295 research outputs found

    Coronal abundances of X-ray bright pre-main sequence stars in the Taurus Molecular Cloud

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    We studied the thermal properties and chemical composition of the X-ray emitting plasma of a sample of bright members of the Taurus Molecular Cloud to investigate possible differences among classical and weak-lined T Tauri stars and possible dependences of the abundances on the stellar activity level and/or on the presence of accretion/circumstellar material. We used medium-resolution X-ray spectra obtained with the sensitive EPIC/PN camera in order to analyse the possible sample. The PN spectra of 20 bright (L_X ~ 10^30 - 10^31 erg/s) Taurus members, with at least ~ 4500 counts, were fitted using thermal models of optically thin plasma with two components and variable abundances of O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. Extensive preliminary investigations were employed to study the performances of the PN detectors regarding abundance determinations, and finally to check the results of the fittings. We found that the observed X-ray emission of the studied stars can be attributed to coronal plasma having similar thermal properties and chemical composition both in the classical and in the weak-lined T Tauri stars. The results of the fittings did not show evidence for correlations of the abundance patterns with activity or accretion/disk presence. The iron abundance of these active stars is significantly lower than (~ 0.2 of) the solar photospheric value. An indication of slightly different coronal properties in stars with different spectral type is found from this study. G-type and early K-type stars have, on average, slightly higher Fe abundances (Fe ~ 0.24 solar) with respect to stars with later spectral type (Fe ~ 0.15 solar), confirming previous findings from high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy; stars of the former group are also found to have, on average, hotter coronae.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Novel African trypanocidal agents: membrane rigidifying peptides

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    The bloodstream developmental forms of pathogenic African trypanosomes are uniquely susceptible to killing by small hydrophobic peptides. Trypanocidal activity is conferred by peptide hydrophobicity and charge distribution and results from increased rigidity of the plasma membrane. Structural analysis of lipid-associated peptide suggests a mechanism of phospholipid clamping in which an internal hydrophobic bulge anchors the peptide in the membrane and positively charged moieties at the termini coordinate phosphates of the polar lipid headgroups. This mechanism reveals a necessary phenotype in bloodstream form African trypanosomes, high membrane fluidity, and we suggest that targeting the plasma membrane lipid bilayer as a whole may be a novel strategy for the development of new pharmaceutical agents. Additionally, the peptides we have described may be valuable tools for probing the biosynthetic machinery responsible for the unique composition and characteristics of African trypanosome plasma membranes

    Essential elements nurses have to address to promote a safe discharge in paediatrics: A systematic review and narrative synthesis

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to synthesize the evidence on the essential elements, nurses must address when they perform therapeutic education to patients and their caregivers to promote a safe paediatric hospital-to-home discharge. Design: A systematic review and narrative synthesis. Methods: The search strategy identifies studies published between 2016 and 2023. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklists. The protocol of this review was not registered. A search of three electronic databases (PubMed, CINAHL and Web of Science) and a search in the reference lists of the included studies was conducted in February 2021 and June 2023. Results: Fifteen studies met the inclusion criteria. The essential elements identified are grouped into the following topics: emergency management, physiological needs, medical device and medications management, long-term management and short-term management. Nurses have a critical role in ensuring patient safety and quality of care, and the nurses' competence makes the difference in the discharge's related outcomes. Our results can help the nursing profession implement comprehensive discharge projects. Our results support the improvement of nurse-led paediatric discharge programmes. Nurse managers can identify the grey areas of therapeutic education provided in their units and work for their improvement. Following the implementation of therapeutic education on these topics, measuring the discharge's related outcomes could be interesting. This study addresses the problem of managing a safe and efficient nurse-led discharge in a paediatric setting. It presents evidence on the essential elements to promote a safe paediatric discharge at home. These could impact nursing practice by using them to implement project and discharge pathways. We have adhered to relevant EQUATOR guidelines—PRISMA guidelines for reporting systematic review. No patients, service users, caregivers or public members were involved in this study due to its nature (systematic review)

    Advanced carcinoma of the hypopharynx: functional results after circumferential pharyngolaryngectomy with flap reconstruction

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    Surgical treatment of advanced cancers of the hypopharynx inevitably impairs swallowing, respiration and phonation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the functional results after circumferential pharyngolaryngectomy (CPL) and flap reconstruction, in order to offer decisional guidelines for the choice of the most effective reconstructive method. We performed a retrospective analysis on the medical records of patients submitted to reconstructive surgery after CPL from July 1991 to November 2011. 75% of the 94 patients underwent reconstruction with a free flap (group A), while 25% underwent reconstruction with a pedicled flap (group B); 80% of patients in group A and none in group B were discharged with a free diet; 14% of patients in group A and 26% in group B were unable to resume oral feeding and were discharged with NG-tube or PEG. None of the patients acquired a satisfactory oesophageal voice; 17% of patients in group A and 7% in group B underwent voice restoration with tracheo-oesophageal voice-prosthesis. In conclusion, free flaps should be considered the first choice for reconstruction of the hypopharynx after CPL because of the better functional results obtained. Pedicled flaps represent a valid alternative in patients with contraindications to microvascular surgery

    A comprehensive analysis of methods for assessing polygenic burden on Alzheimer’s disease pathology and risk beyond APOE

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    Genome-wide association studies have identified dozens of loci that alter the risk to develop Alzheimer’s disease. However, with the exception of the APOE-ε4 allele, most variants bear only little individual effect and have, therefore, limited diagnostic and prognostic value. Polygenic risk scores aim to collate the disease risk distributed across the genome in a single score. Recent works have demonstrated that polygenic risk scores designed for Alzheimer’s disease are predictive of clinical diagnosis, pathology confirmed diagnosis and changes in imaging biomarkers. Methodological innovations in polygenic risk modelling include the polygenic hazard score, which derives effect estimates for individual single nucleotide polymorphisms from survival analysis, and methods that account for linkage disequilibrium between genomic loci. In this work, using data from the Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative, we compared different approaches to quantify polygenic disease burden for Alzheimer’s disease and their association (beyond the APOE locus) with a broad range of Alzheimer’s disease-related traits: cross-sectional CSF biomarker levels, cross-sectional cortical amyloid burden, clinical diagnosis, clinical progression, longitudinal loss of grey matter and longitudinal decline in cognitive function. We found that polygenic scores were associated beyond APOE with clinical diagnosis, CSF-tau levels and, to a minor degree, with progressive atrophy. However, for many other tested traits such as clinical disease progression, CSF amyloid, cognitive decline and cortical amyloid load, the additional effects of polygenic burden beyond APOE were of minor nature. Overall, polygenic risk scores and the polygenic hazard score performed equally and given the ease with which polygenic risk scores can be derived; they constitute the more practical choice in comparison with polygenic hazard scores. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that incomplete adjustment for the APOE locus, i.e. only adjusting for APOE-ε4 carrier status, can lead to overestimated effects of polygenic scores due to APOE-ε4 homozygous participants. Lastly, on many of the tested traits, the major driving factor remained the APOE locus, with the exception of quantitative CSF-tau and p-tau measures

    Line intensity enhancements in stellar coronal X-ray spectra due to opacity effects

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    Context. The I(15.01 A)/I(16.78 A) emission line intensity ratio in Fe XVII has been reported to deviate from its theoretical value in solar and stellar X-ray spectra. This is attributed to opacity in the 15.01 A line, leading to a reduction in its intensity, and was interpreted in terms of a geometry in which the emitters and absorbers are spatially distinct. Aims. We study the I(15.01 A)/I(16.78 A) intensity ratio for the active cool dwarf EV Lac, in both flare and quiescent spectra. Methods. The observations were obtained with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on the XMM-Newton satellite. The emission measure distribution versus temperature reconstruction technique is used for our analysis. Results. We find that the 15.01 A line exhibits a significant enhancement in intensity over the optically thin value. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such an enhancement has been detected on such a sound statistical basis. We interpret this enhancement in terms of a geometry in which the emitters and absorbers are not spatially distinct, and where the geometry is such that resonant pumping of the upper level has a greater effect on the observed line intensity than resonant absorption in the line-of-sight.Comment: accepted for publication in A&

    Hippocampal subfield volumetry: differential pattern of atrophy in different forms of genetic frontotemporal dementia

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    BACKGROUND: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a heterogeneous neurodegenerative disorder, with a strong genetic component. Previous research has shown that medial temporal lobe atrophy is a common feature of FTD. However, no study has so far investigated the differential vulnerability of the hippocampal subfields in FTD. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate hippocampal subfield volumes in genetic FTD. METHODS: We in6/2/2018vestigated hippocampal subfield volumes in a cohort of 75 patients with genetic FTD (age: mean (standard deviation) 59.3 (7.7) years; disease duration: 5.1(3.4) years; 29 with MAPT, 28 with C9orf72, and 18 with GRN mutations) compared with 97 age-matched controls (age: 62.1 (11.1) years). We performed a segmentation of their volumetric T1-weighted MRI scans to extract hippocampal subfields volumes. Left and right volumes were summed and corrected for total intracranial volumes. RESULTS: All three groups had smaller hippocampi than controls. The MAPT group had the most atrophic hippocampi, with the subfields showing the largest difference from controls being CA1-4 (24–27%, p < 0.0005). For C9orf72, the CA4, CA1, and dentate gyrus regions (8–11%, p < 0.0005), and for GRN the presubiculum and subiculum (10–14%, p < 0.0005) showed the largest differences from controls. CONCLUSIONS: The hippocampus was affected in all mutation types but a different pattern of subfield involvement was found in the three genetic groups, consistent with differential cortical-subcortical network vulnerability
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