomes and ways to measure them was obtained via the Delphi methodology. 35 FD clinical experts from 4 continents, representing 3389 FD patients, participated in 3 rounds of Delphi procedure. The aim was to reach a consensus regarding clinical trial design, best treatment comparator, clinical outcomes, measurement of those clinical outcomes and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Consensus results of this initiative included: the selection of the adaptative clinical trial as the ideal study design and agalsidase beta as ideal comparator treatment due to its longstanding use in FD. Renal and cardiac outcomes, such as glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria and left ventricular mass index, were prioritised, whereas neurological outcomes including cerebrovascular and white matter lesions were dismissed as a primary or secondary outcome measure. Besides, there was a consensus regarding the importance of patient-related outcomes such as general quality of life, pain, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Also, unity about lysoGb3 and Gb3 tissue deposits as useful surrogate markers of the disease was obtained. The group recognised that cardiac T1 mapping still has potential but requires further development before its widespread introduction in clinical trials. Finally, patients with end-stage renal disease or renal transplant should be excluded unless a particular group for them is created inside the clinical trial. Conclusion: This consensus will help to shape the future of clinical trials in FD. We note that the FDA has, coincidentally, recently published draft guidelines on clinical trials in FD and welcome this contribution

    Clinical results of enzyme replacement therapy in Fabry disease: a comprehensive review of literature.

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    Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has been used to treat Fabry disease - a progressive lysosomal storage disorder - since 2001. Two preparations of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A are available in Europe: agalsidase alpha, produced in a human cell line, and agalsidase beta, produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells. To review critically the published evidence for the clinical efficacy of these two enzyme preparations. A systematic literature search was undertaken to identify open or randomised controlled trials published on Fabry disease since 2001. Eleven trials fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in this review, of a total of 586 references on Fabry disease. To date, no direct comparisons exists between the two available enzyme preparations. Significant clinical benefits compared with placebo, however, have been demonstrated with ERT, with positive effects on the heart, kidneys, nervous system and quality of life. The quality of most of these publications was less than optimal. Further prospective studies are required to confirm the long-term clinical benefits of ERT. More studies are also needed on the effects of ERT in women and on the use of ERT early in the course of Fabry disease, to prevent organ damage. Large national and international outcomes databases will also be invaluable in evaluating treatment effects and safety