531 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of resonant phonon THz quantum cascade lasers

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    We present a comparative analysis of a set of GaAs-based THz quantum cascade lasers, based on longitudinal-optical phonon scattering depopulation, by using an ensemble Monte Carlo simulation, including both carrier-carrier and carrier-phonon scattering. The simulation shows that the parasitic injection into the states below the upper laser level limits the injection efficiency and thus the device performance at the lasing threshold. Additional detrimental effects playing an important role are identified. The simulation results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental findings.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Thermal modeling of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers: comparison of optical waveguides

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    We compare a set of experimental lattice temperature profiles measured in a surface-emitting terahertz (THz) quantum-cascade laser (QCL) with the results of a 2-D anisotropic heat diffusion model. We evaluate the temperature dependence of the cross-plane thermal conductivity (kappaperp) of the active region which is known to be strongly anisotropic due to its superlattice-like nature. Knowledge of kappaperp and its temperature dependence is crucial in order to improve the temperature performance of THz QCLs and this has been used to investigate the longitudinal lattice temperature distribution of the active region and to compare the thermal properties of metal-metal and semi-insulating surface-plasmon THz optical waveguides using a 3-D anisotropic heat diffusion model

    Gain and Loss in Quantum Cascade Lasers

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    We report gain calculations for a quantum cascade laser using a fully self-consistent quantum mechanical approach based on the theory of nonequilibrium Green functions. Both the absolute value of the gain as well as the spectral position at threshold are in excellent agreement with experimental findings for T=77 K. The gain strongly decreases with temperature.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures directly include

    Raman properties of various carbonaceous materials and their astrophysical implications

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    It is well known that a large number of celestial objects exhibit, in the range 3 to 12 micron, a family of emission features called unidentified infrared bands (UIR). They usually appear together and are associated with UV sources. Recently various authors have suggested that these features could be attributed to solid carbonaceous materials. Following this interest, a systematic analysis was performed of various types of amorphous carbon grains and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), produced in lab. Updating results of Raman measurements performed on several carbonaceous materials, chosen according to their astrophysical interest, are presented. The measurements were made by means of a Jobin-Yvon monochromator HG2S and standard DC electronic. The line at 5145 A of an Ar+ laser was used as excitation source

    Sensing Dynamically Evolved Short‐Range Nanomechanical Forces in Fast‐Mutating Single Viral Spike Proteins

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    Understanding changes in the mechanical features of a single protein from a mutated virus while establishing its relation to the point mutations is critical in developing new inhibitory routes to tackle the uncontrollable spread of the virus. Addressing this, herein, the chemomechanical features of a single spike protein are quantified from alpha, beta, and gamma variants of SARS-CoV-2. Integrated amplitude-modulation atomic force microscopy is used with dynamic force–distance curve (FDC) spectroscopy, in combination with theoretical models, to quantify Young's modulus, stiffness, adhesion forces, van der Waals forces, and the dissipative energy of single spike proteins. These obtained nanomechanical properties can be correlated with mutations in the individual proteins. Therefore, this work opens new possibilities to understand how the mechanical properties of a single spike protein relate to the viral functions. Additionally, single-protein nanomechanical experiments enable a variety of applications that, collectively, may build up a new portfolio of understanding protein biochemistry during the evolution of viruses

    Excitation energy dependence of electron-phonon interaction in ZnO nanoparticles

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    Raman spectroscopic investigations are carried out on ZnO nanoparticles for various photon energies. Intensities of E1-LO and E2 modes exhibit large changes as the excitation energy varied from 2.41 to 3.815 eV, signifying substantially large contribution of Frohlich interaction to the Raman polarizability as compared to deformation potential close to the resonance. Relative strength of these two mechanisms is estimated for the first time in nanoparticles and compared with those in the bulk.Comment: 13 pages. 3 figures Journa

    Versatile multimodality imaging system based on detectorless and scanless optical feedback interferometry—a retrospective overview for a prospective vision

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    In this retrospective compendium, we attempt to draw a “fil rouge” along fifteen years of our research in the field of optical feedback interferometry aimed at guiding the readers to the verge of new developments in the field. The general reader will be moved at appreciating the versatility and the still largely uncovered potential of the optical feedback interferometry, for both sensing and imaging applications. By discovering the broad range of available wavelengths (0.4–120 μm), the different types of suitable semiconductor lasers (Fabry–Perot, distributed feedback, vertical-cavity, quantum-cascade), and a number of unconventional tenders in multi-axis displacement, ablation front progression, self-referenced measurements, multispectral, structured light feedback imaging and compressive sensing, the specialist also could find inspirational suggestions to expand his field of research

    Versatile Multimodality Imaging System Based on Detectorless and Scanless Optical Feedback Interferometry-A Retrospective Overview for A Prospective Vision

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    In this retrospective compendium, we attempt to draw a "fil rouge" along fifteen years of our research in the field of optical feedback interferometry aimed at guiding the readers to the verge of new developments in the field. The general reader will be moved at appreciating the versatility and the still largely uncovered potential of the optical feedback interferometry, for both sensing and imaging applications. By discovering the broad range of available wavelengths (0.4-120 μm), the different types of suitable semiconductor lasers (Fabry-Perot, distributed feedback, vertical-cavity, quantum-cascade), and a number of unconventional tenders in multi-axis displacement, ablation front progression, self-referenced measurements, multispectral, structured light feedback imaging and compressive sensing, the specialist also could find inspirational suggestions to expand his field of research

    Terahertz near-field nanoscopy based on detectorless laser feedback interferometry under different feedback regimes

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    Near-field imaging techniques, at terahertz frequencies (1-10 THz), conventionally rely on bulky laser sources and detectors. Here, we employ a semiconductor heterostructure laser as a THz source and, simultaneously, as a phase-sensitive detector, exploiting optical feedback interferometry combined with scattering near-field nanoscopy. We analyze the amplitude and phase sensitivity of the proposed technique as a function of the laser driving current and of the feedback attenuation, discussing the operational conditions ideal to optimize the nano-imaging contrast and the phase sensitivity. As a targeted nanomaterial, we exploit a thin (39 nm) flake of Bi2Te2.2Se0.8, a topological insulator having infrared active optical phonon modes. The self-mixing interference fringes are analyzed within the Lang-Kobayashi formalism to rationalize the observed variations as a function of Acket’s parameter C in the full range of weak feedback (C < 1)