420 research outputs found

    Methods for the Study of Downsizing: A Review

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    There has been a world-wide increase in the incidences of downsizing practice across economies and across organizations. This has been considered as the basis for coping with increasing competition. The present paper looks into some studies on downsizing. The focus of the paper is majorly on the research methodology used in these studies. This paper analyses the methods used for the study of downsizing and suggests the ideal methods of study for: a) organizational outcomes, and b) individual outcomes, which include the victims, the survivors and the implementers. The suggestion is to have context specific and issue specific studies with more emphasis towards the triangulation of qualitative and quantitative methods to increase the soundness of the study.

    A critical assessment of simple shaped force transducers: Design and metrological considerations

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    The paper attempts to investigate the simple shaped force transducers of various types and their considerations pertaining to manufacturing and design. Effort has been made to discuss the metrological issues in order to have their applications regarding industrial and scientific purposes. Efforts regarding critical assessment of different simple shaped force transducers regarding their practical viability have been made. Limitations of the past and present research have been discussed herewith in the report

    Impact of lifestyle modifications on morbidities associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome

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    Background: The study aimed to systematically review the efficacy of long-term (6 to 9 months) lifestyle modifications in the form of dietary modifications, weight loss interventions, and psychosocial and behavioural changes. Methods: This observational study was done on 110 women with PCOS-like features for one year. Personal and menstrual history was recorded. General and systemic examination was done. Routine investigations of blood and urine were done. The level of hormones was evaluated. USG of the lower abdomen and pelvis was also done. The data were recorded and analysed statistically. Results: Significant difference was observed in all parameters before and after lifestyle and behavioral modifications. Conclusions: Lifestyle interventions may improve weight and BMI in women with PCOS. Women who underwent lifestyle modifications significantly improved menstrual and reproductive function. We considered adopting a healthy lifestyle with a low-calorie diet and physical exercise that will generate weight loss

    Pesticide Contamination in Potable Water and its Health Effects on Pregnant Women

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    Pesticides are the chemical used for the protection of crops from the pests. pesticides have significant effect on agricultural economic by increasing the production as well as yield and also inhibit the vector-borne diseases, but the execs and an inadequate use generate unfavorable conditions for environment and produce pollution (water, air and soil).  Pesticide pollution in water bodies is one of the major issues. Pesticides through water easily get involved in food chain. Pesticide contamination in water and its effect on pregnant women is discuses in the given review

    Optimization of Cultural Conditions for the Production of Antibiotic by Streptomyces sp. VRY-1

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    Streptomyces sp. VRY-1 was screened for its bioactive potentials against various pathogenic microorganisms and was found to possess antibacterial activity against Salmonella typhimurium  (drug resistant strain of bacteria) and various other pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Optimization of cultural conditions for production of antibiotic showed that maximum antibiotic production occurred on 10th day in stationary cultural, 28Ëš C, 8.0 pH, liver extract, 1.5%(w/v) glucose. The bioactive compound was found to be soluble in water and ethyl acetate

    Kloniranje, izražajnost i pročišćavanje bjelančevine 28 iz vanjske membrane Salmonelle enterice serovar Typhimurium za razvoj podjediničnog cjepiva - kratko priopćenje

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    Salmonella Typhimurium, a major gastrointestinal pathogen, poses a global threat to human health. Public health problems associated with this organism have increased to the extent that it has become a major issue. The bacterium is becoming resistant to the commonly available antibiotics, and vaccines also suffer from limitations such as short lived immunity. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of an effective vaccine. The outer membrane proteins (Omps) of Salmonella have proven their capability to be developed as a vaccine candidate for prevention of salmonellosis. With this aim, in the present study the Omp28 gene of Salmonella Typhimurium was amplified, cloned and expressed under an IPTG induction system. The recombinant protein thus produced was purified and tested for its antigenicity. The antigenicity of the purified protein was confirmed by western blotting with antiserum raised in rabbit against Omps of S. Typhimurium. The Omp28 gene was amplified as a 330bp product. The expressed protein was found to be of approximately 28kDa and it produced a strong signal in western blot analysis. This study concluded that Omp28 may be proven to be an effective candidate for the development of r-DNA vaccine against salmonellosis.Salmonella Typhimurium glavni je gastrointestinalni patogen koji je globalna prijetnja ljudskome zdravlju. Javnozdravstveni problemi povezani s ovim organizmom povećali su se do te mjere da je postao glavno pitanje na koje se traže brojni odgovori. Bakterija postaje otporna na najčešće dostupne antibiotike, a ograničavajuća uporaba cjepiva povezana je s kratkotrajnim imunitetom. Zbog toga postoji hitna potreba za razvoj učinkovitog cjepiva. Vanjske bjelančevine membrane (engl. Outer membrane proteins, Omps) salmonele dokazale su svoju sposobnost kandidata za razvoj cjepiva koje bi se koristilo u prevenciji salmoneloze. S tim je ciljem u ovom radu, pod uvjetima IPTG indukcijskog sustava, provedeno umnažanje i kloniranje te provjerena izražajnost gena za Omp28 iz Salmonelle Typhimurium. Tako dobivena rekombinantna bjelančevina pročišćena je i testirana s obzirom na antigenu sposobnost. Antigena sposobnost pročišćene bjelančevine potvrđena je uporabom Western blot metode s antiserumom protiv Omps-a iz S. Typhimurium dobivenim od zeca. Genom Omp28 umnožen je kao 330bp produkt. Bjelančevina je imala približno 28 kDa i Western blot analizom pokazala je izraženost jakog signala. Ovim je istraživanjem zaključeno da Omp28 može poslužiti kao učinkoviti kandidat za razvoj r-DNA cjepiva protiv salmoneloze

    Molecular Association Studies on Polyvinyl Alcohol at Different Concentrations

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    Ultrasonic velocities, densities, and viscosities have been measured for the solution of polyvinyl alcohol in water at concentration range of 0.3% to 1% at temperature 35°C. Ultrasonic velocities have been measured using variable path ultrasonic interferometer at 1 MHz frequency. The acoustical parameters like adiabatic compressibility, acoustic impedance, intermolecular free length, and relaxation time have been calculated by using above-mentioned values of ultrasonic velocities, densities, and viscosities. The variation of these acoustical parameters is explained in terms of solute-solvent interaction in a polymer solution

    Design, Development and Metrological Investigation of a Trapezoidal-shaped Force Transducer

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    This paper demonstrates the design and development of a trapezoidal-shaped force transducer with simple assembly to accommodate easy strain gauging on flat surfaces. Finite element analysis has been performed for computational studies. The design is validated based on experimental results. Force metrology has been discussed in detail following the standard procedures as per ISO 376: 2011. Metrological investigation for category D (includes reversibility and interpolation) shows that the proposed design of the force transducer, achieved class 0.5 standards of force transducers with uncertainty in the measurement of only up to 0.10 % or better throughout at a nominal capacity of 15 kN (tensile load). The methodology proposed here paves way for future efforts to develop miniaturized strain gauged force transducer for a wide range of micromachining and similar other precision engineering industrial applications. Force measurement is an integral part ofvarious industrial applications that require installation of force transducers. Sometimes, these transducers are required for on-site calibration of large testing machines. So, the current research work discusses and describes the designing of dialgauge as well as strain-gauge arrangements of measuring of applied forc

    Design, Development and Metrological Investigation of a Trapezoidal-shaped Force Transducer

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    835-844This paper demonstrates the design and development of a trapezoidal-shaped force transducer with simple assembly to accommodate easy strain gauging on flat surfaces. Finite element analysis has been performed for computational studies. The design is validated based on experimental results. Force metrology has been discussed in detail following the standard procedures as per ISO 376: 2011. Metrological investigation for category D (includes reversibility and interpolation) shows that the proposed design of the force transducer, achieved class 0.5 standards of force transducers with uncertainty in the measurement of only up to 0.10 % or better throughout at a nominal capacity of 15 kN (tensile load). The methodology proposed here paves way for future efforts to develop miniaturized strain gauged force transducer for a wide range of micromachining and similar other precision engineering industrial applications. Force measurement is an integral part of various industrial applications that require installation of force transducers. Sometimes, these transducers are required for on-site calibration of large testing machines. So, the current research work discusses and describes the designing of dialgauge as well as strain-gauge arrangements of measuring of applied force

    Density, viscosity and ultrasonic study of polymethylmethacrylate

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    36-38Experimental values of density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity of binary mixture of polymethylmethacrylate and acetic acid are reported in temperature range 30 °C to 65 °C at 0.4% concentration at1MHz frequency. Acoustical parameters like relaxation time and ultrasonic absorption are calculated using experimental data. These properties are used to interpret molecular interactions among component liquids