4,191 research outputs found

    Estimation of Collision Impact Parameter

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    We demonstrate that the nuclear collision geometry (i.e. impact parameter) can be determined with 1.5 fm accuracy in an event-by-event analysis by measuring the transverse energy flow in the pseudorapidity region 3η53 \le |\eta| \le 5 with a minimal dependence on collision dynamics details at the LHC energy scale. Using the HIJING model we have illustrated our calculation by a simulation of events of nucleus-nucleus interactions at the c.m.s energy from 1 up to 5.5 TeV per nucleon and various type of nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Feedback control of unstable cellular solidification fronts

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    We present a numerical and experimental study of feedback control of unstable cellular patterns in directional solidification (DS). The sample, a dilute binary alloy, solidifies in a 2D geometry under a control scheme which applies local heating close to the cell tips which protrude ahead of the other. For the experiments, we use a real-time image processing algorithm to track cell tips, coupled with a movable laser spot array device, to heat locally. We show, numerically and experimentally, that spacings well below the threshold for a period-doubling instability can be stabilized. As predicted by the numerical calculations, cellular arrays become stable, and the spacing becomes uniform through feedback control which is maintained with minimal heating.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Implementing cognitive architecture plan-image to search tasks in agent models

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    In the article we discuss some questions connected with cognitive structures and behavior algorithms of an artificial social agent. We suggest a cognitive Plan-Image architecture that is based on the concepts of TOTE model by Miller, Galanter and Pribra

    К вопросу предела в публичном праве

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    Public legal relations, especially those related to finance, are a developing and complex group of public relations with a long history. All over the world, there is a continuous process of modernization of legislation, the establishment of new rights and obligations of participants in public relations, the formation or abolition of prohibitions, restrictions, permits. Legal regulation mechanisms are also being improved in the world. Society has always had a need for a stable existence, a harmonious and happy life, which the state should provide. Without understanding the clear boundaries of the rights and duties of each individual, associations of citizens and the state as a whole, it is impossible to build a balance between private and public interests. The purpose of the research is a historical, philosophical, political and legal analysis of the category of "legal limit" in public law. Despite the large amount of fundamental research in science, there is no formed concept of the legal limit in public law in general, and in financial law in particular. In the course of the research, the author uses a different methodology. In particular, the historical method allowed us to establish the specifics of the development of limits and limitations as various states develop. The comparative method served as the basis for the analysis of paired or opposed categories: limit and limitation, justice and injustice, certainty and uncertainty, permissibility and prohibition, etc.Special attention is paid to the theory of public and private law, the aspects of the balance of private and public interests, as well as the boundaries defining these interests, are investigated. The article pays attention to legal principles and legal regimes. In the historical context, the correlation of the limits of the rights of the state and society in relation to each other is analyzed. The issue of legal limitsin certain types of financial relations comes to the fore. The conclusion is formulated about the instability of legal limits in public law and the role of political ideologies that change the legal traditions of society. The need of society for stability and confidence in its state, guarantees of legality and clear legal boundaries, objectively built on a fair basis, issubstantiated.The author also concludes that the limit in public law is a unique entity and can be considered as an independent stable category, and can act as a unique and universal tool, helping to reveal the meanings of other legal categories. The article emphasizes that oppositions form an important basis for understanding the essence of legal limits.There has always been and continues to be a need in society to eliminate injustice, and the uncertain legal limits only reinforce it. That is why certainty is an important component of legislation. Speaking, for example, about the principle of certainty of taxation existing in tax law, one should agree with the words of A. Smith, who emphasized in his writings that uncertainty of taxation is a greater evil than unevenness.Thus, in conditions of large-scale economic and political challenges, clear boundaries of a public-legal and private-legal nature should be built for the harmonization of public life.На основе философских, исторических, политических и правовых подходов рассматривается содержание предела и определяется его роль в публичном праве. Отдельное внимание уделяется вопросам теории публичного и частного права, исследуются аспекты баланса частных и публичных интересов, а также границ, определяющих эти интересы. Уделяется внимание правовым принципам и правовым режимам. В историческом контексте анализируется соотношение предельных объемов прав государства и общества по отношению друг к другу. На первый план выходит вопрос правовых пределов в отдельных видах финансовых отношений. Сформулирован вывод о неустойчивости правовых пределов в публичном праве и роли политических идеологий, меняющих правовые традиции общества. Обоснована потребность общества в стабильности и уверенности в своем государстве, гарантиях законности и четких правовых границах, объективно выстраиваемых на справедливых началах