569 research outputs found

    The water and fluid-mobile element cycles during serpentinite subduction. A review

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    The key role of serpentinites in the global cycles of volatiles, halogens and fluid-mobile elements in oceans and in subduction zones is now ascertained by many studies quantifying their element budgets and the composition of fluids they release during subduction. Geochemical tracers (e.g. B, As, Sb; stable B and radiogenic Sr and Pb isotopes) have also been employed to trace the provenance of serpentinites (slab or forearc mantle?) accreted to the plate interface of fossil subduction zones. In turn, this helps defining the tectonic processes, seismicity and mass transfer attending rock burial and exhumation within subduction zones. The results suggest that the sole use of geochemical data is insufficient to track the origin of subduction-zone serpentinites and the timing of serpentinization, whether oceanic or subduction-related. Integrated multidisciplinary studies of ophiolitic serpentinite show that pristine, oceanic, geochemical imprints (e.g. high 11B, marine Sr isotopes, low As + Sb) become reset towards more radiogenic Sr, lower 11B, and higher As + Sb via metasomatic exchange with crust-derived fluids during subduction accretion to the plate interface.The dehydration fluids released by serpentinite dehydration at various subduction stages and still preserved in these rocks as inclusions, carry significant amounts of halogens and fluid-mobile elements. The key compositional similarities of antigorite-breakdown fluids from different localities (Betic Cordillera, Spain; Central Alps, Switzerland) indicate that rocks record comparable subduction processes. We individuate the fluid-mediated exchange with sedimentary and/or crustal reservoirs during subduction as the key mechanism for geochemical hybridization of serpentinite. The antigorite dehydration fluids produced by hybrid serpentinites have high Cs, Rb, Ba, B, Pb, As, Sb and Li overlapping those of the arc lavas and representing the mixed serpentinite\u2013sediment (crustal) component released to arcs. This helps discriminating the mass transfer processes responsible for supra-subduction mantle metasomatism and arc magmatism. The studied plate-interface hybrid serpentinites are also proxies of forearc mantle metasomatized by slab fluids. Based on the above observations, we propose that the mass transfer from slabs to plate interface and/or forearc mantle and the subsequent down-drag of this altered mantle to subarc depths potentially is a major process operating in subduction zones.The nominally anhydrous olivine, orhopyroxene, clinopyroxene and garnet produced by serpentinite dehydration host appreciable amounts of halogens and fluid-mobile elements that can be recycled in the deep mantle beyond arcs. Involvement of de-serpentinized residues in lower mantle metasomatism begins to be increasingly recognized by studies of ocean island basalts (OIB) and of B-bearing blue diamonds and by the isotopic serpentinite compositions presented here

    The role of brucite in water and element cycling during serpentinite subduction – Insights from Erro Tobbio (Liguria, Italy)

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    The Erro Tobbio olivine-antigorite serpentinites and associated dehydration veins represent hydrated oceanic mantle rocks that escaped complete dehydration and recycling into the mantle after subduction to ~ 550-600 °C and 2.0-2.5 GPa. These rocks thus offer valuable insights into the petrological evolution of a slice of hydrated oceanic mantle and the geochemical cycling down to intermediate subduction zone depths. Our study emphasises the role of brucite upon rock-buffered hydration and subduction dehydration employing bulk and in situ chemical data sets combined with petrology. Bulk rock data reveal a coherent mantle peridotite slice affected by variable melt depletion and refertilisation. Subsequent fluid-rock interaction stages proceeded isochemically with respect to SiO2, i.e., without significant SiO2 enrichment characteristic for hydrothermal ocean floor serpentinisation. Relicts of low-T mesh textures after olivine and preservation of precursor mineral and low-T hydration geochemical features indicate a lack of subsequent fluid and metamorphic overprinting, even on scales of tens of micrometres. Fluid-mobile element enrichments are modest with exceptions for B and W. Enrichment signatures of U/Cs << 1 and Rb/Cs of 4-26 are characteristic of shallow forearc hydration within or atop the slab by fluids derived from breakdown of clays or first dehydration of altered oceanic crust with a subordinate sedimentary pore fluid component. Overall, the geochemical and petrological changes of the Erro Tobbio peridotites during fluid-rock interactions were rockbuffered, in contrast to fluid-buffered hydration accompanied with significant SiO2 metasomatism at, e.g., mid ocean ridges. Silica-neutral rock-buffered serpentinisation resulted in prominent brucite formation upon olivine hydration. In absence of excess SiO2, subsequent serpentine transformation of chrysotile/lizardite to antigorite likely produced even more brucite. Rock-buffered fluid-rock interactions thus provide a mechanism for stabilising brucite in subduction zone serpentinites, presumably along hydration fronts and within deeper sections of the oceanic lithospheric mantle. Finally, brucite + antigorite dehydration produced up to 40 vol. % of metamorphic olivine and prominent olivine + Ti-clinohumite + magnetite vein networks at temperatures < 550-600 °C, prior to complete antigorite breakdown. Wall rocks released alkali elements, B, Cr, As, Sb, and Ba into the dehydration fluids, along with substantial Sr, REE and HFSE redistribution into vein minerals

    Petrology and Trace Element Budgets of High-pressure Peridotites Indicate Subduction Dehydration of Serpentinized Mantle (Cima di Gagnone, Central Alps, Switzerland)

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    At Cima di Gagnone, garnet peridotite and chlorite harzburgite lenses within pelitic schists and gneisses correspond to eclogite-facies breakdown products of hydrated peridotites and are suitable for studying dehydration of serpentinized mantle. Thermobarometry and pseudosection modelling yield peak temperatures of 750-850°C and pressures <3 GPa. The minimum temperature recorded by the garnet peridotite corresponds to the maximum conditions experienced by the chlorite harzburgite, suggesting that these rocks recrystallized cofacially at ∌800°C. Alternatively, they might have decoupled during subduction, as achieved in tectonically active plate interface boundaries. The major and rare earth element (REE) variability of the peridotites was mostly acquired during pre-subduction mantle evolution as a result of partial melting and reactive melt flow. The ultramafic suite is also characterized by fluid-mobile element enrichments (B, Pb, As, Sb, Cs, Li, U, Be), which confirm derivation from variably serpentinized protoliths. Similarity in the U, Pb, B, Li and Sr contents of the Gagnone peridotites to present-day oceanic serpentinites suggests that these elements were partly taken up during initial serpentinization by seawater-derived fluids. Positive Be, As and Sb anomalies suggest involvement of fluids equilibrated with crustal (metasedimentary) reservoirs during subsequent subduction metamorphism and peridotite entrainment in (meta)sediments. Fluid-mobile element enrichment characterizes all peak eclogitic minerals, implying that multiple hydration events and element influx pre-dated the eclogite-facies dehydration. Peak anhydrous minerals retain B, Li, As and Sb concentrations exceeding primitive mantle values and may introduce geochemical anomalies into the Earth's mantle. The relatively low contents of large ion lithophile elements and light REE in the Gagnone peridotites with respect to much higher enrichments shown by metasomatized garnet peridotite pods hosted in migmatites (Ulten Zone, Eastern Alps) suggest that the crustal rocks at Gagnone did not experience partial melting. The Gagnone garnet peridotite, despite showing evidence for chlorite dehydration, retains significant amounts of fluid-mobile elements documenting that no partial melting occurred upon chlorite breakdown. We propose that the Gagnone ultramafic rocks represent a prime example of multi-stage peridotite hydration and subsequent dehydration in a plate interface settin

    Commensurate Growth of Magnetite Microinclusions in Olivine under Mantle Conditions

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    Magnetite-bearing multiphase solid inclusions hosted in metamorphic olivine have been interpreted as final products of the trapping of the aqueous fluid produced by the subduction-zone dehydration of former serpentinites. We provide here a careful analysis performed by microfocus single-crystal X-ray diffraction of inclusions found in harzburgites from the Almirez Complex (BĂ©tic Cordillera, Spain) to determine the occurrence of preferential crystallographic orientation relationships between the olivine host and the magnetite inclusion. The results demonstrate that the magnetite–olivine interface selectively displays parallelism between crystallographic planes (111) and (100) and between crystallographic directions ⟹110⟩ and ⟹011⟩, respectively. This evidence points to a clear epitaxial growth of magnetite on olivine. The calculation of the geometrical misfit between the two lattices in contact as a function of their relative azimuthal orientation shows that, under the aforementioned reciprocal orientation, a perfect commensurism is achieved; i.e., all of the nodes of the magnetite lattice coincide with nodes of the olivine lattice. This particular relationship must be interpreted as a unique occurrence, playing a fundamental role in favoring the heterogeneous nucleation of magnetite on olivine

    Petrology and Geochemistry of Serpentinites Associated with the Ultra-High Pressure Lago di Cignana Unit (ItalianWestern Alps)

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    In the Western Alps, the ophiolitic Zermatt–Saas Zone (ZSZ) and the Lago di Cignana Unit (LCU) record oceanic lithosphere subduction to high (540°C, 2·3GPa) and ultra-high pressure (600°C, 3·2GPa), respectively. The top of the Zermatt–Saas Zone in contact with the Lago di Cignana Unit consists of olivine ĂŸ Ti-clinohumite-bearing serpentinites (the Cignana serpentinite) hosting olivine ĂŸ Ti-clinohumite veins and dykelets of olivine ĂŸ Ti-chondrodite ĂŸ Ti-clinohumite. The composition of this serpentinite reveals a refertilized oceanic mantle peridotite protolith that became subsequently enriched in fluid-mobile elements (FME) during oceanic serpentinization. The olivine ĂŸ Ti-clinohumite veins in the Cignana serpentinite display Rare Earth Element (REE) and FME compositions quite similar to the host-rock, which suggests closed-system dehydration of this serpentinite during subduction. The Ti-chondrodite-bearing dykelets are richer in REE and FME than the host-rock and the dehydration olivine ĂŸ Ti-clinohumite veins: their Nd composition points to a mafic protolith, successively overprinted by oceanic metasomatism and by subduction zone recrystallization. These dykelets are comparable in composition to eclogites within the ultra-high pressure LCU that derive from subducted oceanic mafic crust. Different from the LCU, serpentinites from the core domains of the ZSZ display REE compositions indicating a depleted mantle protolith. The oceanic serpentinization of these rocks led to an increase in FME and to seawater-like Sr isotope compositions. The serpentinites sampled at increasing distance from the ultra-high pressure LCU reveal different mantle protoliths, still preserve an oceanic geochemical imprint and contain mafic dykelets affected by oceanic metasomatism. The subduction zone history of these rocks thus occurred under relatively closed system conditions, the only possible change during subduction being an enrichment in As and Sb recorded by the serpentinites closer to the crustal LCU. The ZSZ and Cignana serpentinites thus likely evolved in a slab setting and were weakly exposed to interaction with slab-derived fluids characteristic of plate interface settings. Our data suggest two possible scenarios for the evolution of the studied ZSZ and Cignana serpentinites. They are either part of a coherent ophiolite unit whose initial lithospheric mantle was variably affected by depletion and re-fertilization processes, or they belong to separate tectonic slices derived from two different oceanic mantle sections. In the Cignana serpentinite atop the ZSZ, the presence of Ti-chondrodite dykelets similar in composition to the LCU eclogites suggests these two domains were closely associated in the oceanic lithosphere and shared the same evolution to ultra-high pressure conditions during Alpine subduction

    OH-bearing planar defects in olivine produced by the breakdown of Ti-rich humite minerals from Dabie Shan (China)

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    The partial breakdown of Ti-chondrodite and Ti-clinohumite during exhumation from ultra-high pressure to amphibolite facies conditions in garnet-pyroxenites from Dabie Shan (China) produces coronas of olivine coexisting with ilmenite blebs. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of this newly formed olivine exhibit absorption bands in the hydroxyl-stretching region. Two intense peaks were observed at 3,564 and 3,394 cm-1, identical in energy to peaks in Ti-clinohumite. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the same olivine domains revealed the presence of a complex (001) planar intergrowth. These interlayers have a 1.35 nm repeat distance, which is characteristic of clinohumite. Such interlayers are also enriched in Ti with respect to the adjacent olivine as shown by energy dispersive spectrometry. The combined evidence from FTIR spectroscopy and TEM indicates that OH is incorporated along Ti-clinohumite planar defects. This study provides evidence that the nominally anhydrous phase olivine may contain OH as a humite-type defect beyond the breakdown of the hydrous humite minerals and confirms earlier suggestions that Ti plays a key role in OH incorporation in mantle olivine. We suggest that olivine containing Ti-clinohumite defects is an important phase for water transport in subduction zones and for the storage of water in cold subcontinental mantle. However, these defects are unlikely to be stable in hotter parts of the oceanic mantle such as where basaltic magmas are generated

    Fluid‐mediated mass transfer between mafic and ultramafic rocks in subduction zones

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Codillo, E., Klein, F., Dragovic, B., Marschall, H., Baxter, E., Scambelluri, M., & Schwarzenbach‬, E. Fluid‐mediated mass transfer between mafic and ultramafic rocks in subduction zones. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 23, (2022): e2021GC010206, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021gc010206.Metasomatic reaction zones between mafic and ultramafic rocks exhumed from subduction zones provide a window into mass-transfer processes at high pressure. However, accurate interpretation of the rock record requires distinguishing high-pressure metasomatic processes from inherited oceanic signatures prior to subduction. We integrated constraints from bulk-rock geochemical compositions and petrophysical properties, mineral chemistry, and thermodynamic modeling to understand the formation of reaction zones between juxtaposed metagabbro and serpentinite as exemplified by the Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps, Italy). Distinct zones of variably metasomatized metagabbro are dominated by chlorite, amphibole, clinopyroxene, epidote, rutile, ilmenite, and titanite between serpentinite and eclogitic metagabbro. Whereas the precursor serpentinite and oxide gabbro formed and were likely already in contact in an oceanic setting, the reaction zones formed by diffusional Mg-metasomatism between the two rocks from prograde to peak, to retrograde conditions in a subduction zone. Metasomatism of mafic rocks by Mg-rich fluids that previously equilibrated with serpentinite could be widespread along the subduction interface, within the subducted slab, and the mantle wedge. Furthermore, the models predict that talc formation by Si-metasomatism of serpentinite in subduction zones is limited by pressure-dependent increase in the silica activity buffered by the serpentine-talc equilibrium. Elevated activities of aqueous Ca and Al species would also favor the formation of chlorite and garnet. Accordingly, unusual conditions or processes would be required to stabilize abundant talc at high P-T conditions. Alternatively, a different set of mineral assemblages, such as serpentine- or chlorite-rich rocks, may be controlling the coupling-decoupling transition of the plate interface.M. Scambelluri acknowledges the Italian Ministry of Research MUR for granting the PRIN project n. 2017ZE49E7. This research was funded by NSF-OISE (Office of International Science & Engineering, Petrology & Geochemistry) PIRE, Award #1545903, and the WHOI Ocean Ventures Fund

    Superposed sedimentary and tectonic block-in-matrix fabrics in a subducted serpentinite m\ue9lange (High-pressure zermatt saas ophiolite, western alps)

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    The primary stratigraphic fabric of a chaotic rock unit in the Zermatt Saas ophiolite of the Western Alps was reworked by a polyphase Alpine tectonic deformation. Multiscalar structural criteria demonstrate that this unit was deformed by two ductile subduction-related phases followed by brittle-ductile then brittle deformation. Deformation partitioning operated at various scales, leaving relatively unstrained rock domains preserving internal texture, organization, and composition. During subduction, ductile deformation involved stretching, boudinage, and simultaneous folding of the primary stratigraphic succession. This deformation is particularly well-documented in alternating layers showing contrasting deformation style, such as carbonate-rich rocks and turbiditic serpentinite metasandstones. During collision and exhumation, deformation enhanced the boudinaged horizons and blocks, giving rise to spherical to lozenge-shaped blocks embedded in a carbonate-rich matrix. Structural criteria allow the recognition of two main domains within the chaotic rock unit, one attributable to original broken formations reflecting turbiditic sedimentation, the other ascribable to an original sedimentary m\ue9lange. The envisaged geodynamic setting for the formation of the protoliths is the Jurassic Ligurian-Piedmont ocean basin floored by mostly serpentinized peridotites, intensely tectonized by extensional faults that triggered mass transport processes and turbiditic sedimentation
