51 research outputs found

    Détermination des paléotempératures des océans à partir du rapport Mg/Ca des foraminifÚres

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    One of the purposes of paleoclimatology is to reconstruct some of the key parameters of the climate system, such as the temperature of ocean water masses. The aim of this study, conducted at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen (Norway), was to carry out a project of analytical development for the determination of foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios, a proxy for seawater temperature. In a first part we introduce the climate system and the means at our disposal to study past climates, with particular attention to sedimentary archives taken from the bottom of the oceans: cores. The second part presents ocean coring technique and optimization, as well as some on-board geotechnical instrumentations. The third part of the thesis is the description of the analytical development. It includes the definition and implementation of a protocol for chemical cleaning of samples, and describes the work of optimization and validation for analysis by optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). The last part is the improvement of a temperature calibration for the benthic foraminifera specie C.wuellerstorfi. This calibration allows the interpretation of Mg/Ca data in terms of water masses temperatures from the western tropical Atlantic Ocean during the last deglaciation.Une des finalitĂ©s de la palĂ©oclimatologie est de reconstituer certains paramĂštres climatiques clĂ©s, comme par exemple, la tempĂ©rature des masses d’eau ocĂ©anique. Cette Ă©tude, menĂ©e au sein du Bjerknes Center for Climate Research de l’universitĂ© de Bergen (NorvĂšge), a consistĂ© Ă  mener un projet de dĂ©veloppement analytique pour la dĂ©termination du rapport Mg/Ca de la calcite des tests de foraminifĂšres marins, un proxy ou traceur de la tempĂ©rature de l’eau de mer.La premiĂšre partie est une prĂ©sentation du systĂšme climatique et des moyens Ă  notre disposition pour Ă©tudier les climats du passĂ©, avec une attention particuliĂšre sur l’intĂ©rĂȘt des archives sĂ©dimentaires prĂ©levĂ©es au fond des ocĂ©ans : les carottes. La seconde partie traite de la technique de carottage ocĂ©anique et de son optimisation, ainsi que de quelques outils gĂ©otechniques embarquĂ©s. La troisiĂšme partie du mĂ©moire est la description du dĂ©veloppement analytique. Elle comprend la dĂ©finition et la mise en Ɠuvre d’un protocole de nettoyage chimique des Ă©chantillons, et retrace le travail d’optimisation et de validation pour leur analyse par spectromĂ©trie d’émission optique Ă  torche plasma (ICP-OES). Enfin,la derniĂšre partie consiste Ă  l’amĂ©lioration d’une calibration de l’espĂšce de foraminifĂšres benthiques C.wuellerstorfi en tempĂ©ratures. Cette calibration permet l’interprĂ©tation de donnĂ©es Mg/Ca en termes de tempĂ©ratures des masses d’eau de l’ocĂ©an atlantique tropicaloccidental au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©glaciation

    De la justesse des Ăąges K-Ar : exemple de la datation de deux dĂŽmes trachytiques du GölcĂŒk (Turquie)

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    International audienceLe GölcĂŒk, situĂ© au sud de la ville d'Isparta (Turquie), est un volcan composite, construit en trois phases durant le PlĂ©istocĂšne (Alici et al., 1998 ; Platevoet et al., 2008 ; Elitok et al., 2010). Les Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es par Platevoet et al. (2008) et Schmitt et al. (2014) se sont intĂ©ressĂ©es en partie Ă  la datation de deux dĂŽmes mis en place au sein de la caldeira du GölcĂŒk. Les Ăąges K-Ar (Platevoet et al., 2008) de ces dĂŽmes trachytiques (KĂŒĂ§ĂŒkçesme Tepe : 52 ± 2 ka et Pilav Tepe : 24 ± 2 ka) sont significativement plus vieux que les Ăąges (U-Th)/He sur zircons obtenus par Schmitt et al. (2014) Ă©tant respectivement de 14,1 ± 0,5 et de 12,9 ± 0,4 ka. Nous avons testĂ© l'hypothĂšse proposĂ©e par Schmitt et al. (2014) qui est celle d'un excĂšs d' 40 Ar * faussant les Ăąges K-Ar en datant ces mĂȘmes trachytes par la mĂ©thode 40 Ar/ 39 Ar. Nos Ăąges 40 Ar/ 39 Ar sur mĂ©sostase confirment les Ăąges (U-TH)/He sur zircons et datent l'activitĂ© magmatique la plus rĂ©cente du GölcĂŒk Ă  13,4 ± 0,3 ka. Nous proposons que l'erreur sur les Ăąges K-Ar soit liĂ©e Ă  un excĂšs d'argon probablement portĂ© par des clinopyroxĂšnes associĂ©s Ă  la mĂ©sostase. ABSTRACT QUESTIONING THE ACCURACY OF K-AR AGES: EXAMPLE OF THE DATING OF TWO TRACHYTIC DOMES FROM THE GÖLCÜK (TURKEY) The GölcĂŒk volcano, located south to the city of Isparta (Turkey), built-up in three stages during the Pleistocene (Alici et al., 1998; Platevoet et al., 2008; Elitok et al., 2010). A reliable and accurate dating of the most recent volcanic stage is crucial to assess the potential hazards for the infrastructures and the populations. In this context, Platevoet et al. (2008) and Schmitt et al. (2014) applied respectively the K-Ar and the (U-Th)/He methods to date the youngest volcanic stage of the GölcĂŒk and obtained contrasted results. Based on the K-Ar dating of two trachytic domes (KĂŒcĂŒkcesme Tepe et Pilav Tepe), the post-caldera stage is dated between 52 ± 2 ka and 24 ± 2 ka by Platevoet et al. (2008). When the (U-Th)/He method is applied on zircons from the same trachytic domes, Schmitt et al. (2014) date the post-caldera stage around 14.1 ± 0.5-12.9 ± 0.4 ka. Schmitt et al. (2014) proposed that the K-Ar ages were erroneously too old, probably because of excess 40 Ar*. We have tested this hypothesis by dating groundmass splits of these trachytes using the 40 Ar/ 39 Ar method. Our 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages reproduce the (U-Th)/He ages on zircons and date the youngest volcanic stage of the GölcĂŒk at 13.4 ± 0.3 ka. Confirming the hypothesis of Schmitt et al. (2014), we propose that the error on the K-Ar ages is related to excess argon probably trapped in small fragments of clinopyroxene attached to the groundmass

    New 40 Ar/ 39 Ar constraints for the “Grande Nappe”: The largest rhyolitic eruption from the Mont-Dore Massif (French Massif Central)

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    International audienceSince the 1960s, an early explosive activity in the Mont-Dore Massif is associated with a major pyroclastic rhyolitic eruption (5–7 km3) known as the “Grande Nappe” (GN). This event, linked to the formation of a 6-km-diameter cryptic caldera named “Haute Dordogne”, was before our investigation dated by 40Ar/39Ar at 3.07 ± 0.04 Ma. Our new single-crystal laser fusion 40Ar/39Ar dates obtained on two outcrops of the GN (Rochefort-Montagne and LudiĂšres) questioned several hypotheses made concerning this “landmark” event of the Mont-Dore Massif history. We demonstrate that: (1) the GN rhyolitic eruption has occurred much later than previously estimated (i.e. 2.77 ± 0.02–0.07 Ma full external uncertainties); (2) the correlation made between the Vendeix rhyolitic complexes (intra-caldera position) dated back to 2.74 ± 0.04 Ma and the GN is proposed; (3) xenocryst contamination could be very high (i.e. 70% for the Rochefort-Montagne GN outcrop) and explains the noticeable older age obtained previously; (4) a link between the GN eruption and the formation of a caldera is questionable; the hypothesis of a northward-oriented blast channeled eastward toward the paleo-Allier River is thus proposed

    Tephrochronology of the Mont-Dore volcanic Massif (Massif Central, France): new 40Ar/39Ar constraints on the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene activity

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    International audienceThe Mont-Dore Massif (500 km2), the youngest stratovolcano of the French Massif Central, consists of two volcanic edifices: the GuĂ©ry and the Sancy. To improve our knowledge of the oldest explosive stages of the Mont-Dore Massif, we studied 40Ar/39Ar-dated (through single-grain laser and step-heating experiments) 11 pyroclastic units from the GuĂ©ry stratovolcano. We demonstrate that the explosive history of the GuĂ©ry can be divided into four cycles of explosive eruption activity between 3.09 and 1.46 Ma (G.I to G.IV). We have also ascertained that deposits associated with the 3.1-3.0-Ma rhyolitic activity, which includes the 5-km3 "Grande Nappe" ignimbrite, are not recorded in the central part of the Mont-Dore Massif. All the pyroclastites found in the left bank of the Dordogne River belong to a later explosive phase (2.86-2.58 Ma, G.II) and were channelled down into valleys or topographic lows where they are currently nested. This later activity also gave rise to most of the volcanic products in the Perrier Plateau (30 km east of the Mont-Dore Massif); three quarters of the volcano-sedimentary sequence (up to 100 m thick) was emplaced within less than 20 ky, associated with several flank collapses in the northeastern part of the GuĂ©ry. The age of the "Fournet flora" (2.69 ± 0.01 Ma) found within an ash bed belonging to G.II suggests that temperate forests already existed in the French Massif Central before the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary. The GuĂ©ry's third explosive eruption activity cycle (G.III) lasted between 2.36 and 1.91 Ma. It encompassed the GuĂ©ry Lake and Morangie pumice and ash deposits, as well as seven other important events recorded as centimetric ash beds some 60 to 100 km southeast of the Massif in the Velay region. We propose a general tephrochronology for the Mont-Dore stratovolcano covering the last 3.1 My. This chronology is based on 44 40Ar/39Ar-dated events belonging to eight explosive eruption cycles each lasting between 100 and 200 ky. The occurrence of only one pumice deposit in the 800-ky period between 1.9 and 1.1 Ma suggests that volcanic explosive activity was strongly reduced or quiescent
