2,571 research outputs found

    Einfluss chronisch-struktureller Veränderungen der Muskelsehneneinheit auf Indikation und Technik der Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion

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    Zusammenfassung: Rotatorenmanschettenläsionen sind häufig und die Inzidenz steigt mit zunehmendem Alter. Nach einer Sehnenruptur der Rotatorenmanschette kommt es zu einer Retraktion der muskulotendinösen Einheit, was mit einer Muskelverfettung (fettige Infiltration), einer Atrophie sowie einer interstitiellen Fibrose der Muskulatur einhergeht und die Muskelarchitektur grundlegend verändert. Diese Umgestaltungen gelten als wichtige prognostische Faktoren für das Ergebnis einer operativen Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion. Die Wahl des richtigen Zeitpunkts der Rekonstruktion sowie eine optimale mechanische Fixation sind mitentscheidend für das erfolgreiche Einheilen der Sehne an der Knocheninsertion. Hierbei spielt die Kenntnis pathophysiologischer Vorgänge eine wichtige Rolle. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die bis heute existierende Evidenz bezüglich der präoperativ bestehenden Veränderungen der muskulotendinösen Einheit mit der Wahl des Operationszeitpunkts und der Operationstechnik in Beziehung zu setze

    March 28th, 2017

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    Currently comprehensive efforts are underway to refine the horizontal resolution of global and regional climate models to O (1 km), with the intent to represent convective clouds explicitly rather than using semi-empirical parameterizations. This refinement would move the governing equations closer to first principles and is expected to reduce the uncertainties of climate models. High resolution is particularly attractive in order to better represent critical cloud feedback processes (for instance related to tropical maritime clouds and global climate sensitivity, or to extratropical summer convection and the soil-moisture precipitation feedback). Similarly, it is hoped that the representation of extreme events (such as heavy precipitation events, floods, and hurricanes) can be improved. he presentation will be illustrated using two sets of decade-long simulations at 2 km horizontal resolution, one covering the European continent on a mesh with 1536x1536x60 grid points, the other covering the Alpine region. To accomplish such simulations, use is made of emerging heterogeneous supercomputing architectures. We use a version of the COSMO limited-area weather and climate model that is able to run entirely on GPUs (rather than CPUs). It is shown that kilometer-scale resolution dramatically improves the simulation of precipitation in terms of the diurnal cycle and short-term extremes. Using the highresolution methodology, we investigate the temperature-dependent scaling of daily and hourly precipitation extremes, and discuss prospects for the representation of climate feedback processes. It is argued that already today, modern supercomputers would in principle enable global atmospheric convection-resolving climate simulations, provided appropriately refactored codes were available, and provided solutions were found to cope with the potentially huge output volume

    MALDI-MS at the Ingenieurschule Burgdorf: The Technique, Some Applications and Expected Benefits for the Education in Modern Analytical Chemistry

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    Analytical chemistry is changing rapidly, new methods are developed and introduced in the analytical laboratories. Parallel to this progress, the chemical industry is undergoing pronounced changes: it is focusing more and more on the life sciences.Consequently, the importance of analytical biochemistry is increasing.The educational system has to keep pace with these developments and has to integrate the new methods, which are or will be tools in analytical laboratories, into the analytical chemistry courses.Therefore, we were looking for an appropriate method which would allow us to face these challenges in analytical education at the Ingenieurschule (college of engineering) Burgdorf. With the recent acquisition of a matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometer (MALDI-MS), a new analytical technique which has the potential to fulfill our requirements can be offered to the chemistry students.This contribution presents some analytical applications such as the sequence analysis of a modified oligonucleotide, the characterization of a non-covalently bound antigen-antibody complex as well as the analysis of a synthetic polymer and copolymer. Projects how to implement the method in the analytical chemistry course and the expected benefits for the students are discussed

    Decentralized Finance: On Blockchain and Smart Contract-based Financial Markets

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    The term Decentralized Finance or DeFi refers to an alternative financial infrastructure built on top of the Ethereum Blockchain. DeFi uses smart contracts to create protocols that replicate existing financial services in a more open, interoperable, and transparent way. In this paper, we highlight opportunities and potential risks of the ecosystem. We propose a multi-layered framework to analyze the implicit architecture and the various DeFi building blocks, including token standards, decentralized exchanges, decentralized debt markets, Blockchain derivatives, and on-chain asset management protocols. We conclude that DeFi still is a niche market with certain risks but also has interesting properties in terms of efficiency, transparency, accessibility, and composability. As such, it may potentially contribute to a more robust and transparent financial infrastructure

    Wasserstein contraction and spectral gap of slice sampling revisited

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    We propose a new class of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, called kk-polar slice sampling (kk-PSS), as a technical tool that interpolates between and extrapolates beyond uniform and polar slice sampling. By examining Wasserstein contraction rates and spectral gaps of kk-PSS, we obtain strong quantitative results regarding its performance for different kinds of target distributions. Because kk-PSS contains uniform and polar slice sampling as special cases, our results significantly advance the theoretical understanding of both of these methods. In particular, we prove realistic estimates of the convergence rates of uniform slice sampling for arbitrary multivariate Gaussian distributions on the one hand, and near-arbitrary multivariate t-distributions on the other. Furthermore, our results suggest that for heavy-tailed distributions, polar slice sampling performs dimension-independently well, whereas uniform slice sampling suffers a rather strong curse of dimensionality.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figure

    Uses of arguments from definition in children’s argumentation

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    The literature on argumentation and education often conveys that children’s argumentation skills are not well developed; therefore, it would be difficult to find argumentation in small children, as well as in primary school classrooms (Kuhn 1991). However, studies focusing on argumentation in less formal contexts (for example the family, see Arcidiacono & Bova 2013) show that there is no need to depart from such a negative stance. If children are given room to pursue their lines of thought (Danish & Enyedy 2015), they often produce sophisticated spontaneous argumentation. In this paper I consider arguments from definition introduced by children as a case in point. To do so, I use a corpus of data, in which small children under the age of six years, discuss with an adult and with peers. Results show two uses of arguments from definition by children: on the one hand, children may introduce a new issue and their standpoint supported by an argument from definition; on the other hand, children may contest or refute an issue that was proposed by an adult and put forward an argument from definition

    Le regroupement en flexion: un traitement antalgique non pharmacologique pour le prématuré : revue de la littérature

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    Depuis 1980, la douleur du nouveau-né prématuré n’est plus remise en question. Cependant, celui-ci subit de nombreux soins invasifs lors de son hospitalisation en néonatologie. La prise de sang représente notamment le quart des procédures administrées au prématuré. Dans un souci de confort et de sécurité de leur patient, les infirmières en néonatologie tentent de soulager le nouveau-né prématuré à l’aide d’interventions non pharmacologiques en combinaison avec les traitements médicamenteux
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