948 research outputs found

    The role of octadecanoids and functional mimics in soybean defense responses

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    Oxylipins of the jasmonate pathway and synthetic functional analogs have been analyzed for their elicitor like activities in an assay based on the induced accumulation of glyceollins, the phytoalexins of soybean (Glycine max L.), in cell suspension cultures of this plant. Jasmonic acid (JA) and its methyl ester showed weak phytoalexininducing activity when compared to an early jasmonate biosynthetic precursor, 12-oxophytodienoic acid (OPDA), as well as to the bacterial phytotoxin coronatine and certain 6-substituted indanoylLisoleucine methyl esters, which all were highly active. Interestingly, different octadecanoids and indanoyl conjugates induced the accumulation of transcripts of various defenserelated genes to different degrees, indicating distinct induction competencies. Therefore, these signaling compounds and mimics were further analyzed for their effects on signal transduction elements, such as the transient enhancement of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration and MAP kinase activation, which are known to be initiated by a soybean pathogenderived {[}beta]glucan elicitor. In contrast to the {[}beta]glucan elicitor, none of the other compounds tested triggered these early signaling elements. Moreover, endogenous levels of OPDA and JA in soybean cells were shown to be unaffected after treatment with {[}beta]glucans. Thus, OPDA and JA, which are functionally mimicked by coronatine and a variety of 6-substituted derivatives of indanoylLisoleucine methyl ester, represent highly efficient signaling compounds of a lipidbased pathway not deployed in the {[}beta]glucan elicitorinitiated signal transduction

    Torsade de pointes bei Medikamenten-induzierter abnormer QT-Verlängerung: Einfluß von Alter und Geschlecht

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    Über die Auslösung von Torsade de Pointes (TDP) durch Medikamente wurde in den letzten Jahren immer häufiger berichtet. Diese retrospektive Studie untersucht bei hundert Patienten, bei denen TDP aufgetreten waren, die Häufigkeiten von Herzerkrankungen und Rhythmusstörungen, die Therapie und Folgen der TDP sowie die Daten der kardiologischen Diagnostik . Die Altersgruppe von 60-69 Jahren war am häufigsten vertreten. Herzerkrankungen waren bei den Männern häufiger zu finden. Frauen waren im besseren Stadium der Herzinsuffizienz. Bei den Männern traten höhergradige Rhythmusstörungen, bei den Frauen geringergradige Rhythmusstörungen auf. Überdosierungen waren selten dokumentiert

    Introducing a Specific Term to Present Caries Experience in Populations with Low Caries Prevalence: Specific Affected Caries Index (SaC)

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    Up to now, indices like the mean dmft/DMFT and the SiC (Significant Caries Index) have been used to depict caries experience in populations with high prevalence. With the caries decline, particularly for populations with low caries levels, these indices reach their statistical limits. This paper aims to introduce a specific term, the Specific affected Caries Index (SaC) for the risk groups in populations with low caries prevalence and to illustrate its use based on the consecutive German National Oral Health Survey (GNOHS) in children. In groups with a caries prevalence less than one-third of the population, many caries-free children (DMFT = 0) are included in the SiC (risk group), which calls for a new way of illustration. Mean caries experience (DMFT), caries prevalence, the SiC and SaC were portrayed for 12-year-olds in the GNOHS from 1994/95 to 2016. The SaC describes the mean caries experience (DMFT) in the group presenting caries experience (DMFT > 0). In 12-year-old 6th graders in Germany, the mean caries experience decreased from 2.4 (1994/95) to 0.4 DMFT (2016), with a recent prevalence of 21.2% (DMFT > 0, 2016). In 2016, the mean number of affected teeth in children with DMFT > 0 (SaC) was 2.1, while the SiC including 12% DMFT-free children in the risk group was 1.3. The SiC fails to reflect the caries severity in children in a population with low caries prevalence. Therefore, the newly introduced term Specific affected Caries Index (SaC) may be used to describe accurately caries experience in caries risk children in populations presenting low caries prevalence

    Особенности разработки палеозойских отложений Томской области

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    peer reviewedProton magnetic resonance spectroscopic data ((1)H-MR spectroscopy) of patients with 18q deletion syndrome have not yet been reported. (1)H-MR spectroscopy, performed in an affected 2-year-old girl with markedly delayed neuromotor development and typical supratentorial white-matter disease (WMD), showed an increase of choline and alpha-glutamate concentrations. Eight months later, simultaneously with clinical improvement, alpha-glutamate had normalised whereas choline remained slightly increased. Active demyelination or increased myelin turnover might contribute to the hitherto unexplained WMD of this rare disorder

    Anwendung der mathematischen Optimierung bei der physikalisch und geometrisch nichtlinearen Analyse und Bemessung seismisch beanspruchter Tragwerke

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    Moderne Bemessungskonzepte für seismisch beanspruchte Hochbauten, wie die Methode der Kapazitäts-bemessung, planen inelastisches Verhalten einzelner Bereiche der Konstruktion beim Entwurf bewußt ein, um so einen Teil der durch das Beben eingetragenen Energie als inelastische Formänderungsarbeit zu absorbieren. Wird bei Akzeptanz inelastischen Verhaltens eine bestimmte Belastungsintensität, die als adaptive Grenzlast oder Einspiellast bezeichnet wird, überschritten, kann es infolge zyklischer Einwirkungen zu einer unbe-grenzten Akkumulation inelastischer Deformationen kommen. Die adaptive Grenzlast stellt damit für zyklische Einwirkungen eine geeignete Kenngröße zur Bewertung der Tragwerksqualität dar, bei der neben der Sicherung des Gleichgewichts ein bestimmtes Schädigungsniveau nicht überschritten wird. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Grundzüge eines Bemessungs- und Nachweiskonzeptes für seismisch beanspruchte Stahlbetontragwerke, das unter Einbeziehung der Grundprinzipe der Kapazitätsbemessung von einem einheitlichen Kriterium zur Beschreibung des Grenzzustandes der Tragfähigkeit auf der Basis der adaptive Grenzlast ausgeht, vorgestellt. Dabei ist die Abschätzung der Verformungen notwendiger Bestandteil des Nachweis- bzw. Bemessungskonzeptes. Bei Druckgliedern ist die Berücksichtigung des Einflusses der Verformungen notwendiger Bestandteil des Bemessungskonzeptes. Entsprechende Erweiterungen der Berechnungsmodelle zur Berücksichtigung des Einflusses geometrisch nichtlinearer Effekte im Sinne einer Theorie II. Ordnung werden vorgestellt

    Stereotactic MRI-guided radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer (SMILE): a prospective, multicentric phase-II-trial

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    BACKGROUND Normofractionated radiation regimes for definitive prostate cancer treatment usually extend over 7-8 weeks. Recently, moderate hypofractionation with doses per fraction between 2.2 and 4 Gy has been shown to be safe and feasible with oncologic non-inferiority compared to normofractionation. Radiobiologic considerations lead to the assumption that prostate cancer might benefit in particular from hypofractionation in terms of tumor control and toxicity. First data related to ultrahypofractionation demonstrate that the overall treatment time can be reduced to 5-7 fractions with single doses > 6 Gy safely, even with simultaneous focal boosting of macroscopic tumor(s). With MR-guided linear accelerators (MR-linacs) entering clinical routine, invasive fiducial implantations become unnecessary. The aim of the multicentric SMILE study is to evaluate the use of MRI-guided stereotactic radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer in 5 fractions regarding safety and feasibility. METHODS The study is designed as a prospective, one-armed, two-stage, multi-center phase-II-trial with 68 patients planned. Low- and intermediate-risk localized prostate cancer patients will be eligible for the study as well as early high-risk patients (cT3a and/or Gleason Score ≤ 8 and/or PSA ≤ 20 ng/ml) according to d'Amico. All patients will receive definitive MRI-guided stereotactic radiation therapy with a total dose of 37.5 Gy in 5 fractions (single dose 7.5 Gy) on alternating days. A focal simultaneous integrated boost to MRI-defined tumor(s) up to 40 Gy can optionally be applied. The primary composite endpoint includes the assessment of urogenital or gastrointestinal toxicity ≥ grade 2 or treatment-related discontinuation of therapy. The use of MRI-guided radiotherapy enables online plan adaptation and intrafractional gating to ensure optimal target volume coverage and protection of organs at risk. DISCUSSION With moderate hypofractionation being the standard in definitive radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer at many institutions, ultrahypofractionation could be the next step towards reducing treatment time without compromising oncologic outcomes and toxicities. MRI-guided radiotherapy could qualify as an advantageous tool as no invasive procedures have to precede in therapeutic workflows. Furthermore, MRI guidance combined with gating and plan adaptation might be essential in order to increase treatment effectivity and reduce toxicity at the same time

    Functional characterization of polysaccharide utilization loci in the marine Bacteroidetes 'Gramella forsetii' KT0803

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    Members of the phylum Bacteroidetes are abundant in many marine ecosystems and are known to have a pivotal role in the mineralization of complex organic substrates such as polysaccharides and proteins. We studied the decomposition of the algal glycans laminarin and alginate by 'Gramella forsetii' KT0803, a bacteroidetal isolate from North Sea surface waters. A combined application of isotope labeling, subcellular protein fractionation and quantitative proteomics revealed two large polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) that were specifically induced, one by alginate and the other by laminarin. These regulons comprised genes of surface-exposed proteins such as oligomer transporters, substrate-binding proteins, carbohydrate-active enzymes and hypothetical proteins. Besides, several glycan-specific TonB-dependent receptors and SusD-like substrate-binding proteins were expressed also in the absence of polysaccharide substrates, suggesting an anticipatory sensing function. Genes for the utilization of the beta-1,3-glucan laminarin were found to be co-regulated with genes for glucose and alpha-1,4-glucan utilization, which was not the case for the non-glucan alginate. Strong syntenies of the PULs of 'G. forsetii' with similar loci in other Bacteroidetes indicate that the specific response mechanisms of 'G. forsetii' to changes in polysaccharide availability likely apply to other Bacteroidetes. Our results can thus contribute to an improved understanding of the ecological niches of marine Bacteroidetes and their roles in the polysaccharide decomposition part of carbon cycling in marine ecosystems

    Tracing the nonequilibrium topological state of Chern insulators

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