709 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pendapatan asli daerah dan dana perimbangan terhadap belanja modal pada Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 21 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Data penelitian ini diambil selama 6 periode yaitu antara tahun 2012-2017. Data dari penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur tahun 2012-2017. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda yang perhitungannya menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan asli daerah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap belanja modal hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah daerah menjalankan otonomi daerahnya secara efektif dengan meningkatkan penghasilan yang berasal dari sumber daya daerah. Sedangkan dana perimbangan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap belanja modal hal ini berarti pemerintah daerah tidak bergantung terhadap bantuan keuangan yang berasal dari pemerintah pusat. Kata Kunci: Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Perimbangan, dan Belanja Modal

    Man enough to care: Experiences of men working in the female dominated profession of nursing in the state of Oklahoma

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    Scope and Method of Study: The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of men in the female dominated profession of nursing in the State of Oklahoma. This study sought to: understand the experiences of men working in and those who have left the field, utilize interview data to suggest changes to provide support for men in nursing schools and on the job, explore how men manage their concept of masculinity in a female-dominated occupation and elicit changes that might focus on recruiting campaigns. The methodology employed was a qualitative design grounded in a critical feminist and symbolic interactionism frame. The scope of this study included 10 men who are currently or who have worked as nurses in the State of Oklahoma.Findings and Conclusions: The findings suggested that nursing is saturated with particular gendered beliefs and processes that can shape nurses' experiences. This study elicited information on both of the research questions: 1.) what are the experiences of men who enter the female-dominated profession of nursing while in nursing school and how are these experiences gendered? and, 2.) what are the work experiences of men in the female-dominated profession of nursing and how is this personal knowledge gendered? A particularly striking finding that emerged from this study was the discovery of how men managed their concept of masculinity in a female-dominated occupation. Recognition and understanding of these impressions are significant in order to determine how to provide more support for me in nursing. Through inductive and deductive analysis, four major themes emerged: "Empowerment", "Expertise", "Communication", and "Identity". Two sub-themes associated with "Empowerment: were 1.) Segregated job opportunities within nursing, and, 2.) Issues of advancement. Four sub-themes were also associated with "Identity": 1.) Confusion with being the doctor, 2.) Feelings of exploitation by peers, 3.) Reactions to overt and subtle stereotyping, and, 4.) Men's frustration with pervasive feminine concepts of nursing. Many of these themes reflected gendered identities in occupations. It is hoped that this research may assist nursing education to recognize the unique needs of men in nursing and for the profession to be able to recruit and retain more men into the field of nursing

    Alternatively Certified Special Education Teachers’ Implementation of PBIS

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    Teachers are the primary conduit through which positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) are implemented. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate alternatively certified special education teachers’ implementation of PBIS. All participants were in their first or second year as teachers in classrooms for pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade students with disabilities. This study examines how alternatively certified special education teachers perceive and implement PBIS within their classrooms

    A Different Level of Caring: Navigating the Intersections of Perception of Care in Teaching

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    This study sought to predict teacher’s perceptions of caring. We surveyed 457 educators using the Caring Abilities Inventory (Nkongho, 1990). Due to the ever increasing diversity of American classrooms, it is critical to determine how to best recognize, recruit, and prepare the next generation of teachers. Findings indicated differences in caring among gender and race. Implications for teacher preparation programs could be a need to gain insight into gendered and racial notions of care

    Considerations in Promoting Parent and Family Involvement

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    It has been recognized for decades that parent and family (PF) involvement is a vital component of students\u27 educational experiences. Moreover, PF involvement is identified as an important protective factor for students. Thus, school administrators and educators understanding and encouraging positive relationships between families and schools may be one way to promote academic, social, and emotional success for youth throughout their lives. The purpose of this paper is to examine the literature on PF involvement and delineate a proposed model of PF involvement to foster resilience in children and youth

    Brain temperature in healthy and diseased conditions: A review on the special implications of MRS for monitoring brain temperature

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    Brain temperature determines not only an individual's cognitive functionality but also the prognosis and mortality rates of many brain diseases. More specifically, brain temperature not only changes in response to different physiological events like yawning and stretching, but also plays a significant pathophysiological role in a number of neurological and neuropsychiatric illnesses. Here, we have outlined the function of brain hyperthermia in both diseased and healthy states, focusing particularly on the amyloid beta aggregation in Alzheimer's disease


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    Bu çalışmada, birbirine seri çift cıvata bağlantılı tabakalı kompozit plakaların hasar davranışı deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Tabakalı kompozit levhaların üretiminde, takviye elemanı olarak cam lifleri ve matris malzemesi olarak epoksi kullanılmıştır. Tabaka dizilişi olarak, çapraz [02Ëš/902Ëš]s takviyeli simetrik oryantasyon seçilmiştir. Levhaların üretiminden sonra, belirlenen çeşitli boyutsal değişkenlere göre deney numuneleri hazırlanmıştır. Bilgisayara bağlı çekme cihazı kullanılarak yapılan deneyler ile bağlantılardaki maksimum hasar yükleri elde edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlar kullanılarak, yatak mukavemetleri hesaplanmış ve numunelerin incelenmesi ile hasar tipleri tespit edilmiştir. Deneysel çalışma sonuçlarına göre, seri çift cıvata bağlantılı kompozit numunelerde incelenen geometrik değişkenlerin, hasar davranışını önemli şekilde etkilediği anlaşılmıştır. Bir başka şekilde ifade etmek gerekirse, maksimum hasar yükleri ile yatak mukavemetlerinin değerlerinin ve hasar tiplerinin oluşumunun geometrik parametrelere bağlı olarak değiştiği tespit edilmiştir In this study, failure bahaviour of two serial bolted laminated composite plates was investigated experimentally. During the production of laminated composite plates, glass fibers and epoxy were used as reinforcement and matris materials, respectively. The orientation of laminas were preferred as cross-ply and symmetric, [02Ëš/902Ëš]s. After the production of plates, the specimens were pepared according to various dimensional parameters. The maximum failure loads were obtained from experiments via tensile test machine connected a computer. The bearing strengths were calculated using experimental failure loads and failure types were determined from observations of tested specimens. It is understand that, according to experimental study results, failure behavior of two serial bolted kompozit specimens were effected from geometrical parameters strictly. On the other hand, the magnitudes of maximum failure loads, bearing strengths and the creation of failure types were changed related to geometrical parameter

    Relational Communication Spaces: Infrastructures and Discursive Practices

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    Digital communication technologies, social web platforms, and mobile communication have fundamentally altered the way we communicate publicly. They have also changed our perception of space, thus making a re-calibration of a spatial perspective on public communication necessary. We argue that such a new perspective must consider the relational logic of public communication, which stands in stark contrast to the plain territorial notion of space common in communication research. Conceptualising the spatiality of public communication, we draw on Low's (2016) sociology of space. Her relational concept of space encourages us to pay more attention to (a) the infrastructural basis of communication, (b) the operations of synthesising the relational communication space through discursive practices, and (c) power relations that determine the accessibility of public communication. Thus, focusing on infrastructures and discursive practices means highlighting crucial socio-material preconditions of public communication and considering the effects of the power relations which are inherent in their spatialisation upon the inclusivity of public communication. This new approach serves a dual purpose: Firstly, it works as an analytical perspective to systematically account for the spatiality of public communication. Secondly, the differentiation between infrastructural spaces and spaces of discursive practices adds explanatory value to the perspective of relational communication spaces.DFG, 290045248, SFB 1265: Re-Figuration von Räume

    Politics at a distance: Infrastructuring knowledge flows for democratic innovation

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    We study efforts at promoting deliberative mini-publics as a model of democracy. Our focus is on practices supporting the circulation of know-how for doing mini-publics. In this paper we center on the building of infrastructures for knowledge exchange in and around a network known as Democracy R&D. This is a network of mini-publics practitioners from around the world with the declared goal of adding momentum to democratic innovation by enhancing translocal connections, community building, and knowledge. We look at how the network is organized, how online communication platforms are installed, and how observatory devices draw dispersed practices together into a shared frame of mutual learning and collective action. How do such practices configure the ways in which knowledge can flow across sites? How do they constitute an instrument space, a translocal assemblage of knowing and doing democracy by means of deliberative mini-publics? Using concepts like scopic media and centers of calculation, we discuss these practices for how they enable and constrain the circulation of know-how, configure processes of mutual learning, shape the translocal innovation process, and thus, at a distance, also prefigure local ways of knowing and doing politics.DFG, 290045248, SFB 1265: Re-Figuration von Räume