135 research outputs found

    Leukocyte telomere shortening in Huntington's disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by an expanded CAG repeat. Though symptom onset commonly occurs at midlife and inversely correlates with the CAG repeat expansion, age at clinical onset and progression rate are variable. In the present study we investigated the relationship between leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and HD development. LTL was measured by real-time PCR in manifest HD patients (HD, n = 62), pre-manifest HD patients (pre-HD, n = 38), and age-matched controls (n = 76). Significant LTL differences were observed between the three groups (p < .0001), with LTL values in the order: HD < pre-HD < controls. The relationship between LTL and age was different in the three groups. An inverse relationship between mean LTL and CAG repeat number was found in the pre-HD (p = .03). The overall data seem to indicate that after age 30 years, LT begins to shorten markedly in pre-HD patients according to CAG number and increasing age, up to the values observed in HD. This very suggestive picture allowed us to hypothesize that in pre-manifest HD, LTL could be a measure of time to clinical HD onset. The possible use of LTL as a reliable biomarker to track HD development and progression was evaluated and discussed

    Leukocyte telomere length as potential biomarker of HD progression: A follow-up study

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    The identification of biomarkers for neurodegenerative disorders such as Huntington's disease (HD) is crucial for monitoring disease progression and therapeutic trial outcomes, especially in the pre-manifest disease stage (pre-HD). In a previous study, we observed that leukocyte telomere length (LTL) was strongly correlated with the estimated time to clinical onset in pre-HD subjects. To validate this hypothesis, we designed a follow-up study in which we analyzed LTL in 45 pre-HD stage subjects at baseline (T0) and then again after clinical onset at follow-up (T1); the follow-up interval was about 3 years, and the CAG range was 39-51 repeats; 90 peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples (PBMCs) were obtained from the Enroll-HD biorepository. In pre-HD subjects at T0, LTL was significantly reduced by 22% compared to the controls and by 14% from T0 at T1. No relationship was observed between the LTL and CAG numbers in subjects carrying different CAG repeats at T0 and at T1, suggesting that LTL reduction occurs independently of CAG number in pre-HD subjects. ROC curve analysis was used to test the validity of LTL as a potential biomarker of HD progression and showed that LTL measurement is extremely accurate in discriminating pre-HD subjects from the controls and even pre-HD from manifest HD, thus yielding a robust prognostic value in pre-HD subjects

    Leukocyte telomere length variability as a potential biomarker in patients with polyQ diseases

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    SCA1, SCA2, and SCA3 are the most common forms of SCAs among the polyglutamine disorders, which include Huntington's Disease (HD). We investigated the relationship between leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and the phenotype of SCA1, SCA2, and SCA3, comparing them with HD. The results showed that LTL was significantly reduced in SCA1 and SCA3 patients, while LTL was significantly longer in SCA2 patients. A significant negative relationship between LTL and age was observed in SCA1 but not in SCA2 subjects. LTL of SCA3 patients depend on both patient's age and disease duration. The number of CAG repeats did not affect LTL in the three SCAs. Since LTL is considered an indirect marker of an inflammatory response and oxidative damage, our data suggest that in SCA1 inflammation is present already at an early stage of disease similar to in HD, while in SCA3 inflammation and impaired antioxidative processes are associated with disease progression. Interestingly, in SCA2, contrary to SCA1 and SCA3, the length of leukocyte telomeres does not reduce with age. We have observed that SCAs and HD show a differing behavior in LTL for each subtype, which could constitute relevant biomarkers if confirmed in larger cohorts and longitudinal studies

    Dorsal Visual Pathway Changes in Patients with Comitant Extropia

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    BACKGROUND: Strabismus is a disorder in which the eyes are misaligned. Persistent strabismus can lead to stereopsis impairment. The effect of strabismus on human brain is not unclear. The present study is to investigate whether the brain white structures of comitant exotropia patients are impaired using combined T1-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Thirteen patients with comitant strabismus and twelve controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with acquisition of T1-weighted and diffusion tensor images. T1-weighted images were used to analyze the change in volume of white matter using optimized voxel-based morphology (VBM) and diffusion tensor images were used to detect the change in white matter fibers using voxel-based analysis of DTI in comitant extropia patients. VBM analysis showed that in adult strabismus, white matter volumes were smaller in the right middle occipital gyrus, right occipital lobe/cuneus, right supramarginal gyrus, right cingulate gyrus, right frontal lobe/sub-gyral, right inferior temporal gyrus, left parahippocampa gyrus, left cingulate gyrus, left occipital lobe/cuneus, left middle frontal gyrus, left inferior parietal lobule, and left postcentral gyrus, while no brain region with greater white matter volume was found. Voxel-based analysis of DTI showed lower fractional anisotropy (FA) values in the right middle occipital gyrus and right supramarginal gyrus in strabismus patients, while brain region with increased FA value was found in the right inferior frontal gyrus. CONCLUSION: By combining VBM and voxel-based analysis of DTI results, the study suggests that the dorsal visual pathway was abnormal or impaired in patients with comitant exotropia

    No longer the pristine confines of the world ocean: a survey of exotic marine species in the southwestern Atlantic

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    We conducted a comprehensive survey of existing knowledge about exotic marine organisms introduced to the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, including coastal and shelf areas of Uruguay and Argentina. This domain is equivalent to the so-called Patagonian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem, and corresponds to two biogeographic provinces: warm-temperate (Argentine Province) and cold temperate (Magellanic Province). The search included species that can be confidently categorized as introduced (31) and cryptogenic species (46). We present a comprehensive picture of recorded introductions (the first for this region) and some prominent ecological consequences. Most coastal ecosystems between the La Plata River estuary and central Patagonia have already been modified, or are expected to be so in the short term. Five recent, human-mediated biological invasions have already had a significant ecological impact. A barnacle (Balanus glandula) belt has developed on all rocky shores where none was present 30 years ago, a macro-fouler (Limnoperna fortunei) and a reef-builder (Ficopomatus enigmaticus) have strongly modified estuarine ecosystems, Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) reefs are expanding in shallow bays at a fast rate, and kelp (Undaria pinnatifida) is rapidly modifying nearshore benthic communities along the coasts of central Patagonia. At this point, it is uncertain how many of the cordgrasses (Spartina spp.) found in coastal salt marshes correspond to exotic forms. Only exposed sandy beaches appear to be free from the pervasive ecological impact of invasion by exotic species. Poor knowledge of the regional biota makes it difficult to track invasions.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Abyssal fauna of the UK-1 polymetallic nodule exploration area, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Mollusca

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    The file attached is the Published/publisher’s pdf version of the article. This is an OpenAccess article.Copyright Helena Wiklund et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Bivalve distribution in hydrographic regions in South America: historical overview and conservation

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    Based on literature review and malacological collections, 168 native freshwater bivalve and five invasive species have been recorded for 52 hydrographic regions in South America. The higher species richness has been detected in the South Atlantic, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Amazon Brazilian hydrographic regions. Presence or absence data were analysed by Principal Coordinate for Phylogeny-Weighted. The lineage Veneroida was more representative in hydrographic regions that are poorer in species and located West of South America. The Mycetopodidae and Hyriidae lineages were predominant in regions that are richest in species toward the East of the continent. The distribution of invasive species Limnoperna fortunei is not related to species richness in different hydrographic regions there. The species richness and its distribution patterns are closely associated with the geological history of the continent. The hydrographic regions present distinct phylogenetic and species composition regardless of the level of richness. Therefore, not only should the richness be considered to be a criterion for prioritizing areas for conservation, but also the phylogenetic diversity of communities engaged in services and functional aspects relevant to ecosystem maintenance. A plan to the management of this fauna according to particular ecological characteristics and human uses of hydrographic regions is needed.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Pre-attentive processing in children with early and continuously-treated PKU. Effects of concurrent Phe level and lifetime dietary control

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    Sixty-four children, aged 7 to 14 years, with early-treated PKU, were compared with control children on visual evoked potential (VEP) amplitudes and latencies and auditory mismatch negativity (MMN) amplitudes. It was further investigated whether indices of dietary control would be associated with these evoked potentials parameters. There were no significant differences between controls and children with PKU in VEP- and MMN-indices. However, higher lifetime Phe levels were, in varying degree and stronger than concurrent Phe level, related to increased N75 amplitudes, suggesting abnormalities in attention, and longer P110 latencies, indicating a reduction in speed of neural processing, possibly due to deficits in myelination or reduced dopamine levels in brain and retina. Similarly, higher lifetime Phe levels and Index of Dietary Control (IDC) were associated with decreased MMN amplitudes, suggesting a reduced ability to respond to stimulus change and poorer triggering of the frontally mediated attention switch. In summary, the present study in children with PKU investigated bottom-up information processing, i.e., triggered by external events, a fundamental prerequisite for the individual’s responsiveness to the outside world. Results provide evidence that quality of dietary control may affect the optimal development of these pre-attentive processes, and suggest the existence of windows of vulnerability to Phe exposure

    DNA multigene characterization of Fasciola hepatica and Lymnaea neotropica and its fascioliasis transmission capacity in Uruguay, with historical correlation, human report review and infection risk analysis

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    Fascioliasis is a highly pathogenic zoonotic disease emerging in recent decades, in part due to the effects of climate and global changes. South America is the continent presenting more numerous human fascioliasis endemic areas and the highest Fasciola hepatica infection prevalences and intensities known in humans. These serious public health scenarios appear mainly linked to altitude areas in Andean countries, whereas lowland areas of non-Andean countries, such as Uruguay, only show sporadic human cases or outbreaks. To understand this difference, we characterized F. hepatica from cattle and horses and lymnaeids of Uruguay by sequencing of ribosomal DNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 spacers and mitochondrial DNA cox1, nad1 and 16S genes. Results indicate that vectors belong to Lymnaea neotropica instead of to Lymnaea viator, as always reported from Uruguay. Our correlation of fasciolid and lymnaeid haplotypes with historical data on the introduction and spread of livestock species into Uruguay allow to understand the molecular diversity detected. We study the life cycle and transmission features of F. hepatica by L. neotropica of Uruguay under standardized experimental conditions to enable a comparison with the transmission capacity of F. hepatica by Galba truncatula at very high altitude in Bolivia. Results demonstrate that although L. neotropica is a highly efficient vector in the lowlands, its transmission capacity is markedly lower than that of G. truncatula in the highlands. On this baseline, we review the human fascioliasis cases reported in Uruguay and analyze the present and future risk of human infection in front of future climate change estimations
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