73 research outputs found

    Decomposable representations and Lagrangian submanifolds of moduli spaces associated to surface groups

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    In this paper, we construct a Lagrangian submanifold of the moduli space associated to the fundamental group of a punctured Riemann surface (the space of representations of this fundamental group into a compact connected Lie group). This Lagrangian submanifold is obtained as the fixed-point set of an anti-symplectic involution defined on the moduli space. The notion of decomposable representation provides a geometric interpretation of this Lagrangian submanifold

    Microfluidic platform for electrophysiological studies on Xenopus laevis oocytes under varying gravity levels

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    Voltage clamp measurements reveal important insights into the activity of membrane ion channels. While conventional voltage clamp systems are available for laboratory studies, these instruments are generally unsuitable for more rugged operating environments. In this study, we present a non-invasive microfluidic voltage clamp system developed for the use under varying gravity levels. The core component is a multilayer microfluidic device that provides an immobilisation site for Xenopus laevis oocytes on an intermediate layer, and fluid and electrical connections from either side of the cell. The configuration that we term the asymmetrical transoocyte voltage clamp (ATOVC) also permits electrical access to the cytosol of the oocyte without physical introduction of electrodes by permeabilisation of a large region of the oocyte membrane so that a defined membrane patch can be voltage clamped. The constant low level air pressure applied to the oocyte ensures stable immobilisation, which is essential for keeping the leak resistance constant even under varying gravitational forces. The ease of oocyte mounting and immobilisation combined with the robustness and complete enclosure of the fluidics system allow the use of the ATOVC under extreme environmental conditions, without the need for intervention by a human operator. Results for oocytes over-expressing the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) obtained under laboratory conditions as well as under conditions of micro- and hypergravity demonstrate the high reproducibility and stability of the ATOVC system under distinct mechanical scenarios

    Reviewing the use of resilience concepts in forest sciences

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    Purpose of the review Resilience is a key concept to deal with an uncertain future in forestry. In recent years, it has received increasing attention from both research and practice. However, a common understanding of what resilience means in a forestry context, and how to operationalise it is lacking. Here, we conducted a systematic review of the recent forest science literature on resilience in the forestry context, synthesising how resilience is defined and assessed. Recent findings Based on a detailed review of 255 studies, we analysed how the concepts of engineering resilience, ecological resilience, and social-ecological resilience are used in forest sciences. A clear majority of the studies applied the concept of engineering resilience, quantifying resilience as the recovery time after a disturbance. The two most used indicators for engineering resilience were basal area increment and vegetation cover, whereas ecological resilience studies frequently focus on vegetation cover and tree density. In contrast, important social-ecological resilience indicators used in the literature are socio-economic diversity and stock of natural resources. In the context of global change, we expected an increase in studies adopting the more holistic social-ecological resilience concept, but this was not the observed trend. Summary Our analysis points to the nestedness of these three resilience concepts, suggesting that they are complementary rather than contradictory. It also means that the variety of resilience approaches does not need to be an obstacle for operationalisation of the concept. We provide guidance for choosing the most suitable resilience concept and indicators based on the management, disturbance and application context

    Effets de la récurrence des incendies sur le comportement du feu dans des suberaies (Quercus suber L.) et maquis méditerranéens sur les cinquante derniÚres années

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    International audiencePast fire recurrence impacts the vegetation structure, and it is consequently hypothesized to alter its future fire behaviour. We examined the fire behaviour in shrubland-forest mosaics of southeastern France, which were organized along a range of fire frequency (0 to 3–4 fires along the past 50 years) and had different time intervals between fires. The mosaic was dominated by Quercus suber L. and Erica–Cistus shrubland communities. We described the vegetation structure through measurements of tree height, base of tree crown or shrub layer, mean diameter, cover, plant water content and bulk density. We used the physical model Firetec to simulate the fire behaviour. Fire intensity, fire spread, plant water content and biomass loss varied significantly according to fire recurrence and vegetation structure, mainly linked to the time since the last fire, then the number of fires. These results confirm that past fire recurrence affects future fire behaviour, with multi-layered vegetation (particularly high shrublands) producing more intense fires, contrary to submature Quercus woodlands that have not burnt since 1959 and that are unlikely to reburn. Further simulations, with more vegetation scenes according to shrub and canopy covers, will complete this study in order to discuss the fire propagation risk in heterogeneous vegetation, particularly in the Mediterranean area, with a view to a local management of these ecosystems.La combustibilitĂ© de 51 placettes correspondant Ă  diffĂ©rentes rĂ©currences d’incendies depuis 1959 (0 Ă  4 feux) a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e en Provence siliceuse. Les Ă©cosystĂšmes Ă©tudiĂ©s sont des suberaies dominĂ©es par Quercus suber L., et des maquis Ă  Erica arborea L. et Ă  cistes. Les donnĂ©es descriptives de la vĂ©gĂ©tation combustible (composition, biomasse, recouvrement, hauteur) ont Ă©tĂ© entrĂ©es dans un modĂšle physique du feu (Firetec) afin d’obtenir des variables descriptives du comportement de feu. Les pertes en masse et en eau de la vĂ©gĂ©tation, la vitesse de propagation et l’intensitĂ© du feu augmentent de façon significative avec la continuitĂ© verticale du combustible, qui dĂ©pend principalement du temps depuis le dernier feu, puis du nombre de feux. Les rĂ©sultats confirment l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle le feu est particuliĂšrement intense et rapide dans des peuplements multi-stratifiĂ©s Ă  forte charge en Ă©lĂ©ments fins et forte connexion spatiale entre les individus, tels que les maquis hauts dĂ©veloppĂ©s aprĂšs un seul feu intense en cinquante ans. Au contraire, le feu ne se propage pas dans les forĂȘts de chĂȘnes submatures n’ayant pas brĂ»lĂ© depuis au moins cinquante ans et caractĂ©risĂ©es par une faible connectivitĂ© verticale entre la canopĂ©e et le sous-Ă©tage, favorisant ainsi un effet « auto-protecteur » contre les incendies futurs. Ces informations permettent de discuter de la gestion de la vĂ©gĂ©tation, en particulier la surveillance ou le dĂ©broussaillement local des maquis hauts grandement combustibles, pour diminuer le risque de propagation des feux Ă  l’échelle de la parcelle

    Intersezioni e contaminazioni

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    Contenuti e metodologie di carattere formativo di un maestro orientale

    The positive allosteric modulator at mGlu2 receptors, LY487379, reverses the effects of chronic stress-induced behavioral maladaptation and synaptic dysfunction in the adulthood

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    Chronic stress induces maladaptive neural responses in several brain areas including hippocampus. It has been demonstrated that chronic stress exposure induced a downregulation of the putative presynaptic type 2 metabotropic glutamate (mGlu2) receptors, which would reduce the negative feedback role exerted by these receptors. The reduced availability of these receptors would enhance glutamate overflow in the hippocampus, supporting the hypothesis that hippocampal glutamatergic neurotransmission plays a key etiopathological determinant in stress-induced neuropsychiatric disorders. Since modulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission has been shown to represent an interesting pharmacological tool to treat psychiatric disorders, in the present study we have investigated the effects of the mGlu2 receptor positive allosteric modulator (PAM) LY487379. The rational bases of our study were: (a) chronic restraint stress (CRS) application in C57/BALB6 mouse induced a loss of resilience at the behavioral, biochemical, and electrophysiological level; (b) a superimposed familiar stressor (restraint) but not unfamiliar (i.e., forced swim stress) completely reversed the effects of CRS. Using the CRS model, in the present study we have investigated the effects of LY487379, an mGlu2 PAM, as well as a superimposed familiar stressor (acute restraint stress-ARS), on the immobility time at the tail suspension test and electrophysiological profile of glutamatergic transmission in the dentate gyrus (DG)
