3,744 research outputs found

    Decoherence in a dynamical quantum phase transition

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    Motivated by the similarity between adiabatic quantum algorithms and quantum phase transitions, we study the impact of decoherence on the sweep through a second-order quantum phase transition for the prototypical example of the Ising chain in a transverse field and compare it to the adiabatic version of Grovers search algorithm, which displays a first order quantum phase transition. For site-independent and site-dependent coupling strengths as well as different operator couplings, the results show that (in contrast to first-order transitions) the impact of decoherence caused by a weak coupling to a rather general environment increases with system size (i.e., number of spins/qubits). This might limit the scalability of the corresponding adiabatic quantum algorithm.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Empirical logic of finite automata: microstatements versus macrostatements

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    We compare the two approaches to the empirical logic of automata. The first, called partition logic (logic of microstatements), refers to experiments on individual automata. The second one, the logic of simulation (logic of macrostatements), deals with ensembles of automata.Comment: late

    Generalized 2d dilaton gravity with matter fields

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    We extend the classical integrability of the CGHS model of 2d dilaton gravity [1] to a larger class of models, allowing the gravitational part of the action to depend more generally on the dilaton field and, simultaneously, adding fermion- and U(1)-gauge-fields to the scalar matter. On the other hand we provide the complete solution of the most general dilaton-dependent 2d gravity action coupled to chiral fermions. The latter analysis is generalized to a chiral fermion multiplet with a non-abelian gauge symmetry as well as to the (anti-)self-dual sector df = *df (df = -*df) of a scalar field f.Comment: 37 pages, Latex; typos and Eqs. (44,45) corrected; paragraph on p. 26, referring to a work of S. Solodukhin, reformulated; references adde

    Direct measurement of the size of 2003 UB313 from the Hubble Space Telescope

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    We have used the Hubble Space Telescope to directly measure the angular size of the large Kuiper belt object 2003 UB313. By carefully calibrating the point spread function of a nearby field star, we measure the size of 2003 UB313 to be 34.3±\pm1.4 milliarcseconds, corresponding to a diameter of 2400±\pm100 km or a size 5\sim5% larger than Pluto. The V band geometric albedo of 2003 UB313 is 86±786\pm7%. The extremely high albedo is consistent with the frosty methane spectrum, the lack of red coloring, and the lack of observed photometric variation on the surface of 2003 UB313. Methane photolysis should quickly darken the surface of 2003 UB313, but continuous evaporation and redeposition of surface ices appears capable of maintaining the extreme alebdo of this body

    Sequence differences between histones of procyclic Trypanosoma brucei brucei and higher eukaryotes

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    Four histones, a, b, c, d from procyclic Trypanosoma brucei brucei, which show similarities with the amino acid composition of the core histones H3, H2A, H2B and H4, were isolated and cleaved with Endoproteinase Glu-C. The fragments were separated by FPLC reversed phase chromatography and a subset of the fragments (a5, a9, b6, c8, d3, d9, d11) was subjected to sequence analysis. A 54-71% identity was found in the sequences of the fragment c8 and the C-terminal half of H2B and of three fragments of protein d covering the N-terminal half as well as the C-terminal region of H4. The amino acid sequence of the fragment a9 showed a 57 and 54% identity with H3 sequences of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis. Neither the a5 nor the b6 sequence could be aligned with histone sequences of other eukaryotes. The significant differences of 21-48% between the T. b. brucei, histone sequences and those of calf thymus histones, which are more pronounced than the differences of Tetrahymena pyriformis and the higher eukaryote, resulted partially from replacements of amino acids with different properties and indicate specific patterns of histone-histone and/or histone-DNA contact sites in the nucleosome of T. b. brucei. These differences, together with the lack of a functional histone H1, may be sufficient to explain the lack of a salt-dependent formation of the nucleosome filament into the 30 nm fibre, which reflects alternative methods of organizing and processing the genetic information in the nucleus of the protozoan parasite and which may be of chemotherapeutic significanc

    ‘Go or Grow': the key to the emergence of invasion in tumour progression?

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    Uncontrolled proliferation and abnormal cell migration are two of the main characteristics of tumour growth. Of ultimate importance is the question what are the mechanisms that trigger the progression from benign neoplasms (uncontrolled/autonomous proliferation) to malignant invasive tumours (high migration). In the following, we challenge the currently prevailing view that the emergence of invasiveness is mainly the consequence of acquired cancer cell mutations. To study this, we mainly focus on the ‘glioblastoma multiforme' (GBM) tumour which is a particularly aggressive and invasive tumour. In particular, with the help of a simple growth model, we demonstrate that the short time required for the recurrence of a GBM tumour after a gross total resection cannot be deduced solely from a mutation-based theory. We propose that the transition to invasive tumour phenotypes can be explained on the basis of the microscopic ‘Go or Grow' mechanism (migration/proliferation dichotomy) and the oxygen shortage, i.e. hypoxia, in the environment of a growing tumour. We test this hypothesis with the help of a lattice-gas cellular automaton. Finally, we suggest possible therapies that could help prevent the progression towards malignancy and invasiveness of benign tumour

    Reverse quantum state engineering using electronic feedback loops

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    We propose an all-electronic technique to manipulate and control interacting quantum systems by unitary single-jump feedback conditioned on the outcome of a capacitively coupled electrometer and in particular a single-electron transistor. We provide a general scheme to stabilize pure states in the quantum system and employ an effective Hamiltonian method for the quantum master equation to elaborate on the nature of stabilizable states and the conditions under which state purification can be achieved. The state engineering within the quantum feedback scheme is shown to be linked with the solution of an inverse eigenvalue problem. Two applications of the feedback scheme are presented in detail: (i) stabilization of delocalized pure states in a single charge qubit and (ii) entanglement stabilization in two coupled charge qubits. In the latter example we demonstrate the stabilization of a maximally entangled Bell state for certain detector positions and local feedback operations.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, to be published by New Journal of Physics (2013

    Discovery of 9 Ly alpha emitters at redshift z~3.1 using narrow-band imaging and VLT spectroscopy

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    Narrow-band imaging surveys aimed at detecting the faint emission from the 5007 [O III] line of intracluster planetary nebulae in Virgo also probe high redshift z=3.1 Ly alpha emitters. Here we report on the spectroscopic identification of 9 Ly alpha emitters at z=3.13, obtained with the FORS spectrograph at Unit 1 of the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT UT1). The spectra of these high redshift objects show a narrow, isolated Ly alpha emission with very faint (frequently undetected) continuum, indicating a large equivalent width. No other features are visible in our spectra. Our Ly alpha emitters are quite similar to those found by Hu (1998), Cowie & Hu (1998) and Hu et al. (1998). Using simple population synthesis models, on the assumption that these sources are regions of star formation, we conclude that the nebulae are nearly optically thick and must have a very low dust content, in order to explain the high observed Ly alpha equivalent widths. For the cosmological and star formation parameters we adopted, the total stellar mass produced would seem to correspond to the formation of rather small galaxies, some of which are perhaps destined to merge. The implied star formation density in our sampled comoving volume is probably somewhat smaller than, but of the same order of magnitude as the star formation density at z=3 derived by other authors from Lyman-break galaxy surveys. This result agrees with the expectation that the Ly alpha emitters are a low-metallicity (or low-dust) tail in a distribution of star forming regions at high redshifts. Finally, the Ly alpha emitters may contribute as many H-ionizing photons as QSOs at z=3.Comment: 26 pages, 17 Postscript figures, ApJ in pres

    Вплив природних та штучних радіонуклідів на стан здоров'я людини (огляд)

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    Здійснено огляд основних етапів досліджень з впливу природних та штучних радіонуклідів на стан здоров'я людини. Розглянуто методи профілактики захворювань спровокованих радіоактивним випромінюванням. На основі узагальнення наукової літератури про вплив радіонуклідів на людину запропоновано можливі шляхи розширення лікувальних процедур з використанням водних розчинів, які містять іони калію і мають радіоактивність в діапазоні 20-400 Бк/л, що спричинено радіонуклідом 40К і залежить від концентрації іонів калію