11 research outputs found

    Maringues – Rue des Récollets, le Bouchet

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    Les tranchées de diagnostic, réalisées sur les 12 500 m2 de la parcelle localisée rue des Récollets à Maringues, n’ont pas permis de mettre en évidence une occupation archéologique. Seule une possible fosse pourrait être le maigre témoin d’une mise en valeur du site. Les investigations ont permis de compléter les connaissances géologiques de la zone. En effet, une excavation profonde a permis d’observer la nappe alluviale de la moyenne terrasse de l’Allier (FwA) d’une épaisseur de 2 m et rep..

    Recherches sur l’histoire de l’occupation humaine sur la planèze sud du Plomb du Cantal

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    Le programme de recherches sur le peuplement de la planèze sud du Plomb du Cantal a débuté en 2000. Il concerne un secteur de moyenne montagne volcanique d’environ 50 km2, situé sur la partie haute des communes de Lacapelle-Barrès, Brezons, Malbo, Saint-Clément et Pailherols (cantons de Vic-sur-Cère et de Pierrefort, département du Cantal). L’altitude s’échelonne de  1 000 à  1 600 m. Le projet vise à reconstituer l’histoire du peuplement et des activités humaines des origines jusqu’à la fin de l’époque moderne. À cette fin, une équipe pluridisciplinaire et diachronique a été constituée, composée de paléoenvironnementalistes et d’archéologues. Les recherchent comportent des prospections pédestres et aériennes, des sondages, des fouilles programmées, l’étude des sources écrites et un gros volet d’études paléoenvironnementales. À ce jour, plus de 700 sites et indices de sites probables ont été recensés, depuis la pièce lithique préhistorique isolée jusqu’au hameau d’époque médiévale. L’ensemble constitue un corpus qui a pu être analysé à l’aide d’un Système d’Information Géographique. La chronologie des sites va de la Préhistoire récente, notamment de la transition Mésolithique final/Néolithique ancien aux époques médiévale et moderne caractérisées par de nombreux vestiges de bâtiments semi-enterrés.A research project on the settlement of the southern “planèze” in Plomb du Cantal was launched in 2000. This project focuses on a medium-altitude volcanic mountain région approximately 40 km2 in area, which comprises the upper part of townships of Lacapelle-Barrès, Brezons, Malbo Saint Clément and Pailherols (in the cantons of Vic-sur-Cère and Pierrefort, department of Cantal). The altitude of the region studied ranges between 1000 and 1600 m. The aim of this project is to trace the history of human settlement and the human activities carried out in this region from the origins to the end of the modern era. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary research group was set up, consisting of both paleoenvironmentalists and archaeologists, to carry out the prospections on the field and from the air, coring explorations, excavations, archive searches and paleoenvironmental studies. In the first stage, the emphasis was on site detection, followed by coring explorations, systematic excavations and studies on written documents, and many paleoenvironmental studies were also carried out. More than 700 sites and candidate sites have been listed to date, from isolated lithic prehistoric sites to medieval hamlets. All the information collected forms a corpus, which was analysed using a Geographic Information System. The chronology of the sites goes from recent Prehistory, especially during the period of transition from the late Mesolithic to the early Neolithic period to Middle Age and Modern Times, which are characterized by many vestiges of half-buried buildings

    Bas-et-Lezat (Puy-de-DĂ´me). Lezat [Chronique de fouille]

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    International audienc

    Recherche sur l'histoire de l'occupation humaine sur la planèze sud du Plomb du Cantal

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    International audienceA research project on the settlement of the southern “planèze” in Plomb du Cantal was launched in 2000. This project focuses on a medium-altitude volcanic mountain région approximately 40 km2 in area, which comprises the upper part of townships of Lacapelle-Barrès, Brezons, Malbo Saint Clément and Pailherols (in the cantons of Vic-sur-Cère and Pierrefort, department of Cantal). The altitude of the region studied ranges between 1000 and 1600 m. The aim of this project is to trace the history of human settlement and the human activities carried out in this region from the origins to the end of the modern era. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary research group was set up, consisting of both paleoenvironmentalists and archaeologists, to carry out the prospections on the field and from the air, coring explorations, excavations, archive searches and paleoenvironmental studies. In the first stage, the emphasis was on site detection, followed by coring explorations, systematic excavations and studies on written documents, and many paleoenvironmental studies were also carried out. More than 700 sites and candidate sites have been listed to date, from isolated lithic prehistoric sites to medieval hamlets. All the information collected forms a corpus, which was analysed using a Geographic Information System. The chronology of the sites goes from recent Prehistory, especially during the period of transition from the late Mesolithic to the early Neolithic period to Middle Age and Modern Times, which are characterized by many vestiges of half-buried buildings.Résumé. Le programme de recherches sur le peuplement de la planèze sud du Plomb du Cantal a débuté en 2000. Il concerne un secteur de moyenne montagne volcanique d'environ 50 km2, situé sur la partie haute des communes de Lacapelle-Barrès, Brezons, Malbo, Saint-Clément et Pailherols (cantons de Vic-sur-Cère et de Pierrefort, département du Cantal). L'altitude s'échelonne de 1 000 à 1 600 m. Le projet vise à reconstituer l'histoire du peuplement et des activités humaines des origines jusqu'à la fin de l'époque moderne. À cette fin, une équipe pluridisciplinaire et diachronique a été constituée, composée de paléoenvironnementalistes et d'archéologues. Les recherchent comportent des prospections pédestres et aériennes, des sondages, des fouilles programmées, l'étude des sources écrites et un gros volet d'études paléoenvironnementales. À ce jour, plus de 700 sites et indices de sites probables ont été recensés, depuis la pièce lithique préhistorique isolée jusqu'au hameau d'époque médiévale. L'ensemble constitue un corpus qui a pu être analysé à l'aide d'un Système d'Information Géographique. La chronologie des sites va de la Préhistoire récente, notamment de la transition Mésolithique final/Néolithique ancien aux époques médiévale et moderne caractérisées par de nombreux vestiges de bâtiments semi-enterrés

    Holocene vegetation change and long term land-use history in a medium French mountain: a multi-disciplinary research program in the Cantal (Massif Central, France)

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    International audienceA multidisciplinar palaeoecological investigation (pollen, non-pollen palynomorph, micro-charcoal, major elements geochemistry, and radiocarbon data) has been carried out in two peat-bogs located in the southern Cantal (French Massif Central) in order to reconstruct the vegetation and land-use change from the end of the Lateglacial to the present day. High spatial and temporal resolution studies are integrated in a long term research program which began in 2000 and which is based on a multi-disciplinary approach in order to achieve a better understanding of the environmental/anthropogenic interactions in a mountain ecosystem ranging from1000 m to 1600 m a.s.l. Archaeological fieldwork carried out in an area of 50 km2 revealed more than 600 archaeological structures (176 pre- and proto-historical sites, 3 roman sites and 290 medieval/modern sites). Both archaeological and palaeoecological studies document first human occupation as early as the Mesolithic/Neolithic transition and the Early Neolithic period, even at higher altitude. Repeated local forest fires began at ca. 6200 cal BC and first regular Cerealia pollen-type are noticed as early as ca. 5800 cal B.C. Moreover, palaeoecological records provide two key phases in the history of this mountain occupation. A more significant impact between ca. 2450 and 2000 cal B.C. testifies a Final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age agro-pastoral management. The Roman period (mainly the 3rd and 4th centuries A.D.) appear to be a complex threshold in the shaping of this medium mountain landscape. At this moment, large beech-fir forest clearances are related to a significant agro-pastoral extension which implied a rapid shift from a relatively undisturbed landscape towards a human dominated cultural landscape. Relating these reconstructed rhythms of landscape evolution to the Holocene climate changes is tried as well as the study of their connections to socio-economic transformations particularly since Medieval and Contemporaneous periods. Approximately between the 10th and the 15th century, an important and permanent mountain human settlement organised in hamlets was established ranging to an elevation of 1250 m a.s.l. The developed agro-pastoral system included grazing and cereal cultivation. Towards the 14th-15th centuries, archaeological data evidence a significant cultural shift in the mountain landscape management. Permanent mixed arable-pastoral farming was progressively substituted by a strict pastoral system based on herd seasonal migrations which especially affected the highest areas of this mountain landscape

    Recherches sur l'histoire de l'occupation humaine sur la planète sud du Plomb du Cantal

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    [(Bibliothèque d'archéologie méditerranéenne et africaine, n°4)]International audienceA research project on the settlement of the southern "planèze" in Plomb du Cantal was launched in 2000. This project focuses on a medium-altitude volcanic mountain région approximately 40 km2 in area, which comprises the upper part of townships of Lacapelle-Barrès, Brezons, Malbo Saint Clément and Pailherols (in the cantons of Vic-sur-Cère and Pierrefort, department of Cantal). The altitude of the region studied ranges between 1000 and 1600 m. The aim of this project is to trace the history of human settlement and the human activities carried out in this region from the origins to the end of the modern era. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary research group was set up, consisting of both paleoenvironmentalists and archaeologists, to carry out the prospections on the field and from the air, coring explorations, excavations, archive searches and paleoenvironmental studies. In the first stage, the emphasis was on site detection, followed by coring explorations, systematic excavations and studies on written documents, and many paleoenvironmental studies were also carried out. More than 700 sites and candidate sites have been listed to date, from isolated lithic prehistoric sites to medieval hamlets. All the information collected forms a corpus, which was analysed using a Geographic Information System. The chronology of the sites goes from recent Prehistory, especially during the period of transition from the late Mesolithic to the early Neolithic period to Middle Age and Modern Times, which are characterized by many vestiges of half-buried buildings.Le programme de recherches sur le peuplement de la planèze sud du Plomb du Cantal a débuté en 2000. Il concerne un secteur de moyenne montagne volcanique d'environ 50 km2, situé sur la partie haute des communes de Lacapelle-Barrès, Brezons, Malbo, Saint-Clément et Pailherols (cantons de Vic-sur-Cère et de Pierrefort, département du Cantal). L'altitude s'échelonne de 1000 à 1600 m. Le projet vise à reconstituer l'histoire du peuplement et des activités humaines des origines jusqu'à la fin de l'époque moderne. À cette fin, une équipe pluridisciplinaire et diachronique a été constituée, composée de paléoenvironnementalistes et d'archéologues. Les recherchent comportent des prospections pédestres et aériennes, des sondages, des fouilles programmées, l'étude des sources écrites et un gros volet d'études paléoenvironnementales. À ce jour, plus de 700 sites et indices de sites probables ont été recensés, depuis la pièce lithique préhistorique isolée jusqu'au hameau d'époque médiévale. L'ensemble constitue un corpus qui a pu être analysé à l'aide d'un Système d'Information Géographique. La chronologie des sites va de la Préhistoire récente, notamment de la transition Mésolithique final/Néolithique ancien aux époques médiévale et moderne caractérisées par de nombreux vestiges de bâtiments semi-enterrés

    Occupation and land use history of a medium mountain from the Mid-Holocene: a pluridisciplinary study performed in the south Cantal (French Central Massif)

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    International audienceA multidisciplinary investigation combining archaeological and palaeoecological approaches (pollen, micro-charcoal, major elements geochemistry, and radiocarbon data) has been carried out since 2000 in the southern Cantal (French Massif Central) in order to achieve a better understanding of the environmental/anthropogenic interactions in a mountain ecosystem ranging from 1000 to 1600m a.s.l. from the Mid-Holocene to the end of Modern Times. This medium mountain area must be considered as a complex landscape shaped during a long-term land-use history. Pollen and archaeological evidences suggest a human frequentation as early as the beginning of the 6th millennium BC. For the following periods, different stages related to the human settlement and anthropogenic activities of land clearance and agro-pastoralism have been documented: the final Neolithic/Early Bronze Age and the Roman period (mainly the 3rd and 4th centuries AD). Middle Ages (between the 10th and the 12th centuries AD) and Modern Times (since the 14th–16th centuries AD) appear to be two key phases revealing complex spatial patterns of land-use