583 research outputs found

    Tests of a multichannel photometer based on silicon diode detectors

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    A breadboard photometer was constructed that demonstrates a precision of 2 times 10 to the 4th power in the laboratory and scintillation-limited performance when used with an 0.5 m aperture telescope. Because the detectors and preamps are not cooled, only stars with m sub v approx. less than 4 are bright enough to allow the photometer to attain a precision of 1 times 10 to the 3rd power for three minute observations with an 0.5 m aperature telescope. Cooling the telescope should allow much fainter stars to be observed. Increasing the aperture of the telescope will allow higher precision and the observation of fainter stars

    Genetic Influences on Receptive Joint Attention in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

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    Despite their genetic similarity to humans, our understanding of the role of genes on cognitive traits in chimpanzees remains virtually unexplored. Here, we examined the relationship between genetic variation in the arginine vasopressin V1a receptor gene (AVPR1A) and social cognition in chimpanzees. Studies have shown that chimpanzees are polymorphic for a deletion in a sequence in the 59 flanking region of the AVPR1A, DupB, which contains the variable RS3 repetitive element, which has been associated with variation in social behavior in humans. Results revealed that performance on the social cognition task was significantly heritable. Furthermore, males with one DupB1 allele performed significantly better and were more responsive to socio-communicative cues than males homozygous for the DupB- deletion. Performance on a non-social cognition task was not associated with the AVPR1A genotype. The collective findings show that AVPR1A polymorphisms are associated with individual differences in performance on a receptive joint attention task in chimpanzees

    Structures of Ruthenium-modified Pseudomonas aeruginosa Azurin and [Ru(2,2’-bipyridine)_2(imidazole)_2)]SO_4•10H_2O

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    The crystal structure of Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)_2(imidazole)(His83)azurin (RuAz) has been determined to 2.3 Å ¬resolution by X-ray crystallography. The spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of both the native protein and [Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)_2(imidazole)_2]^(2+) are maintained in the modified protein. Dark-green RuAz crystals grown from PEG 4000, LiNO_3, CuCl_2 and Tris buffer are monoclinic, belong to the space group C2 and have cell parameters a = 100.6, b = 35.4, c = 74.7 Å and β = 106.5°. In addition, [Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)_2(imidazole)_2]SO_4•10H_2O was synthesized, crystallized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Red-brown crystals of this complex are monoclinic, space group P2_1/n, unit-cell parameters a = 13.230 (2), b = 18.197 (4), c = 16.126 (4) Å, β = 108.65 (2)°. Stereochemical parameters for the refinement of Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)_2(imidazole)(His83) were taken from the atomic coordinates of [Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)_2(imidazole)_2]^(2+). The structure of RuAz confirms that His83 is the only site of chemical modification and that the native azurin structure is not perturbed significantly by the ruthenium label

    The Mid-Infrared Emission of M87

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    We discuss Subaru and Spitzer Space Telescope imaging and spectroscopy of M87 in the mid-infrared from 5-35 um. These observations allow us to investigate mid-IR emission mechanisms in the core of M87 and to establish that the flaring, variable jet component HST-1 is not a major contributor to the mid-IR flux. The Spitzer data include a high signal-to-noise 15-35 μ\mum spectrum of the knot A/B complex in the jet, which is consistent with synchrotron emission. However, a synchrotron model cannot account for the observed {\it nuclear} spectrum, even when contributions from the jet, necessary due to the degrading of resolution with wavelength, are included. The Spitzer data show a clear excess in the spectrum of the nucleus at wavelengths longer than 25 um, which we model as thermal emission from cool dust at a characteristic temperature of 55 \pm 10 K, with an IR luminosity \sim 10^{39} {\rm ~erg ~s^{-1}}. Given Spitzer's few-arcsecond angular resolution, the dust seen in the nuclear spectrum could be located anywhere within ~5'' (390 pc) of the nucleus. In any case, the ratio of AGN thermal to bolometric luminosity indicates that M87 does not contain the IR-bright torus that classical unified AGN schemes invoke. However, this result is consistent with theoretical predictions for low-luminosity AGNsComment: 9 pages, 7 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Comparison of TOMS and AVHRR volcanic ash retrievals from the August 1992 eruption of Mt. Spurr

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    On August 19, 1992, the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) onboard NOAA-12 and NASA\u27s Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) onboard the Nimbus-7 satellite simultaneously detected and mapped the ash cloud from the eruption of Mt. Spurr, Alaska. The spatial extent and geometry of the cloud derived from the two datasets are in good agreement and both AVHRR split window IR (11–12µm brightness temperature difference) and the TOMS UV Aerosol Index (0.34–0.38µm ultraviolet backscattering and absorption) methods give the same range of total cloud ash mass. Redundant methods for determination of ash masses in drifting volcanic clouds offer many advantages for potential application to the mitigation of aircraft hazards

    CASTER - a concept for a Black Hole Finder Probe based on the use of new scintillator technologies

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    The primary scientific mission of the Black Hole Finder Probe (BHFP), part of the NASA Beyond Einstein program, is to survey the local Universe for black holes over a wide range of mass and accretion rate. One approach to such a survey is a hard X-ray coded-aperture imaging mission operating in the 10--600 keV energy band, a spectral range that is considered to be especially useful in the detection of black hole sources. The development of new inorganic scintillator materials provides improved performance (for example, with regards to energy resolution and timing) that is well suited to the BHFP science requirements. Detection planes formed with these materials coupled with a new generation of readout devices represent a major advancement in the performance capabilities of scintillator-based gamma cameras. Here, we discuss the Coded Aperture Survey Telescope for Energetic Radiation (CASTER), a concept that represents a BHFP based on the use of the latest scintillator technology.Comment: 12 pages; conference paper presented at the SPIE conference "UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XIV." To be published in SPIE Conference Proceedings, vol. 589

    Neurosurgical team acceptability of brain-computer interfaces: a two-stage international cross-sectional survey

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    OBJECTIVE: Invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) require neurosurgical implantation, which confers a range of risks. Despite this, no studies have assessed the acceptability of invasive BCIs amongst the neurosurgical team. This study aims to establish baseline knowledge of BCIs within the neurosurgical team and identify attitudes towards different applications of invasive BCI. METHOD: A two-stage cross-sectional international survey of the neurosurgical team (neurosurgeons, anaesthetists, and operating room nurses) was conducted. Results from the first, qualitative, survey were used to guide the second stage quantitative survey, which assessed acceptability of invasive BCI applications. 5-part Likert Scales were used to collect quantitative data. Surveys were distributed internationally via social media and collaborators. RESULTS: 108 qualitative responses were collected. Themes included the promise of BCIs positively impacting disease targets, concerns regarding stability, and an overall positive emotional reaction to BCI technology. The quantitative survey generated 538 responses from 32 countries. Baseline knowledge of BCI technology was poor, with 9% claiming to have a ‘good’ or ‘expert’ knowledge of BCIs. Acceptability of invasive BCI for rehabilitative purposes was >80%. Invasive BCI for augmentation in healthy populations divided opinion. CONCLUSION: The neurosurgical team’s view of the acceptability of BCI was divided across a range of indications. Some applications (for example stroke rehabilitation) were viewed as more appropriate than other applications (such as augmentation for military use). This range in views highlights the need for stakeholder consultation on acceptable use cases along with regulation and guidance to govern initial BCI implantations if patients are to realise the potential benefits

    CASTER: a scintillator-based black hole finder probe

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    The primary scientific mission of the Black Hole Finder Probe (BHFP), part of the NASA Beyond Einstein program, is to survey the local Universe for black holes over a wide range of mass and accretion rate. One approach to such a survey is a hard X-ray coded-aperture imaging mission operating in the 10-600 keV energy band, a spectral range that is considered to be especially useful in the detection of black hole sources. The development of new inorganic scintillator materials provides improved performance (for example, with regards to energy resolution and timing) that is well suited to the BHFP science requirements. Detection planes formed with these materials coupled with a new generation of readout devices represent a major advancement in the performance capabilities of scintillator-based gamma cameras. Here, we discuss the Coded Aperture Survey Telescope for Energetic Radiation (CASTER), a concept that represents a BHFP based on the use of the latest scintillator technology

    Abemaciclib in Combination with Single-Agent Options in Patients with Stage IV Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase Ib Study

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    Purpose: Abemaciclib, a dual inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases 4 and 6, has demonstrated preclinical activity in non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A multicenter, nonrandomized, open-label phase Ib study was conducted to test safety, MTD, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary antitumor activity of abemaciclib in combination with other therapies for treatment in patients with metastatic NSCLC. Patients and Methods: An initial dose escalation phase was used to determine the MTD of twice-daily oral abemaciclib (150, 200 mg) plus pemetrexed, gemcitabine, or ramucirumab, followed by an expansion phase for each drug combination. Pemetrexed and gemcitabine were administered according to label. The abemaciclib plus ramucirumab study examined two dosing schedules. Results: The three study parts enrolled 86 patients; all received ≥1 dose of combination therapy. Across arms, the most common treatment-emergent adverse events were fatigue, diarrhea, neutropenia, decreased appetite, and nausea. The trial did not identify an abemaciclib MTD for the combination with pemetrexed or gemcitabine but did so for the combination of abemaciclib with days 1 and 8 ramucirumab (8 mg/kg). Plasma sample analysis showed that abemaciclib did not influence the pharmacokinetics of the combination agents and the combination agents did not affect abemaciclib exposure. The disease control rate was 57% for patients treated with abemaciclib–pemetrexed, 25% for abemaciclib–gemcitabine, and 54% for abemaciclib–ramucirumab. Median progression-free survival was 5.55, 1.58, and 4.83 months, respectively. Conclusions: Abemaciclib demonstrated an acceptable safety profile when dosed on a continuous twice-daily schedule in combination with pemetrexed, gemcitabine, or ramucirumab. Abemaciclib exposures remained consistent with those observed in single-agent studies
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