44 research outputs found

    Human migration into Europe during the late Early Pleistocene climate transition

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    A critical assesment of the available magnetostratigraphic and/or radiometric age constraints on key sites bearing hominin remains and/or lithic industries from southern Europe (Italy, France, Spain) leads us to propose that the main window of early hominin presence in southern Europe is broadly comprised between the Jaramillo subchron and the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (i.e., subchron C1r.1r, 0.99–0.78 Ma). Within the dating uncertainties, this ~ 200 ky time window broadly coincides with the late Early Pleistocene global climate transition that contains marine isotope stage (MIS) 22 (~ 0.87 Ma), the first prominent cold stage of the Pleistocene. We suggest that aridification in North Africa and Eastern Europe, particularly harsh during MIS 22 times, triggered migration pulses of large herbivores, particularly elephants, from these regions into southern European refugia, and that hominins migrated with them. Finally, we speculate on common pathways of late Early Pleistocene dispersal of elephants and hominins from their home in savannah Africa to southern Europe, elephant and hominin buen retiro. In particular, we stress the importance of the Po Valley of northern Italy that became largely and permanently exposed only since MIS 22, thus allowing possibly for the first time in the Pleistocene viable new migration routes for large mammals and hominins across northern Italy to southern France and Spain in the west


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    The middle Eocene Cibrone Formation of Brianza (central-western Lombardy) represents an important stratigraphic record to understand a key step of the tectonic evolution of the Alpine range poorly recorded elsewhere. Quantitative petrographic analysis of turbidite arenites, well-constrained in age by the biostratigraphy of interlayered marlstones based on calcareous foraminifera and nannoplankton, allowed us to identify a possible vertical compositional trend within the Cibrone Fm. and to document the NP17 nannofossil Zone (Bartonian) in central Lombardy exposures, east of the Ternate Formation outcrop area. Variable arenite compositions are interpreted to reflect contributions from different source areas, i.e., recycled orogen, island arc, and starved continental shelf. In a paleogeographic scenario still open to different interpretations, the proposed reconstruction supports a classical plate tectonics model for arc-trench systems. The stratigraphic gap, recorded everywhere in Lombardy, between the Eocene succession and the base of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group (upper NP24 nannofossil Zone, early Chattian), corresponds to the earliest stage of continental collision, uplift and erosion that climaxed in the Neo-Alpine Phase

    Bottleneck at Jaramillo for human migration to Iberia and the rest of Europe?

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    In the contemporary paleoanthropological literature, there is a general consensus that the earliest peopling of Europe occurred before the Brunhes–Matuyama geomagnetic polarity reversal at 0.78 Ma, based on convincing magnetostratigraphic evidence from Spain (e.g., Carbonell et al., 1995 and ParĂ©s and Perez-Gonzalez, 1999), Italy (Muttoni et al., 2011), and northern Europe (e.g., Parfitt et al., 2005). However, there is intense debate about how much before 0.78 Ma the earliest peopling occurred. Proponents of a long chronology claim that Europe was inhabited well before 1 Ma. There are sites that imply peopling of Europe before the Jaramillo normal geomagnetic polarity subchron (1.07–0.99 Ma; time scale of Lourens et al., 2004), even though the Jaramillo is nowhere to be found in these sections. Proponents of a shorter chronology (Muttoni et al., 2010, Muttoni et al., 2013 and Muttoni et al., 2014) put emphasis on the presence (or absence) of the Jaramillo in key hominin sections, while calling attention to large uncertainties in some of the other dating methods (biostratigraphic, ESR, cosmogenic), to infer that the earliest peopling of Europe occurred in a narrow time window of reverse polarity prior to the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary (0.78 Ma) but after the Jaramillo subchron (0.99–1.07 Ma). The Jaramillo has therefore attained the status of a marker datum useful for separating the long (>1 Ma) from the short (<1 Ma) chronology of the earliest peopling of Europe

    Magnetostratigraphy Of The Pleistocene Arda River Section (Northern Italy)

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    We investigated the magnetic properties of the Pleistocene sediments exposed in the Arda river section in southern Po plain, northern Italy. This site contains a complete record of the transition occurring in the greater Po basin between marine sedimentation typical of the Early Pleistocene and continental sedimentation typical of the Middle-Late Pleistocene. The study of the magnetic mineralogy shows a dominance of Magnetite as the main magnetic mineral in almost the whole sequence except for the top where it changes into Hematite and for two minor intervals at the base and the middle of the sequence where the signal is carried mainly by sulphides. Five magnetic polarity reversals were recognized and used to construct an age model of sedimentation for the whole sequence, which was found to span in substantial stratigraphic continuity between ~2.5 Ma in the Matuyama chron across the Olduvai subchron, the Jaramillo subchron to the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary at 0.78 Ma, the correct interpretation of these magnetostratigraphic data has been proven by biostratigraphic data collected at the same time as the paleomagnetic sampling. According to this age model, the age of continentalization occurred in this area between the top of the Jaramillo (0.99 Ma) and the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary (0.78 Ma) and during the late Early Pleistocene climate revolution (EPR). Using magneto-lithostratigraphic data from other sections from the literature outcropping nearby, we reconstructed the timing of continentalization of the greater Po basin area during the EPR. The comparison between data coming form different sections in the Po basin prove a slight diachrony in the marine-continental transtition occurring from the western to the eastern part of the plain due to the gradual infilling by continental sediments. This age for the continentalization of the northern italian area combines well with the age of the best-dated sites with evidence of the earliest peopling of Europe

    Pleistocene magnetochronology of early hominin sites at Ceprano and Fontana Ranuccio, Italy

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    Paleomagnetic analyses were conducted on two cores drilled at Ceprano in central Italy where an incomplete hominin cranium was discovered in 1994, as well as on two additional cores from the nearby site of Fontana Ranuccio that yielded hominin remains associated with an Acheulean industry. No evidence for the 0.78 Ma Brunhes–Matuyama boundary was found at Ceprano down to 45 m below the level that yielded the hominin cranium. The Ceprano lithostratigraphy and the paleomagnetic age constraints are broadly consistent with the stratigraphy of the Liri lacustrine sequence of the Latina Valley, constrained by published K–Ar ages between ~ 0.6 and ~ 0.35 Ma, and according to an age model with magnetic susceptibility supported by pollen facies data, suggest that the level that yielded the hominin cranium has an age of ~ 0.45 (+ 0.05, − 0.10) Ma. Evidence for the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary was found at Fontana Ranuccio about 40 m below the hominin level, consistent with a K–Ar age of ~ 0.46 Ma reported for this level. Hence the Ceprano and Fontana Ranuccio hominin occurrences may be of very similar mid-Brunhes age

    Early hominins in Europe: The Galerian migration hypothesis

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    Our updated review of sites bearing hominin remains and/or tools from Europe, including new findings from the Balkans, still indicates that the only compelling evidence of main hominin presence in these regions was only since ~0.9 million years ago (Ma), bracketed by the end of the Jaramillo geomagnetic polarity subchron (0.99 Ma) and the Brunhes-Matuyama polarity chron boundary (0.78 Ma). This time window straddled the late Early Pleistocene climate transition (EPT) at the onset of enhanced glacial/ interglacial activity that reverberated worldwide. Europe may have become initially populated during the EPT when, possibly for the first time in the Pleistocene, vast and exploitable ecosystems were generated along the eustatically emergent Po-Danube terrestrial conduit. These newly formed settings, characterized by stable terrestrial lowlands with open grasslands and reduced woody cover especially during glacial/interglacial transitions, are regarded as optimal ecosystems for several large Galerian immigrant mammals such as African and Asian megaherbivores, possibly linked with hominins in a common food web, to expand into en route to Europe. The question of when hominins first arrived in Europe thus places the issue in the context of changes in climate, paleogeography and faunal associations as potential environmental drivers and controlling agents in a specific time frame, a key feature of the Galerian migration hypothesis

    Pleistocene magnetochronology of early hominin sites at Ceprano and Fontana Ranuccio, Italy

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    Paleomagnetic analyses were conducted on two cores drilled at Ceprano in central Italy where an incomplete hominin cranium was discovered in 1994, as well as on two additional cores from the nearby site of Fontana Ranuccio that yielded hominin remains associated with an Acheulean industry. No evidence for the 0.78 Ma Brunhes–Matuyama boundary was found at Ceprano down to 45 m below the level that yielded the hominin cranium. The Ceprano lithostratigraphy and the paleomagnetic age constraints are broadly consistent with the stratigraphy of the Liri lacustrine sequence of the Latina Valley, constrained by published K–Ar ages between ~ 0.6 and ~ 0.35 Ma, and according to an age model with magnetic susceptibility supported by pollen facies data, suggest that the level that yielded the hominin cranium has an age of ~ 0.45 (+ 0.05, − 0.10) Ma. Evidence for the Brunhes–Matuyama boundary was found at Fontana Ranuccio about 40 m below the hominin level, consistent with a K–Ar age of ~ 0.46 Ma reported for this level. Hence the Ceprano and Fontana Ranuccio hominin occurrences may be of very similar mid-Brunhes age

    Early capture of a central Apennine (Italy) internal basin as a consequence of enhanced regional uplift at the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition

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    Extensional tectonics in the inner portion of the central Apennines began during the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene. It resulted in the formation of chain-parallel normal fault systems, whose activity through the Quaternary led to the formation of intermontane tectonic basins; these represented traps for continental sedimentary sequences. In particular, during the Early Pleistocene most of the central Apennine depressions hosted lakes, testifying to endorheic hydrographic networks. Afterwards, lacustrine environment was replaced by fluvial regimes, aged at the Middle Pleistocene, as the hydrographic systems of the basins were captured by headward regressive erosion coming from the outermost sectors of the chain. This is testified by a strong erosional phase that cut into the lake sequences, due to deepening of streams and river incisions, and the subsequent deposition of embedded fluvial deposits. This environmental change is commonly attributed to a regional relief enhancement, as a consequence of the increase of regional uplift of the central Apennines (and geologically seen in many parts of the Apennine chain), generically aged between the upper part of the Early Pleistocene and the lower part of the Middle Pleistocene [e.g. D’Agostino et al. 2001]. The Subequana Valley and Middle Aterno Valley are part of a cluster of Quaternary tectonic depressions distributed along the current course of the Aterno River - here termed the Aterno basin system - which also includes the L’Aquila and Paganica-Castelnuovo-San Demetrio basins to the north, and the Sulmona basin to the south. They are located in innermost sector of the central Apennines, in correspondence of the chain divide. These basins are hydrographically connected by the Aterno river, one of the moste important fluvial basins of the “Adriatic domain” which runs south-easterly along the eastern side of the Subequana basin and Middle Aterno Valley, flows to the Sulmona basin through the San Venanzio gorges, where it joins to the Pescara river. The depressions are bounded towards the NE by an active normal fault system that led the formation and the tectonic evolution of the basins [Falcucci et al. 2011]. The analysis of the early Quaternary geological evolution of this depression can represent a significant case study to refine the knowledge of the Early-Middle Pleistocene tectonic/environmental transition, especially in terms of timing, taking into account that uplift rate is defined as having been larger along the chain divide. We integrated geological, geomorphological, paleomagnetic and radiometric dating with the 40Ar/39Ar method to reconstruct the morpho-stratigraphic setting of the Subequana Valley-Middle Aterno river system, defining the paleo-environmental features and chronology of the depositional and erosive events that have characterised the Quaternary geological and structural evolution of these basins. In detail, a synchronous lacustrine depositional phase was recognised in the Subequana basin and the Middle Aterno Valley. Paleomagnetic analysis performed along some sections of these deposits exposed in the Subequana valley attested a reverse magnetisation, reasonably related to the Matuyama Chron. The lacustrine sequence of the Subequana valley passes upwards to sand and gravel, testifying for the infilling of the lake and the onset of a fluvial regime that displays a direction of the drainage towards the north, i.e. opposite to the present Aterno river flow. At the topmost portion of the lake deposits, two subsequent tephra layers were identified and dated by means of 40Ar/39Ar method, at ~890ka, for the lower tephra, and ~805ka for the upper one. It is worth noting that a “short” direct magnetisation event occurred just above the lower tephra, whose significance is still under investigation. This data constraints the infilling of the lake in the Subequana valley very close to the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition. Subsequent to the infilling of the Subequana basin, a fluvial regime, characterised by a northward drainage direction – i.e. opposite to the current one –, was established. Then, after a strong erosional phase, the presence of a new coeval fluvial depositional phase within the Subequana Valley and the Middle Aterno Valley, with flow direction towards the south-east, indicates the formation of a paleo-Aterno. We identified a further fluvial sequence, embedded within the lacustrine sequence through an evident erosional surface. These deposits are found at the northern part of the Subequana valley, where they laterally pass to fluvial deposits that crop out at the southern part of the Middle Aterno river valley; this sequence shows a flow direction consistent with the current direction of the Aterno river. This morpho-stratigraphic setting, schematized in Fig. 1, indicates that after an intense erosional phase, which dissected the lake sequence, the Subequana-Middle Aterno river valley system has been hydrographically connected by the course of a paleo-Aterno river; this river flowed southerly, towards the San Venanzio gorges.Such morpho-stratigraphic interpretation is corroborated by geological observations performed in the Sulmona basin. At the outlet of the Aterno river, we found slope derived breccias, commonly attributed to the Early Pleistocene, that lay over the bedrock Their depositional geometry suggests that the breccias deposited when the Aterno river thalweg was not present yet, that is when the Subequana Valley was hosting a lake and no drainage was hydrographically connecting the valley to the Sulmona basin. Then, an alluvial fan body unconformably overlays the breccias; the fan, suspended over the Aterno river thalweg, was fed by a stream incision coinciding with the paleo-San Venanzio gorges. Lastly, a fluvial deposit is found embedded within the breccias and the alluvial fan, sourcing from the San Venanzio gorges as well. A tephra layer was found interbedded to the sedimentary body. The volcanic deposit was related to the “Pozzolane Rosse” eruption of the Colli Albani district, dated at 456±4 ka BP [Galli et al. 2010]. This fluvial deposit indicates the presence a paleo-Aterno river flowing from the Subequana valley. Therefore, the described morpho-stratigraphic framework, and the obtained chronological elements constrain the capture of the endorheic hydrographic network of the Subequana valley-Middle Aterno Valley during a time span comprised between ~800ka and ~450ka. In this perspective, it is worth noting that endorheic hydrographic networks of other basins (e.g. the Leonessa basins) located along the innermost portion of the central Apennine chain were captured during the same time span by headward erosion of streams and rivers related to the “thyrrenian hydrographic system” [e.g. Fubelli et al 2009]. This provides new elements for unravelling coupling between river incision potential and capability, and the Apennine chain uplift