1,776 research outputs found

    Discovery and composition of web services using artificial intelligence planning and web service modeling ontology

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    In today’s Web environment, Web services are the preferred standards-based way to realize Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) computing. A problem that has become one of the recent critical issues is automated discovery and composition of Semantic Web services. A number of approaches have been presented to solve the problem. However, most of these approaches only consider discovery or composition of Web services but not both. In this study, an effective approach called AIMO, based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning, Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO), and Semantic Web has been proposed to tackle the problem. The main purpose of this study is to investigate and develop a novel approach for automated Web service discovery and composition. In this case, a comparative evaluation of state-of-the-art approaches for Web service composition approaches has been done and the strengths and weaknesses of those approaches have been discussed. Moreover a translator for interaction between WSMO and AI-planning based on Description Logics has been proposed. In addition, some parts of AIMO architecture have been tested on a practical case study, and the results based on the experimental validation demonstrate that AIMO provides an effective and applicable solution. AIMO continues to support loose coupling paradigm of SOA by separating the discovery from the composition of Web services

    The Shared Concerns of Nietzsche and Rumi on Humanity

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    Nietzsche and Rumi belong to two different time and spaces: one a Germen Post-modern Philosopher, the other an Afghani Middle Ages Sufi. After an introduction about both figures and methodology used here, this paper presents a detailed discussion on commonalities between Nietzsche and Rumi. The first section illustrates on the shared methodology of writings which are the rousing language, hidden ideas amid simple points, and the paradoxical teachings. The second part studies the shared fundamental concepts among these philosophers. These concepts are Anti-idolism, the intuitional knowledge, and the authenticity of person. The last section of this paper called “inspirations” explains how those shared methodology and ideas serve two aims: mutual understanding between two different philosophies as well as enhancing our comprehension of humanity

    The Secular and the Sacred: Complementary And/or Conflictual?

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    The issue of the relation of the sacred to the secular has become paramount in virtually every country in the world. From church-state relations in the US, with the debates around abortion and same-sex marriage, to the vitriolic discussions in France over the veil (hijab) sacred-secular, faith-reason, transcendence-imminence -- impacts every aspect of personal, social, and political life. Indeed, the questions often asked are whether Huntington s, Clash of Civilizations is today s reality? Is clash and conflict inevitable? This volume collects papers from scholars from all around the globe and digs into that question. Do the sacred and the secular necessarily end in conflict? Building on scholars such as Charles Taylor, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jurgen Habermaus, and John Rawls, as well as the world s great religious traditions, the authors assembled here respond with a nuanced, but resounding, NO. A deeper read demands the possibility, indeed, necessity, of complementarity. It has become ever more urgent to discover the proper and complementary relation between the two so that both can be promoted through mutual collaboration. The deeper implications of the discussion can be perceived in many current global problems: cultural identity, multiculturalism, pluralism, nationalism, economic inequality, race, terrorism, migration, public education, and climate change. The volume unfolds in seven sections: Foundations; Sacred and Secular; Complement or Conflict; Hermeneutics; African traditions; South Asian Traditions; Chinese Traditions; and Islamic Traditions. It is fascinating to observe how the various authors grapple with unfolding the relation of sacred/secular, faith/reason, church-mosque/state, transcendence/imminence. The section on Islam illustrates this. These chapters deal with the thorny, usually misunderstood debate between the scholars and those, westerners refer to as fundamentalists or radicals. In the latter, there is no space left to reason, interpretation, or historical criticism. This ugly divide usually emerges in the hot-button issues like the treatment of women and religion-related terrorism. However, these oversimplifications betray the intellectual roots of Islamic tradition. Here the argument is advanced that there are common and multiple meanings of rationality in the Islamic primary sources and that doctrine, the Qur an, and the Sunnah, open considerable space for the rational and the secular in Islamic teachings. Unknown to most in the West, the grappling within Islam goes on. Moreover, the grappling seems to be heating up in all traditions. We are all called to the discussion. Our globe needs it

    A New Look at MIMO Capacity in the Millimeter Wave

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    In this paper, we present a new theoretical discovery that the multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) capacity can be influenced by atmosphere molecules. In more detail, some common atmosphere molecules, such as Oxygen and water, can absorb and re-radiate energy in their natural resonance frequencies, such as 60GHz, 120GHz, and 180GHz, which belong to the millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum. Such phenomenon can provide equivalent non-line-of-sight (NLoS) paths in an environment that lacks scatterers, and thus greatly improve the spatial multiplexing and diversity of a MIMO system. This kind of performance improvement is particularly useful for most mmWave communications that heavily rely on line-of-sight (LoS) transmissions. To sum up, our study concludes that since the molecular re-radiation happens at certain mmWave frequency bands, the MIMO capacity becomes highly frequency selective and enjoys a considerable boosting at those mmWave frequency bands. The impact of our new discovery is significant, which fundamentally changes our understanding on the relationship between the MIMO capacity and the frequency spectrum. In particular, our results predict that several mmWave bands can serve as valuable spectrum windows for high-efficiency MIMO communications, which in turn may shift the paradigm of research, standardization, and implementation in the field of mmWave communications.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1710.0903


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    This study attempts to give a brief account of the employment of animals as symbols by such eminent Native American women poets as Leslie Marmon Silko, Joy Harjo and Linda Hogan. The animals include those whose images appear with high frequency in Native American culture and literature such as the bear, the wolf, the horse, the turtle, and others. The article analyses and compares the different metaphors of different animals as portrayed by the poets under study in order to relate these symbols to the cultural and psychological meanings in their poems. It also marks the points of difference between the use of animal images by European and Native American poets. This will be conducted by employing eco-criticism, a school of criticism which pays due attention to the equality between animals and humans. The study concludes that the Native American poets believe in the kinship with all creatures and dream of restoring the golden days when all creatures received equal appreciation before the coming of the colonizers

    Study of the thermodynamics of charged rotating black holes in five-dimensional anti-de sitter spacetimes

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    Despite the success of General Relativity in the past century, a quantum description of gravity remains one of the most active areas of research in theoretical physics today. While gravity becomes dominant at large scales where classical physics is an appropriate effective theory, the study of very massive systems on a very small scale would require a quantum theory of gravity. A quantum description of gravity is also needed to have a grand unified theory of all the fundamental forces. The most prominent candidate for a theory of quantum gravity is currently String Theory. The discovery of the anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory (AdS/CFT) correspondence shows a duality between gravity solutions from String Theory in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes and conformal field theories (CFT) that reside on its boundary. Particularly, in a certain limit, the correspondence means that the study of certain classes of Quantum Field Theory in flat spacetime can be mapped to classical black hole solutions in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetimes, the latter being considered an approximation to solutions from String Theory. A strong interest in the study of five-dimensional black hole solutions in anti-de Sitter spacetimes then follows naturally from the AdS/CFT correspondence. One of the predictions of the AdS/CFT correspondence is a relation between the conformal anomaly of the CFT and the trace of the energy momentum theory of the garivational theory. Another interesting prediction is an equivalence between the AdS background energy of black hole solutions and the vacuum energy of the dual CFT on the boundary. The study of black hole thermodynamics in anti-de Sitter spacetimes presents certain challenges that do not exist in flat spacetimes. Particularly, certain isometric charges as well as the action become divergent on the boundary. Our goal here is to study the thermodynamics of the most general solution of blackholes in five-dimensional AdS spacetimes. In doing so, we will address the aforementioned difficulties and discuss the appropriate solutions for them. We will also calculate the conformal anomaly and vacuum energy of the dual CFT then calculate the corresponding quantities in the black hole solution. This will provide a test for the AdS/CFT correspondence in the most general case of black hole solutions in five dimensions AdS spacetimes

    Cassirer and structuralism of perception: an application of group theory to Gestalt psychology

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    Ernst Cassirer's task was to set up an account of perception as objective judgement. We can trace Cassirer's view of perception through three different accounts each of which aimed to give an answer of how perceptual judgements can be possible. These three accounts started from (1900-1923) where he presented his view depending on Functional- Relational analysis of perceptual experience. The second account started from (1923-1933) where he presented his view of perception depending on symbolic analysis of perceptual experience, and finally the third account started from (1933-1945) where the analysis of perceptual phenomena has been made depending on his apprehension of Group Theory. The main target of Cassirer in the third account was to show that there is similarity between geometry and perception with respect to the ways both of these two disciplines build up their objects. Having the same logical base, Cassirer claimed that there is similarity between geometrical determination of the object and perceptual determination of the experienced object. For Cassirer, this similarity is what allows an application of "group theory" to perception. As a result of that claim, Cassirer shifted mathematical terms such as "invariance", "frame of reference" and "transformation" from the province of geometry and reused them in the field of perception for setting up what he called psychology of thought. This thesis discusses Cassirer's first two accounts and focuses on the third account by giving examples of how the mathematical concept of "group" can be used as an analogy to provide an intrinsic explanation of the nature of the objects and their characteristics one experiences during the perceptual situation. The explanations of the perceptual phenomena represented in the perceptual experience, as given by Cassirer, based on Gestalt psychology, reflected this understanding. The ample examples created by the Gestalt psychologists and used by Cassirer indicated how both understood the object of perceptual experience as constructed and not as a thing or hic et nunc. I will show that in these three accounts, there are non-physical elements, which defined here as structural elements, involved in the perceptual experience. By the virtue of these non-physical elements, perceptual judgements are possible. Cassirer and the Gestalt psychologists emphasized that these structural elements are presupposed in every perceptual experience and this understanding will lead to the claim that both Cassirer and the Gestaltists presupposed the constructive unity of mind based on a transcendental analysis of the nature of mind and its cognitive processes

    Pragmatic approach to modality and the modals: with application to literary Arabic

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    This study sets out a pragmatic speaker-based approach to modality and the modals and applies it to Literary Arabic. The pragmatic framework is based on Searle's (1983) Theory of Intentionality, which is slightly modified to be capable of accounting for the pragmatic implications of the modals. It is postulated that linguistic expressions have 'sense meaning', 'referential meaning' and 'Intentional meaning' and that modal meaning is basically 'Intentional'. The Intentional meaning of the modals is analysed in terms of: i) the speaker's assumptions about his addressee at the time of utterance, ii) his belief or desire with respect to what he is speaking about, and iii) his intention or purpose of producing the illocutionary. act(i.e., the Preparatory Conditions, Sincerity Condition and Illocutionary Point Condition, respectively). In performing the illocutionary act, the speaker's belief, desire, etc. are assumed to be externalized by means of a logically-prior illocutionary act of 'Informing', which is postulated to secure the illocutionary uptake through a complex intention-in-action on the part of the speaker. Non-deontic modal implications are discussed and formalized in chapter 3. They are further clarified through the different environments of Tense, Negation and Interrogation, (chapters 4-6). Chapter 7 discusses the Intentional meaning of Deontic Modality, i. e., PERMISSION and OBLIGATION

    Introducing a Comparative Ecotheology: Islamic Concept of Basmalah and Luther’s Commentary on the Ten Commandments

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    In our trying time of the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper discusses current environmental concerns in light of critical questions about the relationship between God and Mother Earth. This paper addresses this question in an inter-religious context. In order to fulfil its original duty of inculcating spirituality, faith can build a bridge between God and people on a constructive understanding of the Earth. To this end, Christianity and Islam offer notions of divine grace and divine lutf to do this duty. In this paper, I examine two inspiring sources: the Islamic motto of Basmalah, and Luther’s commentary on the Ten Commandments in The Large Catechism. These are core to understanding the holy texts of Islam and Lutheran Christianity, both as theological subject matters for imams and pastors and as guides for the daily spiritual practices of ordinary people. This comparative study uses both textual and conceptual analysis to develop inter-faith cooperation and dialogue, and to bring the faithful closer together. The paper beings with an explanation of the spiritual aspects of Basmalah, its connection with divine nature and names, and the most important names of God in order to introduce how divine mercifulness (al-Rahman) suggests an eco-theology honoring the Earth. Then, I discuss Luther’s The Large Catechism focusing on the Ten Commandment as the spirit of that book. I demonstrate how Luther’s explanation relates to Islamic ideas of Basmalah. I ponder Luther’s text and his description of each of the Ten Commandments separately to shed light on an eco-friendly theology. Finally, the study concludes by examining how the Basmalah and Luther’s Catechism pave the path to develop inter-religious dialogue and promote eco-theology by offering harmony between their particular visions and universal values. This nature-friendly theology concentrates on humanity as the image of God in Christianity and the representative of God in Islam