35 research outputs found

    Stanley-Reisner rings of Buchsbaum complexes with a free action by an abelian group

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    We consider simplicial complexes admitting a free action by an abelian group. Specifically, we establish a refinement of the classic result of Hochster describing the local cohomology modules of the associated Stanley--Reisner ring, demonstrating that the topological structure of the free action extends to the algebraic setting. If the complex in question is also Buchsbaum, this new description allows for a specialization of Schenzel's calculation of the Hilbert series of some of the ring's Artinian reductions. In further application, we generalize to the Buchsbaum case the results of Stanley and Adin that provide a lower bound on the hh-vector of a Cohen-Macaulay complex admitting a free action by a cyclic group of prime order

    Homological algebra of Stanley-Reisner rings and modules

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2018Associated to each simplicial complex Δ\Delta and each field \field is the Stanley--Reisner ring \field[\Delta]. The answers to a multitude of questions related to simplicial complexes have historically been found through a thorough examination of the algebraic structure of \field[\Delta]. There is a rich pre-existing body of literature equating combinatorial and topological statements about the structure of a simplicial complex with statements about \field[\Delta]; this dissertation expands upon the dictionary translating such statements by examining algebraic structures derived from \field[\Delta]. In particular, we mainly focus on the local cohomology modules H_\mideal^i(\field[\Delta]) and the Ext modules \Ext^i(\field, \field[\Delta]). Roughly speaking, a simplicial complex is called Buchsbaum if its geometric realization is similar to a manifold. In Chapter 2, we study the homological structure of \field[\Delta] and some of its quotients by linear forms when Δ\Delta fails to be Buchsbaum in a way that may be considered ``minimal.'' We obtain a large family of rings with interesting combinations of the (ring-theoretic) properties of Buchsbaumness and quasi-Buchsbaumness, while developing a geometric interpretation of their presence. In Chapter 3, we turn our attention to complexes that exhibit some degree of symmetry via group actions. Here it is shown that the induced action on H_\mideal^i(\field[\Delta]) can be described in a similar manner to the one induced on the simplicial cohomology modules of Δ\Delta and some of its subcomplexes. Some applications to the study of face numbers are provided. If the definition of a simplicial complex is slightly relaxed, then one arrives at the notion of a simplicial poset. Chapter 4 is devoted to the study of these objects and their associated face rings. We provide extensions of well-known results describing the structure of the Ext and local cohomology modules of simplicial complexes to this larger class and further examine the Buchsbaum property. In Chapter 5, we study the class of balanced triangulations of manifolds and obtain lower bounds on entries in the hh-vector phrased in terms of topological invariants. This proves a conjecture of Klee and Novik