27 research outputs found

    Red-channel (6000-8000 {\AA}) nuclear spectra of 376 local galaxies

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    We obtained long-slit optical spectra of the nuclear regions of 376 galaxies in the local Universe using the 1.5m Cassini telescope of Bologna Observatory. Of these spectra, 164 were either never taken before by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), or given by the Nasa Extragalactic Database (NED). With these new spectra, we contribute investigating the occurrence of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Nevertheless, we stress that the present sample is by no means complete, thus, it cannot be used to perform any demographic study. Following the method presented in Gavazzi et al. (2011), we classify the nuclear spectra using a six bin scheme: SEY (Seyfert), sAGN (strong AGN), and wAGN (weak AGN) represent active galactic nuclei of different levels of activity; HII accounts for star-forming nuclei; RET (retired) and PAS (passive) refer to nuclei with poor or no star-formation activity. The spectral classification is performed using the ratio of 6584 {\lambda} [NII] to H{\alpha} lines and the equivalent width (EW) of H{\alpha} versus [NII]/H{\alpha} (WHAN diagnostic introduced by Cid Fernandes and collaborators) after correcting H{\alpha} for underlying absorption. The obtained spectra are made available in machine readable format via the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center (CDS) and NED.Comment: 8 pages, 6 Figures, 4 Tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The supermassive black hole mass - S\'ersic index relations for bulges and elliptical galaxies

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    Scaling relations between supermassive black hole mass, M_BH, and host galaxy properties are a powerful instrument for studying their coevolution. A complete picture involving all of the black hole scaling relations, in which each relation is consistent with the others, is necessary to fully understand the black hole-galaxy connection. The relation between M_BH and the central light concentration of the surrounding bulge, quantified by the S\'ersic index n, may be one of the simplest and strongest such relations, requiring only uncalibrated galaxy images. We have conducted a census of literature S\'ersic index measurements for a sample of 54 local galaxies with directly measured M_BH values. We find a clear M_BH - n relation, despite an appreciable level of scatter due to the heterogeneity of the data. Given the current M_BH - L_sph and the L_sph - n relations, we have additionally derived the expected M_BH - n relations, which are marginally consistent at the 2 sigma level with the observed relations. Elliptical galaxies and the bulges of disc galaxies are each expected to follow two distinct bent M_BH - n relations due to the S\'ersic/core-S\'ersic divide. For the same central light concentration, we predict that M_BH in the S\'ersic bulges of disc galaxies are an order magnitude higher than in S\'ersic elliptical galaxies if they follow the same M_BH - L_sph relation.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The UVES Spectral Quasar Absorption Database (SQUAD) Data Release 1: The first 10 million seconds

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    We present the first data release (DR1) of the UVES Spectral Quasar Absorption Database (SQUAD), comprising 467 fully reduced, continuum-fitted high-resolution quasar spectra from the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) on the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope. The quasars have redshifts z=0z=0-5, and a total exposure time of 10 million seconds provides continuum-to-noise ratios of 4-342 (median 20) per 2.5-km/s pixel at 5500 \AA. The SQUAD spectra are fully reproducible from the raw, archival UVES exposures with open-source software, including our UVES_popler tool for combining multiple extracted echelle exposures which we document here. All processing steps are completely transparent and can be improved upon or modified for specific applications. A primary goal of SQUAD is to enable statistical studies of large quasar and absorber samples, and we provide tools and basic information to assist three broad scientific uses: studies of damped Lyman-α\alpha systems (DLAs), absorption-line surveys and time-variable absorption lines. For example, we provide a catalogue of 155 DLAs whose Lyman-α\alpha lines are covered by the DR1 spectra, 18 of which are reported for the first time. The HI column densities of these new DLAs are measured from the DR1 spectra. DR1 is publicly available and includes all reduced data and information to reproduce the final spectra.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. All final quasar spectra, reduced contributing exposures, and supplementary material available via https://github.com/MTMurphy77/UVES_SQUAD_DR

    Selection bias in dynamically measured supermassive black hole samples : its consequences and the quest for the most fundamental relation

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    We compare the set of local galaxies having dynamically measured black holes with a large, unbiased sample of galaxies extracted from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We confirm earlier work showing that the majority of black hole hosts have significantly higher velocity dispersions sigma than local galaxies of similar stellar mass. We use Monte Carlo simulations to illustrate the effect on black hole scaling relations if this bias arises from the requirement that the black hole sphere of influence must be resolved to measure black hole masses with spatially resolved kinematics. We find that this selection effect artificially increases the normalization of the M-bh-sigma relation by a factor of at least similar to 3; the bias for the M-bh-M-star relation is even larger. Our Monte Carlo simulations and analysis of the residuals from scaling relations both indicate that sigma is more fundamental than M-star or effective radius. In particular, the M-bh-M-star relation is mostly a consequence of the M-bh-sigma and sigma-M-star relations, and is heavily biased by up to a factor of 50 at small masses. This helps resolve the discrepancy between dynamically based black hole-galaxy scaling relations versus those of active galaxies. Our simulations also disfavour broad distributions of black hole masses at fixed sigma. Correcting for this bias suggests that the calibration factor used to estimate black hole masses in active galaxies should be reduced to values of f(vir) similar to 1. Black hole mass densities should also be proportionally smaller, perhaps implying significantly higher radiative efficiencies/black hole spins. Reducing black hole masses also reduces the gravitational wave signal expected from black hole mergers.Peer reviewe

    Kissing galaxies

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    This image originally appeared in the 2015 Research student photography and image competition held to celebrate National Science Week (Aug 15-23). Blurb: "Once upon a time, there were two young galaxies. They lived far away from each other and they felt very lonely. They were both floating in the empty, cold, and dark space, looking at each other from a very long distance, unable to communicate. Then, one day, something happened. They realised they were slowly getting closer and closer. Suddenly they were not sad anymore! When they became close enough, they started talking to each other. "What's happening to us?", said one to the other. "It's Gravity!", replied the second, "the gravitational attraction is pulling us and will eventually make us collide". They couldn't be happier than that. When they finally had their first encounter, they experienced their first "cosmic" kiss. Someone said they looked like two kissing seahorses. Last night I had a dream: our own Galaxy, the Milky Way, was colliding with the Andromeda Galaxy. During the collision, the stars of our Galaxy mixed up with the stars of Andromeda. Our Sun, orbited by its eight planets, came very close to one of the Andromeda's stars, orbited by its seven planets. One of these seven planets was inhabited by a form of intelligent life. One of the aliens took his spacecraft, landed on the Earth, came to me and gave me my first "galactic" kiss. Then I woke up."