858 research outputs found

    The link between true larvae and parasitic forms within Isopoda – insights from the fossil record

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    Isopoda is a species-rich ingroup of Eucrustacea (crustaceans and insects), whose representatives live in a variety of habitats from the deep sea to arid terrestrial landscapes. Isopoda is very diverse regarding the life styles which are present in its species. There are herbivorous and detritivorous species as well as predators and scavengers. Parasitism, as an interaction between animals where one animal exploits resources from the other to it’s disadvantage, is far from being a fringe phenomenon inside Isopoda – a large proportion of species in Isopoda are either parasites or micro-predators (also referred to as temporary parasites). Parasitic forms (in the wider sense, including micro-predators) of Isopoda can be found in a few ingroups, which are generally thought to be closely related or to form a monophyletic group. Among the parasitic forms there are many species whose development includes a strong ecological and morphological differentiation between the immatures and the adults (larval development). Despite the ecological importance in modern ecosystems, the fossil record of parasitic forms of Isopoda is rather sparse. The aim of this study was to recognise and thoroughly document potentially parasitic forms of Isopoda in the fossil record, using modern imaging techniques. By interpreting the systematic positions of the extinct species, the fossil forms could be compared with closely related extant forms for which there are observations of their behaviour in their natural environment. The goal was also to recognise potentially immature forms, which could provide insights into the evolution of developmental patterns within Isopoda, especially with respect to the parasitic forms in which there seems to be a stronger tendency for differentiation between adults and their offspring. Fossils have the potential to yield combinations of characters that are not present in extant species and are thereby important to reconstruct the evolution of characters. Fossils of such value were explicitly searched for. Furthermore, the fossils inspected in the studies of this dissertation should be used to provide a temporal context to the evolution of parasitism and larval development within Isopoda. Two well-preserved fossils of presumably non-parasitic forms within the group Cymothoida (in which there are also parasitic forms) from fossilised mid-Cretaceous resin were studied (study I). One of them was interpreted as an immature, which resembles the other, larger, specimen, which is assumed to be of a later developmental stage, in most aspects of the body morphology – except for the absence of a well developed leg on the posterior-most walking leg, which absence in immatures is an apomorphy of the group Mancoidea, which comprises Isopoda. This represents, together with a recently published fossil of the same site, the oldest record of an immature specimen in Isopoda. Multiple minute fossils of the group Epicaridea (parasites of crustaceans) from two different mid- and Late Cretaceous amber localities (studies I and III) were studied. They represent the oldest body fossils of the group Epicaridea, which has a rich record of fossil traces which its representatives left on their host (growth responses by the host) while feeding on them. Based on the available morphological features, the fossils were identified as either larvae (of the cryptoniscium stage) or paedomorphic adult males. Their presence in the fossil record suggests that the complex life cycle that is found in extant species of Epicaridea was already present in the Cretaceous. An assemblage of multiple strongly compressed fossils from the Eocene of the Czech Republic was documented (study IV). The specimens were identified as being either close relatives to or representatives of group Cymothoidae (mostly parasites of fishes in the extant fauna). This marks the first and therefore oldest reliable record of this lineage in the fossil record. The assemblage contains specimens of different body sizes. Together with differences in the overall body shape this indicates the presence of immature stages. Fossils of Urda, an extinct, potentially non-monophyletic group with a unique combination of characters, were analysed (study V). The fossils are interpreted as the closest so far known relatives of the extant group Gnathiidae (temporary parasites of fishes), with which representatives they share a number of apomorphic characters; a convincing apomorphy for Urda could not be found. The fossils, for which there is no indication that they represent remains of immatures, are very similar in many aspects to immature forms of Gnathiidae, in contrast to which they, however, lack the paedomorphic absence of legs on one segment of the trunk. The occurrence of some fossils of Urda on fossils of fishes suggests a syn-vivo interaction, such as parasitism or commensalism. Fossils of Urda provide important information about the character evolution towards modern, fish-parasites of the group Gnathiidae. The evolution of larvae within Isopoda seems to be deeply interlinked with the evolution of parasitism. The fossil record yields specimens with a larval development that date back to the mid-Cretaceous. These specimens simultaneously represent the oldest fossils which can be identified as belonging to extant groups in which all species have a parasitic life style. Close relatives of extant parasites date back even further, to the Lower Jurassic. Overall, despite still being patchy, the fossil record of Isopoda provides unique insights into the evolution of parasitic forms as well as into the differentiation between adults and immature forms

    Yttrium-catalysed dehydrocoupling of alanes with amines.

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    Biofuels and Ecosystem Carbon Balance Under Global Change

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    Aktivitäten v. a. osteuropäischer Biosphärenreservate und UNESCO-Schulen zur Umsetzung der UN-Dekade „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (2005-2014)"

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    Seit Beginn der UN-Dekade „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ ist ein Jahr vergangen. Wie weit sind die west- und osteuropäische Länder mit deren Umsetzung? An der Forschungsstelle „Region und Nachhaltigkeit“ wurde dazu im Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaft der Hochschule Fulda eine erste Voruntersuchung1 angestellt, die die Fortschritte von ausgewählten west- und osteuropäischen Ländern betrachtet. Der Vergleich bezieht sich auf zwei kleinere osteuropäische Länder – Tschechien und die Slowakei – sowie drei große osteuropäische Länder – Russland,Weißrussland, Ukraine – und dementsprechend zwei kleine westeuropäische Länder – Österreich und Dänemark sowie drei große – Spanien, Italien und Frankreich. Erkennbar ist, dass die untersuchten westeuropäischen Länder – vor allem Frankreich und Österreich – mit der Umsetzung bereits begonnen haben. In den untersuchten osteuropäischen Ländern ist man sich der UN-Dekade “Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ zwar bewusst, es scheinen aber noch konkrete Schritte der Umsetzung zu fehlen. Vermutlich setzten Schulen die UN-Dekade „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ deshalb noch nicht ausreichend um, weil bisher kaum Impulse seitens der Bildungsministerien kamen. Statt Nachhaltigkeit dominiert das Thema Umweltbildung. Bemerkenswert ist, dass manche Schulen und auch Biosphärenreservate „Umweltbildung“ und „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ schwer voneinander abgrenzen können

    Schritte zur Verbesserung der HochwasserfrĂĽhwarnung mittels Online-Bodenfeuchtemessungen

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    Zur Ehrenrettung der Wahrheit: Rezension zu "Die Wirksamkeit des Wissens: Eine politische Epistemologie" von Frieder Vogelmann

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    Frieder Vogelmann: Die Wirksamkeit des Wissens - Eine politische Epistemologie. Berlin: Suhrkamp 2022. 978-3-518-29972-


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    The fossil record of dragonfly relatives (Odonatoptera) dates back to the Carboniferous, yet knowledge about these extinct animals is meagre. For most of the species little is known except for the characteristics of the wing venation. As a result, it is difficult to include fossil larvae in a (wing character based) phylogenetic tree as the wing venation is not visible in most of the larval instars.             Two larval specimens from Cretaceous Burmese amber are in the focus of this study. The two specimens likely represent two subsequent early stage larval instars of the same individual. Not only is this an exceptional case to study ontogenetic processes in fossils – the larval instars are morphologically completely different from all known larvae of Odonata with respect to the posterior abdominal region. Therefore, besides the difficulties regarding the phylogenetic interpretation and though all Burmese amber odonatans are known from adults only, a new species – Arcanodraco filicauda n. sp. – is formally described.             Aside from likely representing a new species, the morphology of the posterior abdominal region is highly informative for reconstructing the character evolution within the lineage towards modern dragonflies and damselflies. A long median process in both of the fossils meets all criteria to be interpreted as a terminal filum (structure or derivative of tergite of abdominal segment 11, annulated in one of the specimens). Although the exact phylogenetic affinity of Arcanodraco filicauda n. sp. remains enigmatic, the presence of a larval terminal filum can be reconstructed for the ground pattern of Odonatoptera (including its direct stem lineage)

    Hamburg auf dem Weg zur Musikstadt. Oder: Das Sterben der Clubszene?

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    Eine Charakterisierung Hamburgs als Musikstadt ist kontrovers. Denn verschiedene Parameter müssen erfüllt sein, um von solch einer Schwerpunktsetzung sprechen zu können. Und selbst wenn sie in der Vergangenheit vielleicht gegolten haben, heißt das keineswegs, in der Zukunft damit bestehen zu können. Rückblickend dominiert eher die Erinnerung an die Beatles, den Star Club und die Reeperbahn die Legende, die aber längst nicht mehr das ist, was sie verspricht. Solch einer gefühlten Erinnerung lässt sich mit den aktuellen Kennzahlen der Gegenwart begegnen. Hier zeigt sich, dass um den Standort Hamburg als Ort der Musik nicht gut bestellt ist. Andere deutsche Städte wie Berlin, Köln und München weisen deutlich höhere Werte in den Bereichen der Unternehmen der Musikwirtschaft auf. Und auch die Musikförderung steht in Hamburg im Vergleich zu anderen deutschen Städten und Gemeinden weit zurück. Der Wegzug großer Labels aus Hamburg sowie die Schließung einzelner Clubs hat die Szene zusätzlich geschwächt, auch wenn die bekannten Konzertveranstalter weiterhin alle in Hamburg vertreten sind. Dennoch zeigt sich ein grundsätzliches Problem 1.) der rückläufigen Verkäufe für Tonträger und 2.) das der Verteilung der Umsätze für die Spielstätten, die eher an der Gastronomie verdienen als an der Musik selbst. Dazu tritt ferner die Struktur der Spielstätten selbst, die zum einen auf einen und im weltweiten Vergleich sehr kleinen Bereich der Reeperbahn konzentriert ist, zum anderen stehen solche Locations vor zum Teil großen behördlichen Auflagen, die sie kaum erfüllen können. Zwar lassen sich auch veritable Vorteile konstatieren, wie etwa das Reeperbahn-Festival und der Bau einer Elbphilharmonie, aber ob das reicht, um die Nachteile aufzuwiegen, darüber lässt sich streiten.Characterizing Hamburg as a city of music is controversial. Because various parameters must be fulfilled in order to be able to speak of such a focus. And even if they may have been valid in the past, that does not mean that you can survive with them in the future. In retrospect, the memory of the Beatles, the Star Club and the Reeperbahn dominates the legend, but it is no longer what it promises. Such a perceived memory can be countered with the current key figures of the present. This shows that Hamburg as a location as a place of music is not in good shape. Other German cities such as Berlin, Cologne and Munich have significantly higher values in the areas of companies in the music industry. And music promotion in Hamburg is also far behind other German cities and municipalities. The departure of major labels from Hamburg and the closure of individual clubs has further weakened the scene, even if the well-known concert promoters are still all represented in Hamburg. Nevertheless, there is a fundamental problem 1.) of declining sales of phonograms and 2.) that of the distribution of sales for the venues, which has earned more from the gastronomy than from the music itself. In addition, there is also the structure of the venues themselves, which on the one hand is concentrated on one and in a worldwide comparison very small area of the Reeperbahn, on the other hand such locations sometimes face a long list of official requirements that they can hardly meet. Although veritable advantages can also be noted, such as the Reeperbahn Festival and the construction of an Elbphilharmonie, whether this is enough to outweigh the disadvantages is debatable

    Star Wars : a film-analytical study of the Science Fiction Saga with focus on the latest part Episode VII: The Force Awakens

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    In der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit werden die sieben bisher produzierten Star Wars Filme analysiert, der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem aktuellsten Teil „Episode VII: Das Erwachen der Macht". Zum vollständigen Verständnis werden auch die Original Trilogie aus den Jahren 1977-1983 und die Prequel Trilogie aus den Jahren 1999-2005 in einer Kurzanalyse zusammengefasst. Darüber hinaus werden auch weitere Formen des Medien-Franchise behandelt, wie TV-Serien, Literatur, Computerspieladaptionen und Merchandising und in den Kontext der gesamten Star Wars Saga gestellt. Die Filmanalyse konzentriert sich dabei auf ökonomische Fragen des Erfolgs, aber auch die soziologischen, politischen und filmhistorischen Aspekte und fasst diese Ergebnisse zusammen
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