205 research outputs found

    Realizing the potential of astrostatistics and astroinformatics

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    This Astro2020 State of the Profession Consideration White Paper highlights the growth of astrostatistics and astroinformatics in astronomy, identifies key issues hampering the maturation of these new subfields, and makes recommendations for structural improvements at different levels that, if acted upon, will make significant positive impacts across astronomy

    The Grizzly, October 2, 1990

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    Books Stolen From Students and Professors: Suspect Arrested, 81 Books Confiscated • New Era of Recycling to Change Actions and Minds • Utilities Tunnel Nears Completion • Hardman\u27s Biography of Finney Turns Paperback • Gender Stereotypes by Dr. Englund • Speech Exemption Exam • Stolen Book List • Foreign Spotlight • Ghost Search Continues • AC/DC High Voltage Rock N\u27 Roll • Cop Rock Off-Key • Prince Premier • WVOU Schedule • Medieval Melodies Fill Forum • Homecoming Candidates • Vital Signs of the Trauma Center • Summer Science at Ursinus • Facelift for LSB • Bear Pack Wins Mets • Come Sailing! • Bears Lose 12-7 • Flag Football Kicks Off • Wagner Takes First in Mets Meet • US Must Aid Soviet Economic Woes • Temple Strike: Avoiding The Real Issue • Letters: Doughty Appreciates Grizzly; Wall Destruction Coincidental? • Soccer Working Hard • Hockey Splitshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1259/thumbnail.jp

    Advancing the Selection of Neurodevelopmental Measures in Epidemiological Studies of Environmental Chemical Exposure and Health Effects

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    With research suggesting increasing incidence of pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders, questions regarding etiology continue to be raised. Neurodevelopmental function tests have been used in epidemiology studies to evaluate relationships between environmental chemical exposures and neurodevelopmental deficits. Limitations of currently used tests and difficulties with their interpretation have been described, but a comprehensive critical examination of tests commonly used in studies of environmental chemicals and pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders has not been conducted. We provide here a listing and critical evaluation of commonly used neurodevelopmental tests in studies exploring effects from chemical exposures and recommend measures that are not often used, but should be considered. We also discuss important considerations in selecting appropriate tests and provide a case study by reviewing the literature on polychlorinated biphenyls

    SN 2010jl: Optical to Hard X-ray Observations Reveal an Explosion Embedded In a Ten Solar Mass Cocoon

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    Some supernovae (SNe) may be powered by the interaction of the SN ejecta with a large amount of circumstellar matter (CSM). However, quantitative estimates of the CSM mass around such SNe are missing when the CSM material is optically thick. Specifically, current estimators are sensitive to uncertainties regarding the CSM density profile and the ejecta velocity. Here we outline a method to measure the mass of the optically thick CSM around such SNe. We present new visible-light and X-ray observations of SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf), including the first detection of an SN in the hard X-ray band using NuSTAR. The total radiated luminosity of SN 2010jl is extreme—at least 9 × 1050 erg. By modeling the visible-light data, we robustly show that the mass of the circumstellar material within ~1016 cm of the progenitor of SN 2010jl was in excess of 10 M☉. This mass was likely ejected tens of years prior to the SN explosion. Our modeling suggests that the shock velocity during shock breakout was ~6000 km s–1, decelerating to ~2600 km s–1 about 2 yr after maximum light. Furthermore, our late-time NuSTAR and XMM spectra of the SN presumably provide the first direct measurement of SN shock velocity 2 yr after the SN maximum light—measured to be in the range of 2000-4500 km s–1 if the ions and electrons are in equilibrium, and ≳2000 km s–1 if they are not in equilibrium. This measurement is in agreement with the shock velocity predicted by our modeling of the visible-light data. Our observations also show that the average radial density distribution of the CSM roughly follows an r–2 law. A possible explanation for the ≳10 M☉ of CSM and the wind-like profile is that they are the result of multiple pulsational pair instability events prior to the SN explosion, separated from each other by years

    Estimating past hepatitis C infection risk from reported risk factor histories: implications for imputing age of infection and modeling fibrosis progression

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    BackgroundChronic hepatitis C virus infection is prevalent and often causes hepatic fibrosis, which can progress to cirrhosis and cause liver cancer or liver failure. Study of fibrosis progression often relies on imputing the time of infection, often as the reported age of first injection drug use. We sought to examine the accuracy of such imputation and implications for modeling factors that influence progression rates.MethodsWe analyzed cross-sectional data on hepatitis C antibody status and reported risk factor histories from two large studies, the Women’s Interagency HIV Study and the Urban Health Study, using modern survival analysis methods for current status data to model past infection risk year by year. We compared fitted distributions of past infection risk to reported age of first injection drug use.ResultsAlthough injection drug use appeared to be a very strong risk factor, models for both studies showed that many subjects had considerable probability of having been infected substantially before or after their reported age of first injection drug use. Persons reporting younger age of first injection drug use were more likely to have been infected after, and persons reporting older age of first injection drug use were more likely to have been infected before.ConclusionsIn studies of fibrosis progression, modern methods such as multiple imputation should be used to account for the substantial uncertainty about when infection occurred. The models presented here can provide the inputs needed by such methods. Using reported age of first injection drug use as the time of infection in studies of fibrosis progression is likely to produce a spuriously strong association of younger age of infection with slower rate of progression
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