13 research outputs found

    Bifurcation structure of cavity soliton dynamics in a VCSEL with saturable absorber and time-delayed feedback

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    We consider a wide-aperture surface-emitting laser with a saturable absorber section subjected to time-delayed feedback. We adopt the mean-field approach assuming a single longitudinal mode operation of the solitary VCSEL. We investigate cavity soliton dynamics under the effect of time- delayed feedback in a self-imaging configuration where diffraction in the external cavity is negligible. Using bifurcation analysis, direct numerical simulations and numerical path continuation methods, we identify the possible bifurcations and map them in a plane of feedback parameters. We show that for both the homogeneous and localized stationary lasing solutions in one spatial dimension the time-delayed feedback induces complex spatiotemporal dynamics, in particular a period doubling route to chaos, quasiperiodic oscillations and multistability of the stationary solutions

    Tunable Kerr frequency combs and temporal localized states in time-delayed Gires--Tournois interferometers

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    In this Letter we study theoretically a new set-up allowing for the generation of temporal localized states and frequency combs. The setup is compact (a few cm) and can be implemented using established technologies, while offering tunable repetition rates and potentially high power operation. It consists of a vertically emitting micro-cavity, operated in the Gires?Tournois regime, containing a Kerr medium with strong time-delayed optical feedback as well as detuned optical injection. We disclose sets of multistable dark and bright temporal localized states coexisting on their respective bistable homogeneous backgrounds

    RHAPSODY - Internet-based support for caregivers of people with young onset dementia: program design and methods of a pilot study

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    YesBackground: Young Onset Dementia (YOD), defined by first symptoms of cognitive or behavioral decline occurring before the age of 65 years, is relatively rare compared to dementia of later onset, but it is associated with diagnostic difficulty and heavy burden on affected individuals and their informal carers. Existing health and social care structures rarely meet the needs of YOD patients. Internet-based interventions are a novel format of delivering health-related education, counseling and support to this vulnerable yet underserved group. Methods: The RHAPSODY (Research to Assess Policies and Strategies for Dementia in the Young) project is a European initiative to improve care for people with YOD by providing an internet-based information and skill-building program for family carers. The e-learning program focuses on managing problem behaviors, dealing with role change, obtaining support and looking after oneself. It will be evaluated in a pilot study in three countries using a randomized unblinded design with a wait-list control group. Participants will be informal carers of people with dementia in Alzheimer’s disease or behavioral-variant Frontotemporal degeneration with an onset before the age of 65 years. The primary outcome will be caregiving self-efficacy after 6 weeks of program use. As secondary outcomes caregivers’ stress and burden, carer health-related quality of life, caring-related knowledge, patient problem behaviors and user satisfaction will be assessed. Program utilization will be monitored and a health-economic evaluation will also be performed. Conclusions: The RHAPSODY project will add to the evidence on the potential and limitations of a conveniently accessible, user-friendly and comprehensive internet-based intervention as an alternative for traditional forms of counseling and support in healthcare, aiming to optimize care and support for people with YOD and their informal caregivers.RHAPSODY is an EU Joint Program - Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) project. The project is supported through the following funding organizations under the aegis of JPND (www.jpnd.eu). France: National Research Agency; Germany: Ministry of Education and Research; The Netherlands: The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development; Portugal: Foundation for Science and Technology; Sweden: The Swedish Research Council; United Kingdom: Economic and Social Research Council

    Delay-induced depinning of localized structures in a spatially inhomogeneous Swift-Hohenberg model

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    We report on the dynamics of localized structures in an inhomogeneous Swift-Hohenberg model describing pattern formation in the transverse plane of an optical cavity. This real order parameter equation is valid close to the second-order critical point associated with bistability. The optical cavity is illuminated by an inhomogeneous spatial Gaussian pumping beam and subjected to time-delayed feedback. The Gaussian injection beam breaks the translational symmetry of the system by exerting an attracting force on the localized structure. We show that the localized structure can be pinned to the center of the inhomogeneity, suppressing the delay-induced drift bifurcation that has been reported in the particular case where the injection is homogeneous, assuming a continuous wave operation. Under an inhomogeneous spatial pumping beam, we perform the stability analysis of localized solutions to identify different instability regimes induced by time-delayed feedback. In particular, we predict the formation of two-arm spirals, as well as oscillating and depinning dynamics caused by the interplay of an attracting inhomogeneity and destabilizing time-delayed feedback. The transition from oscillating to depinning solutions is investigated by means of numerical continuation techniques. Analytically, we use an order parameter approach to derive a normal form of the delay-induced Hopf bifurcation leading to an oscillating solution. Additionally we model the interplay of an attracting inhomogeneity and destabilizing time delay by describing the localized solution as an overdamped particle in a potential well generated by the inhomogeneity. In this case, the time-delayed feedback acts as a driving force. Comparing results from the later approach with the full Swift-Hohenberg model, we show that the approach not only provides an instructive description of the depinning dynamics, but also is numerically accurate throughout most of the parameter regime.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Tunable Kerr frequency combs and temporal localized states in time-delayed Gires–Tournois interferometers

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    In this Letter, we study theoretically a new setup allowing for the generation of temporal localized states (TLSs) and frequency combs. The setup is compact (a few centimeters) and can be implemented using established technologies, while offering tunable repetition rates and potentially high power operation. It consists of a vertically emitting micro-cavity, operated in the Gires–Tournois regime, containing a Kerr medium strong time-delayed optical feedback, and detuned optical injection. We disclose sets of multistable dark and bright TLSs coexisting on their respective bistable homogeneous backgrounds