124 research outputs found

    GIS-based site selection for agricultural irrigation with reclaimed water

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    Most of the treated wastewater produced in the Cova da Beira region (Portugal) is discharged into streams. It is believed this reclaimed water could be reused for agricultural irrigation since it is a sector with high water demand. However, it is necessary evaluating if its quality is suitable for irrigation. From flow rate data and physical-chemical analyses produced in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011, and from a supplementary monitoring campaign carried out in 2012, it was observed that the reclaimed water could be used for agricultural irrigation if the pathogenic load could be controlled. Based on 5 thematic maps and environmental and technical criteria, a Suitability Map was generated for the application of reclaimed water in 47.5 ha of corn, olive grove, orchard and vineyard, using GIS tools. This analysis involved the overlapping of exclusion and inclusion areas of thematic maps using algebraic operations (multicriteria analysis). The average volume of reclaimed water generated in the years between 2009 and 2011 would be sufficient to irrigate all the existent agricultural parcels in each year, after removing the areas with technical or environmental restrictions

    Removal of Cr, Cu and Zn from liquid effluents using the fine component of granitic residual soils

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    The practice of reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) is seen as a strategy for water conservation in regions where water scarcity is a natural reality and in those where population growth and/or climate change foresee this scarcity. In situations of lower water scarcity, reuse is practiced by imperatives of environmental protection of the receiving media, reducing the discharge of effuents from wastewater treatment plants. The artificial recharge of aquifers (RAQ) with TWW is a very common practice at the international level, but little considered in Portugal. However, residual waste from TWW (e.g. heavy metals), when deposited in soil or water, can cause significant environmental impacts on its uses, and cause serious health problems in several animal species due to their bioaccumulation in food chains. The present study intends to show that the granitic residual soils of the Quinta de Gonçalo Martins (Guarda), in the Beira Interior region of Portugal, present physical-chemical and mineralogical characteristics favorable to the infiltration of TWW into RAQ. The results of the batch sorption tests indicate that the soil has a reactive capacity to remove the Cu and Zn residual load at TWW at high efficiencies by adsorption and ion exchange mechanisms. The pseudo-first order model explained the reaction kinetics for the three heavy metals removal and when the sorption equilibrium state was reached, the removal of these metals was explained by the Freundlich isotherm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heavy metals removal from reclaimed water in a laboratory column using a granitic residual soil

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    The removal of five heavy metals was evaluated in vertical downflow column, with a granitic residual soil, operated in discontinuous and continuous mode. The results show higher removal rates of the five metals for the continuous mode, with highest values to Zn and Pb followed by Ni, Cu and Cr. The removal of all metals occurs mainly at the top 5 cm essentially through complexation and precipitation in the form of hydroxides.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Heavy metals removal from reclaimed water in a laboratory column using a granitic residual soil

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    The removal of five heavy metals was evaluated in vertical downflow column, with a granitic residual soil, operated in discontinuous and continuous mode. The results show higher removal rates of the five metals for the continuous mode, with highest values to Zn and Pb followed by Ni, Cu and Cr. The removal of all metals occurs mainly at the top 5 cm essentially through complexation and precipitation in the form of hydroxides.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposição e aplicação de um índice de salubridade ambiental em aglomerados rurais

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    Propose an Índice de salubridade ambiental (ISARural – environmental salubrity index) that expresses the conditions experienced in rural agglomerations, including indicators and subindicators for its subsequent application in rural communities in the state of Goiás. METHODS We developed the research in three phases: 1) previous analysis for the proposition of an ISARural, with the participation of seven specialists; 2) proposition of the ISARural by means of the Delphi method, starting with 168 specialists from 26 federative units of Brazil and Distrito Federal; and 3) application of the ISARural in 43 rural communities in the state of Goiás. RESULTS The proposed ISARural resulted in the composition of eight indicators, four of which related to basic sanitation, and the others to health, socioeconomic conditions, public services offered, and housing conditions. The weight assigned to each indicator ranged from 22.82% for the water supply indicator to 6.35% for the service indicator, it is possible to apply the ISARural fully or to evaluate each indicator individually. The application of ISARural in communities of Goiás classified 86% of them with low salubrity, highlighting the worst conditions for quilombola communities. The sanitary sewage had the lowest score among the ISARural indicators, requiring greater attention from public authorities. CONCLUSIONS This study contributed to the proposition of an index in line with the concept of environmental salubrity, useful in the scope of public policies as a conditioner for the prioritization of actions needed to improve the salubrity conditions identified. The proposed ISARural can be fully applied or used in the individual evaluation of each indicator of its composition. The results of its application made it possible to identify the communities with the worst environmental salubrity conditions and the indicators that require greater priority attention in the communities studied.OBJETIVO Propor um índice de salubridade ambiental que expresse as condições vividas em aglomerados rurais (ISARural), englobando indicadores e subindicadores para sua posterior aplicação em comunidades rurais do estado de Goiás. MÉTODOS A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três fases: 1) análise prévia para proposição de um ISARural, contando com a participação de sete especialistas; 2) proposição do ISARural por meio do método Delphi, iniciando com 168 especialistas das 26 unidades federativas do Brasil e do Distrito Federal; e 3) aplicação do ISARural em 43 comunidades rurais do estado de Goiás. RESULTADOS O ISARural proposto resultou na composição de oito indicadores, sendo quatro relacionados ao saneamento básico, e os demais à saúde, às condições socioeconômicas, aos serviços públicos ofertados e às condições de moradia. O peso atribuído para cada indicador variou de 22,82%, para indicador de abastecimento de água, a 6,35%, para o indicador de serviços, podendo o ISARural ser aplicado na sua totalidade ou para avaliação de cada indicador individualmente. A aplicação do ISARural em comunidades de Goiás evidenciou que 86% se classificam com baixa salubridade, destacando as piores condições para as comunidades quilombolas. Dentre os indicadores do ISARural, o de esgotamento sanitário foi caracterizado com a menor pontuação, o que demanda uma maior atenção do poder público. CONCLUSÕES Esse estudo cumpriu o papel de contribuir com a proposição de um índice em consonância com o conceito de salubridade ambiental, podendo ser empregado no âmbito das políticas públicas como um condicionante para a priorização das ações necessárias à melhoria das condições de salubridade identificadas. O ISARural proposto pode ser aplicado na sua totalidade ou ainda na avaliação individual de cada indicador de sua composição. Os resultados da sua aplicação possibilitaram identificar as comunidades com piores condições de salubridade ambiental e os indicadores que requerem maior atenção prioritária nas comunidades estudadas

    Evaluation of the Caesium-137 Activity at the Rochedo Dam, Goiás, Brazil

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    In 1987, in Goiânia (Goiás, Brazil) a radiological accident occurred due to the violation of a capsule containing Cs-137, previously used in radiotherapy equipment. The source contained caesium chloride and, due to the high solubility of this compound in water, there was contamination of people and consequent dispersion in the environment. The waste was discharged into the river network and after four years, a high concentration of Cs-137 was still observed in the sediments at the Rochedo dam, in Piracanjuba, Goiás, 80 kilometres downstream of the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia. This research analysed the Cs-137 activity in sediment samples and water samples from the Rochedo dam, with the purpose of updating the radiological monitoring data of the region and also to verify if the perceived values would indicate any threat to the environment and public health. The Cs-137 activity was detected in 93.8% of the analysed samples, whose values varied from traces to 2.25 Bq/L. The results for all water samples and for 53.8% of the sediment samples were below the minimum detectable activity by the equipment. This study showed that Cesium-137 activity seem to be very low in the water resources and sediments of the Rochedo dam and it seems to not offer radiological risks for public health and the environment

    Adrenalectomia em cães: estudo retrospectivo de 13 casos realizados no hospital veterinário da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2012 a 2015)

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    Adrenalectomy is the most appropriate treatment for unilateral adrenal tumors. This study aimed at describing the epidemiological characteristics and perioperative behavior of canine patients submitted to adrenalectomy at Anhembi Morumbi Veterinary Hospital. Out of 13 dogs, eight were pure breeds and five were mixed breeds; 12 females, aged 9.5 ± 2.5 years old. Regarding the tumors, seven were located on the right and histopathological analysis revealed cortical adenoma in 11 and adenocarcinoma in only two dogs. Two cases had hypercortisolism recurrence associated with hyperplasia in the contralateral adrenal, as confirmed by ACTH stimulation test. The results of this study indicate that adrenalectomy is a safe procedure with few perioperative complications, despite the possibility of hypercortisolism recurrence.Adrenalectomia é o tratamento mais indicado para neoplasias adrenais unilaterais. Objetivou-se descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e o comportamento perioperatório em cães submetidos a adrenalectomia no Hospital Veterinário Anhembi Morumbi. Dos 13 casos, oito eram cães de raças puras e cinco eram SRD; 12 eram fêmeas e de idade de 9,5 ± 2,5 anos. Das massas adrenais, sete eram em lado direito. Os exames histopatológicos revelaram adenoma cortical em 11 cães e adenocarcinoma em dois. Dois casos recidivaram a condição de hipercortisolemia, associada à hiperplasia, na adrenal contralateral, confirmados pelo teste de estimulação por ACTH. Concluiu-se que a adrenalectomia é um procedimento seguro, com poucas complicações perioperatórias, ressalvando-se a possiblidade de recidiva do quadro de hipercortisolismo

    Influence of hydraulic conditions on reclaimed water polishing using soil and sand columns

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    The removal of residual pollutants from a synthetic effluent with a composition similar to that of urban effluent from secondary treatment was evaluated in vertical downflow columns. These were filled with soil, the fine fraction of the soil, and sand, and operated in discontinuous and continuous mode. The results showed high removal rates of organic matter, ammonium, nitrate and phosphate in the discontinuous and continuous experiments, especially for the fine fraction. Therefore, the soil is suitable for removing organic matter and nutrients (N-NH4, N-NO3, and P-PO4), and can be used for polishing wastewater before its infiltration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Utilização de solos residuais para infiltração de águas residuais tratadas

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    A reutilização de águas residuais tratadas (ART) é praticada, na maioria dos casos, como uma estratégia de conservação da água em regiões onde os recursos hídricos são escassos, mas também por motivos ambientais, a fim de se preservar a qualidade da água de meios recetores, reduzindo a descarga de efluentes de estações de tratamento de águas residuais (ETAR). Nos próximos anos, a região da Beira Interior (Portugal) necessitará de um maior volume de água, não só para atividades domésticas e industriais, mas também para atividades agrícolas (cobertas pelo Plano de Regadio da Cova da Beira) e recreativas (rega de campos de golfe, áreas desportivas e de lazer), uma vez que o Turismo é uma das apostas de desenvolvimento da região. Assim, a recarga de aquíferos pode constituir uma alternativa para o restabelecimento de volumes de água subterrânea que poderão ser utilizados para satisfazer parte daquelas atividades. Após uma campanha de monitorização de dois anos na ETAR de Vila Fernando (Guarda, Portugal), as caraterísticas do efluente tratado sugerem que poderia ser utilizado para infiltração no solo. Optou-se por um tipo de recarga por bacias de infiltração, tendo sido realizada, para a sua localização, uma análise multicritério baseada em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG), combinando seis cartas temáticas e critérios ambientais, técnicos e económicos. O procedimento de cálculo envolveu a sobreposição de áreas de exclusão e inclusão de cada uma das cartas temáticas sobre a área de estudo, através de operações algébricas de mapas. Obteve-se uma Carta de Aptidão final que indica uma área favorável de 6,4 ha para infiltração de ART no solo. Num dos locais selecionados, recolheram-se amostras de solo residual de granito, indicando os resultados das análises que este apresenta características favoráveis à infiltração de ART


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    O presente trabalho avaliou, quantitativamente e qualitativamente, os resíduos esgotados de fossas antes do lançamento em uma estação de tratamento de esgoto no município de Itumbiara (ETE-Itumbiara), interior de Goiás. Foi detectada uma grande variação nas características do resíduo, apresentando sólidos grosseiros e areia, resultando em 1,6 m3 de resíduos retidos em 1.872,5 m3 de resíduos de fossa recebidos, representando 0,064% da vazão média tratada pela ETE. Com relação aos parâmetros físico-químicos pesquisados, o pH e a temperatura foram os que apresentaram menor variação nas amostras analisadas e os sólidos sedimentáveis e DQO foram os que apresentaram um maior coeficiente de variação, seguidos pelos óleos e graxas e sólidos totais. Foi detectado também que quanto menor o pH do resíduo, maior a concentração de óleos e graxas.This study has evaluated the quantitative and qualitative features of a cesspool waste before being launched into a wastewater treatment plant, located at Itumbiara city (ETE-Itumbiara), interior of the state of Goiás. It was detected a large variation of the waste characteristics, presenting coarse solids and sand, resulting in 1.6m³ of retained waste over a total of 1,872.5 m³ of a total cesspool waste received, representing 0.064% of the average flow treated by ETE. Regarding the physicochemical parameters, the pH and temperature presented lower variation, and the settling solids and COD showed a higher coefficient of variation, followed by oils and greases and total solids. It was also observed that the lower the pH the higher the concentration of oils and greases