276 research outputs found

    The Role of Human Capital in Wealth Accumulation

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    After an introduction to the fundamental elements of human capital theory, I will define the characteristics of general and specific human capital, and show who pays for and yields the benefits from investment in each component. I will then proceed to explain why understanding the magnitude of the rate of return in terms of wealth is imperative, both theoretically and practically. After I develop testable hypotheses, I will introduce the data set to be used, and present my model. Finally, I present the regression results, and provide a direction for future research in this area

    “The Father of Survival Horror”: Shinji Mikami, Procedural Rhetoric, and the Collective/Cultural Memory of the Atomic Bombs

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    Video game “authors” use procedural rhetoric to make specific arguments within the narratives of their games. As a result, they, either purposefully or incidentally, contribute to the creation and maintenance of collective/cultural memory. This process can be identified within the directorial works of Shinji Mikami that include a set of similar general themes. Though the settings of these games differ, they include several related plot elements. These include: 1) depictions of physical and emotional trauma, 2) the large-scale destruction of cities, and 3) distrust of those in power. This paper argues that Mikami, through processes of procedural rhetoric/ authorship, can be understood as an “author” of video games that fall into the larger tradition of war and atomic bomb memory in Japan. (Also known as hibakusha (bomb-affected persons) literature). As a result, his games can be understood as a part of Japan’s larger collective/cultural memory practices surrounding the atomic bombings of Hiroshima (6 August 1945) and Nagasaki (9 August 1945). In the case of Mikami, the narratives of his games follow what Akiko Hashimoto labels as the “Long Defeat”, in which Japanese collective/cultural memory struggles to cope with the cultural trauma of the Pacific War (1931-1945). To illustrate this argument the paper engages in a close reading of Mikami’s Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, Resident Evil 4, Vanquish and The Evil Within and identifies tropes that are common to Japanese war memory and hibakusha literature

    I consign her wretched walk, her words, deeds, and evil talk: erotic magic and women in the ancient Greco-Roman world

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on May 30, 2013Thesis advisor: Linda E. MitchellVitaIncludes bibliographic references (pages 108-112)Thesis (M.A.)--Dept. of History. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2013Magic in the ancient Greco-Roman world has only recently begun to receive attention from historians. Thousands of curses, spells, and remnants of magical practices prior to widespread Christianity have been overlooked in the past mainly because they were seen as unimportant, or at least not appropriate as the focus of proper scholarship. Changing methodologies in history over the past fifty years have allowed scholars to rethink these magical sources. Curses and spells are now seen as significant and vital to understanding the mindset in ancient societies clustered around the Mediterranean. Most scholars who have recently begun to focus on magical sources still retain traditional methods of thinking about the ancient Greeks and Romans as purely rational, which hinders their interpretations of the at times irrational and always emotional sources at hand. By using modern theories of feminism, mentalities, and anthropology from outside of the usual conservative framework, magical sources can be utilized to reveal a more complex relationship between mortals and their gods, and mainly between men and women. One of the most interesting categories of ancient magic involves erotic desire in sexual relationships. Both men and women had the option to create erotic magic in order to arouse sexual attraction in their desired mates. The same type of magic could also be used to separate couples engaged in a romantic relationship, create affairs, or even bring sickness and death to the unknowing victims. At the same time as "rational" philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome were praising stoicism and conventional morality, thousands of magical tools were readily available to whomever could obtain the monetary funds to purchase them. Female-authored erotic magic can be used to further the argument that ancient women expressed agency. Since the feminist movements in 1960's America, scholars have attempted to give a voice to the mostly silent majority of ancient women in Western society. In this thesis, I will attempt to use new methodologies to give ancient women not only voices, but also authentic expressions of emotional and sexual desires through erotic magic.Introduction -- Erotic magic spells and curses -- Classic literature and magical women -- Christian literature and Erotic magic -- Conclusio

    Zombies, Vaults & Violence: Collective Memory and the Representation of Atomic Fears in Video Games

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    This dissertation examines the representation of atomic/nuclear weapons and fears within video games through the lens of collective/cultural memory, historiography, game studies and critical theory. These diverse fields are combined into a research typology labelled as discourses of the past which argues that the past is mediated based upon the needs of entrenched power for use in, and the organization of, the present. The study focuses specifically on the representation of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 in both their American and Japanese contexts. The dissertation first engages with key works in the relevant fields. This literature review grounds the work in established theory while also defining and outlining the discourses of the past research typology. The second major section engages in a discussion of the author’s positionality and describes the methodological considerations of the typology. Through a historiographical analysis, the dissertation argues that the dominant discourses of the past of the atomic bombings in the United States/West is to justify the use of the bombs while erasing Japanese victims. This is further examined in three case studies of American games: Fallout 4, Far Cry 5, and Far Cry New Dawn. A historiographical analysis of Japanese sources finds that there is no one dominant collective/cultural memory and, instead, atomic bomb and war memory is diffused into three discourses of the past (a hero/victim/perpetrator memory triad) where no one discourse is entirely dominant or marginalized. Instead, the relative power of each is dictated by person, place, space, and/or temporality. This is further explored in a case study of three Japanese games: Resident Evil 3, Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, and Valkyria Chronicles 4. Through the combination of theory, historiography, and case studies the dissertation ultimately argues that the selected games mimic the dominant discourses of the past while also adhering to established video game genre conventions and expectations. These findings are then put into contemporary context to argue for the continued relevance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    The Translation of Nursery Rhymes into Spanish: A Methodological Framework

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de nursery rhymes (rimas infantiles) desde una perspectiva traductológica. La traducción de estas rimas anglosajonas se encuentra de una forma cada vez más extendida en español, en ejemplos escritos y audiovisuales, donde en ocasiones aparecen de forma intertextual y fragmentada. Para proponer una discusión teórica y un marco formal en este ámbito específico de investigación, se inicia la tesis con una contextualización de términos, con la intención de establecer la posición de las nursery rhymes en relación con la infancia, la literatura infantil y su traducción. Las características orales de las nursery rhymes (su origen, patrón rítmico común, musicalidad, repetición y lenguaje formulaico) demuestran que son parte de un discurso que ha sido compartido tradicionalmente por niños y adultos simultáneamente, generando un espacio intermedio de juego entre el lenguaje (y la adquisición de conocimientos y competencias relacionadas, donde se incluyen los patrones del discurso y las limitaciones ideológicas) y la creación (con un gran impacto sobre la producción infantil del discurso). Es por esta razón que las nursery rhymes se emplean actualmente como un instrumento didáctico; sin embargo, esta investigación demuestra que su impacto en el desarrollo infantil y en la conexión de los niños con la comunidad es de gran relevancia y se propone su conservación y divulgación aún sin un uso instrumental. El estudio contextual también concluye que las nursery rhymes poseen unas características canónicas que deberían priorizarse en su traducción, puesto que son piezas del discurso infantil que presenta patrones inmediatamente reconocibles tanto en inglés como en español. Siguiendo un método mixto de estudio, se presenta el análisis de una muestra de rimas españolas para ofrecer una visión comparativa y contrastiva de las características canónicas de las rimas en ambas lenguas. Este estudio se complementa con el análisis de un corpus de ejemplos con el fin de observar y examinar la aplicación de estas características canónicas en las traducciones reales y contemporáneas: rimas completas e independientes de Under the Window, de Kate Greenaway, y rimas completas e intertextuales de Castle Waiting, de Linda Medley. Adicionalmente, se propone un estudio de campo para explorar la recepción de fragmentos de nursery rhymes en traducción con un grupo de niños de la cultura meta; en este caso con el análisis de la percepción de nombres de personajes de nursery rhymes. La tesis concluye que la traducción de nursery rhymes se ha orientado mayormente hacia un aspecto semántico, con una gran manipulación en su forma; y presenta un modelo para que futuras traducciones prioricen la correspondencia de las características formales (métrica, ritmo y rima) y la uniformidad traductológica, además de ofrecer ejemplos para la transferencia de referencias culturales.The aim of this dissertation is to approach nursery rhymes from a translational perspective. Translations of English nursery rhymes into Spanish can be increasingly found in textual and audiovisual examples, and many of these appear intertextually and fragmentedly. To propose a discussion and a formal framework in this field of research, a contextualization of terms was needed, connecting nursery rhymes to their position in relation to childhood, children’s literature and translated children’s literature. The oral traits of nursery rhymes (origin, shared rhythm pattern, musicality, repetition and formulaicity) prove that these rhymes are a piece of discourse that has traditionally been shared by adults and children alike. In other words, they represent a middle ground of play, connecting the acquisition of competencies related both to language (introducing accepted patterns and ideological limitations) and to agency (impacting upon childlore). This is why nursery rhymes are currently being used mostly as didactic tools. Nevertheless, this research demonstrates that their impact on child development and the child’s link to the community is relevant enough to propose their preservation and dissemination without a specific instrumental goal. The contextual study also concludes that nursery rhymes offer canonical features that should be prioritized in their translation, as they are pieces of children’s discourse that follow immediately recogniza- ble patterns in English and Spanish. Following a mixed-method approach, a sample study of Spanish rhymes offers comparison and contrast in relation to their canonical features. Subsequently, a corpus study of translated rhymes is analyzed to understand the application of these canonical features in current translations. The nursery rhyme corpus belongs to Under the Window, by Kate Greenaway, with complete independent rhymes; and Castle Waiting, by Linda Medley, with complete intertextual rhymes. An additional case study is presented to give insight into the reception of Spanish children’s understanding of nursery rhyme fragments in translational situation, in this case focusing on nursery rhyme character names. My dissertation concludes that nursery rhyme translation has mostly focused on the semantic field, with a high manipulation of the form. In contrast, I offer a framework for future translations which prioritizes the canonical features of form correspondence (metrical, rhythm and rhyme patterns) and aims towards uniformity in translational solutions, offering examples of the transfer of cultural references

    Revision der Gattung Agachila Drake & Gomez-Menor, 1954 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae).

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    Die im tropischen Afrika verbreitete Gattung Agachila Drake & Gomez-Menor, 1954, der Heteropteren­familie der Tingidae, wurde revidiert. Drei der Arten sind Neubeschreibungen: Agachila barbarae, A. constanti und A. heinrichae. Die Art Agachila biafrana Drake & Gomez-Menor, 1954, erwies sich als ein Synonym zu Agachila motoensis (Schouteden, 1953). - Die Gattung Agachila und ihre insgesamt neun Arten werden charakterisiert. Fast alle Arten stammen aus den tropischen Gebieten Afrikas, nur eine Art wurde in der Republik Südafrika festgestellt. Eine Bestimmungstabelle und eine Artenliste bilden den Abschluss der Arbeit.Nomenklatorische Handlungenbarbarae Göllner-Scheiding, 2012 (Agachila), spec. nov.biafrana Drake & Gomez-Menor, 1954 (Agachila), syn. nov. of Agachila abimva (Schouteden, 1953)constanti Göllner-Scheiding, 2012 (Agachila), spec. nov.heinrichae Göllner-Scheiding, 2012 (Agachila), spec. nov.The genus Agachila, family Tingidae, is distributed in tropical Africa only. The genus is revised here. Three species Agachila barbarae, A. constanti and A. heinrichae are described as new. The species Agachila biafrana Drake & Gomez-Menor, 1954, is a synonym of Agachila motoensis (Schouteden, 1953). - The genus Agachila and its altogether nine species are characterised. Most of the species live in Central-Africa, only one species in the Republic of South Africa. An identification key and a list of the species is given.Nomenclatural Actsbarbarae Göllner-Scheiding, 2012 (Agachila), spec. nov.biafrana Drake & Gomez-Menor, 1954 (Agachila), syn. nov. of Agachila abimva (Schouteden, 1953)constanti Göllner-Scheiding, 2012 (Agachila), spec. nov.heinrichae Göllner-Scheiding, 2012 (Agachila), spec. nov

    Revision der afrotropischen Arten der Gattung Compseuta Stål 1873 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae).

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    Die Gattung Compseuta Stål, 1873, umfasst die 13 afrotropischen Arten biseriata Drake, 1948, brevicarinata Schouteden, 1923, capensis (Walker, 1873), comes Drake, 1951, expleta Drake, 1955, holana Drake, 1948, lamellata Drake, 1958, latipennis Horváth, 1910, montandoni Distant, 1904, notialis Drake, 1948, ornatella (Stål, 1855), picta Schouteden, 1923, und teretis Drake, 1948, zwei weitere kommen in Asien vor. Zwei Arten, bioculata Drake, 1948, und motoensis Schouteden, 1955, erwiesen sich als Angehörige der Gattung Kapiriella. Die Art elegantula Distant, 1909, wurde schon früher in die Gattung Hegesidemus gestellt. Neun Arten und zwei Varietäten stellten sich als Synonyma heraus. Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Arten, eine Liste der Arten einschließlich der Synonyma und eine Literaturliste werden erstellt.StichwörterInsecta, Heteroptera, Tingidae, Compseuta, revision, key.Nomenklatorische Handlungenbiseriata Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), stat. n. hitherto Compseuta ornatella var. biseriatabrevicarinata Schouteden, 1923 (Compseuta), stat. n. hitherto Compseuta picta var. brevicarinatacordiae Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), syn. n. of Compseuta brevicarinata Schouteden, 1923latipennis Horváth, 1910 (Compseuta), Lectotype Holotype is lostpropinqua Duarte Rodrigues, 1987 (Compseuta), syn. n. of Compseuta holana Drake, 1948sejuncta Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), syn. n. of Compseuta brevicarinata Schouteden, 1923teretis Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), stat. n. hitherto Compseuta ornatella var. teretiscarinata Drake, 1958 (Compseuta ornatella var.), syn. n. of Compseuta expleta Drake, 1955bioculata (Drake, 1948) (Kapiriella), comb. n. hitherto Compseuta bioculatamotoensis (Schouteden, 1955) (Kapiriella), comb. n. hitherto Compseuta motoensisThe genus Compseuta Stål, 1873, comprises the 13 afrotropical species biseriata Drake, 1948, brevicarinata Schouteden, 1923, capensis (Walker, 1873), comes Drake, 1951, expleta Drake, 1955, holana Drake, 1948, lamellata Drake, 1958, latipennis Horváth, 1910, montandoni Distant, 1904, notialis Drake, 1948, ornatella (Stål, 1855), picta Schouteden, 1923, and teretis Drake, 1948, two others are asian. Two species, bioculata Drake, 1948, and motoensis Schouteden, 1955, proved to be species of the genus Kapiriella. The species elegantula Distant, 1909, was placed previously in the genus Hegesidemus. Nine species and two variations proved to be synonyms. A key for the species, a list of the species and their synonyms, as well as a list of the literature are provided.KeywordsInsecta, Heteroptera, Tingidae, Compseuta, revision, key.Nomenclatural Actsbiseriata Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), stat. n. hitherto Compseuta ornatella var. biseriatabrevicarinata Schouteden, 1923 (Compseuta), stat. n. hitherto Compseuta picta var. brevicarinatacordiae Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), syn. n. of Compseuta brevicarinata Schouteden, 1923latipennis Horváth, 1910 (Compseuta), Lectotype Holotype is lostpropinqua Duarte Rodrigues, 1987 (Compseuta), syn. n. of Compseuta holana Drake, 1948sejuncta Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), syn. n. of Compseuta brevicarinata Schouteden, 1923teretis Drake, 1948 (Compseuta), stat. n. hitherto Compseuta ornatella var. teretiscarinata Drake, 1958 (Compseuta ornatella var.), syn. n. of Compseuta expleta Drake, 1955bioculata (Drake, 1948) (Kapiriella), comb. n. hitherto Compseuta bioculatamotoensis (Schouteden, 1955) (Kapiriella), comb. n. hitherto Compseuta motoensi

    Die Arten der afrotropischen Gattung Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1982 (Insecta, Heteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae).

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    Die Gattung Neoplerochila wurde überarbeitet und eine Bestimmungstabelle für die Arten erstellt. Die Gattung umfasst jetzt acht Arten, von denen fünf bereits bekannt waren. Hinzu kommen zwei in der Gattung Physatocheila beschriebene Arten sowie die in der Republik Südafrika gefangene neue Art Neoplerochila millari. Die Gattung ist bisher nur in Namibia und Südafrika nachgewiesen worden. Drei Arten wurden an Olea spec. gefunden, von den anderen ist die Wirtspflanze nicht bekannt.StichwörterHeteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae.Nomenklatorische Handlungenkatbergana (Drake, 1953) (Neoplerochila), comb. n. hitherto Physatocheila katberganamillari Göllner-Scheiding, 2007 (Neoplerochila), spec. n.weenenana (Drake, 1953) (Neoplerochila), comb. n. hitherto Physatocheila weenenanaThe genus Neoplerochila is revised, along with a key for the determination. Eight species of the genus are known now. From these one species is newly described as Neoplerochila millari from the Republic of South Africa and two species of the genus Physatocheila belong now to the genus Neoplerochila. The genus is known only from Namibia and of South Africa. Three of the species are found on Olea spec., the host plants of the other species are unknown.KeywordsHeteroptera, Tingidae, Tinginae.Nomenclatural Actskatbergana (Drake, 1953) (Neoplerochila), comb. n. hitherto Physatocheila katberganamillari Göllner-Scheiding, 2007 (Neoplerochila), spec. n.weenenana (Drake, 1953) (Neoplerochila), comb. n. hitherto Physatocheila weenenan