739 research outputs found

    Kahler manifolds and their relatives

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    Let M1 and M2 be two K¨ahler manifolds. We call M1 and M2 relatives if they share a non-trivial K¨ahler submanifold S, namely, if there exist two holomorphic and isometric immersions (K¨ahler immersions) h1 : S → M1 and h2 : S → M2. Moreover, two K¨ahler manifolds M1 and M2 are said to be weakly relatives if there exist two locally isometric (not necessarily holomorphic) K¨ahler manifolds S1 and S2 which admit two K¨ahler immersions into M1 and M2 respectively. The notions introduced are not equivalent (cf. Example 2.3). Our main results in this paper are Theorem 1.2 and Theorem 1.4. In the first theorem we show that a complex bounded domain D ⊂ Cn with its Bergman metric and a projective K¨ahler manifold (i.e. a projective manifold endowed with the restriction of the Fubini-Study metric) are not relatives. In the second theorem we prove that a Hermitian symmetric space of noncompact type and a projective K¨ahler manifold are not weakly relatives. Notice that the proof of the second result does not follows trivially from the first one. We also remark that the above results are of local nature, i.e. no assumptions are used about the compactness or completeness of the manifolds involve

    The bisymplectomorphism group of a bounded symmetric domain

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    An Hermitian bounded symmetric domain in a complex vector space, given in its circled realization, is endowed with two natural symplectic forms: the flat form and the hyperbolic form. In a similar way, the ambient vector space is also endowed with two natural symplectic forms: the Fubini-Study form and the flat form. It has been shown in arXiv:math.DG/0603141 that there exists a diffeomorphism from the domain to the ambient vector space which puts in correspondence the above pair of forms. This phenomenon is called symplectic duality for Hermitian non compact symmetric spaces. In this article, we first give a different and simpler proof of this fact. Then, in order to measure the non uniqueness of this symplectic duality map, we determine the group of bisymplectomorphisms of a bounded symmetric domain, that is, the group of diffeomorphisms which preserve simultaneously the hyperbolic and the flat symplectic form. This group is the direct product of the compact Lie group of linear automorphisms with an infinite-dimensional Abelian group. This result appears as a kind of Schwarz lemma.Comment: 19 pages. Version 2: minor correction

    Symplectic duality between complex domains

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    In this paper after extending the denition of symplectic duality (given in [3] for bounded symmetric domains ) to arbitrary complex domains of Cn centered at the origin we generalize some of the results proved in [3] and [4] to those domain

    Surfaces in R4 with constant principal angles with respect to a plane

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    We study surfaces in R4 whose tangent spaces have constant principal angles with respect to a plane. Using a PDE we prove the existence of surfaces with arbitrary constant principal angles. The existence of such surfaces turns out to be equivalent to the existence of a special local symplectomorphism of R2\R^2. We classify all surfaces with one principal angle equal to 00 and observe that they can be constructed as the union of normal holonomy tubes. We also classify the complete constant angles surfaces in R4 with respect to a plane. They turn out to be extrinsic products. We characterize which surfaces with constant principal angles are compositions in the sense of Dajczer-Do Carmo. Finally, we classify surfaces with constant principal angles contained in a sphere and those with parallel mean curvature vector fiel

    Quasi-saddles as relevant points of the potential energy surface in the dynamics of supercooled liquids

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    The supercooled dynamics of a Lennard-Jones model liquid is numerically investigated studying relevant points of the potential energy surface, i.e. the minima of the square gradient of total potential energy VV. The main findings are: ({\it i}) the number of negative curvatures nn of these sampled points appears to extrapolate to zero at the mode coupling critical temperature TcT_c; ({\it ii}) the temperature behavior of n(T)n(T) has a close relationship with the temperature behavior of the diffusivity; ({\it iii}) the potential energy landscape shows an high regularity in the distances among the relevant points and in their energy location. Finally we discuss a model of the landscape, previously introduced by Madan and Keyes [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 98}, 3342 (1993)], able to reproduce the previous findings.Comment: To be published in J. Chem. Phy

    A note on the determinant 308 in Proskuryakov's linear algebra book

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    We put in evidence and correct a mistake in the formula for the determinant 308 in Proskuryakov’s linear algebra book. We apply this formula to reprove the well-known fact that the Fubini-Study metric on the complex projective space is Einstein

    A Community-Structure-Based Method for Estimating the Fractal Dimension, and its Application to Water Networks for the Assessment of Vulnerability to Disasters

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    AbstractMost real-world networks, from the World-Wide-Web to biological systems, are known to have common structural properties. A remarkable point is fractality, which suggests the self-similarity across scales of the network structure of these complex systems. Managing the computational complexity for detecting the self-similarity of big-sized systems represents a crucial problem. In this paper, a novel algorithm for revealing the fractality, that exploits the community structure principle, is proposed and then applied to several water distribution systems (WDSs) of different size, unveiling a self-similar feature of their layouts. A scaling-law relationship, linking the number of clusters necessary for covering the network and their average size is defined, the exponent of which represents the fractal dimension. The self-similarity is then investigated as a proxy of recurrent and specific response to multiple random pipe failures – like during natural disasters – pointing out a specific global vulnerability for each WDS. A novel vulnerability index, called Cut-Vulnerability is introduced as the ratio between the fractal dimension and the average node degree, and its relationships with the number of randomly removed pipes necessary to disconnect the network and with some topological metrics are investigated. The analysis shows the effectiveness of the novel index in describing the global vulnerability of WDSs

    A Community-Structure-Based Method for Estimating the Fractal Dimension, and its Application to Water Networks for the Assessment of Vulnerability to Disasters

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    Most real-world networks, from the World-Wide-Web to biological systems, are known to have common structural properties. A remarkable point is fractality, which suggests the self-similarity across scales of the network structure of these complex systems. Managing the computational complexity for detecting the self-similarity of big-sized systems represents a crucial problem. In this paper, a novel algorithm for revealing the fractality, that exploits the community structure principle, is proposed and then applied to several water distribution systems (WDSs) of different size, unveiling a self-similar feature of their layouts. A scaling-law relationship, linking the number of clusters necessary for covering the network and their average size is defined, the exponent of which represents the fractal dimension. The self-similarity is then investigated as a proxy of recurrent and specific response to multiple random pipe failures – like during natural disasters – pointing out a specific global vulnerability for each WDS. A novel vulnerability index, called Cut-Vulnerability is introduced as the ratio between the fractal dimension and the average node degree, and its relationships with the number of randomly removed pipes necessary to disconnect the network and with some topological metrics are investigated. The analysis shows the effectiveness of the novel index in describing the global vulnerability of WDSs
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