184 research outputs found

    Grado de satisfacción laboral, que presenta el personal de enfermería, del servicio de terapia intensiva del Hospital Humberto Notti

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    La satisfacción laboral es la actitud favorable o desfavorable del individuo hacia su trabajo, un alto grado de satisfacción se puede ver reflejado en una actividad positiva hacia las actividades cotidianas. Los factores que determinan la satisfacción laboral son: un trabajo mental interesante, la equidad en los premios, las condiciones propias del trabajo y la buena relación con los colegas. Cuando hay insatisfacción, el personal genera ausentismo elevado, agresividad en el puesto de trabajo y bajo rendimiento. Es evidente que la satisfacción laboral tiene una estrecha relación con determinados aspectos del desempeño, puesto que no es factible conseguir que una persona realice su trabajo con calidad y eficiencia si no se encuentra satisfecho laboralmente. Algunos enfermeros no se sienten motivados con el trabajo cotidiano debido a diversos factores como, la alta complejidad del trabajo diario, las condiciones físicas de trabajo, la falta de recursos materiales y espacio físico, la falta de reconocimiento o incentivo laboral, el cumplimiento de recargos etc. A consecuencia de esto se advierte el aumento de partes médicos (psiquiátricos entre otros), desinterés en el trabajo que realizan, falta de cuidado personal, falta de comunicación o interacción con los pacientes y familiares, ambiente hostil entre médicos y enfermeros, desaliento para la participación en cursos y jornadas. Esto lleva a que su labor profesional se convierta en una carga y no como un ejercicio satisfactorio disminuyendo de esta manera su grado de satisfacción laboral. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo conocer cuál es el grado de satisfacción laboral que presenta el personal de enfermería, que trabaja en el servicio de terapia intensiva del Hospital Humberto Notti, durante los meses de julio a agosto, del año 2012.Fil: Savietto, Juan. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Quiroga, Ruth. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Jogos de linguagem e significação em aulas de física no ensino médio

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Científica e Tecnológica, Florianópolis, 2015.Podemos dizer que uma das dificuldades dos estudantes relacionadas a compreender conceitos físicos e interpretar o mundo do ponto de vista da Física, está no fato desta ser estruturada por meio da linguagem matemática. No entanto, o ensino da Física, muitas vezes acaba se resumindo a práticas de exposição de conceitos e fórmulas, evidenciando o operativismo matemático, onde a significação dos fenômenos e da própria linguagem matemática através do diálogo entre estudantes e professores são poucos trabalhadas. A Física trabalha com uma linguagem cuja significação passa pela matemática, mas vai além dela. O seu processo histórico de constituição como ciência, foram sendo tecidas relações com a Matemática, constituindo uma nova forma de interpretação do mundo segundo Thomas Kuhn. De fato, há várias visões dessa relação entre Física e Matemática, sendo esta pensada como estrutura, como ferramenta, como fundamento, ou como linguagem da/para a Física, conforme os estudos. Neste trabalho adotamos a compreensão da Matemática como linguagem tendo como referência a filosofia da Linguagem de Wittgenstein. Destacamos a noção de jogos de linguagem, com suas regras próprias e semelhanças de família, que colaboram para o entendimento da significação como dependente do uso que se faz da linguagem, no caso, da linguagem Matemática, nos diferentes contextos ou formas de vida, como, no nosso caso, o contexto de ensino de Física. Tomando como base essa concepção da filosofia de linguagem buscamos identificar como e que jogos de linguagem, envolvendo tanto a linguagem verbal e matemática da Física do 3º ano do Ensino Médio, de uma escola pública estadual do município de Florianópolis/SC, por um professor-estagiário que buscava tratar a matemática nas aulas de forma diferenciada e cujo tema abordado foi campo magnético gerado por corrente elétrica. Estas aulas foram áudio-gravadas e posteriormente transcritas, onde selecionamos os episódios em que evidenciamos os jogos de linguagem, suas regras ou semelhanças de família, e as possibilidades de significação dos conceitos físicos relacionados a esse tema trabalhados pelo professor e pelos estudantes. Assim, identificamos diferentes jogos de linguagem relativos à forma de vida escolar, com suas regras próprias e semelhanças de família com outros jogos, tais como o jogo de linguagem gestual, o jogo de linguagem ?maior?maior, maior?menor?, o jogo de linguagem associativo, o jogo de linguagem de analogia, e outros, que tem como objetivo a significação do conceito estudado, entrelaçando as linguagens verbal e matemática.Abstract : We can say that one of the difficulties of the students related to understanding physical concepts and interpret the world from the point of view of physics, it is the fact that it is structured by means of mathematical language. However, the teaching of physics, often end up short exposure practices concepts and formulas, showing the mathematical tivism, where the significance of the phenomena and their own mathematical language through dialogue between students and teachers are few worked. Physical works with a language whose significance goes through the math, but goes beyond it. Its historical process of constitution as a science, relations were being woven with mathematics, constituting a new form of interpretation of the world second Thomas Kuhn. In fact, there are several views of the relationship between physics and mathematics, which is designed as a framework, as a tool, as a foundation, or as language of/for physics, according to the studies. In this paper we adopt the understanding of mathematics as a language with reference to the philosophy of Wittgenstein's language. Highlight the notion of language games with their own rules and family resemblances, that contribute to the understanding of the significance as dependent on the use that is made of language, in this case, the language of mathematics in different contexts and ways of life, as in our case, the teaching context of physics. Based on this conception of philosophy of language as we seek to identify and language games involving both verbal and mathematics Physics of the 3rd year of high school, a public school in Florianópolis/SC, for a teacher- trainee who sought to treat mathematics in classes differently and whose theme was addressed magnetic field generated by electric current. These classes were audio-recorded and transcribed, which selected the episodes in which we highlight the language games, rules or family resemblances, and the meaning possibilities of the physical concepts related to this theme worked by the teacher and students. Thus, we identified different sets of language on the way to school life, with its own rules and family resemblances with other games such as the game of sign language, the language game "bigger ... bigger, bigger ... smaller," the game associative language, the analogy of language game, and others, which aims at studying the concept of meaning, linking the verbal and mathematical languages

    Environmental and genetic factors driving robustness in reproductive rabbit does

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    Selection strategies to increase productive traits of farm animals have been effective and highly specialized breeds and strains were obtained. At the same time, the effort made to obtain extremely high producing animals was accompanied by undesired effects, such as a reduced ability to sustain production, reproduction and health; especially under constrained conditions. The perception that selection was degrading robustness, lead to selection strategies aiming to improve the ability of animals to perform in a wider range of environmental constrain. However, at the present moment, the physiological mechanisms allowing farm animals to perform well in a wide range of environments, while others succumb, have not been described. The present thesis intended to address this question by describing the evolution of traits related to fitness, survival and to the adaptability to environmental constraints. Two maternal rabbit lines differing in their ability to face the environmental constraints, i.e. a `specialist¿ and a `generalist¿ maternal rabbit line were available. Additionally, two generations (20 generations apart) of the specialized line were simultaneously available. During the first two consecutive reproductive cycles, female rabbits were simultaneously subjected to three environmental conditions differing in the intensity and in the physiological constrain imposed. Digestive capacity, the acquisition of resources and the partitioning of resources into different function (i.e. litter size, milk yield, growth, body reserves, etc.) was also assessed. Results showed a greater acquisition capacity of `generalist¿ females in constrained conditions with respect to `specialist¿ females. Moreover, the greater acquisition capacity was not accompanied by a reduction in the digestive efficiency, allowing the `generalist¿ females a relative greater acquisition of digestible energy. The maintenance of reproductive performance by having a greater acquisition capacity, together with the avoidance of making an intensive use of body reserves were both related to the capacity of `generalist¿ females to sustain reproduction in a wide range of environmental conditions. Twenty generations of selection exclusively for reproduction (specialized line), was not accompanied by a higher acquisition capacity, but by a change in the relative priority between the litter being nursed (actual) and the litter being gestate (future litter). In this sense, females from the actual generation of selection for litter size at weaning had a greater milk yield in the first week of lactation (period of great importance to kits survival), reducing it by the end of lactation. The present thesis also evidenced the importance of the environment where the animals are being selected in the evolution of the interplay between competing functions.Savietto, D. (2014). Environmental and genetic factors driving robustness in reproductive rabbit does [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/37198TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Kunst und K\ufcnstler im Erz\ue4hlwerk Klaus Manns. Intermediale Forschungsperspektiven auf Musik, Tanz, Theater und bildende Kunst

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    La tesi mira ad indagare l'opera narrativa di Klaus Mann dal punto di vista intermediale, distaccandosi dalla prospettiva predominante, ovvero la chiave di lettura autobiografica e di genere.My doctoral thesis focuses on the analysis of the art and artist question in the main novels by Klaus Mann (1906-1949). It concentrates especially on all those intermedial phenomena, which make the author\u2019s literary style modern and dynamic. Through this perspective, I intend to diverge from the main stream within the Klaus-Mann-Forschung, which focuses itself mostly on biographical or gender aspects. My analysis mainly develops from a chronological point of view and examines Klaus Mann\u2019s artistic and aesthetic thought beginning from his debut, with the novel Der fromme Tanz (1925), until his later works, i.e. his pre-exile novel Treffpunkt im Unendlichen (1932) and his well-known exile works Symphonie Path\ue9tique (1935), Mephisto (1936) and Der Vulkan (1939). In this context, I particularly stress those strategies, which can be defined as \u201cintermedial\u201d, because they show how reciprocal medial influences permit to model and represent the most important art expressions of this era through writing. Therefore, Klaus Mann\u2019s prose is strongly characterised by the thematization of art expressions such as the modern dances and songs of the 1920s, the early days of the talkies, but also cabaret, photography and expressionist painting. In particular, these phenomena are not only the object of the plot, but they also influence the narrative structure, so that these novels become fictional texts about music, dance, theatre and figurative arts, because they deal with these themes and at the same time they try to imitate them from a formal point of view. Moreover, it\u2019s possible to identify the development of Klaus Mann\u2019s poetics toward the role of art and the artist through the comparison between his prose and essay works. If Klaus Mann\u2019s first novel is also a novel about Berlin, it\u2019s important to underline that the interest for this metropolis mainly emerges from the representation of its most significant art manifestations, so that Klaus Mann\u2019s work can also be considered as a fictional reportage about the \u201cGolden Age\u201d. That\u2019s also true for Treffpunkt im Unendlichen, in which the author reflects the influences of the Neue Sachlichkeit. However, it\u2019s the musician\u2019s novel Symphonie Path\ue9tique, which presents the most interesting intermedial aspects, because with this work Klaus Mann tries to imitate Tschaikovsky\u2019s Symphony No. 6 in B-minor both thematically and structurally, as especially showed in the American edition of this novel. It should also be emphazised that this novel functions as counterpart of the satire Mephisto, in which the author explores an eminently negative example of art, i.e. Hendrik H\uf6fgen\u2019s histrionism on the stage, but also in his private life; moreover, Klaus Mann compares here the aesthetic role of masks with the Nazis propaganda techniques. Nevertheless, the theatre dimension also plays a positive role, as represented in Klaus Mann\u2019s last novel Der Vulkan, especially through the political engagement of Marion von Kammer. In conclusion, my doctoral thesis aims to analyse not only Klaus Mann\u2019s understanding of art and its antifascist role, but also the expressive potential of his writing and often experimental style

    Ciberativismo como superávit cognitivo: um estudo de caso do 4chan e do Project Chanology

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    Inicialmente, define os principais aspectos das formas de comunicação mediadas pelo computador que dependem da estrutura descentralizada das redes sociais para mediar as trocas entre usuários no ciberespaço, para então analisar a questão da formação de identidades em comunidades virtuais como os sites de redes sociais, que também são descritos em maior profundidade. Como os indivíduos são forçados a se expressar na internet e a repercussão desta dinâmica são investigadas nesta seção. A seguir, delimita o cenário no qual se insere a subcultura dos imageboards tendo o 4chan como principal exemplo contrário aos sites de redes sociais por se configurar um ambiente anônimo, e exprime suas principais características, dados relevantes e informações relativas ao surgimento de Anonymous. Após a explicação dos eventos que compreenderam o Project Chanology e uma breve descrição da Igreja da Cientologia, uma análise mais detalhada do conceito de ciberativismo busca estabelecer as bases para a proposta dos argumentos que se sucederão. Introduz-se em seguida a teoria do superávit cognitivo proposta por Clay Shirky para a interpretação de movimentos coletivos colaborativos organizados na internet, além de apresentar uma possível releitura do processo de produção e difusão de informação na rede. Por fim, conclui ao propor uma relação entre o Project Chanology e o excedente mobilizador de capacidade intelectual presente nos usuários da web, ressaltando o caráter ativo de participação destes no novo cenário midiático

    Long-term implications of feed energy source in different genetic types of reproductive rabbit females: III. Fitness and productivity

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    [EN] The specialization process associated with genetic selection could be associated with functional disorders, affecting the reproductive success of females (fitness). We hypothesized that by modulating energy acquisition and allocation of females we could balance productivity and reproductive success. To test this hypothesis, we used 203 rabbit females belonging to three genetic types: H (n=66) maternal line specialized in prolificacy, LP (n=67) generalist maternal line, R (n=70) paternal line specialized in growth rate. We fed each genetic type with two diets specifically designed to promote milk yield (AF) or body reserves recovery (CS). We controlled females between their first and fifth reproductive cycles, recording traits related with productivity and fitness of females. H females fed CS had on average 11.2 +/- 0.43 kits with an individual weight of 54 +/- 1.2 g at birth and 525 +/- 11 g at weaning. Their conception rate when multiparous was 44% and their survival rate at the end of the experiment 30%. When they were fed AF, the individual weight of kits was 3.8 g heavier (P<0.05) at birth and 38 g heavier at weaning (P<0.05), the conception rate when multiparous increased 23 percentage points (P<0.05) and the survival rate at the end of the experiment 25 percentage points (P<0.05). LP females fed CS had on average 10.8 +/- 0.43 kits with an individual weight of 52 +/- 1.2 g at birth and 578 +/- 11 g at weaning. Their conception rate when multiparous was 79% and their survival rate at the end of the experiment 75%. When they were fed AF, it only increased individual weight of kits at weaning (+39 g; P<0.05). R females fed CS had on average 8.4 +/- 0.43 kits with an individual weight of 60 +/- 1.2 g at birth and 568 +/- 11 g at weaning. Their conception rate when multiparous was 60% and their survival rate at the end of the experiment 37%. When they were fed AF, they presented 1.4 kits less at birth (P<0.05) but heavier at birth (+4.9 g; P<0.05) and at weaning (+37 g; P<0.05). Therefore, we observed that genetic types prioritized different fitness components and that diets could affected them. In this sense, seems that more specialized genetic types, were more sensitive to diets than the more generalist type.This study was supported by the Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology (CICYT) of the Spanish Government (AGL2014-53405-C2-1-P). The authors thank Juan Carlos Moreno for his technical support. Grants for Alberto Arnau from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (BES-2012-052345) are also gratefully acknowledged.Arnau-Bonachera, A.; Savietto, D.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2018). Long-term implications of feed energy source in different genetic types of reproductive rabbit females: III. Fitness and productivity. animal. 12(9):1886-1894. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731117003305S1886189412

    An Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C-Domain Protein Required to Link the Phage-Shock Protein to the Membrane in Bacillus subtilis

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    Membrane surveillance and repair is of utmost importance to maintain cellular integrity and allow cellular life. Several systems detect cell envelope stress caused by antimicrobial compounds and abiotic stresses such as solvents, pH-changes and temperature in bacteria. Proteins containing an Stomatin, Prohibitin, Flotillin, and HflK/C (SPFH)-domain, including bacterial flotillins have been shown to be involved in membrane protection and membrane fluidity regulation. Here, we characterize a bacterial SPFH-domain protein, YdjI that is part of a stress induced complex in Bacillus subtilis. We show that YdjI is required to localize the ESCRT-III homolog PspA to the membrane with the help of two membrane integral proteins, YdjG/H. In contrast to classical flotillins, YdjI resides in fluid membrane regions and does not enrich in detergent resistant membrane fractions. However, similarly to FloA and FloT from B. subtilis, deletion of YdjI decreases membrane fluidity. Our data reveal a hardwired connection between phage shock response and SPFH proteins

    Early development and reproductive lifespan of rabbit females: implications of growth rate, rearing diet and body condition at first mating

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    [EN] Factors influencing early development such as birth weight, nest competition, and the diet received during rearing have been proposed as elements conditioning the future reproductive performance of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) females. To evaluate their effects, we followed the life of 1513 females from birth to time of death, culling or censoring (animals alive at a fixed date). Between 0 and 63 days of age 353 females died. From the remaining 1160 females, 864 were chosen based on their birth weight to be transferred from the selection to the production farm. At this farm, 431 females received the control diet (184g of CP, 381 g of NDF and 11.8 MJ of DE per kg DM), while the other 433 received the fibrous diet (134 g of CP, 436g of NDF and 10.0 MJ of DE per kg DM). Throughout the rearing period, we checked for the individual live weight and body condition (perirenal fat thickness) at first artificial insemination. Reproductive lifespan was defined as the number of days between the first parturition and the time of death, culling or censoring. Birth weight affected the survival of newborn females during lactation and the presence of a milk spot at birth (related to nest competition) increased the survivability of newborns weighing <45g (P <0.001). Rearing diet altered the growth curve of females and their body condition at first insemination. The diet also altered the relative risk of death during the rearing period, which was lower among females fed on the fibrous diet (-12.5%; P < 0.001). Therefore, a higher number of females fed with this diet reached their reproductive life, directly affecting the productivity measured per housed female. Fatter females at first insemination had smaller litter sizes and a higher risk of being culled than lean ones (P < 0.05). In general, the fibrous diet reduced the risk of leaving the herd at early rearing, and both birth weight and perirenal fat thickness affected female's reproductive lifespan. An excess of fat (positive change in one unit of perirenal fat) at their first insemination represented an increased the risk of death or elimination of 13%.The authors acknowledge Cesar Villalba (Fabara, Spain), Luis Eroles (Valderrobres, Spain) for the technical support in managing the animals and for kindly providing a space to conduct our study. They also thank the Commission for Science and Technology (CICYT) of the Spanish Government (AGL2014-53405-C2-1-P) for the economic support to carry out this study.Martinez-Paredes, E.; Ródenas Martínez, L.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Savietto, D. (2018). Early development and reproductive lifespan of rabbit females: implications of growth rate, rearing diet and body condition at first mating. animal. 12(11):2347-2355. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731118000162S23472355121

    Effect of early development on semen parameters and lifespan of rabbit males selected by high growth rate

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    [EN] Life history theory suggests that different body development dynamics may influence survival and future reproductive performance of organisms. The present work studied how these dynamics could influence seminal traits and lifespan of rabbit males selected for growth rate and intended for Al. To achieve this goal, a total of 550 rabbit males were controlled from birth, evaluated both during the testing phase (four consecutive weeks after reaching 147 days of life) and the productive phase (377 of them from the end of the testing phase until 2 years of life). In order to obtain individuals with different body development dynamics, we pre-selected males based on their live weight (LW) at 0, 28, 63 and 147 days and on their average daily gain (ADG) between each period (0-28, 28-63 and 63-147 days). Libido and main seminal traits (semen volume, motility, concentration, and production, as well as normal apical ridge and abnormalities of spermatozoa) were controlled during the testing phase. Semen volume, motility and concentration were subsequently controlled during the productive phase, as well as the length of the male life, calculated as the number of days a rabbit was present at the farm between age 147 and day of death, culling or censoring; set to 2 years of life). The birth weight, the ADG between 0 and 28 days and between 28 and 63 days were positively related to some seminal parameters measured during the testing phase (semen volume, concentration, production and motility; P<0.05), while the ADG between 63 and 147 days was negatively related to the seminal productivity throughout the productive life of the males (an increment of 10 g per day on ADG reduced the number of profitable ejaculates by 4.9%; P<0.05). In addition, a higher growth between 0 and 28 and between 63 and 147 days increased the risk of death or culling of males during the productive phase (P < 0.05). In conclusion, an adequate body development early in life seems to have a positive effect on the degree of sexual maturity with which male rabbits begin their reproductive life, but reaching the reproduction onset with excessive weight can reduce their reproductive performance and lifespan. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.The authors would like to thank Jose Manuel Arias, owner of the selection centre El Adil Redondo S.L., (Carrizo de la Ribera, Leon, Spain), and his team for their help, as without their collaboration this work could not have been carried out. This study was supported by the Interministerial Commission for Science and Technology (CICYT) of the Spanish Government (AGL2017-85162-C2-1-R).Martinez-Paredes, E.; Llorens, J.; Ródenas Martínez, L.; Savietto, D.; Pascual Amorós, JJ. (2019). Effect of early development on semen parameters and lifespan of rabbit males selected by high growth rate. Theriogenology. 139:72-80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.theriogenology.2019.07.014S728013


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    This article proposes a reflection on the knowledge and practice of pottery communities, in order to understand the handcrafted forms as part of a sociocultural, economic and organizational behavior, that use the places of clay extraction as productive and life space. Concerning the methodological aspects, the research was divided into two phases – documentary research (references survey) and fieldwork – and, through the last one, the photographic material was constructed, the reports of the respondents were obtained and questionnaires were applied to ten subjects from the municipality of Gouvelândia, Goiás, Brazil. According to the main results, 100% of the pottery workers are male, 61% have not even finished basic education, 50% are between 18 and 33 years old, 50% work between six and ten years with the traditional occupation and, to 100% of these individuals, the potteries are part of the history and tradition of the referred municipality
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