854 research outputs found

    The Politicization of Art on the Internet: From net.art to post-internet art

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma breve perspetiva sobre as manifestações socioculturais que se propagaram a partir do surgimento da Web; tendo como principal foco de análise o desenvolvimento da produção de Internet Arte na Europa e na América do Norte ao longo dos últimos 30 anos. Estruturado como um estudo de caso, três conceitos-chave fundamentam a base desta pesquisa: uma breve história da Internet, o desenvolvimento do termo hacker e a produção de arte web-based; da net.art até a Arte Pós-Internet. Em abordagem cronológica, estes campos serão descritos e posteriormente utilizados como guias para um final encadeamento comparativo que visa sustentar a hipótese da gradual dissolução de um ciberespaço utópico até o distópico cenário corporativo que constitui a Internet dos dias atuais.This study aims to present a brief perspective of the sociocultural manifestations that emerged after the Web birth, focusing on the development of Internet Art and the countercultural movements that emerged inside Europe and North America over the last 30 years. Under a case study structure, three fundamental subjects will be firstly explained: Internet history, the development of hacker concept and the web-based Art transformations: from net.art till Post-Internet Art. Chronologically described, these fields will lead to a final comparison of chained events that aim to sustain the hypothesis of the gradual dissolution of the early cyberspace utopias till the dystopic scene existent in nowadays Internet

    From Helena to Harlem: Experiences of Lower-Income Rural and Urban Parents in Childrens Savings Account Programs

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    This report focuses on a qualitative study of parents and other parents who were involved in the SEED program at the Harlem Children’s Zone in New York City and the Southern Good Faith Fund in Helena-West Helena, Arkansas. In-depth interviews with the caregivers of child participants were designed to help provide a richer understanding of perceived facilitators and obstacles to saving, perceived effects of saving, and participants’ experiences of various program features. This report focus on three of our primary research concerns: perceived saving facilitators, perceived saving barriers, and perceived impacts of SEED participation


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    Alibertia edulis Rich. is a native species of the Brazilian Cerrado and can be used for reforestation of degraded areas. In addition, it produces edible fruits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of substrates and water levels on the emergence, initial growth, and quality of seedling of A. edulis. The substrates tested were: latosol (L), latosol + sand (L + S = 1:1), latosol + sand + chicken manure (L + S1 + CM = 1:1:0,5), latosol + sand + chicken manure (L + S2 + CM = 1:2:0,5), and latosol + commercial substrate (L + C = 1:1); and the water retention capacities (WRC) tested were: 25, 50, 75, and 100%. The experiment was carried through in a completely randomized design and subdivided into a plot scheme, in which the plots represented water availability and the subplots represented the substrates. Latosol + commercial substrate at 100% of WRC provided the best conditions for emergence, initial growth and formation of seedlings of A. edulis. Sowing in the substrate Dystroferric Red Latosol isolated at 25% of WRC should not be used for the formation of seedlings of this species.Alibertia edulis Rich. is a native species of the Brazilian Cerrado and can be used for reforestation of degraded areas. In addition, it produces edible fruits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of substrates and water levels on the emergence, initial growth, and quality of seedling of A. edulis. The substrates tested were: latosol (L), latosol + sand (L + S = 1:1), latosol + sand + chicken manure (L + S1 + CM = 1:1:0,5), latosol + sand + chicken manure (L + S2 + CM = 1:2:0,5), and latosol + commercial substrate (L + C = 1:1); and the water retention capacities (WRC) tested were: 25, 50, 75, and 100%. The experiment was carried through in a completely randomized design and subdivided into a plot scheme, in which the plots represented water availability and the subplots represented the substrates. Latosol + commercial substrate at 100% of WRC provided the best conditions for emergence, initial growth and formation of seedlings of A. edulis. Sowing in the substrate Dystroferric Red Latosol isolated at 25% of WRC should not be used for the formation of seedlings of this specie

    Mortgage Lending: Is Gender a Factor?

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    In promoting well-being for women and female-headed households, social policy analysts are increasingly attending to wealth accumulation rather than focusing solely on income. Homeownership equity is a form of wealth that may be especially helpful for low-income women. This paper analyzes 1992 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data for the city and county of St. Louis. Our primary hypothesis was that women, controlling for marital status, income, and race, would be more likely to be denied home loans. The findings from this data set contradict our hypothesis and suggest that men are slightly more likely than women to be denied mortgage loans. Discussion centers around reasons for this counter-intuitive finding and calls for more research on these matters

    Jovens mulheres e a sucessão na agricultura familiar : um olhar a partir das casas familiares rurais de saudades e modelo, Santa Catarina

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    A sucessão familiar continua sendo um grande desafio, para a continuidade das atividades, para a agricultura familiar, para o futuro de regiões, para o desenvolvimento local, regional e rural. Afinal, quem serão os agricultores e as agricultoras familiares do futuro? Como estimular as presentes e futuras gerações a continuar na agricultura? Essas são algumas das questões, reflexões e desafios que se colocam quando analisamos a problemática da reprodução da agricultura familiar e os rumos do espaço rural. De tal modo, nossa proposta de estudo foi analisar os anseios e as perspectivas de futuro de jovens mulheres, estudantes e egressas de Casas Familiares Rurais (CFRs), quanto à permanência no meio rural e a sucessão familiar. Para alcançar esse propósito, além de análises bibliográficas e documentais acerca do tema e suas nuances, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com jovens estudantes e egressas das CFRs de Saudades e Modelo, buscando (re) conhecer suas histórias e trajetórias, projetos, motivações e relações estabelecidas no contexto de permanência e sucessão, bem como o papel e as possíveis contribuições das CFRs para os direcionamentos futuros das jovens. Em nosso estudo, procuramos colocar em evidência casos de jovens mulheres que, assim como muitas outras, escolheram seguir os passos de seus pais e seus avós dentro da agricultura familiar, prospectam seus futuros na agricultura ou ainda, se identificam e almejam trilhar caminhos conectados a agricultura em outros espaços. A partir das considerações e resultados do estudo, pode-se observar que as CFRs se consolidaram como uma excelente alternativa para a educação escolar dos filhos e filhas de agricultores familiares, contribuindo para a permanência no meio rural e/ou a sucessão familiar. Isso, considerando os múltiplos aspectos que determinam essa decisão, pois não é um processo isolado, mas uma construção. A trajetória nas CFRs possibilita que, aliando conhecimentos teóricos e experiências práticas, a jovem amplie seus horizontes, conheça outras realidades, desfrute de novas experiências, desperte um maior interesse pelo campo e pela possibilidade de permanência e sucessão, assim como, direcione um novo olhar à propriedade rural, um olhar de pertencimento, de orgulho e também um olhar mais crítico, de mais interesse e envolvimento com as atividades e com a propriedade como um todo, visualizando-a como uma oportunidade viável, rentável e com boas perspectivas de futuro. Nosso propósito, com isso, foi o de reconhecer o papel e o protagonismo de mulheres rurais, fazendo com que essas jovens mulheres se sintam valorizadas, ouvidas e empoderadas e que as histórias e trajetórias de vida contidas em nossas análises, motivem e inspirem ainda mais jovens e mulheres a estudar, se desafiar, conquistar e assumir protagonismo nos espaços que estiverem envolvidas.Family succession continues to be a great challenge, for the continuity of activities, for family farming, for the future of regions, for local, regional and rural development. After all, who will be the farmers of the future? How to encourage present and future generations to continue in agriculture? These are some of the questions, reflections and challenges that arise when we analyze the problem of the reproduction of family farming and the direction of rural space. In this way, our study proposal was to analyze the aspirations and future perspectives of young women, students and graduates of Rural Family Homes (CFRs), regarding the permanence in the rural environment and family succession. To achieve this purpose, in addition to bibliographic and documental analyzes on the topic and its nuances, semi-structured interviews were carried out with young students and graduates of the CFRs of Saudades and Modelo, seeking to (re)know their histories and trajectories, projects, motivations and relationships established in the context of permanence and succession, as well as the role and possible contributions of the CFRs for the future directions of the young women. In our study, we sought to highlight cases of young women who, like many others, chose to follow in the footsteps of their parents and grandparents within family farming, prospect their futures in agriculture, or even identify and aim to follow paths connected to agriculture in other spaces. From the considerations and results of the study, it can be observed that the CFRs have established themselves as an excellent alternative for the school education of the sons and daughters of family farmers, contributing to the permanence in the rural environment and/or family succession. This, considering the multiple aspects that determine this decision, as it is not an isolated process, but a construction. The trajectory in the CFRs allows, combining theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, the young woman to broaden her horizons, get to know other realities, enjoy new experiences, awaken a greater interest in the field and the possibility of permanence and succession, as well as direct a new look to the rural property, a look of belonging, pride and also a more critical look, of more interest and involvement with the activities and with the property as a whole, seeing it as a viable, profitable opportunity with good prospects for the future. Our purpose, with this, was to recognize the role and protagonism of rural women, making these young women feel valued, heard and empowered and that the stories and life trajectories contained in our analyses, motivate and inspire even more young people and women to study, challenge themselves, conquer and assume prominence in the spaces they are involved


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    This article presents an overview of the paths of sociology in times of change in a globalized world. Looking at the four-year period from the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, in Yokohama, to the XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, in Toronto, it is possible to argue that sociology is going global and growing stronger each day. The paper stresses the importance of comparative analysis, the integration of theory and method, and the defense of Sociology as a scientific and academic field. The major question is how to keep on the move during times of profound geopolitical and geo-economic transformations and what is the place of Sociology in the global era. Hereupon we address the debate about sociological research in the 21st century considering the challenges and possibilities open to our academic field. We also analyze the contribution to sociological analysis of Latin-American and the BRICS sociologies who bring in perspectives that can go beyond the theories developed by early industrialized countries or, as they are called here, central countries

    Processos de gest?o em microempresas rurais: um estudo multicasos no munic?pio de Nova Erechim-SC

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    Brazilian agribusiness, as well as other sectors of the economy, have undergone profound technological, social, economic and political transformations, and in order for rural owners to be able to cope with the new changes imposed by everyday Makes it necessary. The current scenario demands from the rural producers the use of strategic management, which defines actions to create spaces of action in this market, reviewing management paradigms and forms of insertion in a turbulent and changeable environment that influences all sectors of the economy and as a focus of this study , Small rural enterprises. Due to these considerations and the pretension of analyzing the theme of entrepreneurship related to the rural environment, it is evident the importance of the rural manager, when managing his property, to work entrepreneurship as a management strategy for its development and improvement. This new behavior tends to improve the efficiency of production processes, providing improvements in results, remaining sustainable in the market and, as a consequence, contributing to the development of the region in which they are inserted. In this perspective, the adaptation and / or validation of research instruments aimed at the identification and characterization of family farmers' management processes is an important step towards the professionalisation of rural business management processes, giving them greater efficiency and competitiveness. Thus, taking as a study the rural context and starting from the economic and social importance of the agricultural sector and the growth of entrepreneurship in Brazil, the present study intends to collaborate for the development of research on the theme of rural entrepreneurship, focusing on family agriculture local. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the characteristics of the management processes of rural microenterprise management teams located in the municipality of Nova Erechim-SC, based on the theoretical model proposed by Filion (1999b), which focuses on the managerial process of Entrepreneurs. In order to elucidate the general objective, a qualitative and descriptive approach was adopted, using a multiple case study technique for data collection, where eight rural properties were studied in the municipality of Nova Erechim-SC. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with the management teams of the rural properties. The results show that, based on the theoretical model proposed by Filion (1999b), the investigated management teams are classified as entrepreneurs, since they presented satisfactory results in relation to the agreement of the investigated elements: to visualize, to create a business architecture, to animate / Give life, monitor and learn. Demonstrating that the sampled family farmers are able to be entrepreneurs in their sector. It is concluded, therefore, that an efficient management of their properties, that is, knowing the sector of action, planning the actions to be implemented and evaluating the results obtained, makes it possible for rural microentrepreneurs to become competitive and sustainable in this important segment economy.O agroneg?cio brasileiro, assim como outros setores da economia t?m sofrido profundas transforma??es tecnol?gicas, sociais, econ?micas e pol?ticas, e para que para que os propriet?rios rurais consigam enfrentar as novas mudan?as impostas pelo cotidiano adverso, a transi??o da propriedade rural para uma empresa rural se faz necess?ria. O cen?rio atual demanda dos produtores rurais a utiliza??o de gest?o estrat?gica, que defina a??es para criar espa?os de atua??o neste mercado, revendo paradigmas de gest?o e formas de inser??o num ambiente turbulento e mut?vel que influencia todos os setores da economia e, como foco desse estudo, os pequenos empreendimentos rurais. Em raz?o dessas considera??es e com a pretens?o de analisar o tema empreendedorismo relacionado ao meio rural, ? evidente a import?ncia do gestor rural, ao administrar sua propriedade, trabalhar o empreendedorismo como estrat?gia de gest?o para seu desenvolvimento e aperfei?oamento. Esse novo comportamento tende a maior efici?ncia dos processos produtivos, oportunizando melhorias nos resultados, mantendo-se sustent?veis no mercado e, como consequ?ncia, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da regi?o em que est?o inseridos. Sob esse prisma, a adapta??o e/ou valida??o de instrumentos de pesquisa voltados para a identifica??o e caracteriza??o dos processos de gest?o de agricultores familiares ? um importante passo para a profissionaliza??o dos processos de gest?o das empresas rurais, conferindo-lhes maior efici?ncia e competitividade. Desse modo, tomando como objeto de estudo o contexto rural e partindo da import?ncia econ?mica e social do setor agropecu?rio e do crescimento do empreendedorismo no Brasil, o presente estudo pretende colaborar para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas acerca do tema empreendedorismo rural, com enfoque ? agricultura familiar local. Para isso, tem-se como objetivo discutir as caracter?sticas dos processos de gest?o das equipes de dire??o de microempresas rurais situadas no munic?pio de Nova Erechim- SC, utilizado como base o modelo te?rico proposto por Filion (1999b), que focaliza o processo gerencial dos empreendedores. Afim de elucidar o objetivo geral, adotou-se uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa e descritiva, utilizando-se para a coleta de dados a t?cnica de estudo de casos m?ltiplos, onde foram estudadas oito propriedades rurais no munic?pio de Nova Erechim- SC. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da realiza??o de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as equipes de dire??o das propriedades rurais. Os resultados evidenciados demonstram que, com base no modelo te?rico proposto por Filion (1999b), as equipes de dire??o investigadas se classificam como empreendedoras, pois apresentaram resultados satisfat?rios em rela??o ? concord?ncia dos elementos investigados: visualizar, criar uma arquitetura de neg?cios, animar/dar vida, monitorar e aprender. Demonstrando que os agricultores familiares amostrados, possuem condi??es de serem empreendedores no seu setor. Conclui-se, portanto, que uma gest?o eficiente de suas propriedades, ou seja, conhecer o setor de atua??o, planejar as a??es a serem implementadas e avaliar os resultados obtidos, possibilita que os microempres?rios rurais se tornem competitivos e sustent?veis nesse segmento t?o importante a economia


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    Because of the better flexibility in warming and high production, the continuous furnace tunnel is the better option to the processing of industrialized food products. This study presents a numerical investigation of the effects of RANS turbulence modeling on the main parameters of the air flow inside a continuous oven with indirect heating - velocities, temperatures, streamlines and heat flows by convection and radiation. The geometry and operating conditions used for constructing the model, setting the mesh and initial and boundary conditions were obtained based on values of operating ovens. Modeling consider the hypothesis of air as an ideal gas, incompressible and Newtonian; the equations of continuity, momentum balance and energy in turbulent regime; closing model of two equations κ- ε and radiation model viewFactor. Utilized the free open source software OpenFOAM® for device modeling. The Rayleigh Number of the cavity was used to evaluate the treatment indicated to turbulence. Considering the results obtained, the inclusion of model κ- ε stabilized the velocity fields and temperatures around the average value. In relation to the heat exchanges involved, heat flow by convection on the mat showed negligible compared to the effects of radiation. Due to the discrepancy between the orders of magnitude of convection and radiation, it's difficult the precise evaluation of the first, because small fluctuations in temperature and velocity affect considerably and induce oscillations in their behavior. However, the radiation model attained good approximation the most relevant exchanges, showing a good chance their application in practical cases


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    The need of renewable energy sources due to climate change and thus the search for clean energy sources, justify the growing investment on new types of solar collectors. The research has contributed to this expansion in the scope of solar concentrator collectors, with the efficiency as the main goal. Many works have been developed in order to optimize the thermal stratification of the fluid inside the tubes and heat reservoirs, as well as mathematical modeling considering the problem as transient heat flow as boundary condition. In this work is studied experimentally, the heating of the water by solar collector modified from the conventional evacuated tube, focusing on efficiency. With the help of CFD software, a theoretical analysis is done to visualize the phenomenon, assuming the same boundary conditions and geometric experimental problem. An important approach concerns the physical separation of the flows of both cold and hot water inside the evacuated tube. The system performance was analyzed using experimental tests performed outdoors with sunlight