1,885 research outputs found

    Editorial: Reconceptualizing public sphere(s) in the digital age? On the role and future of public sphere theory

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    Theories of the public sphere—or more recently, of plural public spheres—are core elements of communication and media research. A lively and dynamic debate exists about the respective theories, and the approaches employed to do so have diversified in recent years. This special issue of Communication Theory aims to assess the role and future of public sphere(s) theory in digital societies: if, and where, are concepts of the public sphere(s) still useful and needed, which criticisms are (still) valid, which not, which new ones might be necessary, and which concepts need to be developed or elaborated to respond meaningfully to the digital transformation? This editorial introduces the topic of and contributions to the special issue as well as nine theses on the development of public sphere(s) theorizing

    Wandel der Kommunikation in der digitalen Gesellschaft: EinfĂŒhrung in das Special Issue zur DACH 21-DreilĂ€ndertagung fĂŒr Kommunikationswissenschaft

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    Dass die Kommunikationswissenschaft einem kontinuierlichen Wandel unterworfen ist, unterscheidet sie nicht von anderen sozialwissen-schaftlichen Disziplinen. Das liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass die großen Triebfedern hinter den Wandlungsprozessen ĂŒberall die gleichen sind. Gesellschaftliche Megatrends wie Globalisierung, Individualisierung und Digitalisierung beeinflussen Politikwissenschaft oder Soziologie genauso wie die Kommunikationswissenschaft. Allerdings – und hier besteht nun doch ein Unterschied – hat insbesondere die Digitalisie-rung fĂŒr die Kommunikationswissenschaft deutlich unmittelbarere VerĂ€nderungen mit sich gebracht als dies in den Nachbardisziplinen der Fall ist. Der Grund dafĂŒr ist, dass sie den Gegenstand des Fachs selbst betrifft: Die Digitalisierung der Kommunikation und der Medien fĂŒhrt zu einem Wandel der Art und Weise, wie Informationen in der Gesellschaft hergestellt, vermittelt und genutzt werden. Die daraus resultierenden Entwicklungen, wie z. B. die Möglichkeit der globalen Vernetzung in Sozialen Onlinenetzwerken, ĂŒber Instant Messenger oder die enorme Ausweitung und Fragmentierung des Medienangebots und seiner Nutzung sind wiederum PhĂ€nomene, die aus dem Zusam-menspiel der erwĂ€hnten Megatrends resultieren. Kommunikativer Wandel findet allerdings nicht nur langfristig statt, sondern kann sich ebenso kurzfristig, mitunter gar disruptiv vollziehen, wie gerade die Corona-Krise eindrĂŒcklich gezeigt hat

    Imaging live bee brains using minimally-invasive diagnostic radioentomology

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    The sensitivity of the honey bee, Apis mellifera L. (Hymeonoptera: Apidae), brain volume and density to behavior (plasticity) makes it a great model for exploring the interactions between experience, behavior, and brain structure. Plasticity in the adult bee brain has been demonstrated in previous experiments. This experiment was conducted to identify the potentials and limitations of MicroCT (micro computed tomograpy) scanning “live” bees as a more comprehensive, non-invasive method for brain morphology and physiology. Bench-top and synchrotron MicroCT were used to scan live bees. For improved tissue differentiation, bees were fed and injected with radiographic contrast. Images of optic lobes, ocelli, antennal lobes, and mushroom bodies were visualized in 2D and 3D rendering modes. Scanning of live bees (for the first time) enabled minimally-invasive imaging of physiological processes such as passage of contrast from gut to haemolymph, and preliminary brain perfusion studies. The use of microCT scanning for studying insects (collectively termed ‘diagnostic radioentomology’, or DR) is increasing. Our results indicate that it is feasible to observe plasticity of the honey bee brain in vivo using diagnostic radioentomology, and that progressive, real-time observations of these changes can be followed in individual live bees. Limitations of live bee scanning, such as movement errors and poor tissue differentiation, were identified; however, there is great potential for in-vivo, non-invasive diagnostic radioentomology imaging of the honey bee for brain morphology and physiology

    The quality of coverage of the war in Ukraine

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    Genital gender-affirming surgery for transgender women

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    Transgender women may opt for genital gender-affirming surgery (gGAS), which comprises bilateral orchiectomy, gender-affirming vulvoplasty, or vaginoplasty. Vaginoplasty is chosen most frequently in this population, penile inversion vaginoplasty being the surgical gold standard. In selected cases, skin graft vaginoplasty, intestinal vaginoplasty, or peritoneal vaginoplasty may be indicated. In this article, we discuss the various types of gGAS for transgender women, (contra)-indications, intraoperative considerations, techniques, surgical outcomes, and postoperative patient-reported outcomes.</p
