561 research outputs found

    Acceleration of protons at 32 Jovian radii in the outer magnetosphere of jupiter

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    During the inbound pass of Pioneer 10, a rapid ten-fold increase of the 0.2 to MeV proton flux was observed at 32 Jovian radii (R sub J). The total event lasted for 30 minutes and was made up of a number of superimposed individual events. At the time, the spacecraft was in the outer magnetosphere about 7 R sub J below the magnetic equator. Before and after the event, the proton flux was characteristic of the low flux level normally encountered between crossings of the magnetic equator. Flux changes at different energies were coherent within 1 minute; a time comparable to the time resolution of the data. The angular distributions were highly anisotropic with protons streaming towards Jupiter. A field-aligned dumbbell distribution was observed initially, and a pancake distribution just before the flux decayed to its pre-event value. The alpha particle flux changed as rapidly as the proton flux but peaked at different times. The energetic electron flux behaved differently; it increased gradually throughout the period

    Energetic protons in the Jovian magnetosphere

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    The time histories, angular distributions and energy spectra of energetic protons were measured over an energy range extending from 0.2 - 20 MeV for the four passes of Pioneers 10 and 11 through the Jovian magnetosphere. Azimuthal asymmetries appear to dominate with time variations also contributing to the very complex topology. On the inbound P-10 pass the expected corotation anisotropy was not observed in the outer magnetosphere supporting the probable existence of a planetary wind in this region. Near the dawn meredian particle streaming away from the planet begins at about 15 RJ. On both the P-10 inbound and P-11 outbound passes, there are regions where only partial corotation is achieved. In the mid-magnetosphere, field-aligned streaming away from the near-equatorial current sheet region is the most prominent feature. At mid-latitudes in the subsolar regime, the streaming pattern is more chaotic and its magnitude is smaller. Qualitative discussions are presented for a number of possible mechanisms which could produce this streaming

    Energetic particles in the pre-dawn magnetotail of Jupiter

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    A detailed account is given of the energetic electron and proton populations as observed with Voyagers 1 and 2 during their passes through the dawn magnetotail of Jupiter. The region between 20 and 150 R sub J is dominated by a thin plasma sheet, where trapped energetic electron and proton fluxes reach their maximum. Proton spectra can be represented by an exponential in rigidity with a characteristic energy of approximately 50 keV. Proton anisotropies were consistent with corotation even at 100 R sub J. A major proton acceleration event as well as several cases of field aligned proton streaming were observed. The flux of 0.4 MeV protons decreases by three orders of magnitude between 30 and 90 R sub J and then remains relatively constant to the magnetopause. Fine structure in the data indicate longitudinal asymmetries with respect to the dipole orientation. Electron spectra in the magnetosheath and interplanetary space are modulated by the Jovian longitude relative to the subsolar point

    Holographic Image Reconstruction from Electron Diffraction Intensities of Ordered Superstructures

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    We report on a novel holographic reconstruction of well resolved atomic images from discrete spot intensities appearing in low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) from crystalline surfaces. This opens holographic LEED to the wide field of ordered systems giving access to rather complex surface structures

    Applications of active microwave imagery

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    The following topics were discussed in reference to active microwave applications: (1) Use of imaging radar to improve the data collection/analysis process; (2) Data collection tasks for radar that other systems will not perform; (3) Data reduction concepts; and (4) System and vehicle parameters: aircraft and spacecraft

    Differentialdiagnose des pulmonalen Infiltrates nach Pneumothorax-Drainage

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    Zusammenfassung: Das Reexpansionsödem der Lunge stellt insgesamt eine seltene Komplikation sowohl im Rahmen der Pneumothoraxtherapie als auch bei der Behandlung des ausgedehnten Pleuraergusses dar. Die Pathogenese ist nicht vollständig geklärt und scheint multifaktoriell zu sein. Bei Auftreten von Atembeschwerden nach Reexpansion einer zuvor kollabierten Lunge sollte unbedingt an ein Reexpansionsödem als mögliche Ursache gedacht werde

    Radon diffusion through tissue

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    Novel Reconstruction Mechanism for Dangling-Bond Minimization: Combined Method Surface Structure Determination of SiC(111)-(3×3)

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    The SiC(111)−(3×3) phase was analyzed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) holography, density functional theory (DFT), and conventional LEED. A single adatom per unit cell found in STM acts as a beam splitter for the holographic inversion of discrete LEED spot intensities. The resulting 3D image guides the detailed analyses by LEED and DFT which find a Si tetramer on a twisted Si adlayer with cloverlike rings. This twist model with one dangling bond left per unit cell represents a novel (n×n)-reconstruction mechanism of group-IV (111) surfaces

    Stage-specific control of niche positioning and integrity in the Drosophila testis

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    A fundamental question is how complex structures are maintained after their initial specification. Stem cells reside in a specialized microenvironment, called niche, which provides essential signals controlling stem cell behavior. We addressed this question by studying the Drosophila male stem cell niche, called the hub. Once specified, the hub cells need to maintain their position and architectural integrity through embryonic, larval and pupal stages of testis organogenesis and during adult life. The Hox gene Abd-. B, in addition to its described role in male embryonic gonads, maintains the architecture and positioning of the larval hub from the germline by affecting integrin localization in the neighboring somatic cyst cells. We find that the AbdB-Boss/Sev cascade affects integrin independent of Talin, while genetic interactions depict integrin as the central downstream player in this system. Focal adhesion and integrin-adaptor proteins within the somatic stem cells and cyst cells, such as Paxillin, Pinch and Vav, also contribute to proper hub integrity and positioning. During adult stages, hub positioning is controlled by Abd-B activity in the outer acto-myosin sheath, while Abd-B expression in adult spermatocytes exerts no effect on hub positioning and integrin localization. Our data point at a cell- and stage-specific function of Abd-B and suggest that the occurrence of new cell types and cell interactions in the course of testis organogenesis made it necessary to adapt the whole system by reusing the same players for male stem cell niche positioning and integrity in an alternative manner. © 2015
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