7 research outputs found

    Individual tree point clouds and tree measurements from multi-platform laser scanning in German forests

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    Laser scanning from different acquisition platforms enables the collection of 3D point clouds from different perspectives and with varying resolutions. These point clouds allow us to retrieve detailed information on the individual tree and forest structure. We conducted airborne laser scanning (ALS), uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne laser scanning (ULS) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in two German mixed forests with species typical of central Europe. We provide the spatially overlapping, georeferenced point clouds for 12 forest plots. As a result of individual tree extraction, we furthermore present a comprehensive database of tree point clouds and corresponding tree metrics. Tree metrics were derived from the point clouds and, for half of the plots, also measured in the field. Our dataset may be used for the creation of 3D tree models for radiative transfer modeling or lidar simulation studies or to fit allometric equations between point cloud metrics and forest inventory variables. It can further serve as a benchmark dataset for different algorithms and machine learning tasks, in particular automated individual tree segmentation, tree species classification or forest inventory metric prediction. The dataset and supplementary metadata are available for download, hosted by the PANGAEA data publisher at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.942856 (Weiser et al., 2022a)

    Individual tree point clouds and tree measurements from multi-platform laser scanning in German forests

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    Laser scanning from different acquisition platforms enables the collection of 3D point clouds from different perspectives and with varying resolutions. These point clouds allow us to retrieve detailed information on the individual tree and forest structure. We conducted airborne laser scanning (ALS), uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV)-borne laser scanning (ULS) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in two German mixed forests with species typical of central Europe. We provide the spatially overlapping, georeferenced point clouds for 12 forest plots. As a result of individual tree extraction, we furthermore present a comprehensive database of tree point clouds and corresponding tree metrics. Tree metrics were derived from the point clouds and, for half of the plots, also measured in the field. Our dataset may be used for the creation of 3D tree models for radiative transfer modeling or lidar simulation studies or to fit allometric equations between point cloud metrics and forest inventory variables. It can further serve as a benchmark dataset for different algorithms and machine learning tasks, in particular automated individual tree segmentation, tree species classification or forest inventory metric prediction. The dataset and supplementary metadata are available for download, hosted by the PANGAEA data publisher at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.942856 (Weiser et al., 2022a)

    Airborne laser scanning (ALS) point clouds with full-waveform (FWF) data of central European forest plots, Germany

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    Full-waveform (FWF) airborne laser scanning (ALS) data were acquired in southwest Germany in July 2019. We clipped the data to the extent of the 12 forest plots described in the related data publication (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.942856), which means that they overlap with the UAV-borne and terrestrial laser scanning data presented in that publication. The plots are located in mixed central European forests close to Bretten and Karlsruhe, in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany

    Estimating stand density, biomass and tree species from very high resolution stereo-imagery- towards an all-in-one sensor for forestry applications?

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    The estimation of various forest inventory attributes from high spatial resolution airborne remote sensing data has been widely examined and proved to be successful at the experimental level. Nevertheless, the operational use of these data in automated procedures to support forest inventories and forest management is still limited to a small number of cases. The reasons for this are high data costs, limited availability of remote sensing data over large areas and resistance from practitioners. In this review the main aim is to stimulate debate about spaceborne very high resolution stereo-imagery (VHRSI) as an alternative to airborne remote sensing data by presenting: (1) a case study on the retrieval of stand density, aboveground biomass and tree species using a set of easy-to-calculate variables obtained from VHRSI data combined with image processing and nonparametric classification and modelling approaches; and (2) the results of an expert opinion survey on the potential of VHRSI as compared with Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), hyperspectral and airborne digital imagery to derive a range of forest inventory attributes. In the case study, stand density was estimated with r² = 0.71 and RMSE = 156 trees (rel./norm. RMSE = 24.9 per cent/12.4 per cent), biomass with r² = 0.64 and RMSE of 36.7 t/ha (rel./norm. RMSE = 20.0 per cent/12.8 per cent) while tree species classifications with five species reached overall accuracies of 84.2 per cent (kappa = 0.81). These results were comparable to earlier studies in the same test site, obtained with more expensive airborne acquisitions. Expert opinions were more diverse for VHRSI and aerial photographs (Shannon index values of 0.94 and 0.97) than for LiDAR and hyperspectral data (Shannon index values 0.69 and 0.88). In our opinion, this reflects the current state-of-the-art in the application of VHRSI for automatically retrieving forest inventory attributes. The number of studies using these data is still limited, and the full potential of these datasets is not yet completely explored. Compared with LiDAR and hyperspectral data, which both mostly received high scores for forest inventory products matching the sensor systems’ strengths, VHRSI and aerial photographs received more homogeneous scores indicating their potential as multi-purpose instruments to collect forest inventory information. In summary, considering the simpler acquisition, reasonable price and the comparably easy data format and handling of VHRSI compared with other sensor types, we recommend further research on the application of these data for supporting operational forest inventories

    Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central European forest plots, Germany, with extracted individual trees and manual forest inventory measurements

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    Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a ground-based tripod. The UAV-borne and airborne laser scanning campaigns cover twelve forest plots of approximately 1 ha. The plots are located in mixed central European forests close to Bretten and Karlsruhe, in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Terrestrial laser scanning was performed in selected locations within the twelve forest plots. Airborne and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds were acquired under leaf-on conditions, UAV-borne laser scans were acquired both under leaf-on and later under leaf-off conditions. In addition to the laser scanning campaigns, forest inventory tree properties (species, height, diameter at breast height, crown base height, crown diameter) were measured in-situ during summer 2019 in six of the twelve 1-ha plots. Single tree point clouds were extracted from the different laser scanning datasets and matched to the field measurements. For each tree entry, point clouds, tree species, position, and field-measured and point cloud-derived tree metrics are provided. For 249 trees, point clouds from all three platforms are available. The tree models form the basis of a single tree database covering a range of species typical for central European forests which is currently being established in the framework of the SYSSIFOSS project

    Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central European forest plots, Germany, with extracted individual trees and manual forest inventory measurements

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    Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a ground-based tripod. The UAV-borne and airborne laser scanning campaigns cover twelve forest plots of approximately 1 ha. The plots are located in mixed central European forests close to Bretten and Karlsruhe, in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Terrestrial laser scanning was performed in selected locations within the twelve forest plots. Airborne and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds were acquired under leaf-on conditions, UAV-borne laser scans were acquired both under leaf-on and later under leaf-off conditions. In addition to the laser scanning campaigns, forest inventory tree properties (species, height, diameter at breast height, crown base height, crown diameter) were measured in-situ during summer 2019 in six of the twelve 1-ha plots. Single tree point clouds were extracted from the different laser scanning datasets and matched to the field measurements. For each tree entry, point clouds, tree species, position, and field-measured and point cloud-derived tree metrics are provided. For 249 trees, point clouds from all three platforms are available. The tree models form the basis of a single tree database covering a range of species typical for central European forests which is currently being established in the framework of the SYSSIFOSS project