11 research outputs found

    Identification of antisense long noncoding RNAs that function as SINEUPs in human cells

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    Mammalian genomes encode numerous natural antisense long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) that regulate gene expression. Recently, an antisense lncRNA to mouse Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (Uchl1) was reported to increase UCHL1 protein synthesis, representing a new functional class of lncRNAs, designated as SINEUPs, for SINE element-containing translation UP-regulators. Here, we show that an antisense lncRNA to the human protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A (PPP1R12A), named as R12A-AS1, which overlaps with the 5' UTR and first coding exon of the PPP1R12A mRNA, functions as a SINEUP, increasing PPP1R12A protein translation in human cells. The SINEUP activity depends on the aforementioned sense-antisense interaction and a free right Alu monomer repeat element at the 3' end of R12A-AS1. In addition, we identify another human antisense lncRNA with SINEUP activity. Our results demonstrate for the first time that human natural antisense lncRNAs can up-regulate protein translation, suggesting that endogenous SINEUPs may be widespread and present in many mammalian species

    RNase P: role of distinct protein cofactors in tRNA substrate recognition and RNA-based catalysis

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    The Escherichia coli ribonuclease P (RNase P) has a protein component, termed C5, which acts as a cofactor for the catalytic M1 RNA subunit that processes the 5′ leader sequence of precursor tRNA. Rpp29, a conserved protein subunit of human RNase P, can substitute for C5 protein in reconstitution assays of M1 RNA activity. To better understand the role of the former protein, we compare the mode of action of Rpp29 to that of the C5 protein in activation of M1 RNA. Enzyme kinetic analyses reveal that complexes of M1 RNA–Rpp29 and M1 RNA–C5 exhibit comparable binding affinities to precursor tRNA but different catalytic efficiencies. High concentrations of substrate impede the activity of the former complex. Rpp29 itself exhibits high affinity in substrate binding, which seems to reduce the catalytic efficiency of the reconstituted ribonucleoprotein. Rpp29 has a conserved C-terminal domain with an Sm-like fold that mediates interaction with M1 RNA and precursor tRNA and can activate M1 RNA. The results suggest that distinct protein folds in two unrelated protein cofactors can facilitate transition from RNA- to ribonucleoprotein-based catalysis by RNase P

    Long Non-Coding RNAs in Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common lymphoid malignancy in adults. Although significant progress has been made in recent years to treat DLBCL patients, 30%–40% of the patients eventually relapse or are refractory to first line treatment, calling for better therapeutic strategies for DLBCL. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as a highly diverse group of non-protein coding transcripts with intriguing molecular functions in human disease, including cancer. Here, we review the current understanding of lncRNAs in the pathogenesis and progression of DLBCL to provide an overview of the field. As the current knowledge of lncRNAs in DLBCL is still in its infancy, we provide molecular signatures of lncRNAs in DLBCL cell lines to assist further lncRNA research in DLBCL

    The human nuclear exosome targeting complex is loaded onto newly synthesized RNA to direct early ribonucleolysis

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    SummaryThe RNA exosome complex constitutes the major nuclear eukaryotic 3′-5′ exonuclease. Outside of nucleoli, the human nucleoplasmic exosome is directed to some of its substrates by the nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complex. How NEXT targets RNA has remained elusive. Using an in vivo crosslinking approach, we report global RNA binding sites of RBM7, a key component of NEXT. RBM7 associates broadly with RNA polymerase II-derived RNA, including pre-mRNA and short-lived exosome substrates such as promoter upstream transcripts (PROMPTs), enhancer RNAs (eRNAs), and 3′-extended products from snRNA and replication-dependent histone genes. Within pre-mRNA, RBM7 accumulates at the 3′ ends of introns, and pulse-labeling experiments demonstrate that RBM7/NEXT defines an early exosome-targeting pathway for 3′-extended snoRNAs derived from such introns. We propose that RBM7 is generally loaded onto newly synthesized RNA to accommodate exosome action in case of available unprotected RNA 3′ ends

    Complexity of mammalian transcriptome analyzed by RNA deep sequencing

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    The RNase E/G-type endoribonuclease of higher plants is located in the chloroplast and cleaves RNA similarly to the E. coli enzyme

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    RNase E is an endoribonuclease that has been studied primarily in Escherichia coli, where it is prominently involved in the processing and degradation of RNA. Homologs of bacterial RNase E are encoded in the nuclear genome of higher plants. RNA degradation in the chloroplast, an organelle that originated from a prokaryote similar to cyanobacteria, occurs via the polyadenylation-assisted degradation pathway. In E. coli, this process is probably initiated with the removal of 5′-end phosphates followed by endonucleolytic cleavage by RNase E. The plant homolog has been proposed to function in a similar way in the chloroplast. Here we show that RNase E of Arabidopsis is located in the soluble fraction of the chloroplast as a high molecular weight complex. In order to characterize its endonucleolytic activity, Arabidopsis RNase E was expressed in bacteria and analyzed. Similar to its E. coli counterpart, the endonucleolytic activity of the Arabidopsis enzyme depends on the number of phosphates at the 5′ end, is inhibited by structured RNA, and preferentially cleaves A/U-rich sequences. The enzyme forms an oligomeric complex of ∼680 kDa. The chloroplast localization and the similarity in the two enzymes' characteristics suggest that plant RNase E participates in the initial endonucleolytic cleavage of the polyadenylation-stimulated RNA degradation process in the chloroplast, perhaps in collaboration with the two other chloroplast endonucleases, RNase J and CSP41

    The human cap-binding complex is functionally connected to the nuclear RNA exosome

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    Nuclear processing and quality control of eukaryotic RNA is mediated by the RNA exosome, which is regulated by accessory factors. However, the mechanism of exosome recruitment to its ribonucleoprotein (RNP) targets remains poorly understood. Here we report a physical link between the human exosome and the cap-binding complex (CBC). The CBC associates with the ARS2 protein to form CBC-ARS2 (CBCA) and then further connects, together with the ZC3H18 protein, to the nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complex, thus forming CBC-NEXT (CBCN). RNA immunoprecipitation using CBCN factors as well as the analysis of combinatorial depletion of CBCN and exosome components underscore the functional relevance of CBC-exosome bridging at the level of target RNA. Specifically, CBCA suppresses read-through products of several RNA families by promoting their transcriptional termination. We suggest that the RNP 5' cap links transcription termination to exosomal RNA degradation through CBCN