88 research outputs found

    Enhanced urinary stability of peptide hormones and growth factors by dried urine microsampling

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    Volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) and dried urine spot (DUS) strategies were applied for the collection of dried microsamples for anti-doping testing of low-stability peptide hormones and growth factors prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Drying, storage and transport conditions, as well as pretreatment steps, were optimised before liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) analysis. The analytical method has been fully validated in terms of sensitivity (limits of quantitation 0.3−10 ng/mL), precision (RSD% < 6.6 %) and extraction yields (78–91 %). Dried microsample stability studies (90 days) have been performed and compared to fluid urine stability. Significantly higher losses have been observed in fluid urine stored at −20 °C (up to 55 %) and −80 °C (up to 29 %) than in dried urine microsamples stored at room temperature (< 19 %). The final microsampling and analysis protocols allow the collection of urine microvolumes, unlikely to be tampered, stably storable and shippable with no particular precautions for possible anti-doping testing of prohibited peptides and hormones

    A new genetic algorithm framework based on Expected Annual Loss for optimizing seismic retrofitting in reinforced concrete frame structures

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    The design of seismic retrofitting for existing reinforced concrete frame structures concerns the determination of the position and the arrangement of reinforcements. Currently, this design practice is mainly based on trial-and-error attempts and engineers' experience, without a formal implementation of cost/performance optimization. Though, the implementation of this intervention is associated with significant costs, noticeable downtimes, and elevated invasiveness. This paper presents a new genetic algorithm-based framework for the optimization of two different retrofitting techniques (FRP column wrapping and concentric steel braces) that aims at minimizing costs considering indirectly the lessening of expected annual values. The feasibility of each tentative solution is controlled by the outcomes of static pushover analyses in the framework of the N2 method, achieved by a 3D fiber-section model implemented in OpenSees. Application of the framework in a realistic case study structure will show that the sustainability of retrofitting intervention is achievable by employing artificial intelligence aided structural design

    Dark photon superradiance quenched by dark matter

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    Black-hole superradiance has been used to place very strong bounds on avariety of models of ultralight bosons such as axions, new light scalars, anddark photons. It is common lore to believe that superradiance bounds arebroadly model independent and therefore pretty robust. In this work we showhowever that superradiance bounds on dark photons can be challenged by simple,compelling extensions of the minimal model. In particular, if the dark photonpopulates a larger dark sector and couples to dark fermions playing the role ofdark matter, then superradiance bounds can easily be circumvented, depending onthe mass and (dark) charge of the dark matter.<br

    A novel genetic algorithm-based optimization framework for minimizing seismic retrofitting interventions costs in existing masonry structures

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    The pressing necessity of enhancing the seismic safety of existing masonry structures in earthquake-prone areas has led, in recent years, the research to propose a vast amount of new retrofitting techniques. However, retrofitting interventions are generally associated with important costs. Currently, there are no formal methods to optimize these interventions thus, their design is entrusted only to engineers' intuition. This paper presents a novel optimization framework aimed at the minimization of seismic retrofitting-related costs by an optimal placement (topological optimization) of reinforced plasters in masonry structures. In the proposed framework a 3D equivalent masonry model implemented in OpenSees is handled by a genetic algorithm developed in MATLABÂź routine that iterates reinforcement configurations to match the optimal solution. The feasibility of each solution is controlled by the outcomes of a seismic static equivalent analysis by controlling the safety check of masonry walls with respect to both flexural and shear collapse. It is also shown, through a case study, that the proposed approach is efficient to pinpoint optimal retrofitting configurations, significantly reducing invasiveness and downtime

    Cost and EAL based optimization for seismic reinforcement of RC structures

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    In this paper, a new genetic algorithm-based framework aimed at efficiently design multiple seismic retrofitting interventions is proposed. The algorithm focuses on the minimization of retrofitting intervention costs of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures. The feasibility of each tentative solution is assessed by considering in an indirect way the expected annual loss (EAL), this evaluation is performed by referring to different limit states whose repairing costs are expressed as a percentage of reconstruction costs and evaluating the respective mean annual frequency of exceedance. As the EAL takes into account the overall structural performances, to involves both serviceability and ultimate limit states, two different seismic retrofitting techniques are considered. In particular, FRP wrapping of columns is employed to increase the ductility of RC elements managing life safety and collapse limit state demands. On the other hand, steel bracings are used to increase the global stiffness of the structure and mainly increase operational and damage limit states performances. The optimization procedure is carried out by the novel genetic algorithm-based framework developed in MatlabÂź that is connected to a 3D RC frame fiber-section model implemented in OpenSees. For both the retrofitting systems, the algorithm provides their position within the structure (topological optimization) and their sizing. Results will show that seismic retrofitting can be effectively designed to increase the overall structural safety by efficaciously optimizing the intervention costs

    Nonlinear effects in the black hole ringdown: absorption-induced mode excitation

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    Gravitational-wave observations of black hole ringdowns are commonly used to characterize binary merger remnants and to test general relativity. These analyses assume linear black hole perturbation theory, in particular that the ringdown can be described in terms of quasinormal modes even for times approaching the merger. Here we investigate a nonlinear effect during the ringdown, namely how a mode excited at early times can excite additional modes as it is absorbed by the black hole. This is a third-order secular effect: the change in the black-hole mass causes a shift in the mode spectrum, so that the original mode is projected onto the new ones. Using nonlinear simulations, we study the ringdown of a spherically-symmetric scalar field around an asymptotically anti-de Sitter black hole, and we find that this "absorption-induced mode excitation" (AIME) is the dominant nonlinear effect. We show that this effect takes place well within the nonadiabatic regime, so we can analytically estimate it using a sudden mass-change approximation. Adapting our estimation technique to asymptotically-flat Schwarzschild black holes, we expect AIME to play a role in the analysis and interpretation of current and future gravitational wave observations

    Conserved currents for Kerr and orthogonality of quasinormal modes

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    We introduce a bilinear form for Weyl scalar perturbations of Kerr. The formis symmetric and conserved, and we show that, when combined with a suitablerenormalization prescription involving complex r integration contours,quasinormal modes are orthogonal in the bilinear form for different (l, m, n).These properties are not in any straightforward way consequences of standardproperties for the radial and angular solutions to the decoupled Teukolskyrelations and rely on the Petrov type D character of Kerr and its t-ϕ\phireflection isometry. Finally, we show that quasinormal mode excitationcoefficients are given precisely by the projection with respect to our bilinearform. We believe that these properties can make our bilinear form useful to setup a framework for nonlinear quasinormal mode coupling in Kerr. We include ageneral discussion on conserved local currents and their associated localsymmetry operators for metric and Weyl perturbations of Kerr. In particular, weobtain an infinite set of conserved, local, gauge invariant currents associatedwith Carter's constant for metric perturbations, containing 2n + 9 derivatives.<br

    Mechanism of Electronegativity Heterojunction of Nanometer Amorphous-Boron on Crystalline Silicon: An Overview

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    © 2021 by the authors. The discovery of the extremely shallow amorphous boron-crystalline silicon heterojunction occurred during the development of highly sensitive, hard and robust detectors for low-penetration-depth ionizing radiation, such as ultraviolet photons and low-energy electrons (below 1 keV). For many years it was believed that the junction created by the chemical vapor deposition of amorphous boron on n-type crystalline silicon was a shallow p-n junction, although experimental results could not provide evidence for such a conclusion. Only recently, quantum-mechanics based modelling revealed the unique nature and the formation mechanism of this new junction. Here, we review the initiation and the history of understanding the a-B/c-Si interface (henceforth called the “boron-silicon junction”), as well as its importance for the microelectronics industry, followed by the scientific perception of the new junctions. Future developments and possible research directions are also discussed

    Pulsed Photoconductive Connected Slot Array Operating at the Sub-mm Wavelength Band

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    A novel pulsed photoconductive THz source is presented that is able to radiate mW-level average powers, over a large bandwidth by exploiting both the optical and electrical properties of photoconductive sources and the ultrawideband properties of connected antenna arrays. An optical system composed of a micro-lenses array splits the laser beam into N x N spots that host the active excitation of the antenna arrays. An “ad hoc” network has been adopted to bias the array active spots in order to implement a connected antenna array configuration. The array feeds a silicon lens to increase the directivity of the radiated THz beam. A slot array prototype has been designed, fabricated, and measured. The proposed solutions achieve excellent power radiation levels by making use of an accurate electromagnetic design. This solution can offer enhancements to any active system relying on pulsed photoconductive antennas

    Leaky Lens Antenna as Optically Pumped Pulsed THz Emitter

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    Optically pumped pulsed THz emitters exploit the transient motion of photo-generated charge carriers in semiconductors, to produce, coupled to micro-antenna, radiated power over a wide bandwidth up to the THz frequencies. The radiation performance of the antenna greatly affects dispersion of the energy spectrum generated by the photoconductive source and if not properly designed it causes low radiated power. This work presents the design, the fabrication process, the electromagnetic and the thermal analyses of a pulsed photoconductive micro-antenna based on the leaky lens antenna concept. This device shows high radiation efficiency over a band ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 THz, thus being a suitable emitter for THz time-domain sensing system
