528 research outputs found
Thermodynamics of Twisted DNA with Solvent Interaction
The imaginary time path integral formalism is applied to a nonlinear
Hamiltonian for a short fragment of heterogeneous DNA with a stabilizing
solvent interaction term. Torsional effects are modeled by a twist angle
between neighboring base pairs stacked along the molecule backbone. The base
pair displacements are described by an ensemble of temperature dependent paths
thus incorporating those fluctuational effects which shape the multisteps
thermal denaturation. By summing over base pair paths, a
large number of double helix configurations is taken into account consistently
with the physical requirements of the model potential. The partition function
is computed as a function of the twist. It is found that the equilibrium twist
angle, peculiar of B-DNA at room temperature, yields the stablest helicoidal
geometry against thermal disruption of the base pair hydrogen bonds. This
result is corroborated by the computation of thermodynamical properties such as
fractions of open base pairs and specific heat.Comment: The Journal of Chemical Physics (2011) in pres
Effect of chemical fertilizers on production of yams (nyĂč) of passore in farmersâ environment
NyĂč is the main morphotype of yams of PassorĂ©. It is generally cultivated without chemical fertilizer. The study aims to determine the effect of one rate of chemical fertilizers on the yield of yams « nyĂč » of PassorĂ© in farmersâ environment of Burkina Faso and to collect the appreciations of the various actors about tubers in the production chain. The results reveal that chemical fertilizer involved a better expression of the agro-morphological parameters and an increase of the tubers yield which reaches 42.5 t / ha compared to the field not fertilized where tuber yield is slow (9 t / ha). However, tubers obtained of treated field have not a good organoleptic quality whereas the tubers of untreated fields have good taste. Moreover, the chemical fertilizer changed also the morphology, taste and consistency of the tubers. These results could help all actors to choose the best method of nyĂč production according to their objectives.Keywords: nyĂč, yam, mineral fertlizer, PassorĂ©, Burkina Fas
Current status of Colletotrichum capsici strains, causal agents of Brown blotch disease of cowpea in Burkina Faso
Brown blotch disease, caused by Colletotrichum capsici, is an important disease of cowpea with a significant yield losses ranging from 42 to 100% in West Africa. In this study, a specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer set CC1F1/CcapR was used to characterize and to study the phylogenetic relationship of thirty eight strains of Colletotrichum species. This primer set is capable of amplifying only C. capsici from different fungal structures and provide a powerful tool for C. capsici detection in brown blotch disease in cowpea. Phylogenetic analysis from neighbor-joining (NJ) showed a high genetic variability in the rDNA-ITS region of the isolates. The isolates formed four groups or clusters on the basis of specific fragment analysis. Groups I, II, and III consist of strains containing specific region length of twenty one nucleotides and were considered as variant 1 of C. capsici. Group IV was a heterogeneous and consists of variants 1, 2, 3, and 4 of C. capsici.Keywords: Cultivars, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence, Colletotrichum specie
Ăvaluation de la diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique des sorghos Ă grains sucrĂ©s (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) du Nord du Burkina Faso
Objectif : LâĂ©tude a pour objectif de dĂ©terminer le niveau de diversitĂ© agromorphologique des sorghos Ă grains sucrĂ©s du Nord du Burkina et dâestimer les paramĂštres gĂ©nĂ©tiques de la collection en vue dâidentifier les meilleures stratĂ©gies dâamĂ©lioration variĂ©tale.MĂ©thodologie et rĂ©sultats : Les rĂ©sultats de lâĂ©tude rĂ©alisĂ©e sur 37 accessions selon un dispositif blocs Fisher Ă Â trois rĂ©pĂ©titions rĂ©vĂšlent une importante diversitĂ© morphologique structurĂ©e autour des caractĂšres vĂ©gĂ©tatifs et du rendement et une rĂ©partition des accessions en quatre groupes sur la base principalement de la hauteur de la plante et du rendement grains par plante. LâĂ©valuation des paramĂštres gĂ©nĂ©tiques a montrĂ© une faible diffĂ©rence entre les coefficients de variation phĂ©notypique et gĂ©notypique et une hĂ©ritabilitĂ© au sens large élevĂ©e pour tous les caractĂšres. Les caractĂšres liĂ©s au rendement ont exprimĂ© une hĂ©ritabilitĂ© au sens large et un gain gĂ©nĂ©tique attendu Ă©levĂ© alors que les caractĂšres vĂ©gĂ©tatifs ont enregistrĂ© une hĂ©ritabilitĂ© au sens large élevĂ©e et un faible gain gĂ©nĂ©tique attendu. Le cycle a prĂ©sentĂ© une hĂ©ritabilitĂ© au sens large Ă©levĂ© et un gain gĂ©nĂ©tique attendu modĂ©rĂ©.Conclusion et application : Les 4 groupes obtenus qui sont des entitĂ©s constituĂ©es de pools de gĂšnes diffĂ©rents pourraient servir de gĂ©niteurs pour la crĂ©ation de variĂ©tĂ©s rĂ©pondant aux attentes des paysans. La diversitĂ©Â gĂ©nĂ©tique observĂ©e au sein des sorghos Ă grains sucrĂ©s du Nord du Burkina pourrait ĂȘtre exploitĂ©e dans les programmes de sĂ©lection du sorgho. Les rĂ©sultats de lâĂ©valuation des paramĂštres gĂ©nĂ©tiques permettent dâenvisager lâamĂ©lioration des sorghos Ă grains sucrĂ©s par une mĂ©thode de sĂ©lection directe.Mots clĂ©s : Sorghos Ă grains sucrĂ©s, diversitĂ© agromorphologique, Nord du Burkina Fas
Statut de la matiÚre organique des Cambisols et des Lixisols sous formations naturelles de longue durée en zone Nord-Soudanienne au Burkina Faso
LâĂ©tude vise Ă Ă©valuer la matiĂšre organique des Cambisols et des Lixisols sous formations naturelles de longue durĂ©e en zone climatique nord-soudanienne et Ă Ă©tablir, les relations entre cette composante Ă©daphique et les propriĂ©tĂ©s physiques, chimiques et biologiques de ces deux types de sol. LâĂ©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans deux formations naturelles protĂ©gĂ©es depuis 1936 (forĂȘt classĂ©e de Yabo) et 1938 (forĂȘt classĂ©e de SĂą) au Burkina Faso. Les analyses ont portĂ© sur la quantification du carbone total et de lâazote total et sur la dĂ©termination des taux respectifs de carbone et dâazote dans les fractions (0 - 50 ÎŒm), (50 - 200 ÎŒm) et (200 - 2000 ÎŒm). La respiration du sol (CO2 dĂ©gagĂ©) et le taux de carbone de la biomasse microbienne ont aussi Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les deux unitĂ©s de sol renferment, en moyenne, 8 Ă 10 g kg-1 sol de carbone total et environ 1 g kg-1 sol dâazote total. Ces valeurs sont supĂ©rieures Ă celles des sols des zones sahĂ©lienne et sud-soudanienne. Pour les lixisols, ce sont les facteurs climatiques qui ont permis dâexpliquer ces teneurs en carbone total et en azote total. Pour les cambisols, ce sont les caractĂ©ristiques texturales qui ont Ă©tĂ© incriminĂ©es. Par ailleurs, plus de 70 % de carbone total et plus de 80 % de lâazote total sont liĂ©s aux particules argilo-limoneuses (0 - 50 ÎŒm). Les quantitĂ©s de carbone associĂ©es aux fractions infĂ©rieures Ă 200 ÎŒm ont eu des corrĂ©lations positives, avec la capacitĂ© dâĂ©change cationique et la somme des bases Ă©changeables ; andis que lâactivitĂ© biologique globale a eu une corrĂ©lation positive avec le pH. LâĂ©tude suggĂšre, Ă©galement, quâune mise en valeur agricole de telles unitĂ©s de sol, doit ĂȘtre accompagnĂ©e dâamendements organiques et dâamĂ©nagements antiĂ©rosifs, pour accroĂźtre leurs productivitĂ©s. Mots-clĂ©s : Burkina Faso, Cambisols, Lixisols, fractionnement de la matiĂšre organique, activitĂ© biologiqu
Productivity characteristics and development strategies of Sclerocarya birrea in Burkina Faso
Sclerocarya birrea is a major component of agroforestry parks of
Sudano-Sahelian zones, which is exploited by rural populations in
Burkina Faso. Recently, Sclerocarya birrea kernel marketing has
increasingly developed in Ouagadougou (capital of Burkina Faso). This
study aimed at evaluating the productivity, understanding the
socio-cultural uses and socio-economic importance of S. birrea among
local populations of Burkina Faso. The study has shown that S. birrea
is a very fructiferous plant. The number of fruits yielded per tree
ranges from 136 to 4256, with mean fruit weight and diameter that are
respectively 12.66 and 26.71 mm. The number of kernels per fruit ranged
from 1 to 3, with a mean diameter of 4.75 mm. All is not clearly
separated to multi-purpose uses. All organs are used in 36 different
ways. The pulp and kernels of the fruit are the only by-products
marketed by women and mainly girls who dropped out of school.Sclerocarya birrea , composante majeure des parcs agro-forestiers des
zones soudano-sah\ue9liennes, est bien connue et exploit\ue9e par
les populations rurales au Burkina Faso. Ces derni\ue8res
ann\ue9es, la commercialisation des amandes de S. birrea est de plus
en plus d\ue9velopp\ue9e \ue0 Ouagadogou (capitale du Burkina
Faso). L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude est d\u2019\ue9valuer
les param\ue8tres de la productivit\ue9 et \ue0 conna\ueetre
les usages socio-culturels et l\u2019importance socio-\ue9conomique
de S. birrea, afin d\u2019utiliser l\u2019exploitation des fruits
comme strat\ue9gie de sa domestication et de sa valorisation.
L\u2019\ue9tude a montr\ue9 que S. birrea est une plante tr\ue8s
fructif\ue8re, le nombre de fruits par arbre varie de 136 \ue0 4256
avec un poids et diam\ue8tre moyens de fruit respectivement de 12,66
et 26,71 mm. Le nombre d\u2019amandes varie de 1 \ue0 3 par fruit.
L\u2019esp\ue8ce a des usages multiples. Tous les organes sont
utilis\ue9s avec 36 utilisations diff\ue9rentes. La pulpe du fruit
et l\u2019amande sont les seuls commercialis\ue9s par les femmes et
surtout les jeunes filles d\ue9scolaris\ue9es. Les revenus
engrang\ue9s servent \ue0 l\u2019achat de vivre, aux soins
m\ue9dicaux, \ue0 payer la scolarit\ue9, les fournitures
scolaires etc. La production fruiti\ue8re \ue9tant importante, il
existe donc un recours \ue9conomique pour les populations locales
comme incitation \ue0 prot\ue9ger l\u2019esp\ue8ce
Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Yatenga â Tougou, Burkina Faso
The village baseline study of Kononga village in the CCAFS site Yatenga-Tougou in Burkina Faso took place from 19th to 21st July 2011. Focus group discussions were conducted separately for men and women.
Male and female participants believe that the natural resources in the village are deteriorating due to population increase and labour shortages related to the exodus of young people to gold mining sites. The villageâs vision of the future includes more productive and fertile farmland, a denser forest, deeper and wider water reservoirs, and more boreholes.
The men identified 21 organisations in the village, including 9 operating at the community level, while women identified 17 organisations, 10 of which operate at the community level. Men are considered the most important personal source of information in the village. The regional directorate for agriculture, hydrology and fishery resources (DRAHRA) is the single most relevant institutional source of climate and weather information for both male and female participants. Men and women gather information from outside the village via radio broadcasting and particularly Radio âVoix du paysanâ (Voice of the Farmer). The market is the most important channel of information access for women.
Women have a substantial role in agriculture and livestock production, as well as natural resource management but they have limited access to land or to improved technology or equipment, and few training opportunities
Cumulative effects of 20 years of fire, grazing and selective tree cutting on soil water infiltration in sudanian savanna-woodland ecosystem of West Africa
Structural and functional dynamics of savanna-woodland ecosystems are mainly shaped by fire, grazing and wood removal which effects depends both on their intensities. The long-term effects of those disturbances on key soil parameters are still largely unknown. We studied the cumulative effect of 20 years of early fire, grazing and selective tree cutting on soil water infiltration at two experimental sites with contrasting soil conditions (deep silty-clay versus shallow silty-sand) in the sudanian savanna-woodland ecosystems of Burkina Faso. Measurements were carried with a single ring infiltrometer at intervals of 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes. Results showed that Grazing had negative effect at both sites (P<0.0001). Fire has no effect on infiltration rate at deep soil whereas it has a negative effect on shallow one. Selective wood cutting had beneficial effects for infitration rate at the site with shallow soil. Further, all combined effect of the diffreent treatment resulted in decrease infiltration rate as compared with the control (interaction exclosure, no cutting and no fire). The result suggested that projects which aim to manage or improve soil water properties must take in consideration occurrence of disturbances, soils type and avoid disturbance interaction mainly in shallow sandy soils.Keywords: Disturbances, soil water properties, Burkina Faso, soil compaction, early fire, savanna ecosystem
Exploring the potential of the cost-efficient tahmo observation data for hydro-meteorological applications in sub-saharan africa
The Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO) is a promising initiative aiming to install 20,000 stations in sub-Saharan Africa counteracting the decreasing trend of available measuring stations. To achieve this goal, it is particularly important that the installed weather stations are cost-efficient, appropriate for African conditions, and reliably measure the most important variables for hydro-meteorological applications. Since there exist no performance studies of TAHMO stations while operating in Africa, it is necessary to investigate their performance under different climate conditions. This study provides a first analysis of the performance of 10 selected TAHMO stations across Burkina Faso (BF). More specifically, the analysis consists of missing value statistics, plausibility tests of temperature (minimum, maximum) and precipitation, spatial dependencies (correlograms) by comparison with daily observations from synoptical stations of the BF meteorological service as well as cross-comparison between the TAHMO stations. Based on the results of this study for BF for the period from May 2017 to December 2020, it is concluded that TAHMO potentially offers a reliable and cost-efficient solution for applications in hydro-meteorology. The usage of wind speed measurements cannot be recommended without reservation, at least not without bias correcting of the data. The limited measurement period of TAHMO still prevents its usability in climate (impact) research. It is also stressed that TAHMO cannot replace existing observation networks operated by the local meteorological services, but it can be a complement and has great potential for detailed spatial analyses. Since restricted to BF in this analysis, more evaluation studies of TAHMO are needed considering different environmental and climate conditions across SSA
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