153 research outputs found

    Da infância ao preconceito: percepção das professoras acerca das práticas de intolerância racial na educação infantil em Gurupi - TO

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    The school environment is seen as a way of accessing citizenship, the formation of critical capacity and insertion in the labor market. However, it can also be a space for social and racial discrimination, and other forms of devaluation that hide patterns of behavior that help perpetuate racism in society. In this way, educational policies could not fail to be grounded in order to ensure that the school environment is in favor of practices promoting racial equality aimed at minimizing prejudiced and racist attitudes. Taking into account the relevance of actions developed in early childhood and the role of the school institution in the formation of the child, as well as the importance of consolidating an egalitarian educational policy, the main objective of this study was to analyze racism in the Municipal Centers for Early Childhood Education of Gurupi-TO from the positioning of these professionals, and if the pedagogical practices relate the promotion of racial equality that contemplate the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education. Twenty-nine female teachers participated in the study, through the application of a questionnaire composed of 14 items, which investigated the perception about racial prejudice, training and professional performance. Subjective questions were analyzed according to the parameters of content analysis. Based on these results, we can conclude that the scenario of the promotion of ethnic racial equality in the Gurupi Municipality's Early Childhood Centers is in the process of development, with teachers influencing the culture of denial of racism in Brazil. show mostly willing to insert the subject in their professional practices. It is therefore necessary to invest in specific training to promote the development of an educational practice that promotes racial equality.O ambiente escolar é visto como uma via de acesso à cidadania, a formação da capacidade crítica e a inserção no mercado de trabalho. Entretanto, pode também ser um espaço de discriminação social e racial, e outras formas de desvalorização que escondem padrões de comportamentos que ajudam a perpetuar o racismo na sociedade. Desta forma, as políticas educacionais não poderiam deixar de se fundamentarem a fim de garantir que o ambiente escolar se posicione em favor de práticas de promoção da igualdade racial que visem minimizar atitudes preconceituosas e racistas. Levando em conta a relevância das ações desenvolvidas na primeira infância e o papel da instituição escolar na formação da criança, bem como a importância da consolidação de uma política educacional igualitária, o presente estudo teve por objetivo principal analisar o racismo nos Centros Municipais de Educação Infantil de Gurupi-TO a partir do posicionamento desses profissionais, e se as práticas pedagógicas relacionam a promoção de igualdade racial que contemplem as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para Educação Infantil. Participaram da pesquisa 29 professoras, através da aplicação de um questionário composto por 14 itens, que investigou a percepção sobre preconceito racial, formação e atuação profissional. As questões subjetivas foram analisadas de acordo com os parâmetros da análise de conteúdo. A partir desses resultados podemos concluir que o cenário da promoção de igualdade étnico racial nos Centros de Educação Infantil do Município de Gurupi, está em processo de desenvolvimento, tendo seus docentes influência da cultura de negação do racismo no Brasil, mas que por outro lado se mostram em sua maioria dispostas a inserir o assunto em suas práticas profissionais. Sendo, portanto, necessário o investimento em formação específica para promover o desenvolvimento de uma prática educativa promotora de igualdade racial

    Mecatrone, volume 2

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    Editorial do volume 2, número 1, 2017, da revista Mecatrone


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    The design and implementation of public policy often require the participation of legal actors. In Brazil, the Public Prosecutor’s Office has been one of the institutions that contribute for the development of public policies – especially social policies – since the publication of the 1988 Constitution. Therefore, the objective of this article is to present a bibliographic review of recent academic works which considers this performance of the Public Prosecutor’s Office. In order to reach this aim, we listed the available articles at the Capes Portal, which were produced between the years of 2015 and 2020. Thus, it was possible to observe that there are few works dedicated to this issue in the best rates journals, which allows us to conclude that there are possibilities of expansion and deepening of a research agenda that involves Public Prosecutor’s Office and its relationship to public policy in the country.A elaboração e a implementação de políticas públicas, não raro, requerem a participação de atores jurídicos. No Brasil, o Ministério Público tem sido uma das instituições que contribuem para o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas - especialmente, as sociais – desde a promulgação da Constituição de 1988. Diante disso, o objetivo desse artigo é apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica de trabalhos acadêmicos recentes que considera essa atuação do Ministério Público. Para isso, foram elencados artigos disponíveis no Portal da Capes e produzidos entre os anos de 2015 e 2020. Desse modo, foi possível observar que ainda são poucos os trabalhos que se dedicam a essa temática nos periódicos com melhores classificações, o que permite concluir que há possibilidades de expansão e aprofundamento de uma agenda de pesquisa que envolva o Ministério Público e a sua relação com as políticas públicas no país

    Elucidating the role of the TRPM7 alpha-kinase: TRPM7 kinase inactivation leads to magnesium deprivation resistance phenotype in mice

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    TRPM7 is an unusual bi-functional protein containing an ion channel covalently linked to a protein kinase domain. TRPM7 is implicated in regulating cellular and systemic magnesium homeostasis. While the biophysical properties of TRPM7 ion channel and its function are relatively well characterized, the function of the TRPM7 enzymatically active kinase domain is not understood yet. To investigate the physiological role of TRPM7 kinase activity, we constructed mice carrying an inactive TRPM7 kinase. We found that these mice were resistant to dietary magnesium deprivation, surviving three times longer than wild type mice; also they displayed decreased chemically induced allergic reaction. Interestingly, mutant mice have lower magnesium bone content compared to wild type mice when fed regular diet; unlike wild type mice, mutant mice placed on magnesium-depleted diet did not alter their bone magnesium content. Furthermore, mouse embryonic fibroblasts isolated from TRPM7 kinase-dead animals exhibited increased resistance to magnesium deprivation and oxidative stress. Finally, electrophysiological data revealed that the activity of the kinase-dead TRPM7 channel was not significantly altered. Together, our results suggest that TRPM7 kinase is a sensor of magnesium status and provides coordination of cellular and systemic responses to magnesium deprivation

    Elucidating the role of the TRPM7 alpha-kinase: TRPM7 kinase inactivation leads to magnesium deprivation resistance phenotype in mice

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    TRPM7 is an unusual bi-functional protein containing an ion channel covalently linked to a protein kinase domain. TRPM7 is implicated in regulating cellular and systemic magnesium homeostasis. While the biophysical properties of TRPM7 ion channel and its function are relatively well characterized, the function of the TRPM7 enzymatically active kinase domain is not understood yet. To investigate the physiological role of TRPM7 kinase activity, we constructed mice carrying an inactive TRPM7 kinase. We found that these mice were resistant to dietary magnesium deprivation, surviving three times longer than wild type mice; also they displayed decreased chemically induced allergic reaction. Interestingly, mutant mice have lower magnesium bone content compared to wild type mice when fed regular diet; unlike wild type mice, mutant mice placed on magnesium-depleted diet did not alter their bone magnesium content. Furthermore, mouse embryonic fibroblasts isolated from TRPM7 kinase-dead animals exhibited increased resistance to magnesium deprivation and oxidative stress. Finally, electrophysiological data revealed that the activity of the kinase-dead TRPM7 channel was not significantly altered. Together, our results suggest that TRPM7 kinase is a sensor of magnesium status and provides coordination of cellular and systemic responses to magnesium deprivation

    Funções básicas da HP 50G para engenharia

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    This material was prepared and distributed to the participants of the HP 50G Minicourse, organized by PET Mecatrônica in September 28th, 2017 and October 5th, 2017. For this publication, some topics were added.The HP 50G Minicourse targeted mainlythe fourth semester students of Mecathronic Engineeringof Escola Politécnica da USP. In this semester, specially in Fluid Mechanics, Electricity and Statistics, a graphic calculator is highly recommended to be usedto solve exercises. Due to the fact that HP 50Gis very complete,meets the needsof the Engineering course andhas already been used by other Poli students, we did this minicourse in order to show some important functions that are used in these subjects.Esse material foi preparado e distribuído para os participantes do Minicurso de HP 50G realizado pelo PET Mecatrônica nos dias 28 de setembro de 2017 e 05 de outubro de 2017. Para a publicação na revista, foram acrescentados mais alguns tópicos. O Minicurso de HP 50G focou principalmente nos alunos do quarto semestre do curso de Engenharia Mecatrônica da Escola Politécnica da USP. Nesse semestre, em especial para as disciplinas de Mecânica dos Fluidos, Eletricidade Geral e Estatística, a utilização de uma calculadora gráfica é altamente recomendável para a resolução de exercícios. Devido ao fato de a HP 50G ser uma calculadora bastante completa, que atende a todas as necessidades e já bastante utilizada no meio politécnico, realizamos esse minicurso para que os alunos conhecessem as principais funções utilizadas na HP nessas disciplinas

    GSK3 regulates the expressions of human and mouse c-Myb via different mechanisms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>c-Myb is expressed at high levels in immature progenitors of all the hematopoietic lineages. It is associated with the regulation of proliferation, differentiation and survival of erythroid, myeloid and lymphoid cells, but decreases during the terminal differentiation to mature blood cells. The cellular level of c-Myb is controlled by not only transcriptional regulation but also ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. We recently reported that mouse c-Myb protein is controlled by ubiquitin-dependent degradation by SCF-Fbw7 E3 ligase via glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3)-mediated phosphorylation of Thr-572 in a Cdc4 phosphodegron (CPD)-dependent manner. However, this critical threonine residue is not conserved in human c-Myb. In this study, we investigated whether GSK3 is involved in the regulatory mechanism for human c-Myb expression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Human c-Myb was degraded by ubiquitin-dependent degradation via SCF-Fbw7. Human Fbw7 ubiquitylated not only human c-Myb but also mouse c-Myb, whereas mouse Fbw7 ubiquitylated mouse c-Myb but not human c-Myb. Human Fbw7 mutants with mutations of arginine residues important for recognition of the CPD still ubiquitylated human c-Myb. These data strongly suggest that human Fbw7 ubiquitylates human c-Myb in a CPD-independent manner. Mutations of the putative GSK3 phosphorylation sites in human c-Myb did not affect the Fbw7-dependent ubiquitylation of human c-Myb. Neither chemical inhibitors nor a siRNA for GSK3β affected the stability of human c-Myb. However, depletion of GSK3β upregulated the transcription of human <it>c-Myb</it>, resulting in transcriptional suppression of <it>γ-globin</it>, one of the c-Myb target genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present observations suggest that human Fbw7 ubiquitylates human c-Myb in a CPD-independent manner, whereas mouse Fbw7 ubiquitylates human c-Myb in a CPD-dependent manner. Moreover, GSK3 negatively regulates the transcriptional expression of human <it>c-Myb </it>but does not promote Fbw7-dependent degradation of human c-Myb protein. Inactivation of GSK3 as well as mutations of Fbw7 may be causes of the enhanced c-Myb expression observed in leukemia cells. We conclude that expression levels of human and mouse c-Myb are regulated via different mechanisms.</p

    Tipos de estacas e concentrações de AIB no enraizamento de romãzeira sob nebulização intermitente

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    Objetivando verificar o efeito do ácido-3-indolbutírico (IBA) e de três tipos de estacas sobre o enraizamento de estacas de romãzeira (Punica granatum L.). Desenvolveu-se experimento, em viveiro com nebulização intermitente, na Fazenda de Ensino Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Engenharia da UNESP Campus de Ilha Solteira. As estacas foram retiradas da porção mediana de plantas com 5 anos de idade e padronizadas com 15 cm de comprimento. A seguir procedeu-se o tratamento com ácido indol butírico (IBA) na forma líquida, nas concentrações testemunha, 50 mg L-1 e 100 mg L-1, com imersão de 3 cm da base das estacas na solução, por 24 horas. Foram realizados mais três tratamentos cujo plantio foi no dia de coleta, perfazendo total de 12 tratamentos. A instalação do experimento foi feita no mês de novembro de 2003 e conduzido até janeiro de 2004 sendo o delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com 3 repetições de 20 estacas por parcela. Após 60 dias avaliaram-se a percentagem de estacas sobreviventes e enraizadas, número de folhas e brotos por estaca, bem como matéria seca de raízes e parte aérea. Nas condições em que o trabalho foi realizado, verificou-se que: o enraizamento de estaca sub-ponteiro foi superior aos tipos ponteiro e ponteiro lateral, tendo apresentado maiores valores de porcentagens de enraizamento (96,67%), sobrevivência, número de folhas, massa de matéria seca das raízes e da parte aérea