68 research outputs found

    Perforated appendix with abscess: Immediate or interval appendectomy? Some examples to explain our choice

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    Introduction There are no clear guidelines in the treatment of a perforated appendicitis associated with periappendiceal abscess without generalized peritonitis. Presentation of cases We retrospectively studied six examples of treated children in order to discuss the reasons of our team\u2019s therapeutic approach. Some children were treated with a conservative antibiotic therapy to solve acute abdomen pain, planning a routine interval appendectomy after some months. Others, instead, underwent an immediate appendectomy. Discussion By examining these examples we wanted to highlight how the first approach may be associated with shorter surgery time, fewer overall hospital days, faster refeeding and minor complications. Conclusion Our team\u2019s therapeutic choice, in the case of a perforated appendicitis with an abscess and coprolith is an initial conservative case management followed by a routine interval appendectomy performed not later than 4 months after discharge. Abbreviations CT, computed tomography; CVC, central catheter venous; IA, interval appendectomy; NT, naso-gastric tube; US, ultrasonography; VC, vesical cathete

    Karyological analysis and DNA barcoding of pompia citron: A first step toward the identification of its relatives

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    open7Pompia is a citrus fruit endemic of Sardinia, Italy, with an essential oil profile showing outstanding anti-inflammatory and anti-microbic properties. Despite its remarkable pharmaceutical potential, little taxonomic and genetic information is available for this species. We applied flow cytometry and classical cytogenetic techniques to assess the DNA content and to reconstruct the karyotype of several Pompia accessions. Molecular data from plastid DNA barcoding and nuclear DNA sequencing were used to study the genetic distance between Pompia and other citrus species. Flow cytometric estimates of DNA content and somatic chromosome counts suggest that Pompia is a regular diploid Citrus species. DNA polymorphisms of nuclear and chloroplast markers allowed us to investigate the genetic relationships between Pompia accessions and other Citrus species. Based on DNA polymorphism data we propose that Pompia is a very recent interspecific hybrid generated by a cross between C. aurantium (as seed bearer) and C. medica (as pollen donor). Our findings pave the way for further and more specific investigations of local Pompia germplasm resources that may help the preservation and valorisation of this valuable citrus fruit tree.openViglietti G.; Galla G.; Porceddu A.; Barcaccia G.; Curk F.; Luro F.; Scarpa G.M.Viglietti, G.; Galla, G.; Porceddu, A.; Barcaccia, G.; Curk, F.; Luro, F.; Scarpa, G. M

    Moltiplicazione di <i>Thymus catharinae</i> Camarda

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    For its property, due to active principles of the essential oil, the Thymus catharinae Camarda is a species of interest for the erboristic-medicinal and aromatic aspects. For the safeguard of the spontaneous flora and for production of elevated quality, it is suitable the cultivation of selected plants. Among the aspects to take in consideration, the first problem that have been chosen to explore, it is the suitable system of propagation. The seeds have been collected from 9 spontaneous plants, to complete maturation, the zone called Valliciola (1,053 m. over sea level). The plants moter have been collected in the autumn of 2005 in vegetative rest. Rooted jets of each plant have been transplant in pots of 40 x 20 cm, containing land of the area. Daily, it was provided to water the plants with original water of the area of origin. In the month of October 2005, from new jets they have been selected shoots of approximately 5-6 cm, containing at least 3 nodes. The basal part of scions has been dipped in NAA 0.5%. Scions have been planted in plateaux containing ground and pearlite (1:1), placed under a small tunnel covered with plastic material (EVA) for maintaining a temperature of approximately 2-3 °C over greenhouse temperature, and a humidity of 100%. Average rooting was 78.3%, indicating a good attitude of the species. It has been evidenced difference among the plants in test, with variable values from 55% to a maximum of 100%. The weight of 1000 seeds found in vital seeds was 85 mg. The percentage of germination has been extremely low: from the 1 to 2%

    Relationship Between Soil and Essential Oil Profiles in Salvia desoleana Populations: Preliminary Results.

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    Salvia desoleana is a herbaceous perennial shrub endemic of Sardinia (Italy). The leaves are a source of essential oil, used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. The therapeutic function of this species has been associated to the presence of essential oils rich in α/β-pinene, p-cimene, linalool, linalyl acetate and 1,8-cineole. Today the industrial request of Salvia essential oils is increasing and most of the biomass is exploited from the natural populations which are under severe risk of genetic erosion. In order to improve the essential oil production, the study of the environmental parameters that influence composition, quality and quantity of the essential oils, turns out to be necessary. Soil physical and chemical structure represents one of the determinant factors in secondary metabolites production, and could also be involved in volatiles fraction composition in the same species. The main aim of this research was to explore the relationship between essential oil profiles and soil characteristics in S. desoleana populations. GC/MS analysis performed on the essential oil extracts identified 22 principal compounds, which were extremely variable among the five S. desoleana populations studied. The analysis of the essential oils revealed different compositions in the terpenes fractions: 68.2% of monoterpenes, 27.3% of sesquiterpenes and 4.5% of diterpenes. Analysis of chemical and physical soil parameters at the collection sites revealed that silt and sand contents were correlated with α-pinene and sclareol fractions and the total K2O was significantly correlated to several compounds belonging to the three terpene fractions identified. These results will provide guidelines for the in site conservation and for the improvement of the commercial value of the species

    Valutazione della <i>Salvia desoleana</i> Atzei e Picci in coltivazione

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    The Salvia desoleana Atzei and Picci is one endemic species of the Sardinia; for many years it have been considered a variety of the Salvia sclarea L. Recent tests confirm the effectiveness of the extracts of Salvia desoleana, in the defense of the plants in biological agriculture. The experiment has been carried out on plants in cultivation from 2 years on the experimental field of the Department, situated near to Sassari (40°43' N; 080°34' E), 80 m over see level. The experimental field interests a area of 192 m2, cultivated, in the two previous years, to alfalfa. The plants have been transplanted in field during the first decade of April 2002 for a final density of 1,4 plants for m2 It has not been watered during the cultivation. Weeds have been controlled by hand. It has not been necessary to take phytosanitary controI. It has not been made fertilization, being sufficient the nitrogen contribution supplied from the cultivation of medical grass. The plants in experimental field caught up to the maximum development an average height of 144 + 18.81 cm, with variable values from a minimum of 116 cm to a maximum of 175 cm. The flowering begun in the second decade of May 2005, after approximately 231 days from the autumnal awakening. An average number of complete inflorescenze to 46 + 13.29 has been found. Production of green mass of 1203.07 + 573.55 grams for plant has been yield; correspondent to approximately 406 + 218.57 grams of dry matter. The production of the single plants varied from a maximum of 885.8 g of the plant n. 6, to 125.6 g collected from the plant n. 5. The average production in essential oils has been 0.47%. The average seed production has been of 3.3 + 1,87 g for plant. The maximum weight of thousand seeds has been of 5.85 for plant n. 2

    Moltiplicazione in vitro di <i>Salvia desoleana</i> Atzei e Picci

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    The Salvia desoleana Atzei and Picci is an endemic species of the Sardinia, perennial, evergreen, with lignified epigeo stock. It is one camefita and, after a short period of rest, it emits, from gems in first 20-30 cm of the stalk, coppers that shall flowering in spring-summer. The cultivated plants persist for numerous years. The parts of the plant used for the extraction of essential oils are the inflorescenze and leaves, time of collection on July. To the plant, the following propriety have been ascripted: antipiretyc, antispasmodic, astringent, hypertensive, stimulating and tonic; coleretic property; peripheral analgesic activity, antiinflammatory activity, antimicrobic property and some depressing effects on the centraI nervous system. It has been demonstrated that it induces apoptosys. It has been performed a study of approach to the adaptability to the cultivation in vitro of the species, in order to carry out the propagation of a high number of plants. The substrates use you in the experimentation were base on basal salts and vitamins of Murashige and Skoog. Lengthening of the buds in cultivation has been taken pIace on an substrates. Formation of callus to the base of the explants has been observed in NAA and 6BA; multiplication on substrates containing NAA and 6BA or IBA. The observed factor of multiplication is of 2-3 new buds for bud in cultivation in the first month, increased to 20 in the second month. It has been induced formation of roots in the buds in cultivation on containing substrate IAA

    Interaction between dietary and lifestyle risk factors and N-Acetyltransferase polymorphisms in B-Cell lymphoma etiology

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    Background: Gene-environment interactions are suggested to play a role in lymphomagenesis. Methods: We tested the interaction between the NAT1/NAT2 phenotype, as inferred by the respective genotypes, and exposure to dietary and lifestyle risk factors, in 199 incident lymphoma cases and 188 population controls. We used unconditional logistic regression to calculate the odds ratio (OR) and its 95% confidence interval for lymphoma (all subtypes combined) and B cell lymphoma, associated to the rapid NAT1 phenotype and to the intermediate and slow NAT2 phenotype, and to the estimated dietary intake of heterocyclic amines and folate, current smoking, coffee, and use of permanent hair dyes, as well as the respective interaction terms. We adjusted the ORs by age, gender, and education, and we used the likelihood ratio test to test the interaction between the NAT1, NAT2 phenotype and the dietary and lifestyle variables. Results: We observed an increase in risk of lymphoma (all subtypes combined) and B-cell lymphoma in particular associated with the estimated above median dietary intake of heterocyclic amines (OR = 4.2, 95%CI 1.2 – 14.8) and folate (OR = 4.1, 95%CI 0.7 – 22.4) among subjects with the NAT1 rapid acetylator phenotype, but not independent on the NAT1 phenotype. The test for interaction was significant for heterocyclic amines, but not for folate (p for interaction = 0.026 and 0.076 respectively). Ever use of permanent hair dyes was associated with an elevated risk independent on the NAT1, NAT2 phenotypes; risk decreased to null among intermediate and slow NAT1 acetylators (p for interaction = 0.010). Conclusions: Our results suggest that NAT1, NAT2 polymorphisms interact with dietary and lifestyle exposures in modulating risk of lymphoma and particularly B-cell lymphoma

    Produzione, qualità e analisi della filiera produttiva del lino da fibra in Italia

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    Fibre flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) is disappeared from the ltalian crop systems, while the textile industry has reached a leading position. The reintroduction of the crop is than potentially promising but the crop techniques and the production processes have to be set up. In 12 environments: crop development and growth, cultivar response, straw, fibre and seed yields, and fibre quality were analysed in the 1992-98 period. The data pointed out crop cycles of 176 and 110 d for the autumn and the spring sowing time respectively, corresponding to 1125 and 990°C d cumulated growing degree. Straw yield at pulling was on average of 6.3 t ha-1, with relevant differences among years and environrnents. Early maturity cultivar yielded more in the less favourable sites. N fertilization was occasionally relevant, and a generally distributions of 60 kg N ha-1 was the more effective. In the Mediterranean environments, with the autumn, sowing flax was more productive and the yield steady. The long fibre ratio was often low (10-13%) and the quality uneven because of the insufficient cleanliness due to retting difficulties. Occasionally, the value of the fibre was affected by the insufficient stem length. In the less dense crop, the seed yield was on average 0.9 t ha-1. Such productions were similar to those assessed for the more dense crop. In conclusion: because of the complexity of the interactions among the crop growth, the yield, the retting process and the fibre quality flax reintroduction is doubtful. In the production processes retting seems to be the crucial phase. Il lino da fibra (Linum usitatissimum L.) è da tempo assente negli ordinamenti colturali italiani, mentre è assai importante l'industria di filatura. La reintroduzione della coltura appare quindi potenzialmente promettente, ma richiede la messa a punto dell'agrotecnica e della filiera produttiva. Nel periodo 1992-1998 in 12 ambienti sono stati esaminati: lo sviluppo e la crescita della coltura, l'adattamento di cultivar, la produzione di paglia, fibra e seme, la resa alla stigliatura, la qualità della fibra. I dati raccolti evidenziano cicli colturali in media di 176 e 110 d rispettivamente per le semine autunnali (ambienti del centro-sud) e vemino-primaverili; corrispondenti a somme termiche di 1125 e 990°C d. La produzione di paglia alla estirpatura è stata in media di 6.3 t ha-1 con valori assai variabili tra annate e ambienti. Le varietà a ciclo corto sono apparse migliori nelle condizioni difficili. L'effetto della concimazione azotata è apparsa talvolta rilevante e comunque con dosi ottimali prossime a 60 kg ha-1 di N. Negli ambienti del centro-sud le semine autunnali si sono dimostrate spesso le più interessanti e sicure. La resa in fibra lunga è stata bassa (10-13%) e la qualità variabile per la scarsa pulizia dovuta alle difficoltà di macerazione. La modesta lunghezza tecnica dello stelo sovente riduce il valore del prodotto. In coltura rada, la produzione di seme è variata da 0.5 a 1.5 t ha-1; tali valori non si sono discostati in modo apprezzabile da quelli ottenuti in coltura fitta. In conclusione, la diffusione del lino appare problematica per le complesse interazioni tra la produzione, il processo di macerazione e la qualità della fibra. Soprattutto la macerazione appare il passaggio chiave
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