8,338 research outputs found

    Effect of Mercuric Chloride on Hepatic Phosphatases and Transaminases in Albino Rat

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    Mercuric chloride is a serious health hazard and produces various disorders. However, phosphatases and transaminases are marker enzymes of hepatic toxicity. Twenty four adult albino rats have taken and divided into 4 groups. Group one for acute study, while three for subacute studies with 3 rats in each. Control was also taken with similar references. Mercuric chloride gave orally administered (LD50=9.26mg/kg b.w.) by gavage tube with distilled water. Rats were autopsized at predetermined time interval to assess hepatic toxicity. Phosphatases include alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase while transaminases include alanine transaminase and aspartate aminotransferase. Results revealed that ALP and ACP were significantly increased after acute and subacute treatment due to the destruction of the cell membrane of lysosomes. However, AST and ALT were also increased significantly due to toxic effect of mercuric chloride on hepatic cells. Hence, the present study demonstrates that mercuric chloride produces hepatic toxicity in the form of elevation of phosphatases and transaminases enzyme level

    Assessment of Toxicity of Some Penta- and Hexacoordinated Organotin(IV) and Tetracoordinated Tin(II) Complexes of Heterocyclic β-Diketones

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    A number of penta- and hexacoordinated organotin(IV) complexes and tetracoordinated tin(II) complexes of compositions [Formula: see text] (where R = − CH(3), −p−ClC(6)H(4), and −C(6)H(5)), [Formula: see text] (where R = −CH(3), and −C(6)H(5)), and Sn(II) [Formula: see text] (where R = −p−ClC(6)H(4) and −C(6)H(5)) were screened for their toxicity against Musca domestica (house fly). In general, organotin(IV) complexes contribute more to the activity than tin(II) complexes

    Evaluation of oil of Cedrus deodara and benzyl benzoate in sarcoptic mange in sheep

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    Two commonly used acaricidal drugs in India containing oil Cedrus deodara (OCD) and benzyl benzoate (BB), respectively, were used in 24 lambs (3–6 months) naturally infected with Sarcoptes mites. The lambs were divided in three equal groups. Two groups were kept as treated groups and a third as control. Drugs were applied locally on affected parts on alternate days and recovery changes in skin lesions were observed regularly at the time of application. Blood samples from each group were collected and analysed for total erythrocytes, leukocytes, and haemoglobin concentration every 10 d Post treatment (PT). The two treated groups responded to the treatment but recovery in the C. deodara group (CDG) was faster and lesions were free from mites after 5 applications (tenth day) as compared to the seventh application (fourteenth day) in the benzyl benzoate group (BBG). Erythrocyte and leukocyte counts were significantly different in treated groups as compared to control. Animals treated with OCD had significantly more erythrocyte and leukocyte counts compared to control; however, haemoglobin did not show significant difference. Oil of C. deodara was found more efficacious in controlling sarcoptic mange in sheep

    Novel Circuit for the Rapid Measurement of Dielectric Constant with Ultra Precision over a Wide Range of Frequencies

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    A simplified instrument is designed for dielectric constant measurement of liquids and gases over a wide range of frequencies by using 6j5 as variable oscillator and 6E5 electron-ray tube for mechanical resonance indication with the quartz crystal of various frequencies. Measurements with the proposed new circuit are simple, rapid and accurate

    Cuticular Biochemistry: Lambda-Cyhalothrin Induced Alterations in Mutant Drosophila Melanogaster

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    Derivatives of natural pyrethrum, synthetic pyrethroids, are well-established neurotoxins. However, they do interfere with the functioning of metabolic processes; the most important of these is chitin metabolism, a key process in the development of insects. Type II synthetic pyrethroid, lambda-cyhalothrin, when orally fed to Drosophila melanogaster revealed its efficacy in chitin synthesis modulation. Total proteins, glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, chitinase activity and chitin content exhibit significant changes in the final developmental stage, the adults. A reduction in chitin synthesis is suggestive of interference in polymerization process which is a must for cuticle formation. Involvement of lambda-cyhalothrin in chitin synthesis has been sought to be an additional mode of action, other than its neurotoxic nature

    Fragile aspects of topological transition in lossy and parity-time symmetric quantum walks

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    Quantum walks often provide telling insights about the structure of the system on which they are performed. In PT-symmetric and lossy dimer lattices, the topological properties of the band structure manifest themselves in the quantization of the mean displacement of such a walker. We investigate the fragile aspects of a topological transition in these two dimer models. We find that the transition is sensitive to the initial state of the walker on the Bloch sphere, and the resultant mean displacement has a robust topological component and a quasiclassical component. In PT symmetric dimer lattices, we also show that the transition is smeared by nonlinear effects that become important in the PT-symmetry broken region. By carrying out consistency checks via analytical calculations, tight-binding results, and beam-propagation-method simulations, we show that our predictions are easily testable in today’s experimental systems