84 research outputs found

    The Feasibility of the Road and Park Pricing to Support the Transport Policies

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    Motivational factors influencing behavioural responses to charging measures in freight operator sector

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    The present paper aims to provide insights into freight operators’ attitudes with differentiated charges and their opinions about charges’ effectiveness and future behavioural responses. Thereby, we investigate whether motivational factors, particularly acceptability towards road charges, play an important role on future behavioural adaptations according to charging schemes. Interview surveys have been conducted and have focused on freight operators and road hauliers’ perception and attitudes towards differentiated transport charges and several aspects of differentiation. Results show that a global index of acceptability of differentiation elements is particularly strongly correlated to the likelihood of future behavioural changes in medium terms as well as in long terms. These findings indicate that positive attitudes towards differentiated prices are also in the freight sector relevant for prospective success and effectiveness of pricing measures. Differences in likelihood of behavioural responses between several time horizons imply that effects of differentiated pricing in the freight operator sector affect behaviour more in the long run than in short term. Further findings show that the attitudes of the surveyed freight companies towards various elements of differentiation differ. Results suggest that differentiation elements which relate to changes at vehicle side are rated as more acceptable than differentiation elements which refer to concrete behavioural changes

    The Feasibility of the Road and Park Pricing to Support the Transport Policies

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    Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra no âmbito do 2.º Ciclo de Estudos em Direito (conducente ao grau de Mestre), especialização em Ciências Jurídico-Políticas / menção em Direito Constituciona

    Akzeptanz von Straßenbenutzungsgebühren: Entwicklung und Überprüfung eines Modells

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    Several research projects all over the world have considered transport pricing measures and policies as promising attempts to solve urgent traffic problems in urban areas. One important precondition for the successful implementation of pricing strategies is public acceptability. However, empirical findings have shown that the acceptability of such strategies in general is very low. Aim of this dissertation is to analyse the reasons for the low acceptability of road pricing. The dissertation is organized as follows: Firstly, the problems related to transport and the measures to cope with these problems are outlined. The focus is thereby on economic measures such as road user fees, whose economic and traffic-related assumptions are discussed. Then, a definition of the terms used is given and main European results concerning the current acceptability level of various travel demand management (TDM) strategies are reported. Moreover, a theoretical framework is developed which attempts to identify the essential factors determining transport pricing acceptability. In two empirical studies (N1 = 923, N2 = 667), it is investigated whether and to what extent these factors contribute to the explanation of acceptability. Finally, conclusions are drawn and some recommendations for future research are given.Straßenbenutzungsgebühren für den privaten Autoverkehr sind vielfach als sinnvoll und wünschenswert vor allem zur Lösung der zahlreichen Verkehrsprobleme in städtischen Ballungsräumen begründet worden. Bisher ist es jedoch nicht zu einer nennenswerten Umsetzung dieser Maßnahmen gekommen. Es herrscht in der Literatur Einigkeit, daß die geringe Akzeptanz von Straßenbenutzungsgebühren in der Bevölkerung und die deutliche Ablehnung bei den betroffenen Autofahrern die wesentlichen Gründe für den fehlenden politischen Willen sind, road pricing einzuführen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Ursachen und Bedingungen für die mangelnde Akzeptanz von Straßenbenutzungsgebühren bei den betroffenen Autofahrern zu untersuchen. Die Arbeit ist wie folgt aufgebaut: Im ersten Abschnitt wird die Ausgangslage und der Problemhintergrund dargestellt. Es wird erläutert, welche negativen Konsequenzen des motorisierten Individualverkehrs vorliegen, und mit welchen Maßnahmen ihnen begegnet werden kann. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf preispolitischen Maßnahmen wie Straßenbenutzungsgebühren, dessen ökonomische und verkehrswissenschaftliche Annahmen dargestellt werden. Dem gegenübergestellt wird die gesellschaftspolitische Realität: zum einen in Form der massiven Ablehnung von Straßenbenutzungsgebühren durch Bevölkerung und betroffene Autofahrer und zum anderen in Form der zahlreichen, erfolglosen und gescheiterten Versuche, Straßenbenutzungsgebühren einzuführen. Dies mündet in die Ableitung erster Forschungsfragen und in die Entwicklung des Untersuchungsansatzes. Im darauf folgenden Abschnitt werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zur Untersuchung der Akzeptanz von Straßenbenutzungsgebühren gelegt. Dabei wird zunächst geklärt, wie sich der Begriff "Akzeptanz" definieren läßt und in welche relevanten psychologischen Theorien er sich einordnet. Im Anschluß wird das Modell zur Akzeptanz von Schlag vorgestellt und analysiert. Darauf aufbauend werden die zentralen Variablen des Modells auf ihre theoretische und empirische Relevanz und unter Berücksichtigung potentiell konkurrierender Ansätze dargestellt und untersucht. Ziel ist die Klärung der logischen und kausalen Struktur des Modells und der Beziehungen der Variablen untereinander. Dies führt schließlich in die Ableitung überprüfbarer Hypothesen in Form eines erweiterten Akzeptanzmodells. Zur Überprüfung des Modells, der aufgestellten Hypothesen und Forschungsfragen werden zwei Untersuchungen berichtet (N1 = 923, N2 = 667), die inhaltlich aufeinander aufbauen. Diese wurden im Rahmen der EU-Forschungsprojekte TransPrice und AFFORD durchgeführt. Generelles Ziel ist die Validierung der Modellkonstrukte und ihrer angenommenen Beziehungen. Im letzten Abschnitt werden zusammenfassend und basierend auf den beiden Studien die wesentlichen Ergebnisse rekapituliert, sowie offene Forschungsfragen und Anforderungen abgeleitet, die sich zukünftigen Studien stellen. Schließlich wird diskutiert, welche Implikationen sich aus dieser Untersuchung ziehen lassen und welche Aspekte zu berücksichtigen sind, wenn Straßenbenutzungsgebühren der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert werden. - Die Druckexemplare enthalten jeweils eine CD-ROM als Anlagenteil: 490 KB - Nutzung: Referat Informationsvermittlung der SLU

    Real-World lnteractions between Cyclists and Automated Vehicles - A Wizard-of-Oz Experiment

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    The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) changes the way road users interact and communicate. In AVs, informal communication such as eye contact or gestures with other road users is omitted. Because interaction should still be objectively and subjectively safe, many studies are currently focusing on the communication processes between (automated) vehicles and predominantly vulnerable road users (VRUs), like pedestrians and cyclists [1 ]. These road users are highly at risk of being fatally injured in road traffic accidents, with the WHO reporting pedestrians and cyclists account for 32 % of all fatalities in Europe [2].... This shows why it is so important to study the interaction processes between VRUs, such as cyclists, and A Vs in real traffic. The algorithms of the A Vs must be able to anticipate the behavior of VRUs and thus ensure a subjectively and objectively safe interaction (cyclists should feel and be safe a.round them). This is the aim of the present study. How do cyclists behave when they encounter an apparent A V for the first time? How do they assess the situation and on what basis do they decide to cross? To answer these questions, a field study will take place in Munich in the summer of 2022, in which such interactions will be observed and the cyclists will be interviewed afterward. The study takes place within the TEMPUS project funded by the BMDV (German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport). [From: Introduction

    Analysis of the use of models by the European Commission in its Impact Assessments for the period 2009 - 2014

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    Impact Assessments (IA)are a key element in the development of policy proposals by the European Commission (EC). They provide evidence for political decision makers on the advantages and disadvantages of possible policy options by assessing their potential impacts. This evidence should be quantified whenever possible, and hence it is of interest to examine to what extent models have been used in IAs. The purpose of this report is to understand how the EC is positioned with respect to external providers as regards modelling contributions to IAs, as well to provide an input into potential future development of the Commission's model portfolio. The results of a statistical analysis for the period 2009-2014 shows that 16 % of the published 512 IAs used models or were predominantly model-based. In terms of absolute numbers, Directorate Generals (DGs) CLIMA, ENER, ENV and MOVE account for more than half (51) of the 91 model-based IAs . Within the model-based IAs, 52% used results exclusively or partially provided by external contractors, while 48% used models run in-house by DG JRC. The Commission uses a wide range of models (91 for the IAs during 2009-2014), roughly 60% of which were used only once. The 24 most frequently-used models represent 70% of all cases in which modelling were used for an IA. Notably 11 of them account for roughly 48%, almost all being run by contractors, mostly in tandem for energy-transport-climate policy scenarios. The most frequently-used model is PRIMES, used in 28 out of 263 cases (11% of the cases), followed by 10 other models which are used exclusively or predominantly with PRIMES in the context of the energy-climate scenarios (GEM-E3, TREMOVE, CAPRI, POLES, G4M, GAINS, GLOBIOM, LUISA, PROMETHEUS and TRANSTOOLS). Frequently-used models for the economic and monetary union are the in-house models QUEST and SYMBOL. The most frequently-used models of DG JRC number about 10 which have been used in 46 cases; these are energy models (GEM-E3 and POLES), followed by environmental models (the LUISA modelling platform and LISFLOOD), the micro-economic model for financial markets SYMBOL, the transport model TRANSTOOLS and the agricultural models belonging to the iMAP platform - CAPRI and AGLINK-COSIMO.JRC.A.2-Work Programm