14 research outputs found

    Revelations from the theater of the obvious truth

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    A proposta deste artigo é analisar uma encenação de 1977 do diretor Giedrius Mackevičius, fundador do Teatro do Drama Plástico, baseada nas obras Barraquinha de feira e “Os doze”, de Aleksándr Blok. O espetáculo intitulado A nevasca propõe uma linguagem artística exclusivamente não verbal: dinâmica e formas do corpo humano, música e movimento físico, artes visuais e composições espaciais.The purpose of this article is to analyze a staging from 1977 by the director Giedrius Mackevičius, founder of the Teater of Plastic Dram, based on the texts “Balagantchik” and “Dvenatsat’”, by Aleksándr Blok. It is a show entitled ‘Metel’, which proposes an exclusively non-verbal artistic language: dynamics and forms of the human body, music and physical movement, visual arts and spatial compositions

    All this nonsense

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    Vadim Scherbakov reviews the play “Mozart ‘Don Juan’. General rehearsal”, conceived and staged by Dmitry Krymov at the Piotr Fomenko Workshop, in Moscou. For him, in addition to the deep discussion about the condition of the theatre, the spectator will be able to find in this play several other themes for reflection. The lightness of a bold improvisation and the complex design of the theatrical composition are responsible for the feeling of true artistic freedom that the work proposes.Vadim Scherbakov analisa o espetáculo “Mozart ‘Don Juan’. Ensaio geral” concebido e encenado por Dmitry Krymov no Estúdio Piotr Fomenko, em Moscou. Para ele, além da profunda discussão sobre a natureza do teatro, o espectador poderá encontrar nessa peça vários outros temas para reflexão. A leveza de uma improvisação arrojada e o complexo desenho da composição teatral são responsáveis pela sensação da verdadeira liberdade artística que a obra propõe

    Boundary effects in large deviation problems

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    Projet MEVALWe get explicit formulas for large deviation problems in [??] with a discontinuity along an hyperplane and on [??] These quite unexpected results are obtained by using new simple probabilistic techniques

    Variations in the 6.2 μ\mum emission profile in starburst-dominated galaxies: a signature of polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (PANHs)?

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    Analyses of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) feature profiles, especially the 6.2 μ\mum feature, could indicate the presence of nitrogen incorporated in their aromatic rings. In this work, 155 predominantly starburst-dominated galaxies (including HII regions and Seyferts, for example), extracted from the Spitzer/IRS ATLAS project (Hern\'an-Caballero & Hatziminaoglou 2011), have their 6.2 μ\mum profiles fitted allowing their separation into the Peeters' A, B and C classes (Peeters et al. 2002). 67% of these galaxies were classified as class A, 31% were as class B and 2% as class C. Currently class A sources, corresponding to a central wavelength near 6.22 μ\mum, seem only to be explained by polycyclic aromatic nitrogen heterocycles (PANH, Hudgins et al. 2005), whereas class B may represent a mix between PAHs and PANHs emissions or different PANH structures or ionization states. Therefore, these spectra suggest a significant presence of PANHs in the interstellar medium (ISM) of these galaxies that could be related to their starburst-dominated emission. These results also suggest that PANHs constitute another reservoir of nitrogen in the Universe, in addition to the nitrogen in the gas phase and ices of the ISM


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    The researches on the development of medical and medical-preventive food products for people with violation of normal intestinal microflora are presented in the article. It was found that,  the introduction into the formulation of cooked sausage food beet  fibers based on sugar beet, hydrated in a ratio 1:5, in amount 10 %  to weight of mince and lactulose, synthesized from lactose, in  amount 640 mg/kg mince retains the traditional organoleptic  properties of the product. There were carried out comparative  morphometric, histochemical and bacterioscopic studies of boiled  sausage effect without additives and sausage enriched with food  fibers and lactulose on the morphofunctional condition of the mucous membrance of the colon (MMC) of rats. Was shown a significant  height  increase of epithelial surface of epithelium, an increase of frequency mitoses in the epithelium crypts of intestinal glands (from 0.6 ± 0.08 % to 1.1 ± 0.04 %), there is a tendency of increasing  content of goblet ekzokrinnye (from 21.3 ± 5.5 % to 32.4 ± 18.7  %), while the mucosal were intensively produced allopathically  mucus, which indicates the stimulation of sausage, enriched with  lactulose on the functional status of the surface epithelium and intestinal glands of the mucous membrane of the colon. Based on the studies results of the effect of food beet fibers and lactulose,  contained in the ration of rats in large and small intestine were fixed  on order greater amount of bifido- and lactobacteries in comparison  with the animals control group. Same time, it was found that in the  large intestine the number of lactobacilli were much higher in  animals receiving experimental sausage.В статье представлены исследования по разработке продуктов лечебного и лечебно-профилактического питания для людей с нарушением нормальной кишечной микрофлоры.  Установлено, что введение в рецептуру вареной колбасы пищевых свекловичных волокон  на основе сахарной свеклы, гидратированных в соотношении 1:5, в количестве 10 % к массе фарша и лактулозного сиропа, синтезированного из молочного сахара, в количестве  640 мг/кг фарша сохраняет традиционные органолептические свойства продукта.  Проведены сравнительные морфометрические, гистохимические и бактериоскопические  исследования влияния вареной колбасы без добавок и колбасы обогащенной пищевыми волокнами и лактулозой на морфофункциональное состояние слизистой оболочки толстого кишечника (СОТК) крыс. Показано значимое увеличение высоты эпителиоцитов  поверхностного эпителия, возрастание частоты митозов в эпителии крипт кишечных желез  (с 0,6 ± 0,08 % до 1,1 ± 0,04 %), имеется тенденция к повышению содержания бокаловидных экзокриноцитов (с 21,3 ± 5,5 % до 32,4 ± 18,7 %), при этом мукоциты  интенсивно продуцировали альцианпозитивную слизь, что свидетельствует о  стимулирующем влиянии колбасы, обогащенной лактулозой, на функциональное состояние  поверхностного эпителия и кишечных желез слизистой оболочки толстой кишки. На  основании результатов исследований влияния пищевых свекловичных волокон и лактулозы, содержащихся в рационе крыс в толстом и тонком кишечнике зафиксировано на порядок большее количество бифидо- и лактобактерий в сравнении с контрольной группой  животных. Одновременно установлено, что в толстом кишечнике у животных получавших экспериментальную колбасу на порядок выше количество лактобактерий

    Coverage of the whole space

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    Consider an inhomogeneous germ-grain model with spherical grains whose radii depend on their positions through a rate function, possibly perturbed by a random noise. We find the critical rate function that separates the cases when the germ-grain model covers the whole space with a positive probability and when the total coverage occurs with probability zero

    Coverage of the whole space

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    The researches on the development of medical and medical-preventive food products for people with violation of normal intestinal microflora are presented in the article. It was found that,  the introduction into the formulation of cooked sausage food beet  fibers based on sugar beet, hydrated in a ratio 1:5, in amount 10 %  to weight of mince and lactulose, synthesized from lactose, in  amount 640 mg/kg mince retains the traditional organoleptic  properties of the product. There were carried out comparative  morphometric, histochemical and bacterioscopic studies of boiled  sausage effect without additives and sausage enriched with food  fibers and lactulose on the morphofunctional condition of the mucous membrance of the colon (MMC) of rats. Was shown a significant  height  increase of epithelial surface of epithelium, an increase of frequency mitoses in the epithelium crypts of intestinal glands (from 0.6 ± 0.08 % to 1.1 ± 0.04 %), there is a tendency of increasing  content of goblet ekzokrinnye (from 21.3 ± 5.5 % to 32.4 ± 18.7  %), while the mucosal were intensively produced allopathically  mucus, which indicates the stimulation of sausage, enriched with  lactulose on the functional status of the surface epithelium and intestinal glands of the mucous membrane of the colon. Based on the studies results of the effect of food beet fibers and lactulose,  contained in the ration of rats in large and small intestine were fixed  on order greater amount of bifido- and lactobacteries in comparison  with the animals control group. Same time, it was found that in the  large intestine the number of lactobacilli were much higher in  animals receiving experimental sausage

    Fuel and energy sector in Russia in the structure of industrial modernization

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    The article deals with the problems of structural modernization of the Russian economy in the context of using the potential of the fuel and energy sector. The authors reveal the structural modernization regularities and the role of the fuel and energy sector as the most important component in the development of the country's productive forces. Generating a sustainable economic growth trajectory requires increasing the efficiency of using the potential of the energy sector. It is proved that the low technical and technological level of the extractive and processing industries of the fuel and energy sector, price imbalances, and the devaluation of the ruble do not meet the strategic goals of industrial development and achieving economic security